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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by breesue

  1. Okay, does anyone else have gas really bad that you burp/belch? The last 2-3 days has been really bad. I open my mouth and woops...I belch. Not very lady like either! My husband asked if I drank a soda or something. And I haven't had a soda in a year and a half! hahaha

    I have a 10cc band with 6.5 in it. I got a fill a week ago, it's been pretty tight. Eat small amount now every 3-4 hours and been drinking plenty of Fluid. So much Fluid that I get the hiccups all the time.

    Anyone else have the burping? Thanks!

  2. I had to have my fill removed the beginning of November for my surgery to remove my tonsils. I did good mainly because I couldn't eat after surgery. Thanksgiving was okay, didn't go crazy. I went back in on December 2nd and they put 4.5cc of my fill back in. I felt a little restriction that day but could gulp down a bottle of Water with no problem. I am scheduled to go in for another fill on December 30th but I have absolutely NO restriction.

    I had 6.6cc in a 10cc band before the surgery and when she put the 4.5 cc in she said there was still 1 cc in there.

    I need restriction but cannot get appt moved up due to no availability. This Christmas baking for gifts is very frustrating. I'm shoving them in my husband's mouth to sample so I don't give out something that tastes like yuck-o to friends but the scale just keeps going up. I'm hungry all the time.

    So frustration and have put on 12 pounds since tonsil surgery........... encouragement? advise? I'm open to anything..........

  3. Seriously....I'm 43 years old and they now decide they need to remove my tonsils!

    Band doctor's nurse said no, they wouldn't need to remove fill. Tonsil doctor didn't feel comfortable after talking to anesthesiologist so they called and spoke to Band doctor and he said absolutely have to remove fill and his nurse shouldn't have said that. I understand it is for my own safety and understand why.

    Said he would put fill back in after the surgery, as soon as possible. Anyone know how long it should be before I get fill back in and do they have to do it 1 cc at a time like originally?

    I'm kind of disappointed as I just hit 95 pound loss. It's not like I am getting an unfill and going crazy eating things because really....having tonsils removed is going to be liquids for two weeks.

    Just curious if anyone knows. Thanks for any advise.

  4. My opinion only but I think you should schedule another appointment. Not only for a fill, but for a discussion with your doctor.

    I understand that they are the experts who put the band in you but it is also your body. You should always know how much they are putting in and if they are taking any out then I don't think it's too much for them to explain that to you.

    There are girls at work that have different doctors than me and they do that to them, put in/take out, they don't complain of any problems and he takes some fill out. We have talked and think it's actually some doctor's way to make money.

    Bottom line, it's your body

  5. I was banded 3/29/10 and have a 10cc band and I have had five fills, I am at 6.5 right now and I go for another .5 fill this Thursday. I think I am just on the edge some days of my 'sweet spot'. Some days are good food days and some days are take 2-3 bites for lunch and just have a Protein drink for dinner.

    I am diligent though to keep my appointments for a fille every 4 week for the first four months so I didn't have that "can eat without any restriction" feeling. Now, I am doing every 6 weeks and getting the .5 cc.

    I know when I take a bite and put the fork down and swallow if that needs to be the last bite, it goes down slower and you just mentally know that is it.

    Good luck :thumbup:

  6. I have fairly long hair and have always shed but ever since the surgery I have noticed it getting worse.

    When I am washing my hair, I pull a handful, when I am blowing dry I pull out another handful. Throughout the day I can run my fingers through and it does the same thing.

    Anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions?

  7. I can tell you because it happened to me this past week, I had my 3rd fill. They put 1 cc in to bring me up to 6.1 and that night I started burping non-stop, had the hiccups and was throwing up constantly. I went in the next day and had them remove some of the fill. It was like instant relief.

    You do not want to go with too much fill, think about getting it adjusted and you will have more success.

  8. Okay, I called the dr office at 8am and they had me come right in. It was quite a site...pouring down flooding rain here in Houston and I'm driving down the tollway with a cup puking like every 5 minutes. My band was so tight that it was closed, my saliva wouldn't even pass through it. It would build up and then would come up with one big burp.

    They had me drink teh barium Fluid in front of the fluroscopy (not sure if spelled right) and could see it go down to the band and then came flying right back up, they grabbed the trash can.

    The PA took out the 1 cc that had been put in the day before and it was like instant relief. They wonder if the weather made my sinuses start draining but she said let's try again in 3 weeks.

    One a positive note... when I got the fill on Thursday, I had lost 6 pounds (and that was just coming back from a week long cruise to the Carribean) so we were proud of 6 pounds in 4 weeks with a vacation. But when I went back in on Friday they weighed me again and in 24 hours I had lost another 8 pounds. Mostly because I hadn't ate or drank anything. I am keeping on soft foods/liquids for a few days and drinking alot to hydrate back up.

    This still wouldn't ever make me regret getting this band, it has been the best thing I have ever done. When we were on our cruise, my husband just beamed because we were on the same cruise a year ago and I am 70 pounds lighter than last year.


  9. I got my 3rd fill today and I told her I didn't think it felt right. At first it felt like I had ate Thanksgiving dinner... twice.

    On the way back to work, driving down the tollway, I'm throwing up in a cup. I thought it was from all the Water they made me drink, that it would get better. It has gotten MUCH worse. My mouth is watering so much and I can't swallow it, I am throwing up saliva and sinus drainage every 5 minutes. I have thrown up so much that I got the dry heaves earlier tonight and about passed out.

    I have an appt for 1pm tomorrow, but I think I need to get in first thing in the morning, I can swallow anything. I drank water and it projectiled right back out. Can't sleep.< /p>

    Anyone else had this problem with too much of a fill?

  10. Okay, I have seen others mention the "slime" effect. In the morning I have the hardest time getting anything down. I have to go spit up usually about 2 times while trying to get things such as yogurt down and all it is is what I call "slime". Once I get that up I am able to get down what I am eating.

    Any reason what that is from? It's not just Breakfast, it's when I eat any meal.

    This didn't start until I got my 2nd fill on 5/27.... I am at 4.1 now.

    Thanks for any comments!

  11. I'm sorry for everything you have gone through. You seem like a strong person which is great, it has gotten you through everything.

    I live in TX and understand the law of not able to sue the doctor. My husband was in a car accident and the first doctor said he was okay and sent him home. Three months of misery he finally got into another doctor and was told he had a broken neck which they did surgery the next day. In the state of TX when Bush was Governor he passed the law that a doctor could not be sued if there is no permanent damage. Since my husband found another doctor who corrected the problem it protected the initial doctor from any legal action for malpractice. Understanding that doctors are people and people do make mistakes is what we were told was the reasoning behind that.

    Stay strong!

  12. I was banded 3/29, had a 1.8cc fill from surgery, post-op 4/28 with additional fill to total 3.3cc.

    I go for my next fill this Thursday and I am ready because the restriction isn't there anymore I have noticed in the past week.

    I was exercising since 1 week after surgery by walking (inside and on treadmill). Walking 2 miles three times a week. Now that the heat has set in here in Houston, I am not out walking. So I joined the Pure Fitness for Women gym. I joined to do the Water aerobics classes to start with and want to build my way up to zumba. Plus other core strength training.

    What exercise are you doing that is giving you good results, how often? Any details you can give me I would appreciate. And if you are also doing Water aerobics, how much success have you seen from that?



  13. I was banded March 29th and had my first post-op and fill yesterday. However, my doctor put a fill in during surgery so technically this is 2nd fill but first one I was awake for. haha!

    When I weighed yesterday, I am down 22 pounds from when I came home from the hospital so I'm really happy with that. I want to be down 15 pounds before next fill. LOTS and LOTS of walking when I get home from work and jogging on the treadmill at home. I don't feel comfortable enough jogging outside...think people will think I have lost my mind trying to jog.

    Since the first of the year though, I am down 55 pounds.

    Keep up the great work...best birthday present I've ever gotten. (I was banded day after my 43rd birthday).

    Good luck!:thumbup:

  14. So today is what day 6? (5 if you don't count the day of surgery). Today is the first day that I have been "hungry".

    I eat some broth/liquid or Protein Shake and it goes right through me. Tonight I had some refried Beans, probably about 4 tablespoons and ate small bites.

    They said to do Clear Liquids for 2 weeks but I am more active now (walking 1-2 miles a day) and hungry.

    Suggestions / comments?

  15. Walk around the house if you can't get outside and walk. My husband also rubs my back and pats lightly on my back/shoulders. I also found the heating pad really helps me alot. A moist heat seem sto help even more. Get a towel damp and put on your back/shoulder and then the heating pad. Sit up instead of lay down also.

    It'll get better, hope it's soon!!!!

  16. I had my surgery this past Monday (3/29) day after my birthday! I had surgery at 7:30am and was home by 3pm. I have rested in a recliner laying on a heating pad. They say it helps the gas pains. I have been walking all around the house. Tomorrow I am going to walk around outside with my husband's help.

    I am still eating broth and getting a few sips of my Protein shake down. I was planning on going back to work tomorrow but they said to relax rest of week and work from home on my laptop. Yay!

    Glad to hear everyone's doing good. I did gain from the surgery but I see it coming off in the past 2 days....

  17. I'm having my surgery March 29th by Dr. Hollis....

    Ending week 2 of my pre-op diet. This wek I have had a bit more of a challenge as I had to travel 12 hours and have spent the week since last Saturday at my mom's house. My grandmother passed away so we were back for the services. It was hard keeping on track but I did my Protein drinks and pushed my way through.

    Found out it's hard to travel with restrictions.

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