I appreciate your consise response. It's been over a month since I created this post, this is a little update on my situation.
Since then (I started March 1st) I have been strictly in a Low Carb Diet, giving up wheat, bread and sugar.
What started me to "recommit" to weight loss was reading a book called Wheat Belly. Read it, it's amazing.
But I did not lose weight with the Lap Band, I have lost weight by incorporating a Low Carb diet. I think many people, if they made the decision before they did the surgery, were to give up wheat, flour, sugar - they would within a couple weeks lose cravings for those foods, they would feel better, and they would lose weight.
I only lost 10 pounds in a month and a half, and I have a long way to go, but I don't think I should of had this surgery. I should have just sucked it up & gone low carb. Paleo, Keto, Caveman, Hi Protein, High Full Fat, Low Carb, Atkins, Southbeach, plus many more books and diets that preach this stuff... This is the way to go folks, try it first before you get surgery. Just my opinion.