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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by amreed10

  1. Hi, I was banded on 2/18/10 and was feeling almost 100% better by 2/25/10 so it was just about a week. I had surgery on a Thursday and took the next week off from work but probably could have went back on about Wednesday but opted to return the following Monday. I do still have some stomach swelling 3 weeks post op now and my band feels tight for about 2 hours after I eat. The only thing that bothers me still is the 4 inch incision at my port site, wearing clothes that sit just below my port site causes my port to almost fold over my pants and I have a desk job so I try not to lean over my work so my port is not irritated.


    Currently I feel better than I did before surgery. I lost 15 pounds on my pre-op diet, and 11 pounds since surgery.

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