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Everything posted by oldoneyoungagain

  1. oldoneyoungagain

    What did you do a day before surgery?

    Thank gosh I don't have to do a bowel prep. Every since I started the pre-op last Monday I have had dumping syndrome. Probably because of all the protein powder, probably lactose intolerant even though my protein is suppose to have lactose. Good luck and a speedy recovery next Monday.
  2. oldoneyoungagain

    Food Logs Discussion

    My granddaughter works in small appliances at one of the leading stores in the midwest. I was going after the vitamix, but decided on the Healthmaster that Montel Williams advertises for $199.99. This store sells them for $129.00 and it comes with a small recipe book by Montel. I've made my smoothies and sobet with it and I love it. Going to do like DL make a spinach smoothie with spinach, apples, mango, basically any fruit, thus fruit and fiber at the same time. Montel has a recipe for this that "supposedly" he drinks everyday. Going for it after I have surgery.
  3. oldoneyoungagain

    What did you do a day before surgery?

    Mine is Wednesday, planning on locking myself in the house, take a shower with the special soap I have to use then to work at 4 PM, pump the liquids down to make sure I have veins available for the ivs. Home at 9:30 more protein, more sf anything liquid. Another shower then to bed about 1 or 2 maybe before. Up about 6 Wednesday yet another shower and walk out of the house about 6:45. Next stop hospital.
  4. oldoneyoungagain

    What Did I Do? Dumping On Fat?

    I must be the pro at dumping sydrome, I have it for over 15 years, and can't relate to any one type of food, not that I tried to figure out what may be causing it. Didn't have as many problems, to speak of, with the band. Now that it is out, me and the bathroom have become very good friends again and this passed two weeks the protein liquid diet is horrible as it has become even worse. I'll be happy when I can get some fiber. Also happy my surgeon doesn't do colon cleansers the day before surgery. So I'm hoping that this will become somewhat reversalable after Wednesday, because I will be doing a food diary and totally watching what I eat.
  5. Sounds like you and I are the same date. Good luck.
  6. oldoneyoungagain

    Didn't care for it before, Can't have now, BUT NOW CRAVING IT, OMG

    Fruit is my go to dessert, I love it. I froze 16 lbs of strawberries, I have about 10 lbs of sliced banana's frozen, and a watermelon cut in chunks frozen. Just did this, knowing I would be doing protein shakes after surgery. Also bought a health master blender so I can make drinks with vegetables mixed with this fruit. Thus I can get my vegetables in, such as spinach, etc. But I do like meat, fish, and pork. But it will be awhile before I can have that. I'm just not liking that I'm craving the foods that I broke myself of eating over three years ago. Like your suggestion about the whipped cream. Once I can tolerate solids I'm going to have to put it to use. I love strawberries and bananas with chocolate, and they do or did a chocolate whipped cream. I've got to get off this subject, I'm getting hungry. Thanks Tiny, you know you are always a great help.
  7. Just need to vent somewhat.......Three years last March I went through the pre-op diet for the lapband, not a problem, did fine, felt great, but that doctor allowed a lean cuisiane once daily and the protein shakes, sf jello, sf popsicles, water, etc. Onward to today, have three days left of the pre-op diet, total liquids and protein shakes, and totally craving a juicy hamburger, pizza, actually foods I might eat once or twice a year (of course in moderation) since the lapband. But oh my goodness let an advertisement come on TV now I want to lick the screen don't care what food it is. So glad I've only three more days, just hoping once surgery is over I'll be able to look at food and it won't sound the alarm in my head. Think I'll tell the doctor to load the sleep med with a baked sweet potato w/butter, tossed green salad w/whatever salad dressing, porterhouse steak MR and a small loaf of hot whole wheat bread with lots of butter . I bet it won't take long for him to put me under. Thanks for reading, just have to get it off my chest. Now going out to make chicken broth protein and I definitely don't crave that.
  8. oldoneyoungagain

    Goals out loud

    As DL's saying goes "persistence, along with absolute belief, can never be defeated". So with that being said I'm quite sure losing the weight for me won't be difficult. I've proven that to myself by losing even after my band was removed. So my goal is to live to be 100 or until the man above says it is time to come home.
  9. oldoneyoungagain

    What's wrong with wanting to see a stripper?

    Tiny I am so sorry you are in the situation that you are in, keep you head up. I relate in someways as to what your husband is doing. My ex was five years younger than I. Remember I said ex. I caught him in bed with another woman who was only 6 years older than his oldest, if that much. Well, he asked me to give him sometime to work it out, about getting a divorce. Papers were served within two weeks of that conversation. It tore me up, but I got the best attorney and got everything I wanted. Then a year later I met my last husand and had the most wonderful 12 years of my life, as it seems he did to. My ex went on to marry his alcoholic girlfriend (he also became an alcoholic) a few months after I got married. Karma does have a way of coming full circle. She continues to dissapear and sleeps with other men, ex has had a heart attack, now diabetic, cancer, and full blown emphysema. She has been diagnosed with full blown cirrhosis of the liver. In the meantime he still tries to control her because he wants to strut around crowing about "look at my catch, I've got a younger woman". But for that control he lost all the respect of his children and friends. You are a survivor and there is something better for you out there for you. Keep your head up.
  10. oldoneyoungagain

    Liquid diet blues

    Every since I've had to battle weight which started in my mid 30's I always said wouldn't it just be nice if they could invent a pill that we would just swallow which would contain everything. Of course that will never happen, but your right flavor foods that would taste like the real thing for people who really can't have the real thing but could have like a steak flavored sf popsicles. Right now I'm going after sf jello and the a sf popsicle and then back to another protein drink, then back to.... but you get the picture. I have yet to figure out if the doctor could take out the band without me doing a pre-op diet to shrink the liver, haven't figured out why I had to go through it now. I even lost more weight after the band came out. Plus I only have 50 lbs to go. When I saw the doctor Thursday he didn't even bring up my weight, just the fact I would not have to be a diabetic. I actually think some of this pre-op is to prepare us and more to shrink the stomach and a little to do with the liver. I'm just a logical thinking person and for me it isn't making sense no matter what they are telling me.
  11. oldoneyoungagain

    Liquid diet blues

    You too? I'm craving a juicy hamburger and it is soo bad that when a television food commerical comes on I want to lick the screen. Never had head hunger this bad with the lapband. By the time I go into the operating room I always give the doctor my menu before they put me out. I ask them to include it with the medication. There reply is usually here comes your steak and I always reply I can taste it, I think though I only get to "I can taste zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz". Wishing you luck on your journey, I only have 3 days when I get that steak.
  12. oldoneyoungagain

    Didn't care for it before, Can't have now, BUT NOW CRAVING IT, OMG

    I no exactly what you mean, I'm play on the computer, watch Netflix, record my shows so I can fast forward through the commercials. Prior to this I could sit and watch the food channel, not a problem. Right now my TV is on HSN showing luggage, but they have one in animal print and I'm ready to go after that . I'm just hoping I am one of those people, that has to force themselves to eat, otherwise someone is going to have to handcuff me or tie me up in my recliner, actually not but it is just the idea I haven't had head hunger like this ever. Just hope it passes fast and I'm not fighting it for the rest of my life. I actually don't mind the shakes, but there is only so many different flavors, which I rotate, but they sure doesn't taste like the real thing, such as a piece of meat, fish, food. I actually think this is worse than what the surgery will be. Just come on Wednesday and put me out of my misery.
  13. oldoneyoungagain

    What Did I Do? Dumping On Fat?

    Haven't had bypass yet, but everything I read which is quite alot, I see three things, maybe four what is going on. #1 garlic "butter" #2 Parmasan Cheese, #3 blue cheese crumbles #4 cheese on the potato. Dairy products, unless reduced in fat i.e. skim milk, low fat cheeses, have signficiant fat in them, also you may have become lactose intolerant. So probably yes you're dumping because of the fat. From what it sounds, regarding your belly hurting under the belly button is actually your large colon and there is a good chance you are going to be spending sometime in your bathroom as it is moving down the "pike" sorta speaking. Really hope you get to feeling better soon.
  14. oldoneyoungagain

    Dumping? (TMI sorry) I gotta know

    Believe you me, I know what you both are talking about. My blood sugars are well controlled, but it doesn't mean we (diabetics) don't drop at times. And when I pulled my stupid mistake that totally freaked me out the minute I knew what I had done as there wasn't time to even start consuming sugar I had to get to the hospital immediately. I am quite certain within a couple or three weeks, my diabetes will become history and the surgeon is almost positive. But I'm still consulting with the doctor and will also post what I find out what to do if you dump and go hypoglycemia, even like you said soccermomma73 you have been in the medical field for 22 years and it scared the heck out of you. But for people who don't have diabetes, as you, need to know what they need to do if this occurs to them. Something like this probably has never happened to them so they haven't been educated, nor can they wait on the physician's office to call them back, so think people need to know how to bring up those numbers up because hypoglycemia can be more dangerous then being a diabetic. At least a diabetic knows what to expect and so does a hypoglycemic person, but a person who never experienced either/or, I feel needs help. In reading the websites DL put out there for us, I'll probably just eat six times daily, which is really what a diabetic should do anyway and in my case I already know "white process carbs" are an issue with me. I have convinced myself I am allergic to them . So you may be right I won't have this issue of dumping, but definitely will be safe rather than sorry. Thanks guys.
  15. oldoneyoungagain

    First Post - Revised Sept. 1st

    Totally agree with soccermomma73, you do deserve a break, so sleeve2RNY keep that positive attitude you are an inspiration to those of us that are having surgery. Just keep us posted and how you are doing.
  16. oldoneyoungagain

    Guess I am not losing anymore

    I meant "who won the race" not to.
  17. oldoneyoungagain

    Guess I am not losing anymore

    Don't think it isn't a matter of you not losing anymore. Your metabolism has adjusted itself to the amount of calories you are consuming. Even in a starvation mode you can gain weight because it thinks you are starving so it will take those few calories and instead of burning them it will convert them to fat. You, if you are not already,need to keep a log of exercise and food intake and you might consider increasing one or the other or both. Also measure, I have noticed with myself that when my weight is at a standstill clothes become larger and a couple of weeks later the scale moves downward. I have faith you can get those remaining pounds off you'll just have to switch something in your lifestyle. Just don't give up, you can get there, I know you can. Just remember to won the race, the tortise or the hare?
  18. oldoneyoungagain

    Dumping? (TMI sorry) I gotta know

    Thanks DL, actually it was my fault as I put myself in the coma, but didn't go into the coma until I got to the emergency room, as I knew within minutes what I had done. Stupid mistake on my part, but was under a lot of stress as my husband was seriously, seriously ill. I grabbed my regular insulin, rather than my long acting insulin (which I take more of) and injected myself with amount of units I use for long acting. But that is neither here or there. My concern is that I have had dumping syndrome for years, even on this liquid diet for pre-op I've been having issues this past week, and that is were my concern comes in. But I definitely will be discussing with my surgeon or just might call the Nut next week to see what I should consume to get blood sugars to a safer level if I have low blood sugar issues after surgery. Thanks I will actually post what I find out because as we all know, fat and sugars can cause dumping and hypoglycemia and being a diabetic we were taught what to do to get those blood sugars back to safe level. But in this case eating a mass amount of sugar, or even glucose tablets will probably cause a vicious cycle being a bypass patient. So will keep you informed of what I find out. Thanks.
  19. oldoneyoungagain

    Dumping? (TMI sorry) I gotta know

    Thanks for the reply. Actually from my pre-op appt with surgeon on Thursday he only brought up my diabetes, don't think he is actually too concerned about weight as I even continued to lose from having my band removed in May which all three of my doctors and Nut complimented me on. So I guess will discuss with the doctor either while I'm in the hospital next week, or when I have my post-op follow up the following week to see what I need to eat if I crash. I already have dumping episodes including just being on the liquid diet this past week, just don't crash. Again thanks.
  20. oldoneyoungagain

    Surgeon Appt Wednesday Sept 11

    Congrats, from what you wrote don't think there will be any issues with the doctor and if your nurse is on top of her game you shouldn't have a problem with the approval. So you'll see your doctor Wednesday in his office and I get to seen mine just before they wheel me into the operating room. Will keep fingers crossed that all goes well for you.
  21. oldoneyoungagain

    Question about sf popsicles

    Ammariehs mommy, I've never had good luck finding these at WalMart but I do find them at my local grocery store. Also, I have a couple of boxes of sf fudgesicles has anyone had these after bypass?
  22. oldoneyoungagain

    Dumping? (TMI sorry) I gotta know

    DL thanks for websites, read them and very helpful. Do have a question though. I'm a diabetic and have had my blood sugars drop as yours did. But because I haven't yet had bypass I could chew glucose tablets, eat a tube of frosting, drink chocolate syrup. All of which is really high in sugar which with the bypass I'm sure it won't help the situation if sugar causes dumping. So what did you do to get your blood sugars back up? When sugars drop that low, I know for a fact we don't have time to call our doctor and I didn't pose this question to the Nut as that didn't even come to my mind. So any advice or information you can give would be appreciated. I've gone into a diabetic coma before from low blood sugars so this really scares me.
  23. oldoneyoungagain

    I made it

    Great news, hope everything goes well and you are now on the loser bench.
  24. oldoneyoungagain

    I'm 60. Anyone else over 50 doing RNY?

    I'm 71 and having surgery next Wednesday. Had lapband though at 66 and just had it removed in May. Not actually scared, as I'm taking an attitude of what will be, will be. All I know if I follow doctor's orders and there are problems, it won't be anything I did. Have 50 lbs to lose, but getting rid of diabetes I hope will be the best outcome from this for me.
  25. oldoneyoungagain

    Diet soda

    I would ask your Nut. But all I can think about is what happens when you shake soda then open it. I was told the same thing can happen in that small pouch causing it to expand. Same reason you shouldn't eat bread products that haven't been toasted, because yeast expands the pouch. But each doctor is different.

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