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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by anon

  1. anon

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    Had a good day today, much better since I changed my dressings ones I'm not allergic to! Feeling a bit hungry today so had a look at how much protein I'd been having and it was sadly lacking!! so I added 100g of very low fat blended cottage cheese to my carrot and corriander soups.... much better! I've been using weight loss resources to track what I'm eating to make sure that I've had enough of all the right things everyday... it's been really good so far. I still haven't managed more than 800 calories a day on fluids, and that was with the cheese added to 2 lots of soup. Good news is that I've had 6 portions of fruit and veg in one way or another!
  2. Well guys and gals I finally made it out the other side and am now officially a bandster!!! Had a lovely time in Paris, pre op, walking aroung a truly beautiful city! Banded on 21st March went down at 7.30am!! I was first on the list, and I have to say it was just as well as I was freaking out by the morning! Anyhow it was all for nothing as I went out like a light and came around in recovery an hour later... The doc was lovely, Very French! On liquids now for 2 weeks then work my way through mushies on to solids. No wind as such but feel a little bloated.....
  3. anon

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    MRSA, is a worldwide problem... about 20% of the population have MRSA on their skin, up their noses or in the groin or axilla (armpit), if you are healthy it will cause you no problems and will clear on it's own. It's only a problem if you have an open wound and it gets into it that it causes problems in hospitals it poses a threat because there are lots of vulnerable patients who would be very ill if they got the infection. Poor hand hygiene is the biggest cause of spread. Just make sure that all the nurses wash their hands before they touch you!!! You'll be fine!
  4. anon

    Sex After Surgery

    3 days post op... although I have to say it's been less regular this week!
  5. anon

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    Woohoo Sooz!!! When are you due to have another fill? I've got 2 months to wait until I can have one if I need it..... I know that you don't weigh yourself very often but you haven't updated your ticker for an age... any more progress on the weight loss front? I'm afraid that old habits are dying hard and I'm back to daily weighing! So far in 5 days I've lost 11lbs! Not bad eh???? Still on soups and yoghurts though so once I start eating again, I don't know what I'll be like!
  6. anon

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Wow! there are lots of us on here aren't there! Maggie, Tiredofbeingfat and Snowangel good luck for tomorrow, I hope you op goes as well as mine... virtually painless experience!
  7. anon

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    Lunasa, You've hit the nail right on the head. I started a new job when I was at my lowest weight, and now I don't want to visit my customers who haven't seen me in a while because I'm so massive again, especially as they never knew me when I was big last time!!! I just kept on buying new clothes in a bigger size .... again! Unfortunately I had thrown away almost all of my fat clothes, so gaining weight has been an expensive experience as well as embarrassing:( All last years summer clothes are size 16, I may get to wear them at the end of the summer if I'm lucky... but if not I'm not going to get upset about it, I'm gonna ebay 'em next year if they're too big by then! I'm not in any mad hurry to lose the weight again, like last time. I lost it all in less than 6 months on lighter life! The regain, as you said was horrendous, I managed to keep it a bit under control for 6 months, then feeling like I should lose another 3 stone went on Cambridge diet. I was unable to stick to it for more than 10 days and in between times I would binge horribly... you name it I ate it! Cakes, biscuits, pastries, bread and butter in spades... I just loved toasted jarlsberg sandwiches, buttered inside and out! I'd be driving home from work planning what I was going to fill my face with, and as for the gym, well it became my complete enemy! That's what denying myself any food for so long did to me! :mad: Then I watched a BBC1 programme called the 'the truth about dieting' where the journalist tracked down champion slimmers (you know, the ones that won slimmer of the year in magazines) it found that out of the 15 they found only 1 had maintained their weight loss, and that was because she'd had a gastric banding. Then they interviewed an expert who said that losing and maintaining a weight loss of more than about 20lbs was nearly impossible and went on to say that over a 5 year period, 97% of dieters would regain all of the weight that they'd lost and maybe even gained a few extra lbs!! That was when I decided that I should have a gastric band... I've been battling with weight for 22 years losing it all or most of it then gaining back plus some extra serveral times over my marriage. My poor OH is despairing of me as he watches in dismay at my efforts and enjoys my short lived success only to watch me gain it all again over and over. So here I am, newly banded, making the best decision I think I ever did. Although it's still early days, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I've told very few people... my OH, and my two best friends, and the immediate group who I spend most of my socialising time with (mostly men, so no probs with the group dynamic!) I haven't told my sons, I haven't told my mum or any of my sisters. Of course I've told the thousands of people on Lapbandtalk too!! I don't want people to be looking at me the whole time judging what I eat and asking if I really should be eating that, if you know what I mean. I've had an easy recovery, virtually no pain, wounds are doing fine, and starting to itch a bit, which is a good sign! I'm going back to work tomorrow as I feel so well, I've been driving my car and wondering around the supermarket, if I can do that then I can defo go to work tomoz!!! This morning I've made loads of soups, parsnip and apple, maple roast parsnip and mediterranean tomato and veg soup.... all really lush for me whilst I do the liquid diet for the post op period. I like to know what I'm eating and I love cooking and this has fulfilled my needs!!! Really long post sorry!!
  8. anon

    March 2007 Bandsters

    You know I don't even think having a fatty liver is linked to what you weigh either... as I said in my previous post. I also think that it's hard to know who's liver is fatty and who's isn't without opening you up an having a look! So I guess some play is safe by giving everyone the pre op diet.... I'm not sure that it gets rid of the fat in the liver but, as glycogen is stored in the liver that will definitely be depleted and so shrink it a little bit as it's the thing you lose first on any diet... and the water that accompanies it! So although the liver may remain fatty it will be smaller because the glycogen is depleted!
  9. anon

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    LOL!!! I think that the decision to use a different band was taken once they were 'in there' so GC only found out what she'd got once she came around!!! Can't really hop off the operating table if you're aneasthetised!!! Lunasa, I know what you mean about losing and gaining 7 stones... did the same last year myself. hence i'm here and now I'm banded... I don't want to go through that EVER again!! I am well able to lose weight... it seems that keeping it off is the challenge for all of us. The biggest problem was that, although I was slim(ish) I still saw myself as a fat woman.... and I thought like a fat woman... obsessed with food, always looking to my next meal and planning what snack I'd have after I'd finished work.... Well NO more, I'm letting the past go and this is a new day and a new journey for me.... taking it more slowly and working with a counsellor on my body image... so I don't destroy my best efforts again!
  10. anon

    March 2007 Bandsters

    I know exactly how you're feeling and made a similar post myself when I was pre op(about a week ago) .... I'm told that it's all completely normal to feel like this. For me food has been my best friend for the best part of 25yrs.... it's also our greatest enemy and the very reason that we are here this day looking to WLS to help us deal with our problems... I don't have any answers as to how to solve this... all I can say is by the time op day came, I was ready to eat to live rather than live to eat... I'm sure that there will be days where I would like to rip out my band and have a real good binge, but I know that it won't be possible. Therefore I'm working on my food issues now, before it reaches crisis point. I've started to see a counsellor to talk through my food issues and help me to find other ways of coping with emotions other than self medicating with food. I hope that this helps and that you find a way to work through your emotions... either by talking it through on here, with a friend or utilising the services of a qualified counsellor. :girl_hug: There's no easy answer to the issue... As someone said to me the op is on your stomach.... not your brain!
  11. anon

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    Hi Clare, welcome to lapbandtalk!! Well today is day three post op.... Still on fluids and not too bothered about it I have to say. I'm not hungry. I have no pain to speak of. Wind hasn't bothered me too much post op... (I may be speaking too soon!) Am walking about doing housework (hate it!) Don't feel tired in the least. Surprisingly I feel about the same as I did pre op.... except for the plasters on my tum. I have minimal bruising that is limited to just around the wounds. Can't believe how well I feel really! Only have one problem... I must learn to sip my drinks, not gulp, the result is massive burping, not an attractive trait in company I can tell you!! So all is well in H's bandy land!! Still very early days and I expect that i'll be hungry soon enough!!!
  12. anon

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Funny that you should be talking about this. I was banded on March 21st (3 days ago). My doc didn't give us a pre op diet to follow, but I tried to cut down for two weeks before, I only managed to lose 2lb though. After surgery my doc (who's French!) said that my organs weren't fat at all, and my liver was easily retracted, although the outside was very fat!! :) He then gesticulated to demonstrate that I have about 5" of fat that he had to get the trochar through! Then, when I looked mortified he said that was good because fat on the outside was easier to lose than fat around the organs!!! The other girl who was banded at the same time as me had a big liver and as consequence he had to make another incision to get to her stomach... and yet her BMI was 8 points lower than mine!
  13. It's Lunch time on Wednesday, I'm currently enjoying the pre op yoghurt diet! (not!) and it dawned on me that this time next week it'll all be over, and I'll be banded! Writing this is making my stomach do somersalts! Still feeling a bit fatalistic about the whole thing... but now it's developing into anticipation. I'm not worried about the op itself, only the usual driving test type nerves (what do I mean only!! ):nervous :nervous It's more about what will happen afterwards... I feel like I'm going to be waving goodbye to my best friend(food) forever. I know that this is silly but it's been my biggest source of comfort over the years and I need to work on other ways to comfort myself. I want to be slim more than anything else, but equally I don't want to spend the rest of my life feeling hungry and or deprived... What if I'm one of those people who it doesn't work for or I still feel hungry all the time?... what if I never learn to recognise the difference between real hunger and head hunger? This is what the 'little devil on my shoulder' is whispering in my ear all the time and I'm beginning to believe his negative propoganda.... I've been telling myself that I'm not that special that I would be the only one who is hungry all the time after the op..... My body works the same as everyone elses... The fills are in MY control, which means I still control the amount that goes into my bodyl.... I'm just getting a 'conscience' fitted to my stomach that will tell me when enough is enough!!! Did anyone else have these toughts/feelings/issues, pre op? Am I normal or am I just mad (hearing devils etc!!!) The diet is proving to be a bit of a challenge... I keep opening the fridge! So far I've eaten 300g of natural yoghurt and 2 Activia prune yoghurts... I 've also had 2 big glasses of water. It seems a lot then I remember that it is lunch time! I've loads going on at work and could really do with some time without the extra stress if I'm honest! OK done moaning now, I am excited really, I think:o
  14. Hi Sooz, I've texted you with the latest update, here in Paris, using the last of my battery as I don't have an adapter for the plug (bought the wrong one!! Will keep you updated!!
  15. Hi bubble! Thanks for posting! I'm feeling a little more anxious now. Right off to dinner with the other girl who's having the op on Wednesday with me!!
  16. Thanks a ;lot Lynne, just got to my hotel in Paris, it's in a very nice part of town and I can just see the Champs Elysees if I crane my neck from my window!!! Arrived too late for my appointment with Doc this afternoon, there was a bit of a kefuffle at the airport and a controlled explosion was carried out while we were all standing around waiting to get through passport control (no wonder the queue was HUGE!! so will be seeing him at 8 am tomorrow morning!
  17. I believe that she is having it removed next week. She asked about just having her port removed, but as it had already been replaced twice the tubing wasn't long enough. She now has cellulitis around the port wound, which is very painful. :welldoneclap: I think she said that she had to wait, 6 months before she could have it replaced, but I'm not sure. Hope this helps a bit (got it off wlsinfo.org.uk)
  18. anon

    March 2007 Bandsters

    Hi Everyone! I've been lurking in Uk lapband support... but it's pretty lonely down there on your own! I'm from the UK and am due to be banded in Paris France on 21st March... flying out tomorrow. do you mind if I join the March bandsters wagon!?
  19. Well my flight is tomorrow at 1315hrs.... I am yet to pack a stitch! Been running around, not achieving very much this morning. It's now midday and I really need to get myself organised. Last time I was in hospital I read a whole book in a day! So do I take 3 books or do I take 4??? as I'm there for 6 days.... I've got my ipod all fired up and ready to go! I'm worrying now that my flight will be cancelled to France as it's forecast to snow on Sunday, although I've just looked at the telly now and it's not until late afternoon, so I should be OK! I was told to pack light.... I don't think I know the meaning of the word!!! So far I've decided I'm taking Toiletries and make up! lipsalve and moist mouth spray towel 2 prs pj's and 2 nightshirts 6 pairs knickers. 2 underwired bras. 2 sports bras (non wired) 2 pairs trousers 3 jumpers 2 vests (it's gonna be cold).... this list is getting longer as I type!! Right I need to go and get on with it!!
  20. thanks Mrs Pruett!! Finally managed it! I think.... gonna try with this next post!
  21. Right I'm a bit of a dumbo, I've been making a ticker at the ticker factory, but I can't get it onto my signature, it just keeps saying invalid!! Help!! Please can someone give me idiot proof instructions on getting my ticker onto my signature???? Thanks in advance!
  22. I feel exactly the same regarding the whole diet thing! I, too, have a great job, family life and marriage. There is NO reason for my wanting to fill my face ALL THE TIME! Luckily my doc hasn't given me a pre op diet although I'm feeling like I ought to try and lose a bit of weight before I go for my op next week. I'm truly hoping that the band will help me to feel satisfied with less food. I just crave that full feeling all the time. I'm told by my counsellor that the feeling of fullness is not the same as the feeling that we get now. Hence my thoughts and feelings on my thread in the UK local lap band support! Just keep going and satisfy the insurance company. You're lucky in the UK we either have to wait for 2/3 years or pay for it ourselves (I'm paying! cost is about $6000 give or take) Try not to worry about it, not losing much weight merely reinforces your need for a band.
  23. WOW!! You certainly have your work cut out for you! Keep yourself safe and I'll email you after I get back!
  24. Hey no worries, happy to chat. I'll ask Dr Anfroy.... you may have to have a referral from your surgeon if you want a flouroscopy ( I think tho' a plain xray would probably do.... unless you really want to swallow that awful stuff!!) Living at altitude is fine so long as you stay up there! If you're in Paris for any length of time, you might want to have a fill and then unfill before going back to the Yemen. Not cheap I know, but maybe worth it if you going to be there for a month or two! you seem to be getting around the world quite a lot your signature says that you're in Malawi! Do you work for a charity?

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