Hi there everyone. This board has been a God send, all of the information is wonderful. I have an easy insurance to deal with, federal BCBS, my question however is for my sister in law.
She has Cigna in TN and the policy that she has says WLS is not covered. Her BMI is 52, she has high blood pressure, epilepsy, joint problems, had back surgery, incontinence, fibromyalgia, and lupus. Is there any chance that she can get approval even though her policy says it does not cover the band?
I have started my process and my doc says I wont have any problems (fingers crossed), I really want to help out my SIL because she is so upset and depressed. She has tried for years, like all of us, but has not had success in keeping off her weight either.
What would she have to do to get the ball rolling to possibly get approval. Any information is appreciated.