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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sussie

  1. Shoes its a shame we wont be there at the same time starting to think i'll be the only one there lol. I am excited but my head seems to be all over the place at the moment one minute im excited the next im doubtful and emotional. Thanks for the info, i have read posts on what to take and made a list but keep thinking that I'll forget something, think im worrying to much about little things.
  2. Hi Shoes wow you've done great 8 stone in just over a year thats brilliant hope i can get same sort of results from my band. Yes Dr Chris is doing my surgery but i fly home on the 6th of May but you never know i may bump into you and your family the night before if im in any fit state after my surgery lol, would be great to meet someone who has gone through this and come out the other side. If you have any advice on preparing to go or things to take it will be greatfully received. Well done again on your weight loss and to all the other bandsters :thumbup: this site and your stories make me feel so positive about surgery even if i am still nervous lol.
  3. Hi all its 3 weeks today until i make my journey nerves are really setting in, keep snapping at hubby but he's taking it well so far lol. Gonna try to start my pre op diet this week so if i dont stick to it strictly hopefully it will be ok by the time i go. Great to read all your stories which also give me reasurrance im doing the right thing. Told my sister-in-law the other day and she was great about it worried a little that i'm going aboard for the op but still supportive, i know she's told my brother about it but he hasn't mentioned it to me so dont realy know how he feels, other than them havent told anyone else maybe when its over and done with. Anyway i'll keep reading all your posts to get me through the next few weeks lol :thumbup: Sussie
  4. Well done Scooby and Fattypatty on your weight losses just been reading your post and i'm really looking forward to some of the side effects they sound fun... NOT lol. You will be both recieving your 1st fills on the day i turn the big 40 so im sure the day will be a lot less scary for the two of you as it will be for me lol :thumbdown: Love reading everyones post they give me reasurance every day that im making the right choice. Thanks to all x Sussie
  5. Good luck Jasmine, cant wait for May 4th for my turn. Well done to all who have been banded cant wait to be one of you.
  6. Hi everyone just a quick question did anyone take thier own dressing for thier wounds after surgery/travel home and if so which kind would be best. Thanks Sussie.
  7. Have booked my flights for the 3rd May for my op on 4th May so alssorted now all excited at the moment cant wait Anyone else going for surgery Begining of May would love to hear from you. Well done Paul your weight loss is great. Scooby hope your feeling better real soon. Well done to all, your stories are inspirational. Sussie.
  8. hi hope you dont mind me leaving you this mess but was wondering if you dont mind me asking what things you needed to take with you for surgery and if there was anything you'd wish you'd taken. Well done on your weight lose you must be so pleased.


    thanks Sussie

  9. Good luck Gaz and anyone else making the journey this week. Well done to all of you who have had the surgery you all sound like your doing great which is such encouragement to us non bandsters. Transferred my deposit today so hopefully get confirmation of surgery date real soon. :confused:
  10. Hi Jasmine, I feel awfull now worrying other people about having this injection. When i found out about it like you i panicked because in my mind the needle was going to be at least 10cm long when in reality (my GP nurse got one out and showed me) is actually tiny and so fine that i felt and still do feel silly for worrying so much about it. Please try not to worry as i have did you will be fine. Sussie.
  11. Thanks for all the encouragement and reading your posts has help with my concerns. I saw my GP nurse today who was wonderful she assured me if i could'nt do the injections herself or the district nurses would do them for me, she even got one out to show me how fine the needle is so feel a lot better even if still not convinced i could do it. Sent deposit today so like it or lump it its going to be done. Looking forward now to beginning my new slimmer life :frown:
  12. Hi everyone so good to see and hear about the newly banded this has given me the push i needed was supposed to go for op 26 march but had major panic and frightened myself out of going ahead (really stupid) but im back on track and raring to go rearranged date for 4 may (to be confirmed yet) so would love to hear from anyone being banded at this time. How many days do you need to have the post op injection for? I am seeing the nurse at my GP to arrange for her to do this for me. Thanks Sussie.
  13. having a major panic at the moment have just been reading threads that say you have to give yourself stomach injections after your op is this true? its the first time i've read this :smile2:
  14. Thanks for all the advice . I'm planning the op for the end of March (26th hopefully) so anyone having surgery around the same time would love to hear from you. Well done to all who have had the courage to make this life change has i know i'm feeling quite emotional, kinda scared (mostly of the unknown) and only slighty excited at this moment even though i know its the right thing :smile2:
  15. Hi everyone ive finally plucked up the courage to post on here after reading all your posts on and off for about a month... Im just about to start my adventure but still have a few questions...so any advice would be greatfully accepted. Surgery planned in Belgium with Dr. Chris Bruyne (Hopefully) Im in the UK. 1. Did anyone have any problems flying home after surgery? Im planning on surgery Friday and flying home Monday. 2. Hotel suggestions? 3. How close to Brussels and do you think I'd be well enough post surgery to sight see before returning home?

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