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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by CynthiaMTR

  1. CynthiaMTR

    I Feel So Happy!!!!!!

    Thanks for the support and words of encouragement everyone!! And good luck on the losses so far and the ones to come!!:redface:
  2. CynthiaMTR

    Which is better???

    Its been great wearing clothing out of my closet that Ive never been able to wear or wear comfortably in years...I refuse to buy clothing until I drop at least 1 or 2 full sized. Ive been having fun just feeling and looking better in the clothing that I already have in my closet.
  3. Unfortunately I found out what stuck was for the first time last Saturday as well. I went to a Baseball game and really did not know what was safe and healthy to eat(Nothing Really). I bought a turkey leg...figured it was healthy and all protein(Wasnt planning on eating it all). I was taking little bites, but guess I ate too fast. Before I knew it was all stuck in my throat. Literally had to walk around and pace back and forth for about 10-15 minutes. Then decided to take a tiny sip of water. That literally did the job. Ive heard water makes it worse so I was scared to drink. The tiny sip of water was painful but it did the job. I felt as if something literally popped and I felt so much better. NOW So scared and carefull not to eat fast. It truly is a new way of life that we have to learn. Dont want to experience PB(Is that what the vomitting is called?). Just dont want to go there!!!:redface::scared2::thumbup:
  4. CynthiaMTR

    I Feel So Happy!!!!!!

    Thanks Mimilou!!!! I see you started out at about the same weight I started. Congrats to you for reaching your goal. How long did it take you to loose all the weight, if you dont mind me asking?
  5. CynthiaMTR

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Today Ill be doing DAy 3 of Week 2!!! Its going pretty good so far. Week 2 was not that bad....Should I be scared for week 3????
  6. CynthiaMTR


    Signing up at 24 hour fitness just because they have Zumba!!!!! Luv it!!!
  7. Thanks for all the replys and great ideas. I like the idea of cooking and prepakaging my own meals, because YES we do eat so little. Its amazing now how any little bit of left overs can be my lunch!!!! I just wanted to have some ideas of frozen foods that i can have ready for those days that I dont have anything home made. Good Luck everyone.
  8. Ive never been a frozen dinner kinda person, but many people love them because of the portion control. Ive been thinking about buying some for quick lunches and easy to document nutrition, but seems like they are all pasta and many contain rice....the things we need to stay away from. I was able to eat two last week that were pasta based...lasanga..but I just went for my first fill today so by next week Ill be back on solids. There is no way I want to try any pasta ones with the stories ive head of people getting stuck on pastas, bread and rice. Any ideas of some good ones for lapband people from anyone that eats frozen dinnners/lunches on a regular basis. Just want to have as an alternative when I dont have time to prepare homemade meals.
  9. CynthiaMTR

    Portion size

    Yes my doctor did tell me today 1/2 a cup. I had been on liquids for such a long time that when I started eating solids i no longer even remembered how much i was supposed to be eating. started little by little, tastes here and there that before i new it I know i was eating more than a 1/2 cup. Back on track....dont want to experience being stuck....my biggest fear right now!!!
  10. CynthiaMTR

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Got my first fill today, no pain but lot of gas and noises in my stomach similar to the time right after surgery. On a clear liquid diet for 24 hours, then full liquids for 48 hours then back to solids on Sunday. Was really scared of Fill But everything was oK except for painful numbing medication that passed pretty quickly. REady to continue loosing:)
  11. CynthiaMTR

    Portion size

    I know I can definately eat more than that but i havent had a fill yet. Im just now begining to get my hunger back but dont want to overdo it either...I also wonder if eating more than I should would stretch out the pouch??????
  12. CynthiaMTR

    Problem throwing away food

    Im beginning to get into that mind set....Just throw it away. I have kids and tend to eat what they dont....NOT GOOD!! So lately when they say mom I dont want anymore I dont even tell them to save it...i just say throw it out. Ive gotten really full trying to get that last bite in. Its all a matter of habit...this is definately a life change..For Good!
  13. Does this happen after you start getting fills? I have not gotten any fills yet, but have been on solids for about a week and half. Ive eaten bread...just a little because im scared..but things have been ok. Will I not be able to have it when I get a fill?
  14. CynthiaMTR

    Ready for my first fill....

    I was banded February 23 and just going for my first fill this coming thursday. My port site is sore still but only when I press on it or lay down on that side. Didnt think much about the fill in that area until I saw this post! Anyway I am ready for a fill though. Im ready to move on as well. Lost weight initially but havent lost in a while and even put 2 or 3 lbs back on.
  15. CynthiaMTR

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    I was banded on Feb 23rd and on thursday will be my first fill. Im excited because my pounds have stopped falling off..ive even gained about 2 or 3. Initially I lost about 15 lbs...I would say in the first month....but now im hungry really trying to be carefull but ive noticed that I can eat a lot if I really gave in. Really trying to exercise but havent been too consistent. Well see what happens after Thursday.... Good Luck to ALL!!!
  16. CynthiaMTR


    I LOVE ZUMBA!!!! So sad my gym moved farther away and I had to cancel my gym membership. Have the program but its nothing like doing it at a gym with a great instructor and a whole bunch of other people!
  17. CynthiaMTR

    pre fill weightloss stopped

    Wow I was about to ask the same exact question. I lost 15 pounds and have put 1 or 2 back. I can eat more but still wont overdo it because Im afraid to get too full or stuck. Im on week 5 and just started solids. I go for my first fill on the 15. It was nice to loose those 15 pounds now Im wondering why I havent lost in the last 1 or 2 weeks. I am starting the couch to 5k program so hopefully that will help drop more of those pounds.
  18. Is getting stuck something that happens only when you start eating solid foods or can you get stuck by overfilling on liquids as well. I have already realized what full feels like and a little too full feels uncomfortable but not sure what stuck is. One night I had major pain in my throat and stomach after eating soup and some gold fish crackers-but I really dont know what caused that because even the crackers were really mushy. I ate at about 9 pm(maybe to late) and then went straight to bed. Woke up at midnight with the worst pain in my chest and wanted to throw up but couldnt-To make a long story short I ended up sleeping sitting up on the couch. Can anyone describe stuck and when it happens to you? Can it happen during the full liquid stage?
  19. In my paper work it said that after 2 weeks I could break up crackers in my soup....didnt say what kind. Gold fish was all I had and was craving something salty different than soup....after that I went out and bought premium crackers. Im now on my first week of solids....havent had any problems since....going for my first fill on the 15th.:thumbdown:
  20. CynthiaMTR

    Decent tasting Protein shake mix

    Unjury has a great soup flavored protein, that tast just like chicken noodle lipton soup and you can add it to your other soups for a lot of protien and great flavor....Ive also been on muscle milk light powder and the ready to drink ones. The vanilla powder goes well with a lot of things-Ill make shakes with skim milk and add a little bit of peanut butter...yum!!!! Or you can add any type of fruit for a fruit shake...just to spice things up a little. My doctor has me on a full liquid diet for 5 weeks post op so Ive had to try different things and proteins so that I wont get bored.
  21. CynthiaMTR

    before and now.... Such a HUGE change!!!

    Wow!!! You look Great, how many lbs have you lost?
  22. CynthiaMTR

    Let's talk about 'snacking'

    I was just thinking the same exact thing yesterday...in about a week ill start eating food and im soo used to having more than three meals a day as well. Need to talk to my nutrionist and doctor to see what it is that they expect, but i do hope its 6 or 5 meals as well. What about the protein shakes that we do before eating food....Do those become meal replacements when we start eating food, can those be the in between meals to get the right amount of protein in????
  23. CynthiaMTR


    I would say that for me the first couple of weeks I was not hungry AT ALL. But maybe the last two weeks Ive begun to feel hungry a bit more...im still supposed to be on full liquids but must admit have already had a few taste of things here and there, but not full meals because im scared to totally break the rules. Still have 1 more week of full liquids. I was so happy when i wasnt hungry though and now things are changing.
  24. Wow everyone is so different. I was on clear liquids for 3 days and then for 5 Weeks its Full liquids. Then I start on soft foods(is that mushies?) And I think that same week I start soft foods Ill be getting my first fill. Im on week 3 1/2 of full liquids, but have had stuff like crackers in my soup and have given in to tasting some foods but really really chew to prevent getting what everyone calls STUCK!!! My biggest fear! So far so good though. Im just surprised at how my doctor has such a long time for full liquids and some doctors have people eating food after 2 or 3 weeks.
  25. CynthiaMTR

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    Hello All, Finally added a ticker...tomorrow will be 1 month after my surgery. From beginning till now i am down about 14 pounds. Havent been below 200 in over 7 years so im excited. 2 more weeks of full liquids and then onto soft foods. Well see how this journey continues. Hope everyone is doing well.

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