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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by CynthiaMTR

  1. February 23rd will be my 1 year anniversay of being banded. It has been a very easy JOurney for me..If I had to do it again I would!!! Before surgery I weighed 211. My highest was 225 at some point as well. Im am currently weighing 168 pounds. My goal is 150..not there yet but I finally know I will be getting there soon. I had to have maybe 4 fills and after the last one dont think ill ever need another one unless my band gets too loose if I drop too much weight. Ive been working out consistently for a year...always worked out before but would take months off and then have to start all over again like new. Proud to say this year has been a success. I feel Great...Look Great and looking forward to finally reaching my GOAL!! Hopefully by the summer. Many times I feel ive lost very slowly but I know slow is the way to go...especially becaue im working out and eating well....not much more I can do. Anyway just wanted to share how Happy Ive been ever since Ive been banded and to encourgage those who are just beginning this Wonderful Weight Loss Journey!!! YOu do have to follow the rules though!!! I try to follow them as much as I can because being sick is no fun...ive been there and hate it so I follow the rules..I eat what I can...and when I want something I cant I just think about how Beautiful I look now!!!! Cynthia
  2. CynthiaMTR

    My scale is not moving!!!!

    I was banded in february. I have lost 33 pounds, does not sound like a lot, but its been cominig off steadily. Ive been frustrated at times but I feel great now and I know that little by little the 20 more that I have to loose will come off!! Little by little!!!
  3. CynthiaMTR

    Lost 39 pounds(!!) but I don't get it?

    My surgery was 2-24-10 I have lost 33 pounds. I still wear some 16 even thought they are really getting baggy, fit into 14 and some 12. My upper body has really reduced but my lower body seems to go down really slow. I still love the results Im seeing after 33 pounds. Hang in there. I feel that after a certain amount of weight loss is when you really start seening the difference!! Hang in There. It gets better!!! Also I am now able to wear soo many things that have been in my closet for years!!!!.
  4. Hang In there. I had my surgery February 24 2010. I have lost 33 pounds, doesnt seem like a lot..but not a day goes by without 2 or 3 people telling me how wonderful I look. I feel AWESOME, I look AWESOME!!! The Band has been worth every little discomfort I might have felt. Dont know exactly what you are going thru bc everyone is different and looking back I dont remember being Unhappy but still Hang in there. It will be worth it!!!
  5. CynthiaMTR

    A big Texas Howdy to you!!

    Im in Carrollton, TX, I was banded in February 2010 by Dr. hamn in Plano. Weight loss has been a little slower than I want, but Im soo Happy so far and happy I made the decision to get banded. Good Luck to all!
  6. Sometime I get a pain on my left side more towards mt back? Does anyone get this when they have eaten too much. Thre are cetain things that I can eat more of before feeling the fullness in my stomach but several times i know ive eaten more than usual and get a side pain. Does any one else experience this or any other feelings of being too full.
  7. CynthiaMTR


    My Doctor has told me "when you are full STOP". There have been times that Ive been eating, gotten full in my stomach but want to keep on eating. Proceed to take another bite and then realize that its going to mean trouble if I swallow it so I have spit it out! I do think that is a better choice than allowing for that last bite to make me sick.
  8. I update mine monthly. I cant tell how many pounds Ive REALLY lost until after a month when I consistently weigh in at a specific weight. I tend to go up and down between one and two pounds before its officially off.
  9. CynthiaMTR

    Anyone do Zumba?

    Its the BEST workout ever!!!!
  10. Ok Dont know if I should have read this somewhere but my question is why do we get stuck??? I understand getting full because we now have a smaller stomach due to the band, but why do we get stuck in our throats if the band is on our stomachs. If weve eaten too much I can see our food coming up high into our esophagus ,but what is that restricts food going down if its not the right texture or size?
  11. CynthiaMTR

    When can I Zumba again?

    I resumed Zumba after about 2 months. I was just a little scared to move around too much. Especially because there is all that hip, waist and belly movements. I was a little sore for a long time around my stomach. I had my surgery in February and still am a little afraid to do a lot of crunches, but everything else Im already doing full force. My doctor just said if it hurts dont do it. If it dosent go right ahead, so I would say try it and see how you feel. Every one is different. Good Luck!!! I ABSOLUTELY love Zumba so I totally understand wanting to get back FAST!
  12. Unfortunately I have not been able to get on a regular work out schedule. Even though I try to work out at least 5 times a week it doesnt always happen at the same time. Sometimes I wake up at 5:30 to do Couch to 5K, but if that doesnt happen I just work out in the evenings. Morning workouts feel GREAT, Evenening workouts feel Great too because I feel I did it even after a days work I took myself to the gym....but after those evening workouts Im soooooo Hungry. I can come home and eat the house if I could!!!!! Why!!!!! Most of my stuck episodes have been after an evening workout when Ill come home and try to eat a banana with Peanut Butter. Right now dont know if I get get stuck because of the choices I make or if its because I come home so Hungry that I dont take my time....Or BOTH!!!! Help Any suggestions for this crazy after workout hunger?????
  13. I know everyones body is different...but has anyone totally tightened their body by working out after loosing a lot of weight. So Far I have lost a little over 20 pounds. My arms are horrible. Ive always worked out and never had so much loose skin because Ive never lost this much weight this fast. Just wondering if I can fix the loose skin by continuing to excersice. I have about 40 or 50 more pounds to loose and just would like to know so that I can be motivated to continue to being dedicated and working out hard especially if i know its going to work in helping me tone. I know a lot of people go for surgery after loosing a lot of weight but I would love to not have to go through another surgery if I dont have to.
  14. CynthiaMTR

    Was cleared for exercise but worried

    My Doctor just said listen to your body! If it hurts dont do it!! That has worked for me. I started lifting light weights for my arms at about 4 weeks.
  15. Thanks for all the great responses. I will continue to work out as hard as I can. It makes me feel great anyway whether in the long run I end up with the physical appearance I wish for or not.
  16. CynthiaMTR

    Snack Ideas.. help!

    Im a chocolate loving person so I buy, sugar free pudding with light cool whip, sugar free fudgescicles, skinny cow icescream or bar...These are all desert type Snacks But you can also have laughing cow cheese, string cheese, hummus, yogurt, cottage cheese with fruit. I used to do South Beach so a lot of these snacks are Sugar free of High Protein or both.
  17. CynthiaMTR


    I love Peanut Butter also. I always have the smuckers natural with a banana for a snack or an evening workout or even after dinner if I need something sweet or am still hungry. Cant do it in the morning like a used to but I love it so much that I can have it at anytime I also make my Protein shakes with about 1/2 table spoon. vanilla Muscle Milk with a frozen cup of skim milk and PB!!! YUM!!!! Or on a spoon! I can have it with crackers depending on the cracker if its not too dry and I eat it slowly-like a wheat thin or something like that.
  18. Jachut, I saw your pics and you look amazing!!! Congatulations! Im not one to want to wear a bikini, just want to feel comfortable in my clothing and feel healthy and toned. Have always been heavy but pretty much fit so not necesarilly used to a ton of skin-except my legs....I do have big legs. But thanks for the motivation!!! I will keep on working out and do what I can.
  19. CynthiaMTR

    help with breakfast

    I have a protein latte every day for breakfast. I love coffee and feel that mixed with protein it takes me thorugh lunch. I mix 4oz of skim milk with vanilla creme muscle milk light and then add black coffee to that. Makes a Latte just like starbucks. You can even add your own spice to add flavor....I add nutmeg and cinammon.
  20. CynthiaMTR

    Sucking Candy?

    Sugar Free Candy is my new best friend ever since Ive been banded. When im done eating and think im still hungry....that piece of candy takes care of that hunger thought. When I want a peice of chocolate after eating, I eat a peice of candy instead. Im a big sugar addict. Ive always needed something sweet after a meal, the the sugar free candies are my new best friends. Keeps me away from chocolate and deserts. Ive had them at all stages.
  21. CynthiaMTR

    Hey February 2010 Bandsters!

    I was banded on the 23rd. I have only had one fill. Initially lost about 2 pounds but think ive put it back on. Im working out a lot so I guess im a little disapointed this past month. But I do go for another fill next week. Felt some restriction when I got the first fill but kinda wore off after a week or two. I stick to a protien drink for break fast..do very good at lunch...but seem to eat a little more at dinner and find my self being very hungry in the evenings....especially after working out if I work out in the evenings. I am happy that Ive lost about 15-20lbs since surgery. I know its just going to get better so cant wait for more fills!!!!!
  22. Ive gotten stuck maybe 2 times. Have been banded for about 3 months. The first stuck episode lasted about 10 to 15 minutes...it was horrible, but I did not PB. Then Ive felt stuck maybe 1 or 2 other times..minor indicators to stop eating...because Ive eaten too fast. Havent PB'd ever yet. Dont want to:crying:....scared to swell or feel sick!!! Have only had 1 fill and go for my second one next week. Great post! Serves as a reminder to eat slow and chew chew chew. Lately Ive been forgetting that.
  23. Oh my gosh has anyone tried this. It is sooo Good. It only has 1 gram of fat per serving(one container) I think it has about 3 grams of protein. Im not one that needs Ice Cream...I love Frozen Yogurt..but I can see my self getting hooked on this stuff!!! YUM!!!
  24. CynthiaMTR

    "You weren't that big?!?!"

    Great Thread!! I was just banded and have about 40 lbs to loose. I havent told many people about the band because I have gotten that from many people"Why dont you exercise and diet"!!! Thats what Ive been doing all my life...not seeing complete results. Im working out and eating well...just got my first fill a week or two ago...but for the first time Im loosing weight quickly or quicker than I have in the past and everything is just loosening up too fast.... Really paranoid about the loose skin because dont think I want anymore surgery. Hitting the gym at least 3 times just for resistance training. Hope it works. Good Luck to ALL!
  25. CynthiaMTR

    I Feel So Happy!!!!!!

    All of a sudden I just realized how happy I am!!! I was banded on February 23. I was a little scared but really wanted this. For some reason I just realized it has not been a tough road so far. Its just so doable. I dont feel like if im starving. I was on a liquid diet for 7 weeks and got my first fill on the 8th week. Not even the 7 weeks of liquids were horrible. I figured ive been stuffing my face all my life why cant I just be on a liquid diet for 7 weeks. I think the attitude has so much to do with it. I Cook huge meals for my family yet dont feel bad if I cant eat what they are eating. There are days I wish I could have lost more by now, but all of a sudden people all over are noticing that Im looking SKINNY!!! What a great feeling. Im working out so that makes me feel better. Skin is really getting loose but that has motivated me to get into the gym so that things fall into the right place when I get to my goal weight. Any way just wanted to share how Happy Ive been feeling ever since Ive been banded and wondering if everyone feels the same way. I know some people feel deprived many times after weight loss surgery. I am currently at 193 lbs. I had not been under 200 lbs for over 7 years or more....so I feel Great!!!:thumbup::w00t:

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