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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tryingtowinthebattle

  1. Hi all, I am very frustrated with the Maples Surgical clinic. I feel like I am getting the run around. I was told when I went in for my consultation that I could have the surgery on the 30th of this month if I could get my preop done and returned to them fast, which I did, and I waited for over 1 week to see if they had the paperwork back, was told yes and they were just clearing me at the clinic....then no word again, had to call 3 times before the girl (Jennifer) would return my call, told me that it looked like the 30th would not happen....she said she would call me the next day and let me know for sure....she did not call...I called the day after and she had the day off....called today and she said nope the 30th was a no go.....telling me that it would be mid May but maybe April.....she is waiting to see if they will give her an extra day in April....not holding my breath on that one....not sure why if there is people waiting why would they not be holding surgerys on their scheduled surgical days?......anyway I called the clinic in Regina and had a good helpful conversation with the guy there (way more help than Maples) they can gurantee me a spot for April 11, seriously considering going there.....can anyone tell me if it would be beneficial to wait an extra month or 2 to have the surgery at home? How often do we need to see the doctor and do the fills? Regina is 5 hours from Winnipeg, which is not that far....it is a month sooner and I feel like the help is better....I dont like when someone can't say something and stick to it. From my first contact with the Maples they told me a month or less but it is turning into over 3 months...I am getting the run around and not sure why....the other thing I dont like is the "sale" they are running....is this something that there should be a special on? For me this is weird.... Maples always tells me they will get back to me but they never ever do! Not sure what to do. Is there anywhere in Winnipeg we can have the fills if the surgery is elsewhere? Please help me with what you know....THanks

  2. So I met with the Doctor and went to my own doctor and did the pre-op, looks like I am having the surgery done this month....yahoo! I am so excited. :smile2: Couple of questions out there for everyone, the Doctor said I will probably not be able to eat certain foods after....like bread....is this what everyone has found? What is it that you found you could not eat after the surgery. also how long did it take for the band to start working for you? When did you find you had restriction? Any help would be helpful....:w00t:

  3. Well I have an appointment to meet the surgeons. I have been thinking about this long enough and researched it like crazy so now it is time to just go and do. I am really looking forward to it. I am looking forward to a new start. :tongue_smilie:

  4. Hi everyone, I am new and just making the decision to proceed with the lap band. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to start with my GP and them on to consultation with the doctors at the maples. For thoes of you who had this surgery at the Maples center in Winnipeg, are you happy with the choice of center? Did everything go as planned? Can you give me some helpful hints and tips. From the time of your consultation how long did it take to have the surgery? Has everyone been getting the results that they had hoped for? Tell me what to expect. thanks

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