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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by aqtpie301

  1. aqtpie301

    I'm here to help...

    Well I thought the band was not working. Lostt 50 pounds then had some problems wiith acid reluxs so they had to take out all the fluid. Then had to fills fellt restriction from the 2 fill 4 about 2 wks the it was gone. I gain back 10 pounds and was getting really depressed. Well I went wen for a 3rd fill to find out I have a leak and had no fluid in the band that's why I felt know restriction.. I feel so releved because I really that this is not working for me but now I know why. So I go april 12 to get it fixed can't wait to get back on track. Dawn
  2. Sherri. Iam have the same problem banded in Dec 31 2008 have lost about 45 pounds and now have not lost and I. I started at 240 went down to 185 and now iam 298 . Like you I don't know if my band not working. Or iam not work my band. I feel very discouraged and dont know what to do . Could really use a friend. Dawn
  3. aqtpie301

    I'm here to help...

    :confused:Hi my name is Dawn was banded Dec 31 2008 . Ive lost about 45 pounds and now it seems iam not lossing and all i want to do is eat iam hunrgy all the time . Not feeling any retriction any more and its got me feeling depressed . I was down to 185 a few months ago weighed my self this morning and iam up to 198 . My goal weight is 140 i started at 240 . I did have some problems with acid reflux so there were a few time i had a fill and then they had to take ever thing out and start again . So this last time this happen they took ever thing out i went back a week later and they put 2.5 cc back in still know retrictions so 4 wks later another 3cc i felt restriction for about 2wk then it was gone . I think my band hold between 12 to 14 cc they said . I go next friday to the doc and iam hoping they say i can get another fill . Iam just feeling so discouraged its past my yr mark and i thought i would have lost more by now . I could really use a support buddy . I didnt think this was going to be so hard . Any one have some advice? Thanks Dawn
  4. HI my name is Dawn iam 34 was banded in dec 08 starting weight was 240 iam down to 195 . was down to 183 but my band was to tight and was having a lot of acid reflux so they had to unfill me . since then ive gone for 2 fills the first was 2.5cc witch did nothing then the next was about 3cc witch i felt restricted for about 2wk . know its been almost 6 wks since that fill and i feel like i have know restriction. Ive gain i few pounds back . i fell hungry all the time and iam starting to get so depressed. My goal weight is 140 iam starting to feel like ill never get there. Iam so disapointed in my self ive been eating all the wrong food lately and cant seem to get control over my eating . i could really use some help .


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