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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by PhdGirl

  1. I've heard that slips are caused by over eating or by vomitting a lot ... I've never had one so I have no idea. Im sorry about your predicament. Have you been able to keep the weight off during your revisions?

    Best of luck!

    No :(

    I think my first slip was caused by committing but by second slip I wasn't even completely right yet they were doing it slowly so that the band doesn't slip.

  2. As someone who was banded re banded and looks like its gonna be re re banded I can say that I don't deem the surgery itself to be at all life threatening. If you have a surgeon that you trust you will be just fine and hopefully the benefits of weight loss and health will increase your joy and your time with your child!!!!

    But I definitely felt the same way!! I was asking everyone for forgiveness in case I didn't wake up LOL. Now I can laugh about that.

  3. Thanks Deb' date='

    That's very encouraging, because today I kept thinking why am I doing this, I can't even sleep at night now. My biggest fear is leaving my 8yr old behind....as I am all he has. I keep trying to cheer myself up saying, I can step out the door tomorrow and many things can happen to me and end up leaving him behind....but I can't help but feeling if something were to happen, I'm responsible for letting him down. At this point, I wish I had the surgery already, cause I think the worst is waiting and counting days, then begin to think of all sort of things....10 days left to deal with these thoughts lol. But thanks, your kind words were very encouraging.[/quote']

    As someone who was banded re banded and looks like its gonna be re re banded I can say that I don't deem the surgery itself to be at all life threatening. If you have a surgeon that you trust you will be just fine and hopefully the benefits of weight loss and health will increase your joy and your time with your child!!!!

  4. I'd like to blame myself for the first one. I was probably too tight but wanted to stay tht way because you get obsessed with the weight loss. I threw up A LOT. Maybe almost every meal. They claimed it wasn't my fault though-everyone throws up a lot. The second time I really have no idea. They were tightening it slowly to make sure this doesn't happen and I wasn't even completely tight yet. I did some research, even spoke to a surgeon who said he stopped doing bands because of the complications. The surgeon I spoke to said its not a secure procedure and slips a lot. He told me it had nothing to do with my surgeon who I know is a perfect surgeon (Dr George Fielding NYC) but it has to do with the nature of the band. I've heard of many others who have had problems but know there are also people who are wonderfully successful with it and don't have problems. I'm hoping that third try will be the charm and I will still be successful with the band but i seem to be having bad luck with it. Hard to say why.... If anyone asks me about it I wouldn't say yay or nay. I think I'd say what everyone else would: try natural options first and if not research it very carefully. If you decide to go with the band I can only give my blessing and pray it works for everyone. If you find out about another procedure which is less foolproof well let me know, I might need it!!

  5. Thanks for your response!

    The nurse at the practice I go to (Gaspar @ Dr George Fielding NYC) said I'm too young for that.

    I think I'll have it fixed for the second time and if it slips a third time I'll have to remove it or do something else... :(

    I wonder what causes the slips-like in the period between November and now when it wasn't even fully tightened....

  6. Hi all,

    Haven't signed in in a while but after the forums lovely birthday message (;-) I figured I'd come back and say hello and share my experience. I was originally banded in April of 2010. Lost a lot threw up a lot more and band slipped. Revision was done in November of 2012. Women's intuition sent alarm bells ringing recently and I insisted on an esophagram before any more adjustments... Looks like my band slipped again -it wasn't even at full restriction this time. I'm freaked out -I just turned 23 I don't want to be going to surgery every 10 months! Did anyone else have this experience and what happened? Was the band removed?

    Thanks-and good luck all!


  7. I was starving after surgery (almost right away) and after my first fill. I could eat anything and although I lost some weight, was feeling like my hungry old self. Fill #2 wasn't THE ONE either (I can tell) but it did make a big difference. After the first fill I was thinking about lunch as I was finishing up Breakfast (we were on vacation and there was great food) and now food isn't driving me. Hang tough, do what you can and don't beat yourself up. Just try not to do too much damage that you'll regret later. Have a little steak and some bagel for me though!

    lol on the bagel and steak... I think Id rather be in your shoes. but all right:)

  8. Hey Guys

    its been a while- good to be back to studies and life. Being abroad means I cant get more restriction for another 7 weeks and thats a bummer. I have not been practicing much self discipline tho so i guess i cant complain for not losing- it was amazing when I wasnt really so hungry right after the surgery hope to be back to that soon (altho non of the othre post op complications...:eek:

    Good luck!!!!

  9. thanks guys, I appreciate your help and support. I am studying abroad now and dont get home for another 7 weeks- restriction will have to wait until then:(. My mom met a friend who said she got the band and it took a while for her to, so Im hopeful... I definitely think i can eat a lil less then before... not much however.. Glad to see you making progress- it gives me hope...

  10. How do I know if I'm having reflux? It is allergy season and the pollen count is horrible. I had an itchy cough before surgery and have noticed it every now and again this week. I'm not coughing after I eat, usually in between meals but I was just outside and came in with that itchy cough. A cough drop usually helps. I've never had reflux so I don't know what it is!

    Also, will coughing make my band slip? I'm a newbie and have only been banded since March.


    I was banded mar 15- reflux as I know it is when the food you eat cant get down the band- apparently you feel like youre having a heart attack. All you need to doi is stick your finger down your throat andthe food comes out. It doesnt soound like thatsyour prob. In the beginning I was also coughing and wondering if that will loosen the band- I though breathing the wrong way would loosen the band:)-but its secure dont worry. The coughing could be an effect of the surgery bec they intubate you during surgery- so your throat might feel sore- or hoarse as well...

  11. Just barging in to say hi, PhDGirl--and to wish you good luck!

    Where are you studying abroad?

    Hey!! thanks for saying hi and the luck looks like ill need it:) Im not such a frequent here- so sorry for delayed response... I think Ill need some more guidance so I might start being more of a frequent...

    Im studying in Israel this year:)

    Good luck to you too...

  12. I just take a chewable multivitamin from the store, plus 2 chewable Calcium tablets and a melt in your mouth B12. I didn't really start losing until my first fill and then I was losing 2 pounds a week but when I had about 25 to go it slowed down to 1 pound a week. :thumbup:

    I just got my first fill of 3cc and its not doing much- I also havent really modified my earting and I find I could eat just as much as before. Is this normal? Did I ruin my band by eating regular food? I also didnt feel anything when the saline was put in- does that make sense?

  13. Sounds to me that you have no restriction. I didn't reach any level of restriction until I hit 7+ cc's. What you are going through sounds perfectly normal.

    You made me feel so good - Im hungry and eating like never before in fear of restriction later on. I had 3 cc put in 4 weeks post op and I dont think it helped much. Im beginning to think that all my food ruined the bnad somehow? Although I do feel some restriction... Is this normal?

    Also I didnt feel anything when they put in the fill..???

  14. Im 4 weeks post op- my ultimate goal is about 70 pounds I havent lost a thing yet- from pre op maybe a couple pounds that were gained during and post surgery- in fact I think I gained a couple more because Im on vacation. I got one fill of 3 cc and the nurse said that probably wont restrict me much but its a start. Im as hungry as I ever was... Are you guys doing a lot of behavior modification? Becasue I think Immaybe even eating worse then before bec I know my food days will be shortlived. Any advice?

    PS Is it possible that eating wrong can reverse the effects of the band?

  15. HB! Yay on the 80 lbs!! Totally cool! Blowing the nose has GOT to burn calories. If nothing else, it is quite the ab workout. Hope you are feeling better soon. Trying to stay warm in all that snow has got to burn calories, too!

    I missed 2 1/2 days right before my trip due to my sinus infection.

    Betsy: Yep, Butters went camping, along with his girlfriend, Stella the golden retriever and her family. He is soooo tired after spending so much time with her--he stayed with her while we were gone, too.

    Congrats on onderland!!! Yay!!! Good work. Tell Truman he is a great trainer.

    Welcome PhdGirl!! This is a great place to be. First week post-op isn't the greatest of fun, but it pays off!

    I see how its already made a difference on my appetite- even before first fill... Any advice on that though?

  16. 3cc seems like a lot but everyone is different I guess.. I only had 1.6 cc for my first fill.. but then I had 5cc in there to start with and didn't have first fill for over 3 months later.. I never had no issues with getting Water down ... just that since then I have only been eating 1/2 cup and I'm full ! and lost 7 lbs the first week ( as of last Thursday) so I am going to go again this Friday and get checked again.. I can't wait .... a PB .. is a Productive Burp .. it's when u eat something that u maybe didn't chew enough and it get's stuck and wont go down, u will have a PB and it will come back up .. I have not had this happen to me yet ... knock on wood... but I've read about it lots ... good luck with your fill and weight loss !

    and about the pb- my surgeon calls that vomitting but Im glad to be up on the lingo:)

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