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LAP-BAND Patients
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About dani2005

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  • Birthday 06/22/1980
  1. Happy 33rd Birthday dani2005!

  2. Happy 32nd Birthday dani2005!

  3. btw obesity runs in my family..

  4. I need help and support trying to decide if I should get a LAP-BAND? o not. My number on the scale go up and down, you can call me a yo- yo dieter.. In June I'm turning 30 and it seems that my metabolism has drastically slow down. I injure my leg from the extreme workouts and can't exercises the way I used to. I've gain a lot of weight, right now I've been the heaviest in my life and the numbers on the scale keep going up. I'm also an emotional eater and don't seem to keep my food portion under control. I feel the LAP-BAND? will help me take control over my eating because i have no will power when it comes to eating. What do you guys think. Please help me and don't judge me. I'm embarrass about my compulsive eating habits and i don't think any one understands this problem at home. Help please :sad:

  5. Hi Daisy have you decided if you're going to get the lap band? I've lost sleep over making my decision. I'm also a low bmi patient and diet and exercise is just not working for me. I found a doctor that will band me but I don't know what to do. i 'm terrified!! think we can help each other here..

  6. I also have a low bmi..I see get a lapband no only to lose weight but to preventing to become obese. This problems runs in my fam. How did the lap band work for you since you have a low bmi? any regrets?

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