This is my first post, and I am hoping my first attempt to get some help. I have been banded since OCT 2006 starting weight 126kg getting to my lowest weight December 2008 which was 75kg. I am 5ft10inch I have never been able to eat properly with my band only being able to keep down fluids with most solid food coming back up. I for over 3 years vomit any solid food I eat. Over the past 12 months I have gained back over 10kg of my lowest weight even though my calorie intake would be lucky to exceed 600 calories a day (unless I binge on chocolate!) My daily intake of food is lucky to be a V drink and 2 freddo frogs with the occassional handful of nuts or sometimes I can keep down some Cereal with yogurt. I can't go back to my surgean to have fill taken out for 2 reasons. firstly I had some further surgeries with him that didn't go well and I don't trust him and 2 I am scared if I get fill taken out my weight will go up even further! I recently went and had some tests done and have been diagnosed with something called Adrenal Fatigue, my thyroid is no longer working my Iron along with most other nutrients is dangerously low and they class me as having malnutrition...In short I am killing myself... I know this in my head, I am a smart person, a mum, a successful business owner... but I am petriefied of being fat again (even thought I look at myself at the moment and class myself as extremely overweight since gaining the 10kg) I am booked into a specialist to work on the adrenal fatigue and thyroid but just don't know what to do with regards to my lapband... Please don't come on here and be agressive with me that is not what I need, I need to speak to people that understand me and can help me... My husband is worried (no one else knows I have even had the band done) I cover my fatigue and general unwellness very well but am suffering daily with these chronic symptoms.
Sorry for such a long post, I have woken today feeling exceptionally unwell and realise I need to do something before its too late..