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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by sharondysart70

  1. I added you as a friend if you dont mind. I am also getting use to this form .

  2. Thanks for answering my message..I didnt know how to word it without sounding like i have no friends..lol

    I just wanted to find some people who were going through this. I am at my hightest weight as well 256. I have 3 kids and I just couldnt get it off..Do you have any kids? Congrats for losing all that weight. That is outstanding. You must feel great!!I cant wait to lose that much.

  3. I would love some friend to go through this with.Who can understand what Im going through. Then we can bounce things off each other and see how we are feeling today.. I love reading all the posts but it would be great to have some friends on here...

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