I had surgery on the 11th of Feb... 6 days of clear liquids and protein shakes followed by thcker soups, yogurt, cottage cheese and scrambled eggs by day 12 i could manage salad and chicken!
Day 13 i went for a fill...2cc. After the fill i was back on liquids for 24 hours, soft foods for another 24 and then back to regular food, eaten slowly and carefully.
I'm eating far less, but still a fair amount... yesterday i had scrambled egg, cottage cheese with 3 crackers, a banana, 5 grapes(yes, i counted!), a bowl of lentil and vegetable soup, come rice crisps as a snack and a slice of salami which nearly killed me!
everything excluding the salami went down happily...the salami was the cause of extreme pain...i felt like i was having a heart attack!
i just dont know how much is too much, Calorically i probably consumed less than 1500 calories, which i believe is an appropriate amount..
what are you all eating???