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LAP-BAND Patients
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About pei_becca

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/15/1975

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a 34 year old mom of 2 and I have been on a diet since I was a kid. My daughters friend told her that her mother was fat... that was reality. Now I want to do something about it.
  • Interests
    Interior Design
  • Occupation
    marketing co-ordinator for family John Deere business
  • City
  • State
    PEI Canada
  • Zip Code
    C1B 0C5

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  1. thanks for the support. I sure am not getting too much here. I was at the gym today and my son did not want to stay, so after walking 1 mile we decided to leave. I was going to go back later today, but after hockey and a free skate it was 5:00pm and I just go home. I wasn't home all day and I just wanted to sit and do nothing, so Steve, my husband, decided to lecture me that I was not motivated enough.... .I was so made. I could have hit him. I told them it would be nice some moral support and encouragement from him, and that I have been at the gym a fair bit with no support from him. He doesn't help much with the kids. I am getting so frustrated.

    We decided to have our own seperate bank accounts because I was tired of him bitching to me about spending money. SO if I decide to go ahead with this surgery I will do it with my own money which is perfect..... but I know he will be watching everything that goes in my mouth.

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