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LAP-BAND Patients
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About pei_becca

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  • Birthday 08/15/1975

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a 34 year old mom of 2 and I have been on a diet since I was a kid. My daughters friend told her that her mother was fat... that was reality. Now I want to do something about it.
  • Interests
    Interior Design
  • Occupation
    marketing co-ordinator for family John Deere business
  • City
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    PEI Canada
  • Zip Code
    C1B 0C5

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  1. I am a 34 year old working mom. I have 2 kids that are 6 and 7 (grade 1 and 2). I work with family. I have been struggling with my weight my whole life. I was always the cubby kids. I have done various things throu out my weight loss fight. I even resorted to taking laxatives for a year, which inturn caused me to have IBS and a spastic large bowl. I did loose 40 lbs,, but gained that back and more.

    I want to be able to look in the mirror at myself, and feel good about what I see instead of getting totally disgusted. I have never liked what I saw.

    I have been researching the slimband/lapband for a few years. I am sure this is the procedure for me. I just have to convience someone (my other half) which has never had a fat day in his slim life. He doesn't think it should be the difficult to loose weight. ..... ohhh to have that his problem having to worry.

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