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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by CoachCher

  1. Got your tickets yet? The 2009 National “Gastric Band” Conference is just two weeks away! The focus of this year's event is "Living the WLS Lifestyle", and speakers will address topics such as post-op eating, fitness, and emotional changes for patients who are considering or have had the Lap-Band® or Realize Band procedure. The goal is to educate all weight loss surgery patients on the tools for success, so their determination and motivation will result in a lasting transformation and a healthy new life. Loyal members of Lapband Talk are eligible for a special discount on event tickets. Just click here for the Conference Link and enter Username: limited1 and Password: offer. See you in the Big Apple!
  2. Yes you can pay on Saturday. The cost for Saturday only is $67.50, this includes your lunch as well.
  3. Hey Apple, Still working on the dates. The October Conference is being hosted by The Fill Center USA, I will be participating as a speaker. Once I know the exact dates I will let you guys know.
  4. I'll see what I can do to turn this into a poster, I would hate for you to get "Inked" :party:)
  5. Join me today as I welcome Rebecca Regnier from "Does this blog make us look fat" Rebecca is not a lap-band patient but she is a professional dieter who has choosen humor as her "Diet" of choice. As lap-band patients we sometimes forget to find the humor in our journey. Rebecca is a hoot and will have each one of us laughing and hopefully we will lose some weight. 100 laughs a day is equal to 10 minutes of exercise! So join us tonight I bet we get in more than 100 laughs with Rebecca tonight. Date: 03/02/2009 Time: 6:00pm CST Where: "The Band Banter" Talk Show I hope to "HEAR" you there!! The show is interactive so be sure to join us in the chatroom tonight.
  6. Join me as I welcome Sheri Morris and Jennifer Sands Bariatric RN's as they share with us secret's and tips on how to be a successful post-op with the lap-band and realize band. We know the RN's are truly the one's who keep us in check. Show them some love, call and ask questions. When: 02/23/2009 Time: 6:00 pm CST Where: Health internet radio shows and Success internet radio by "The Band Banter" Talk Show | BlogTalkRadio Call-in Number: (347) 237-4004 The show is interactive, join us in the chatroom or call in live to ask questions. I hope to "Hear" you there.
  7. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hi DannyLu, I was completely guilty of wearing my fat suit as a suit of armor. I have embraced my suit and love it. It takes time to shed the "Old" us but trust me it can be done. Please let me know how I can support you.
  8. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hi Whitepants, Good for you getting out there and swing dancing, I love that. Your right the underlying issue us your job and not enough social connections. You are on the right track making the social connections, as far as the job goes you can do one of two things, try to change the moral or find a new job. I'm sure the latter would be hard to do in these economic times but at least you could keep your eyes open for new opportunities. We are a community who has to "Band Together" ( no pun intended, since it's the name of my company) and help each other out. Everyone always thinks they are alone and no one else is going through this, that couldn't be further from the truth. Next time you feel that way make a post and watch the people come out and agree with you/support you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support you.
  9. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hi Ashleyrenee, You are part of a community and you are not alone. This is why I do what I do, think of me as the "Band Connector". I write these articles so others know they are not alone. I'm almost 5 years out and trust me I still face the same issues that someone who is 4 weeks out. Thankfully I know how to handle them now but my food addiction still rears it's ugly head every now and then. We have to stay connected to those who are taking the same journey as you are. I always encourage others to share their story, who knows you may strike a cord in someone or they might strike a cord in you. The only way to know if someone is feeling what you are is to post it on the board and watch them come to your side. I wish you the best of luck. Let me know if there is anything I can do to support you.
  10. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hi Eficka, I can relate to what you are saying, I too was abused as a small child however mine was sexual. I would relate sex to love, not a good thing I promise. We are not a product of our upbringing, we have to accept what happened to us as children, 1. it was not our fault and 2. it will not define who we are as adults. I'm not going to bash you, but I do disagree with the nutritionist. I would say 100% of us have eating disorders that's why we choose to have the surgery. We all had/have a unhealthy relationship with food, we use food to Celebrate, comfort, cure boredom the list goes on and on. It has nothing to do with us losing weight we all know how to do that, what we don't know how to do is keep it off. With the band I have been able to keep off 80 pounds, without the band I would of gained it all back without a doubt. Do some people require counseling after surgery? Of course they do, as the weight is falling off they have to face this new person and really feel what they feel as opposed to stuffing their feelings. This could/would happen if they lost weight on their own without surgery. I don't believe placing a band on someone who has a eating disorder is unethical. As with diet and exercise the band is only a "Tool" it's not the be all end all. All of my coaching is done via telephone or email, so skype would be easy to use for coaching as well. I wish you nothing but the best of luck, you can do this I promise.
  11. CoachCher


    Hey this for the singles out there. Do you find dating harder or easier now that you have had your band? Do you think it would be easier to date someone who has had "WLS" regardless of the surgery? My thinking is it would take away all the explanation of why you eat the way you do and such. I'm just throwing this out there, because I know for me dating is a pain and I wanted to know if other's feel the same way I do.
  12. **Quick Update** The room rate has been extended until February 27, 2009 We have a block of rooms set at $139.00 per night, be sure to book by the 27th in order to receive the discount. Looking forward to meeting you there!!
  13. CoachCher

    2009 National LAP-BAND Conference

    **Quick Update** The room rate has been extended until February 27, 2009 We have a block of rooms set at $139.00 per night, be sure to book by the 27th in order to receive the discount. Looking forward to meeting you there!!
  14. Join us with our Special Guest, Yvonne McCarthy, WLS patient advocate! Hear heartbreaking stories of people who have struggled through the insurance approval process and those who have even died. Find out tips and strategies you can use to stand up to insurance companies! <embed src='http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mediaplayer.swf?displayheight=&file=http://www.blogtalkradio.com%2fTheWLSCoaches%2fplay_list.xml&autostart=false&shuffle=false&callback=http://www.blogtalkradio.com/FlashPlayerCallback.aspx&width=180&height=152&volume=80&corner=rounded' width='180' height='152' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' quality='high' wmode='transparent' menu='false'></embed>
  15. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hey Trubleu, The first step is to admit your short comings, you have done that. Now you know what is happening it's up to you to get on the bandwagon. Keep telling yourself all the reasons you had this surgery and go back to the basics. That's the great thing about the band it's there when you are ready and it sounds like you ready to commit to your journey. I wish you the best of luck, let me know how I can help you.
  16. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hi Eficka, It sounds as if you have what we call in Coaching "Blocks" something is blocking you from being successful. I hear this from my clients all the time, they "Stuff" their feelings. Instead of stuffing your feelings, really feel what you feel. It's okay to get mad, angry, or sad. Go with the moment and try to figure out why you are feeling what you are feeling, then move on. Don't hold onto these feelings, it's very destructive as you can see. As far is the fill goes that happens to each one of us, however that one time of being too tight doesn't mean it will be that way the next time. It's a process and you have to go through the process. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. I offer 30 minute complimentary Coaching sessions, that might help you as well. I wish you the best of luck, you can turn this around I believe in you.
  17. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hi Atta, Keep in mind we had surgery on our stomachs not our brains. I tell the surgeons I have on "The Band Banter" Talk Show all the time, can you guys figure out how to place a band on our brain instead of our stomach. It's not our stomachs that get us in trouble it's our brains. I'll let ya'll know when the Brain-Band is available :ohmy:)
  18. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hi Linda, You have something there that is blocking you; it's not uncommon to not know what it is. You might to journal when you reach for junk food to see if you can find the trigger that is causing you to make unhealthy choices. Just something to think about.
  19. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hi Carrie, The best thing to do is come clean with your surgeon. Let him know you got off the bandwagon but you are ready to commit to the process again. Junk food will get each one of us in trouble. I don't exclude it from my life, I plan for it. I know it's not realistic to think I'm never going to eat junk food again. When you plan for it, it's easier to avoid it everyday.
  20. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hi Twirl, You have taken the first step by recognizing what you are doing. It's a learned skill to not drink with your meals, you can do it. Take it one meal at a time and tell yourself you are not going to drink with this meal. You can do this, it's not difficult I promise.
  21. I'm so excited to report LapBand Talk made the news on the WLS Channel. Check out the coverage at Weight Loss Surgery News - February 6, 2009 |Weight Loss Surgery Channel Be sure to leave a comment in the comment section about the report.
  22. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hi Anna, Ok take a deep breath in and out, okay much better. You have not stretched your pouch; you just have not reached your proper restriction level. With the band it's a process it doesn't happen overnight. This is the part of the journey everyone hates. Until you actually reach your sweet spot you should be watching what you eat and how much you eat. Once you reach proper restriction the band will stop you. However if you eat processed foods, or soft foods the band will "NOT" stop you. The more processed the food is, the easier it is to eat with the band. Your band has not moved and I'm sure it is properly placed. The first 6-8 weeks is not about weight loss as much as it is learning how to eat with your new tool. I hope this helps. Email me anytime if you have questions.
  23. CoachCher

    Obesity Stigma - a heavy burden

    Great Article!! It's so true you still have the same feelings after you lose the weight. I know I have the mind of a obese person even though I have lost most of my weight. I don't look in the mirror and see a obese person but my thoughts are those of a obese person. I believe I will always feel/know I have a inner obese person inside of me. Again Thanks for sharing your very candid article with us.
  24. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hey Falloutgal, You make a great point! It's not just us that sabotage ourselves, the ones we surround ourselves with can contribute as well. I'm glad you realize you don't need the negative energy in your life, purge it honey. Make a plan and get to getting :thumbup:
  25. CoachCher

    Self Sabotage- Are you guilty?

    Hi Cannis, Excuses is what got us to where we are. You are so worthy and deserving of success. Dust yourself off and get back on that bandwagon. I believe in you, You can do it!!

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