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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kfstinson

  1. I've lost about 70 lbs. I do gain and loose. I've had some problems with my foot for the past year and have not been able to exercise like I want. So I've gained about 10 lbs this year!!!!! I do notice a huge correlation with my weight and exercise. I must exercise. I think the doctors have my foot manageable so I'm exercising again. I've already lost 3 lbs. Like I said...it's still a struggle but I've gone from a woman size 22 to a 'normal' size 14 which I'm satisfied with. I'd still really like to make the 100 lbs lost mark but I'm healthier, happier and more active than I ever have been! I have not been to Dr. Trahan in a year. I'm comfortable with the tightness of the band and feel if I get another adjustment, I would not be. Hope your's hasn't slipped...probably hasn't :). It is something I think about too!!!!

  2. Congratulations! I know that this has been a hard decision. It was for me but I was more than ready. You are in good hands. I have been nothing but pleased with both Trahans and Martha Jefferson. As soon as surgery is over, get up and walk as much as you can. I did stay the night but was released by 10 the next day. Don't be scared to drink broths and Water. I was scared I was going to throw up. But, if you have any problems, make sure to let the nurses and Dr. Trahan know ASAP. Follow-up appointments are short. The hardest part of the surgery is that time you are transitioning to solid food. Hang in there. It is over before you bat an eye! I've been to one support group meeting and wasn't really impressed. I'm not really sure what I was expecting though. We sat around and talked about the psychological impact. There also were only 4 banders. Maybe the night session is better. Don't take my word for it. You still need to go to at least one to see if it meets your needs. The best advice I can give you is NOT to read any of the 'complication' posts put on this message board and talk to Dr. Trahan if you have any questions. Both are good listeners and will give you great advice. Good luck and congratulations again!!!! :rolleyes2:

  3. I'm not sure. How far out of the area? Is it possible to make a monthly trip back? The follow-up appointments are important. I'm 4 months out and go back to Dr. K. Trahan every month. As far as insurance, you should call. I'm a state employee and the requirements changed right before I scheduled my surgery date. Thankfully, I was grandfathered in. The requirements now, include a year of doctor supervised weight loss program, participating in a state weight loss group program and other insane things. I was greatly offended by the changes. It is not as if I hadn't tried all of that before. Weight loss surgery isn't something that most patients just up and decide. It is a long process. Sorry for my rant! The point, is, call your insurance company and talk to them.

  4. I am having a psychological problem with fills. I had my 1st fill the end of May. When I went back to my appointment in June, I elected NOT to get another one. I probably needed one but the experience was not pleasant. Don't get me wrong...the doctor didn't do anything wrong. It is ME! The thought of a needle digging around in me stressed me out! I almost passed out the first time. Today, I knew that I needed a fill. I've known I needed one. I am hungry and really have to do a lot of self talk to 'get me through' the hungry moments. Today's fill was a little better. I could still feel/hear the needle hitting the plastic port BUT I did not feel like passing out this time. The psychologist at my support meeting recommended I use my iPod when I have fills so I did. That did seem to help but I really think my problem is 2 fold. (1) the sound and pressure and (2) I'm scared I'm not going to be able to eat. I've had 2 very painful 'stucks' since surgery (my own fault for not chewing my chicken well enough) and I don't want to experience that again.

    BTW: I was banded in March and have lost 42 lbs. as of today so I must be doing something right and the band is really helping.

    Any words of wisdom? Anyone else experience this fear???

    One last side note...I'm the kind of person who does not get queasy at the sight of blood and I have a very high tolerance for pain. Why is this bothering ME? Told you...it is psychological!!!!!! :)

  5. Not trying to sound critical, so forgive if it comes off that way but I do know that if I don't follow my 'diet' to the letter, I don't do well. I was banded in March and have lost 42 lbs. as of today. I've had 2 fills. My second one was today. I eat very healthy, sticking to lots of chicken and fish and lots and lots of vegetables. I have a garden so this helps this time of year. I also am exercising at least 3 times a week. I hope to increase that to at least 5 but I'm not ready for that. Previous posters are right in that the band is a tool. Please do contact your doctor. Mine is great and is constantly wanting to do what is best for me. I'm in control. In my support group last week, another member has only lost 18 pounds in 6 months. She is very discouraged but a quick look at what she is/isn't eating revealed that she is eating a lot of fats and didn't even realize it. She also doesn't commit to a regular exercise program. Take a good look at what you are eating. Remember quality over quantity. Stick to those low fat choices. Even with the LapBand, you still cannot eat everything you want. Make a decision to eat healthy.

  6. I've been banded for 3 weeks and I promise I felt the SAME way! In fact I still wish I had an x-ray machine at home 'just to check'! Even though I was more than ready to have the band, when I got home I wanted to go back and have the band removed. I never realized how the surgery impacted me psychologically. I'm still on the mushies and never dreamed that my love of food was so strong. When I went back this past week for my post-surgery check, I told my doctor that psychologically it was more difficult. Not even the counseling sessions could have prepared me 100%. BUT, I have to say, that initial 'scare' is gone and I'm looking forward to eating 'normal' food and really beginning my new lifestyle plan. I've lost 16 pounds and it was so nice to go outside and work in my yard today and not be exhausted with the work.

  7. How do I know if I'm having reflux? It is allergy season and the pollen count is horrible. I had an itchy cough before surgery and have noticed it every now and again this week. I'm not coughing after I eat, usually in between meals but I was just outside and came in with that itchy cough. A cough drop usually helps. I've never had reflux so I don't know what it is!

    Also, will coughing make my band slip? I'm a newbie and have only been banded since March.

  8. So true about the part that food is connected with so many social things. I'm from the deep South and it seems that every time I turn around food is the centerpiece of all social gatherings. Just a week after being banded, I had a dinner meeting. I was on liquids then and stuck to drinking Water while everyone ate! We were at a Thai restaurant and there was nothing (no Soups at all) that I could have. I didn't want the group to have change their plans to meet my needs. It wasn't that bad. Someone asked me if I was going to eat and I just said, "I had surgery last week and I can't eat spicy foods yet." So, I felt that I was faced with my first challenge and passed with flying colors.

  9. Hang in there! My mom, who has always been thin, just got back from a trip to France. She went into detail telling me all the wonderful food she ate. She didn't realize that it was driving me nuts. I finally had to say, "Mom, look, you are making my mouth Water and this is NOT a good place for me." She is very supportive and immediately stopped. She just didn't know.

  10. I too have only been banded since March 29. I passed my 2 weeks this past Monday and am now on puree food. It was a wonderful change! I too am hungry right between school (I teach) and dinner. I added some yogurt about 3:00 and that seemed to help some. I am SO glad that I am NOT the only one feeling the hunger and this is natural for this stage. I told my surgeon and she also believes that my struggles are 'mental' as well. I'm breaking that love for food so the need to eat is stronger. She doesn't doubt that I'm hungry but added the mental component to it.

  11. I'm curious...your surgeon performed surgery on you when you didn't have that much to loose? My BMI is 43. I had to meet a very stringent criteria before my PCP would even refer me to a surgeon. I also had to go to a counselor 3 times before I could even set a surgery date.

    I've only been banded since March 29th, 2010...but I've known from the beginning that this was not a cure to my obesity. This is a tool. I still have to do the hard work.

    I hope that my experience is not like yours and that I am successful in this journey.

  12. I was banded this past Monday, March 29th. The surgery was not bad at all. My surgeon, Dr. Trahan was FANTASTIC. My surgery took 30 minutes!

    I arrived at the hospital at 6:00 AM was prepped and rolled into the operating room at 7:30. That was a little un-nerving. I was cold and nervous. I've had surgeries before but have never been rolled into the room in a wheelchair! I've always been 'carried' in.

    The anesthesia gave me a horrible headache but nothing medicines didn't cure. I was in my room and walking around by 9:00. Since my insurance paid for a night, my surgeon opted to keep me overnight. I got up most of the night walking and going to the bathroom! Too many fluids! By 7:00 the next day, I was up and walking down to radiology for my barium 'drink'. My surgeon was there waiting for me. I took my first sip and everyone laughed because it was literally a sip. Nothing showed up on the x-ray. After a second try, my surgeon finally told me, "Karen, you can swallow more than that!"

    I was discharged by 8:00 and soon home. I was permitted to go back to work on Wednesday, 1/2 day only, since my job doesn't evolve any heavy lifting.

    As I've read other's posts, my 'problems' are similar. I have discomfort and not pain at the port site. My bra was causing irritation to the top incision and I get gassy or experience heartburn (not sure...I've never had it before) when I lay down. I was off the pain meds by Thursday.

    In all, the surgery experience was pretty good. I was treated like a queen by my surgeon, the nurses and the hospital.

    I'm now fighting a mental game. I'm not hungry and have to force myself to 'eat' and drink. I'm on Level 2 liquids. Then I see something on TV (food) and I begin to crave that. I know it is mental since I'm NOT hungry.

  13. Like another person said, the surgeon's office will keep you busy with pre-op tests like upper GI, chest x-ray, EKG, etc. If you do have to have a diet, it will go by quickly. :laugh:

    I've had my most of my pre-op tests done!:biggrin: I had my EKG last week. I have to have another mamo tomorrow. My surgeon won't do surgery without a current one. All that is left is my last visit with the nutritionist and surgeon. I am SO READY!

  14. I think the point everyone is making is that it really depends on insurance. Insurance companies want to pay as little as possible. I began this process in December 09. I attended the orientation meeting with the surgeon. I met with my PCP who agreed with my decision, had my psych. eval., meeting with nutriontionalist and 1st meeting with surgeon. On Feb. 12, my doctor's office called telling me that my insurance was changing on Feb. 15 to the waiting 6 months under a doctor supervised weight loss plan, and other insane things that I've already done . I freaked! I work for the State of Virginia and my local agency HR director neglected to forward that E-mail to us!!!!! Luckily I was 'grandfathered' in. I have a problem with the new rules. Don't these insurance companies know that most of us have been through so many weight loss programs, support groups and other things? I was very successful with Weight Watchers, all 4 times in the past 3 years I've been on it. But I just can't keep the weight off. For most of us bariatric surgery is a big decision. I know I haven't come to banding on the spur of the moment.

  15. Stephanie, I think that we all feel/felt the same way. I'm in Staunton, VA (West of Richmond in the Shenandoah Valley). I have completed the orientation, meeting with surgeon, nutritionist and psychologist. I even met with my PCP before pursuing any of this. When I met with the nutritionist today, I freaked! Sure, I knew about the liquid diet and moving up to real food but something about seeing printed in papers made me literally freak out! I had to call my group of support people...all skinny people. They calmed me down and I feel more confident about my decision. We've all been where you are. Low self-esteem and dieting forever. I can't offer any magic pill because I haven't even had the surgery but hang in there. You ARE going to feel overwhelmed. But remember that just taking that first step is the hardest part.

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