Thanks Denise. I do know I shouldnt compare my results to his (especially with men losing easier than women). Ididnt know that antibiotics slow weight loss down though! that would really explain a lot. I was on them from 12/9-22 and then again 1/8-22 for the bactrim and now the doxicycline for 10 days, so pretty much the entire time. I'll be glad when I am done and healed! Dont have to worry about the b/c part though, I got Essure done after #4 was born and dh got a vas. too so we are all set in that department. ALthough PG is the only way I lose weight! My surgeon told me to get dh working on tuesday when I told him that!
OH & yes, dh started much higher than me, 365lbs at 5'9" tall. I was 260lbs and 5'2" :crying: Now he weights less than me :scared2: Today he was 239lbs, buy boy does he look awesome! ANd he's no longer diabetic (it fixed itself within about 3mo of surgery)