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LAP-BAND Patients
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About jabrowns

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/30/1944
  1. Happy 69th Birthday jabrowns!

  2. Happy 68th Birthday jabrowns!

  3. jabrowns

    day after surgery

    Good to hear all went well I'm scheduled for March 23rd.... Hope it will be the tool that I need!!
  4. jabrowns

    Nine months out!

    Congratulations!!!!! Way to go--- I think if you at least do 30 minutes of walking, WII fit a day would help!! Just need to get moving aerobically....
  5. jabrowns

    Question please

    Thanks much for the info!!
  6. jabrowns

    Question please

    Hi! I'm Judy I'm at the same place as you ready for by pre-op and was wondering how the surgery will improve the binging part, please advise if someone can help you!! I want to know what to expect after surgery??
  7. I had my first visit with the dr. last week. Lost the weight I needed to and am now ready for my pre op appointment. What can I expect after surgery??? Any help would be appreciated, I don't know anyone that has had lap band surgery.

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