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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by MimIN

  1. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    I am soooo sorry for the late post, here it is! If I've missed anyone just let me know! TamifromAL - 185/0/-3/-1/-3/-2 MimIN – 180/+14/0 /-17/-4/-1 Cassandra – 228.2/-3.6 Gonnabethin – 185/-0.5/0/0/0 LindaN – 208/-1/0/-1/-2/-2 BJean – 177/-1/-1/0/0 Kareyquilts - 189/-2/0/-4/0 Lisalee - 189/0/0/-4/-1 Sandranoelle - 260/0/0/+2/0/-1 Tanya67 - 231/-2/-2
  2. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    Here are the numbers for this week. I will update the rest as they come in:) 33lbs so far!!! TamifromAL - 185/0/-3/-1/-3 MimIN – 180/+14/0 /-17/-4 Cassandra – 228.2/-3.6 Gonnabethin – 185/-0.5/0/0 LindaN – 208/-1/0/-1 BJean – 177/-1/-1/0 Kareyquilts - 189/-2/0/-4 Lisalee - 189/0/0/-4/-1 Sandranoelle - 260/0/0/+2 Tanya67 - 231/-2/-2<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  3. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    MGB is Mini Gastric Bipass, I don't know much about it but when I was reasearching the band I found videos on utube from a Dr in Las Vegas that seems to convert a lot of bandsters to MGB. It was a comment I made even before I got the band but I do think if the band was to fail I'd investigate it. You bring up a great point! I was not sure if there was zinc in chocolate and googled it and came up with this article amoung others: http://www.healthandgoodness.com/weightshape/eatlesschoc.htm It doesn't say there IS zinc but it says to take a zinc supplement and may help reduce the cravings... I think I'm going to stop at walgreens on the way home!
  4. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    Tami: The worst is being sick and trying to exercise! This weather (here in Indiana where the weather changes 10 x in a day) has my allergies in a tizzy coupled with a sore throat. I hope you feel better soon!! Bjean: You didn't gain!!! That is an accomplishment too! The sleeve scares me because it's not adjustable however I have said to my dear jerk that if the band fails me in anyway I am going to Vegas to get the MGB and that is not adjustable either.
  5. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    Hey Sandranoelle: For me full (when I actually stop at 'full') is a content feeling like you feel before you get uncomfortably full. You don't want to strive for the stuck feeling however I have learned from other bandsters that is a common misconception and some think that the really tight everything gets stuck feeling is what the band is all about. The problem with that is to much of it can lead to problems like slips etc. After a fill I have always been instructed to go on clears, then full liquids, mushies and then back to regular food (1 day on each liquid stage). I have also found that if after a fill I think "I am starting over" and I stay away from the foods I know are my nemisis I can stay away from them until I 'test' them and realize 'oh yeah I CAN eat this'. What has worked best for me is to not test with the stuff that isn't good for me I am much more successful. Lately I have been testing the limits far to much... I don't know that you are too tight but you may want to go on liquids for a few days, after a fill the stoma gets irritated and swells up a little and if things are getting stuck routinely it irritates the stoma more and then starts a vicious cycle. I want a fill in the worst way but I am still fairly tight in the mornings and I just can't justify getting a fill when it's me that has the problem with control, not the band:(
  6. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    I will be completely truthful... I have been eating like h*ll. cookies, chocolate, banana bread, ice cream, cheese, mexican... TERRIBLE! I should have gained all this time and the only thing I can come up with is losing lean body mass. I don't know how quickly it takes to lose muscle but it freaks me out. I just got back to working out and it's a slow start, I have been doing the seated bike to minimize 'bounce' but it has only been 2 days (I didn't go today:omg: ) 4lbs is a lot when you are eating like pre-band. I don't know what is going on and well I should be happy but I don't want to loose what little lean I have, lol. I am getting use to the girls FINALLY. Funny thing is I took some more pictures this weekend and was comparing them against previous weeks and they looked the same and it bummed me out. I just posted on a BA forum complaining that they weren't dropping and wondering if I should be concerned. I just finished analyzing them again and realized my righy has dropped almost an inch since Saturday night and is almost even with my lefty - So when 'they' say it can happen over night (2 in this case) they weren't kidding! I will be happy when I actually have a breast crease and can wear a bra, that will be a great day... right now I still look like I have porn boobs.
  7. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    I am really worried I am losing lean body mass, I only just got back to working out this past weekend. I am down 4lbs this week.
  8. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    Lisa: If it's there I can't leave it alone either - I have 0 willpower for chocolate. I bought a box of 100 cal hershey bars and have it in my desk for the "MUST HAVE CHOCOLATE" moments. I have left the M&Ms and minie ggs alone since Wednesday... probably because the peanut butter ones are all gone...THANK GOD! Karey: THat is so scary! I hope all works out well! Sandranoelle: You are NOT a failure. You have lost 60lbs! It is hard to refocus after going slightly astray, I am having a heck of a time doing it myself right now. All we need to do is get right back up on that horse when we fall off - we can do it! Tami: I was relieved that the water weight went away, I was so afraid I was going to have to flight to get those lbs off. I have not lost a thing this week but I guess there are a few more days where anything can happen.
  9. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    Why is chocolate so easy to eat? I *LOVE* chocolate, always have and always will and I have ate more in the last 2 days then I should in a year! I hate that it is so easy to eat - it never gets stuck and I never feel 'full' from it. Everyone knows chocolate and peanut butter is my downfall and they all tell me they have it... "miriam I have some reeses mini eggs if you want please help yourself" ARGH... I wish people would leave their damn chocolate at home and not subject me to the temptations sitting on every desk corner.... haha!
  10. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    I am posting the numbers now and will update the list as the rest of the numbers come in. Looks like a great week!!! Congrats Karey and Lisa on the 4lb loss, that is fantastic:clap2: :clap2: We are down a total of 27lbs already! TamifromAL - 185/0/-3/-1 MimIN – 180/+14/0 /-17 Cassandra – 228.2/-3.6 Gonnabethin – 185/-0.5 LindaN – 208/-1/0/-1 BJean – 177/-1/-1 Kareyquilts - 189/-2/0/-4 Lisalee - 189/0/0/-4 Sandranoelle - 260/0/0/+2 Tanya67 - 231/-2/-2
  11. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    Lisa ***hugs*** I am so sorry that happened to your kitty:( I can't even start to imagine how horrible you feel. That is a fear of mine, my bulldog although very sweet wants to play with the cats and they are just so much smaller than he is. I am sorry:(
  12. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    I am in a pretty good mood today. I Finally got on the scale yesterday and it read... 177lbs! all that crap I gained in the beginning is gone! The implants weigh approx 4lbs (give or take a few oz) so in theory without them I would weigh 173lbs but that is just theory:) Tami: My energy levels are getting better but for awhile they were pretty low. I can't wait to get back into the gym! I walk the neighborhood right now to get some movement but I have to take it easy but come Friday I am back in full speed. I would be lying if I said it has not screwed up my routine but I am determined to get back into it.
  13. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    Hey Karey I recorded your weight at 0 loss this week, is it 3lbs for this last week?
  14. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    I am *FINALLY* starting to feel better. I can sleep through the night and even woke up on my tummy this morning with no discomfort from sleeping on my beachballs - it was great! They are still quite high and look funky but atleast I feel better. Lisalee: It is funny you ask that... I am way off balance and literally run into door frames and stuff, it sounds so stupid but it's true. Today I almost took out a telcom guy coming out of the data center, I hit the door, it hurt my boobie and howled and spun around and he was right there with a look of horror across his face. I realized I was grasping my boob and my other hand was fisted and an inch away from his crotch... ooops. I'm sorry your fill was not what you expected. Did they leave any fill in? Maybe you need to go super slow like .1 or .2 cc at a time? If you keep running 5 miles you'll leave us all in the dust! Congrats! I wish I could run like that, I'd probably fall over dead half way through, haha. Karey: Welcome back! Congrats on the awesome vacation and NO GAIN! :clap2: I don't think I have ever gone on vacation and not gained atleat 10lbs, haha.
  15. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    Here are the numbers for this week, I'm sorry I am so slow to post! TamifromAL - 185/0/-3 MimIN – 180/+14/0 Cassandra – 228.2/-3.6 Gonnabethin – 185/-0.5 LindaN – 208/-1/0 BJean – 177/-1/-1 Kareyquilts - 189/-2/0 Lisalee - 189/0 Sandranoelle - 260/0/0 Tanya67 - 231/
  16. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    I hope y'all don't mind but I am going to skip weigh-in this week... I'm still feeling bloated and nasty and it really messes with my head when it reads really HIGH... Lisalee: I might be able to start back at the gym in another 2 weeks but it is light, probably only cardio but I will have to wait until I see my Dr again. I feared I would not go back after a long break but daily I drive by my gym and really miss it! I can't wait to return. Hopefully I'll still feel like that once I get back into it. 6-8 miles a week is awesome! Think back 6 months ago, you have come a long way baby!! Karey: I did not know they'd be this big. I wanted to even out my figure and well... I guess HUGE is what does that. I am sure I will get use to them but right now they are in the way and my back is killing me!
  17. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    HAHA BJean and Cassandra. I have threatened the well being of his jewels! He had the nerve to tell me that I was not the only one suffering right now. HA! If he thinks a week is bad he's going to be waiting until he's blue in the.... Lisa: I don't know how your sister did it, I would die if anyone jumped on me right now, I wont let anyone within feet of me! Very funny that the little ones issue a boobie warning, I bet that gets some interesting reactions from strangers:) To get the full idea would be to see a true no padded bra before but here is a picture. It is clothed and 2 days post op. I look like hell, the shirt is rediculous but I was sporting it for my friend who sent it to me so I had a 'boobie' shirt since I do not own any. You can see the alien masses growing toward my collarbone. Fun stuff!
  18. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    OH MY Tami, that is a HOT HOT HOT picture! You look absolutely stunning! You are one sexy lady!!! ******************************************************* Warning - Lots of Whining and Poor Me below ******************************************************* I need to vent a little at 1:30am... So this boob thing that I was so excited about... not so much anymore. I have these things that use to be my breasts that are now alien masses that looks/feels like something is about to break out at any minute. They are also 10x the size I expected - they are just massive. My back is killing me but I expect that is because of the compression garment. My dear bf is constantly calling me 'tits' and ok the first time or two it was funny, now not so much but he wont stop. I am emotional, my boobs are like rocks and could pop someone's eye out at any minute and oh, I keep running into things which of course feels great. I am scheduled to go back to work tomorrow and I'm freaking out. Somewhere/somehow I thought I'd be able to hide these things and did not tell anyone what I was getting done just that I was sugery... uhh well there is absolutely NO hiding, they don't go anywhere! they don't move, just alien masses bolted to my chest. I do have a post op in the morning and I think I'm going to ask my surgeon to write me out of work for the rest of this week. I am not ready to go back. Not only do I get incredibly tired with very little effort but I get constant muscle spasms in my chest that squeeze my rock hard implants and in turn I want to scream. *sigh* I am done venting/whining/ranting. I am going to try to go back to sleep now that the spasms have stopped and I am no longer choking on a pain med.
  19. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    Have a great time in the Dominican!
  20. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    I have added you to the list, thanks for joining in!!
  21. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    I got the right weight recorded, 3.6lbs, wtg!!!
  22. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    This week's weigh-in, I am posting it now and will edit it as the numbers (and new challengers) come in! TamifromAL - 185/0 MimIN – 180/+14 Cassandra – 228.2/-3.6 Gonnabethin – 185/ LindaN – 208/ BJean – 177/-1 Kareyquilts - 189/-2 Lisalee - 189/0 Sandranoelle - 260/ Tanya67 - 231/
  23. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    I'll still tally the stats, I'm home 'resting' for the next week and I'm bored out of my mind!
  24. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    BJean: You are hysterical! Did I mention it hurts really bad to laugh... I thank you for it, I need to smile. Just as the post-op document my dr gave me says "emotions run very high for the first week or two, tears are common" I have had to refer to this document a few times. I should have just stayed off the scale this week, although I *know* it is water retention I am bummed about it, I HATE seeing the scale go up even when I know WHY - doesn't help that TOM decided to visit early. jerk... lol. TAMI!! Welcome back! A whole week vacation and not a lb gained, that is a great accomplishment! Did you come home with a kickin' tan?
  25. MimIN

    September Bandsters

    I am very unhappy to report I weighed in today at 194lbs:faint: . PLEASE be water! PLEASE be water! PLEASE be water! PLEASE be water!

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