Hey to all you aussie banders out there, I am new to this forum and only recently stumbled across it via a google. I have had my band since july 09, and in that time have had alot of questions, ones that I thought could be better answered by fellow banders rather than my surgeon. And now I finally found this! done a bit of reading and there is ALLOT of threads that I, as well as many of you i'm sure can relate to.
This site itself though isn't really aimed at us aussie's, this became abundantly clear when I registered and was unable to select my state :thumbup:
So the question i'm putting to you all is, what kind of interest is there in an aussie only forum/site? Web design is one of my hobbys professions and was just wondering if there was enough interest I would start and maintain such a site. Was thinking a forum like this but with public or private blogs and perhaps with built in weight loss tickers? or even ml in band? These are all just thoughts for now and would only go ahead if enough people where interested.
thanks for reading