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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by AngelaT

  1. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    Veggestyle, Sorry to hear about all of your difficulties.... but remember we are here for YOU! Think of us as your family for the time being...we SUPPORT YOU all the way!!!!!!!!! Do the best you can until surgery and remember to take some deep breaths and if possible take a little walk outdoors when you feel down or frazzeled. They will get over it ater they see how great you are going to feel and look!! :clap2:
  2. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    Welcome to our new November bandsterS!!!!!! Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! Glad this thread helps you feel at ease...we are here to support each other and we are a GREAT group!!!! :clap2: :clap2:
  3. Gosh no! Tomorrow I need to pack There is so much to take for all that time and so many things I need...I have to do a large suitcase! Oh boy!
  4. Karen, same thing here. I guess we might need to reset our settings.
  5. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    Hi Alix, It will be here soon! I have only five...well...more like 4 days to go!:faint:
  6. karen, I thought my computer was the culprit!! I ended up trying on a different computer...sam result. I was worried it had been shut down!:faint:
  7. Lisa I did the trip to the Amazon and MachuPicchu and was able to climb machuPicchu but not do the Inca Trail... I would love to do the rtail when I lose weight also! I figure if I was able to do those two weighing 225, imagine what I can do when I am 150!
  8. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    I just got back from the Vitamin Shoppe...I tried the Isopure clear protein.. :) :faint: I thought I as going to you know....it was horrible! I bought 2 little containers of the Whey to Go ones...I guess by then I will be desperate enough to try them. KAren...do you have my cell number? I don't think we will hear from yesterday's bandsters for a couple of days...time to rest, heal and travel for some....Applause for the first ones in our group!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I am so glad to see you all again!
  9. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    Jess, I will let you know..we can form a group so far we are three in this area. We could meet in the Sonoma area-sort of half way!
  10. AngelaT

    LapBandTalk is back!

    Everyone! I wish we knew what happened.
  11. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    OMG! I am hooked on this site...I need you guys to get me through right before surgery...I really, REALLY...did I say REALLY missed seeing everyone online yesterday and this morning!:faint: Ok...I finally got a hold of myself let's talk!
  12. AngelaT

    LapBandTalk is back!

    I was going through withdrawals!!!!!!! especially since my surg. is coming up soon!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    Congratulations! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  14. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    Hi, I am going Sunday and my surgery is Tuesday the 7th...in Mexicali. I hope my San Francisco clothes will be fine down there... it might be much warmer there than I am thinking.
  15. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    I just noticed that when I am writing in a hurry i have lots of typo's!:embarassed: Well... I am sure you can still figure out what I am trying to say huh? No Thanksgiving dinner for me either! I might try to make a little turkey Soup, and a bit of cranberry sauce as dessert... I plan to work that day, but you know...in hospitals there is ALWAYS food!!! Good luck to everyone!!! I leave Sunday for MX....
  16. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    I took lots oc vit C and Airborne and I feel fine! :clap2: I weighed myself on what I think is the same scale at work...but maybe it was a diff. one...they all look alike! I will go by the one I bought and see teh change on that one only! The new one says 220-221, the hospital one that had said 220 the other day said 226.7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sick
  17. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    I second that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ahve been really good at work with soooooooooooooooo much candy all over the place!!! :faint: I have not even tasted a little bit! I weighed myself yesterday and I am not sure it is correct...it said I gained? But i have been watching wwhat I eat esopecially ny carbs! I'll check again tomorrow, maybe I was retaining water...you know chinese food! :omg:
  18. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    Hi Everyone! WOW...tomorrow is November!!! Brooksie I hope everything is finally straightened out! I am at work so can't write long, but wanted to check in. I am feeling very happy knowing soon I will begin tolose weight. I will write more later.
  19. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    Brooksie...you will do great!!!! Good luck! Let us know how everything went as soon as you are able to go online! You are going to look Marrrrrrrrvellous!
  20. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    Inner Me...Thank you!!!!!!!!!:clap2: :hail: the list and keeping up with it...wow!!!
  21. AngelaT

    Hello from Texas!

    congratulations!!! Come join us at November Bandsters thread in the general board!
  22. AngelaT

    please read about my gastroparesis!!!

    So sorry for your pain. Thank you for letting us know. Please do not be too nervous about Parkinson's...I am not sure who told you you could get it from the problem you have...there is NO connection that I am aware of...Parkinson's is a nervous system disease. The only thing I can think of is that the meds they are gving you to help digestion somehow work on the nerves of the stomach and can have an effect on other berves in your system. Please get a second opinion. I would also like to suggest you get some holistic help like acupuncture or reiki. Blessings...
  23. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    Hi Everyone...I went out and walked a bit more today... I also bought a few odds and ends I will need, including a scale for home here in Cali. I weighed mys3elf on several different ones and they were all different!!!!! So what to do???? I guess I can just see the progress as I go. Tomorrow I will weigh myself at work again to try to correlate that one to my new one. How is everyone doing? Those on pre-op diets how are you doing? November is almost here!:clap2:
  24. AngelaT

    November Bandsters!

    Hi! Yes...in Marin!!! And I did go to Dipsea for breakfast! How cool you are here...we can meet and support each other! I will be gone from Nov 5th until about the 17th...i will be recovering in SoCal. I will private mesage my cell phone :clap2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
