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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bella71

  1. Good for Rex!! I think that negative comments arise from a lack of awareness about the band and what it does. Having a high profile sports figure getting the procedure done will certainly make people more aware. :thumbup:

    It amazes me how some people can be critical about someone getting a Lap Band, but they don't care if people go on Jenny Craig or Nutra System and eat disgusting processed foods that are full of preservatives. And most of the time people don't keep the weight off with those programs.:smile2:

  2. I ate my last meal at the buffet at the Beau Rivage Casino in Biloxi. I ate like I normally would, but didn't overdo it.

    As far as pizza goes, I eat it at least once a week. I can eat regular crust, but it is easier to eat thin crust. I don't have my band really tight, because I like to be able to eat most foods. I also eat bread, if it is whole wheat and toasted, biscuits and I eat whole wheat Pasta at least once a week. It all depends on how tight you need your band to be to still be successful.

    I didn't so much have "last supper syndrome" as much as I had a "bucket list" I had a list of things I absolutely HAD to eat before my surgery.

    But I also do not have a lot of restriction, and I am losing steadily so far. The irony is that I still can eat those "bucket list" foods, just VERY slowly and in small amounts. I eat those foods rarely now, because I need to get my nutrients in, I have only so much stomach space to do it.

    What I learned was that the "last chance" mentality was not really necessary, because I don't really miss eating those foods frequently.

    I think the band is changing my mind as well as my body, because I am much more concerned about nutrition now. It makes me put my cravings for certain foods into perspective. Now, what I consider "treating myself" is different. I splurge on organic produce and antibiotic-free meats instead of cake and chips. I never thought I would do that, but there it is! :thumbup:

  3. This is an NSV only someone who has a couple hundred lbs to lose could appreciate:

    I was in my office meeting with a new client today. The client was also a large-sized female. She went to sit in a chair in my office that had arms on it, and she could not fit into it. I could completely empathaze with her, because that has happened to me on many occasions. So, I quickly got her another chair with no arms so she could be more comfortable.

    After she left, I sat down in the chair with arms, and I fit in it very comfortably. For me, this is a big deal, because for the longest time I had to think before I sat in a strange chair, trying to figure out if I would fit. Now, I know that I can. Hopefully there are similar revelations to come as I lose more weight. I am so glad I got the band!! :frown:

  4. I also have not had any fills and have restriction. My surgery was on 2/3/10, and I am 5 weeks out. My surgeon said he put some saline in the band during my operation, but he could not tell me how much. My last appointment was 3 days ago, and he says that since I have restriction, I really don't need a fill at the moment. I feel very fortunate not to have gone through the "bandster hell" that has been described. No sliming or PBs. A couple of times I swallowed food too fast and felt it like a "lump" in my chest, but it went away on its own after about 10-15 seconds. Since the surgery, I have lost 24lbs. I lost 20lbs before the surgery. So right know, I am loving my band. :blushing:

  5. It always irks me when people come up with negative comments when they see a friend/relative have positive results. Easy way out?!? I think staying fat would have been the "easy way out".

    I have been on and off of diets since I was 7 years old. If just dieting alone worked for me, I would not have needed WLS. I have lost the same 50lbs at least 10 times over. So giving up and staying fat would have been the "easy way out".

    As you know, there is nothing easy about this process, so you should tell those naysayers to kiss your skinny lab-band butt!!

  6. Yes, it does go away. For me, the port area was the last spot to heal. I remember that while I was lying on my back, my cat kept trying to crawl onto my stomach like she usually does. I had to shoo her away because it was excrutiating to have any pressure on my abdomen. Then, about 3 weeks after the surgery, she crawled up and layed down on my stomach, and I didn't even notice it. It took another week and a half to sleep on my stomach. The port area pain was the worst part of it for me. I was getting into and out of my car like an 80 year old, and I couldn't even tie my own shoes for a couple of weeks. But it does get better. Hang in there!:thumbup:

  7. Wow, this has been quite some thread! I can understand the frustration of spending thousands of dollars on WLS and then not having it meet your expectations at first. I think the problem is that getting banded ultimately changes your body AND mind, but not simultaneously. Your head needs to be in the right place for the band to work, or you are wasting your money. Having realistic expectations is a big part of that.

    Perhaps those who market the band do play a part in making people expect things unrealistically, but that is certainly not a basis for a lawsuit against your surgeon. Unless he/she departed from the standard of care, your surgeon did nothing wrong. You have to do your part. What that means has been well documented in this thread.

    No one should be judging you here on LBT, of all places! We have ALL struggled with food and weight in serious ways, or we would not be here in the first place. We need to support each other to help each of us maximize our results.

    I have a theory about why the band is effective for some more than others. If you are a "grazer" and snack on high fat/high carb junk food during the day, then the band will not be effective for you until you change your eating habits to somehting more structured. On the other hand, if you are a "big eater" and typically go for seconds (and thirds) during meals, then the band is right up your alley! The band forces you to minimize your portions, so "big eater" problem solved.

    That is why I think you are struggling so much. You are probably a "grazer". If so, then changing your eating behavior (in terms of content as well as volume), will go a long way toward your weight loss success. Save your money and get rid of Jenny Craig. I do not know of anyone who has had long term success with that plan. Use that money to save for a fill and get some restriction. :smile2:

    Best of luck. I am pulling for you!

  8. I have come to the realization that simple carbs and my body simply do not agree with each other. It is tough dealing with carb cravings at first, but they do go away.

    My diet mainly consists of Protein and green leafy/cruciferous veggies now. I am trying to embrace the "clean eating" philosophy, and so far I feel pretty good. I had no idea that kale and swiss chard were so tasty. :smile2:

    I am also trying to incorporate more organic produce and antibiotic-free meat into my diet. I figure since I'm eating less now that I can splurge. This is my new way of treating myself.

    I haven't yet incorporated whole grains back into my diet. I want to hold off on adding those for a least a few more months. But I just need to accept that refined sugar and flour are not on the agenda for me anymore. So, if it did not roam the earth or come out of the earth, I'm not eating it, and it must be as close to it's natural state as possible. Processed foods will kill you.

  9. I was banded on 2/3, and I got my period a few hours after I awoke from my surgery, while still in recovery. It was one week early. It was a very heavy painful period. Today (3/5) I got my period again, and now, Not only is it painful, I am extremely bloated and gassy, and I feel more restricted. I ate 4 oz of chicken and 1/2 cup of cooked kale, and I feel like I ate way too much. I need to do some research about estrogen and fat cells. That would explain a lot.

  10. I'm going to this summer program in July and I'm getting banded on the 17th of this month, So I'm trying to lose at least 20-30 pounds before I go I've heard this is possible but with hard work, how much pounds did you lose in your first four months

    I was banded on 2/3/10, and I have lost 19 lbs since the surgery (a litte over 4 weeks and 2 days ago). I've lost 39 lbs since I started this journey.

  11. Today is my 6mth bandiversary, and I am feeling like the band hasn't really helped me. I have only lost 20 lbs!!! IN 6 MONTHS! I don't think I'm getting much of anything from the band.

    I DO have restriction...I am at 7.1ccs in a 10cc band, but I can still eat a lot of food (several cups, and can keep eating if I really want to). I know I need to be better about exercise and making good choices, but I don't know how the band is supposed to be helping me.

    Ugh, only 20 lbs. I am really discouraged. Any thoughts??

    Instead of eating the 4 cups of food, try eating one cup of food and then see if you are satisfied. If you test your band by seeing how much food you can consume, you will stretch the pouch and then be able to eat more, and also risk band slippage. Each meal should not feel like Thanksgiving dinner, but a pleasant feeling of being just satisfied. That's what my nutritionist told me, and I find that it works.

    Let's face it. The band is not going to stop you from eating more if you really want more. We're very clever folks, and can figure a way around the band if we want to. But that would defeat the purpose in the surgery int he first place.

    Good luck. {{{hugs}}}

  12. I'm a cronic sinus sufferer, and it looks like post nasal stuff can clog it and cause all this nastiness? Where is THAT picture in my brochure?


    FYI I love this line, hysterical. I'm 10 weeks (11? something like that) out and a chronic snot head/allergy sufferer. I have not thrown up once, I have not been queasy/nauseated/close to tossing my Cookies once. I have gotten stuck (mildly) a couple times but it's passed in a minute or two at the most and yes, it was always when i was rushing. I've had one lovely sliming incident (earlier this week) but again, no hurling....

    Now relax and BREATHE.......:smile2:

    This has been my experience so far, too. As long as I take my time and eat slowly, I'm good. Good luck. The advantages of the band are far greater than the disadvantages. I am now able to control my portions in a way that I have never be able to before. That in itself is a blessing.

  13. My surgeon put some saline in my band during surgery, so I have some restriction, but I can't say that I feel too tight. I am rarely hungry (only when I drink Water too soon after dinner). Here's my usual menu: Breakfast- 1/2 c. scrambled egg beaters w/ 1 tsp olive oil and 2 small chicken sausage links; Lunch: 1/2 c. tuna salad and a "gogurt"; Dinner: 4 oz. crockpot-braised chicken or baked fish and 1/2 c. braised kale (I love kale, could eat it every day). I will sometimes snack on a gogurt or a 1/2 c. apple sauce mid-morning. I figure it is around 1000-1100 calories per day.

    I don't want any more restriction right now, because I hear all the horror stories from bandsters who are too tight.

  14. Today is officially two weeks since I was banded. Everything is healing well, and no one at work is aware that I even had the surgery.

    Found out that my band was never filled, so I went for my first fill today. Got 4cc's, so I am looking forward to "really" getting started.

    I can't wait to get this weight off. I would love to start corresponding regularly with others who are just starting. Let me know if anyone is interested in becoming my banded friend.:crying:

    I would love to be your banded friend. :cursing:

    I was banded almost 3 weeks ago, and it looks like we are at around the same phase. My surgeon put some Fluid in my band during surgery (unusual, I know), and I am feeling restriction, so I'm not going to get a fill right away. Eating about 1100 calories a day. I'll send u a friend request.

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