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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bella71

  1. I'm actually up 1.8 lbs. I've been jogging 12 miles a week for the past few weeks (after finishing the C25K program), and I've definitely put on some muscle, but the weight gain makes me crazy! Went shopping yesterday, and I've gone down two dress sizes, so I am more toned at least. But the scale needs to start going in the other direction again!!

    I think I might be approaching a plateau, because I've kept my calorie intake under 800 cals per day. Maybe I shoud add a couple hundred calories of Protein and see what happens...

  2. It sounds to me like your friend is jealous. And if she's jealous just a few weeks after your surgery, just think how bad it will get when you start dropping pounds and getting compliments from everyone.

    Just nip this in the bud already. If she's not with you, then she's against you. In my own life, I have cut ties with friends who were negative, or made snide remarks. I just don't need that kind of energy in my life. If she comes around and acts like a true friend, then great. But if she keeps up the negativity, then maybe it's best to part ways.

  3. The scale isn't always the best indicator of how you are doing. There have been weeks where my weight loss was slow, but I noticed a big difference in how my clothes fit. If you are exercising a lot, then you could be putting on muscle, which weighs more than fat.

    I get on the scale every morning, too. But I just push the number out of my head and get on with the rest of my day. My official weigh in day is Monday, and that's the only one I pay any real attention to.

  4. I got on the scale this morning, and I have 99.4 to lose before I reach my goal!! I've lost almost 90 lbs so far, and I feel awesome.

    I go jogging 3-4 days a week, and I can ride my mountain bike again. :thumbup:

    I have registered for several 5K races this summer. I feel like a totally new person, and I'm only half way done. The Lap-Band is the best thing I've done for myself in a long time!

    For those of you just starting out, don't lose hope, just keep on plugging away!

  5. I just went shopping for pants last weekend. for casual pants and shorts, I bought things with drawstrings. That way, you can adjust the waist more easily. For dress pants, you just have to bite the bullet and buy new ones. I bought two pairs of slacks. Hopefully, I can give them to Goodwill in a few months, along with the rest of my old clothes.

    It's a great feeling, isn't it??:thumbup:

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