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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bella71

  1. I am going for 20 lbs, too! I missed out on the Easter Challenge, so I'm so excited!!!
  2. Tarajim, you are right, it does take eating well and being consistent with exercise to lose the weight. But obviously we all need the Lap Band as a tool to assist us, or we would not be on this site in the first place. The only thing I would add is that in the beginning phase, before you get proper restriction, you have to stay optimistic and use this time to develop good habits: portion control, taking your Vitamins, good hydration, regular exercise. Anything you lose during "bandster hell" is a bonus. Then, when you get proper restriction, you will be primed and ready to achieve optimum success. Hang in there!
  3. Take a look at the quote beneath your signature.It is good advice. Cravings pass... Hang in there, and make sure you get enough Protein. :thumbup:
  4. bella71

    Nervous and Excited

    Thanks, you too! Keep us all updated with your c25k progress. :thumbup:
  5. bella71

    closet cleaning!

    I really need to shop for some new clothes. I want to be conservative about it, though, because I have so much weight left to lose. I am currently wearing pants that are 2 sizes too big. The other day, it was raining hard, and I had to make a mad dash across the parking lot to get to my car. By the time I got there, my pants had fallen down off my hips! Time to get some new pants...
  6. bella71

    Nervous and Excited

    Way to go, Todd!! I am starting week 2, day 1 tonight. Week 1 wasn't so bad. I am running on the treadmill, though. I am training for a 5K in June. My pace is pretty slow, but I figure I will work up to running for 30 minutes straight, and then I will increase my speed. :cursing: I started a blog about my training. You can click the link below my signature if you want to read it. Keep up the good work.:thumbup:
  7. I also eat between 800 and 1000 calories per day. If I eat more than that, I feel bloated and uncomfortable. I never thought that would happen. I've had such a big appetite my entire life.
  8. It sounds like you are doing all the right things, and you are moving in the right direction. Congratulations! The only thing I would add is that no matter what happens to us in life, as adults, it is up to US to ensure our own well being. That means getting whatever help we need to get to make it happen, whether it be a Lap Band or counseling. Meanwhile, know that you are worth the effort it takes to be healthy and happy. Own your femininity and sexuality, because it is a gift from God. Take your power back, and don't let anyone ever stop you again!! Best of Luck. :frown:
  9. I just read a very interesting article about exercising to maximize fat buring potential. Here's the link: Maximize your fat-burning potential to be lean, fit and fast | Active.com
  10. It sounds like you still need some restriction. Upping your Protein will definitely help with hunger pains. I dring Water right up until I begin my meal. Hangin there!
  11. When people have too much restriction, they tend to consume slider foods: soft, high-calorie foods that slide down easily. Eating slider foods tends to stall weight loss.
  12. If I bring my lunch, it's usually tuna salad made with chopped celery, pepper, Old Bay seasoning and 1tsp of real mayo. I can't stand the low fat mayo; it ruins my whole lunch. I'd rather use less of the real thing. I also have some no sugar added apple sauce and 3 pieces of whole grain melba toast. If I eat out, I'll treat myself to some grilled fresh fish and sauteed spinach at my favorite seafood joint, Legal Seafood.
  13. A lousy boyfriend is the best weight you'll ever lose. It's good to make healthy choices in every part of your life. Best of luck!!
  14. Stop feeling guilty, and get back on that horse!!! Start journaling everything you eat. For me, journaling is crucial. It makes it tougher to grab a snack when you know you have to write it down & see it in print. Get plenty of protein and drink lots of water. And for goodness sake, stay away from slider foods!!!!! Best of Luck, and keep posting. Stay connected.:Banane20:
  15. bella71

    Weight loss goals

    I am 5'11.5", and I have a very large frame. I once had an ex-boyfriend who told me I should be a size 2. I told him my skeleton could not fit into a 2. My goal weight is 185, which is outside of the normal range. My lowest weight as an adult was 220, and I was 19 years old. Frankly, I would be happy to get back there and stay, but I would just love to be living in Onederland.:thumbup:
  16. bella71

    forget calories?

    I counted calories in the beginning, but not anymore. I do journal what I eat, though. I do it on myfitnesspal.com, which tracks your calories, fats, and Protein. I pay attention to how much protein I eat, because that really is vital. My daily calorie intake is somewhere between 800 and 1100. I couldn't fit in more than 1200 calories when eating the right things. I keep that info on hand when meeting with my surgeon, which helps to determine whether or not I have good restriction. Best of luck!
  17. Wow. What an awesome post. It just goes to show you what a life saving/ life changing thing weight loss surgery can be. You are doing great! Keep up the good work, and keep on sending posts. We need as many positive stories on this site as possible, because your success helps to fuel our success. :thumbup:
  18. No one seems to notice that I don't drink when I eat. At restaurants, the drink orders are taken first, and everyone drinks first anyway. I sip on Water with lemon until the food comes, and that works for me. I honestly don't miss drinking with my meals.
  19. I would say that I am definitely motivated, but for me, that motivation ebbs and flows. Since I have so much weight to lose, I feel like I need to mentally "pace myself", or I'll burn out before the race is over and I reach goal. Some weeks, I do all the right things: measure my food, make great choices, and excercise 3x a week. Other weeks, not so much. I do not want to feel like I am depriving myself. For instance, I went to Outback last night, and I LOVE their bread. I took literally two nibbles of it and put it down. I just wanted a taste of it so I did not feel deprived. I plan on eating some chocolate this Easter, but sugar free, and a limited amount. The challenge is to learn to live with this band, and that requires flexibility and strategic planning. Hopefully, this philosphy serves we well in the long run.
  20. Way To Go!!!! Keep up the good work.:confused:
  21. bella71

    Did you name your band?

    Grace. Because of 2 Corinthians 12:9, which says, 'But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.' It reminds me that I need all the help (and grace) that I can get to reach my goals.
  22. bella71

    Beer & Basketball

    Enjoy your life! Sometimes, that means having a few beers. As long as you get back on the horse and don't do it every day :confused: BTW, what kind of beer?
  23. bella71


    Serenity & Sweetbean: Congrats on your NSV'S! Keep up the good work! Looks like we are on our way...:tt1:
  24. You look great, Kartman! Way to go!

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