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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bella71

  1. Since my Lap Band surgery, I have been focused on eating organic, unprocessed foods as much as possible. I avoid pretty much anything with additives, preservatives, or pesticides. I have to say I feel much better, and I have lots of energy. Eating this way costs more, but since my portions are small, it's definitely worth it. It is vital to get as many nutrients in as possible, because we eat so little. So far, my weight loss has been pretty consistent. Good luck with you surgery on 5/13
  2. Getting banded is the absolute best thing I have done for myself. I truly believe it saved my life. It's totally normal to have doubts. I was more concerned about the actual operation more than anything. Everything turned out fine. The decision is completely yours; don't let anyone sway you one way or the other, because it's your body. All I can say is I'm glad I did it. :ohmy:
  3. I had a stuck episode at dinner tonight with braised chicken breast. I had a soft corn tortilla with it, which was probably a mistake.
  4. bella71

    Port question

    Yes. One night,(about amonth ago) after I had worked out on the treadmill, I felt somethng strange where my port is located. I felt for it, and it was deeper, and was round instead of flat. Before that, the port had felt like it was flat and near the surface. I asked my surgeon to check it out at my next appointment, and he felt for it and said it seemed fine. Two days later, I went to the hospital for my first fill under the fluroroscope. While I was under the machine, I looked at the monitor, and --low and behold-- my port had twisted slightly to the left. The doctor doing the fill said it was no big deal. They just propped me up on my right side so they could get a good visual of the port, which they were able to do. The doctor just said to remind the radiology tech about the port being twisted to the left when I go for future fills. I'm not certain what made the port turn. Maybe it was the workout. I don't feel any pain, and they were able to do the fill with no problem, so I really don't worry about it. Hope you are doing OK.
  5. I eat tuna salad for lunch most every week day. I'm a creature of habit, plus tuna gives me more Protein grams per dollar. :thumbup: Sometimes, if I start eating too quickly, I do get a slightly stuck feeling. I've never gotten really stuck, though. I find that if I start out slowly, I'm fine. I don't put a lot in it. Some diced celery, pepper, Old Bay seasoning, and a little mayo. I eat it with whole wheat melba toast, and some apple sauce. Hits the spot every time.
  6. Keep track of how much Protein you are getting. If you have too much restriction, then you are probably avoiding lean Proteins, which are essential to weight loss. You might need a slight unfill to get things going. Also, what's your activity level like? How much cardio are you getting? Excercise will jump start your weight loss, and improve your mood, too. I never thought I would believe it, but there's nothing like a good sweat to make you feel better about things. Hang in there!
  7. bella71

    Being Bad.. HELP!!

    Try planning ahead what you are going to eat in any situation. It's easier when you bring your own lunch, but when you are going out to eat, try to check the menu online first. When it comes to buffets, some people say they are easier and some say the opposite. There are always healthy options to choose, so make up your mind ahead of time that you are going to get only grilled chicken/fish & veggies. I find that keeping a food journal helps. I can always look back and see what I've eaten out at restaurants before as a guide. it also makes you more accountable. I use www.myfitnesspal.com Good luck!
  8. bella71

    Need some answers

    I take Celebrate chewables. My NUT recommended them. But you can find chewable Multivitamins at any good healthfood store. It's very important to take your Vitamins, because your caloric intake will be too low to meet your nutritional needs. Even on solid food, you probably won't be eating more than 800-900 calories per day with good restriction. So take those vitamins!
  9. Congrats! You know you've lost weight when you need new undies...
  10. bella71

    Major NSV

    Way to go!! Enjoy those rides. :thumbup:
  11. I'm down 4 lbs this week. This challenge has motivated me to step up my workouts. I did a 5K walk yesterday. WooHoo! I am laying off treating myself to any chocolate until after Mother's Day. :thumbup:
  12. My period started shortly after I awoke from the surgery, in the recovery area. It was 7 days early. The nurse told me it was due to the trauma of the operation as well. It's interesting how the body deals with trauma.
  13. Don't beat yourself up! This is a life long eating plan, not a crash diet. I find it's important to treat myself occasionally to make sure I don't feel deprived. Next time though, plan your treat in advance, and maybe choose a healthier alternative, like nonfat frozen yogurt. This past Easter, I treated myself to 2 pieces of Godiva chocolate. But I made a special trip for it and kinda made an event out of it. Start journaling everything you eat to get yourself back on track. I use www.myfitnesspal.com. It's great! Get back on that horse!
  14. bella71

    HELP and encouragement

    I agree with losing the crackers and pringles. Aside from the excess simple carbohydrates, they tend to be high in sodium, which makes you retain Water and, in turn, effects the scale. Try some whole wheat, sodium free melba toast instead. Also, it looks like you are building lots of muscle in the gym, which is great. Make sure you get lots of lean Protein. Instead of the Smart Ones, try chicken salad or tuna salad brought from home. Add some raw veggies, and it's very nutritious and filling. And like my Mom always says: "Drink lots of water and take your vitamins!"
  15. I have found that seafood restaurants are the best bet for me. Seafood can be prepared very simply, and you can usually get a nice side of steamed veggies. Also, fish is usually less dense than beef or chicken, so you can eat more of it. :biggrin: I usually stick with white wine as a beverage, but last weekend, I ordered a Jack Daniels and diet coke. Surprisingly, it lacked the carbonation I thought it would have, and it was delicious! Here's a link to a list of top seafood restaurants in NYC. Top 10 Ten Best Seafood Restaurants New York City NYC New York Area Gayot
  16. bella71

    Treating myself to...

    Way to go!! I like the idea of a photo, but I will probably take a vacation when I reach goal. I'd love to go to Italy.
  17. bella71

    A horrible night...

    Hope you are feeling better, Sweetbean. What did you have for dinner on Tuesday evening, before you got sick?
  18. bella71

    Just a Thought...

    I look forward to folks saying that to me. I'll just laugh quietly to myself and keep on going. :smile2:
  19. bella71


    Wayto go!!!!!!!
  20. Here are my stats: Surgery: 1.5 cc's. Decent restriction for the past 2 months, but eating more than I would like. 4/8/10 (today): 1.5cc's For a total of 3 cc's. I feel good so far, keeping Water and Protein smoothies down.
  21. bella71

    Has anyone else been told this?

    I think that the success of the Lap Band depends more on your eating habits than what your starting BMI is. If you are a "snacker" or a "grazer", then you will have limited success, because it is very easy to cheat the band when you graze on slider foods throughout the day. Even with restriction, you won't lose the weight. On the other hand, if you are a big eater whose main problem is with portion size, then the Lap Band is made for you. It goes to the heart of the problem, and helps you control the portions. With GB and RNY, the procedure does a lot of the work for you through restriction and malabsorption, which I think is why surgeons tend to recommend those procedures for people with a whole lot to lose. The bottom line is, you really have to do some soul searching and know yourself before you choose what kind of WLS to get.
  22. bella71

    Fill today

    Had my first official fill this morning (My surgeon put 1.5cc's in my band during the operation). Up to this point I had some restriction, but was still eating too much. Let's hope we all see more progress from this point forward. The weather is getting nice, so I'm pumped to start exercising outside instead of just on the treadmill!!
  23. My "secret" goal weight is actually in the opposite direction. At my thinnest (at 19), I weighed 35 lbs more than my current goal weight. If I got down to the weight I was at 19, I just might stop there. Even though it is considered in the overweight BMI range.
  24. I am still very heavy, but I have begun jogging/walking with the C25K program. I just finished week 2/day 2, and I love it. I feel really good after the workout. I am still doing walk/jog intervals, but I really look forward to running for 30 minutes at a time. For me, I think the key is to go at my own pace. I am definitely not trying to run 6 mph at this point. I take it at a slow jog. I find that this is plenty of effort to get my heart rate up, and to build stamina. Once I lose more weight and get more fit, then the speed will come. I have always wanted to be a runner. When I had my echocardiogram for the medical clearance for surgery, the first question I asked the doctor was "will I be able to run??". I am really looking forward to running my first 5K. I am walking a 5K with a friend in June. That should be fun!

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