I'd only say it's alot because you are pregnant. I think 5cc's in one fill is a bit crazy too. I mean, I thought the whole point was working your way up, until you reach the perfect amount. Then your body gets used to it/you lose some weight, so you get a little more, etc etc.
I got 2 fills for 3.5 ccs, and got 1 cc out when I found out I was pregnant. So with 2.5cc's, I've still lost 10+ pounds (I cant remember, I havent been keeping track how much I lost since I got pregnant). I dont feel restricted, but I still eat 1/3 of what I used to. If you feel fine being so restricted, and feel comfortable you're getting enough nutrients for baby, I say everythings fine. But if theres any issues, it wouldnt hurt to get a little out....
So, how do you feel??