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LAP-BAND Patients
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About libertysuzanne

  • Rank
    Proud to be a bandee!
  • Birthday 08/29/1973

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About Me

  • Biography
    34, Single Parnet, disabled and horribly overweight! But still smiling....just
  • Interests
    Singing, reading, chatting
  • Occupation
    Student Drama Teacher
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  1. Happy 39th Birthday libertysuzanne!

  2. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary libertysuzanne!

  3. libertysuzanne

    Slippage stress!!!

    Hi, I did see the doc and he gave me a small refill. It has stopped the weight gain but I am not losing either, I am stuck in a status quo. I am waiting to receive an appointment to see him again. It should be next month or september. I think if he says that it needs an operation then I will have it done, as I want to keep this band and I don't want to risk it having to be taken out completely. That is far worse! If you are not confident about your docs diagnosis, ask fora second opinion. kid regards Suzy
  4. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Hi Sola, I had my lapband fitted with Elyzea and Dr Mignon in Oct 2006. It was more like a holiday than an operation for me. I know that may sound silly but the staff at the hsopital involved with Elyzea made everything as easy as possible for us. Also the one thing I keep saying is 'the hospital was incredibly clean! I walked barefoot through the hospital and didn't pick up a speck of dust!' It's obviousy been a few years since I had the band fitted but I haven't had any problems with it. I think the only thing I wish I had understood more clearly was that there were no free fills involved in the package. Although Dr Mignon did put in a small fill to get the ball rolling during the surgery. Fortunately I found a private fill doc in Telford, who told me that I could get the fills on the NHS! So I have had my fills done by Mr Siggurdsson ever since. Also, if it is possible, try and have another day in the hotel to recover. I went home the next day and it was the worst journey possible. If you can't it is doable, just be prepared for it. I certainly have no complaints about the operation or Elyzea. If you have more specifc questions, I can try and answer them. Suzy
  5. Hiya Suzanne

    Thanks for the post - email me direct on emailcarrol@aol.com so we can chat properly :-)

    I am awaiting a date for corrective surgery either that or removal :-( not a happy bunny

  6. libertysuzanne

    Slippage stress!!!

    I had my band fitted in 2006 and have lost a shed load of weight. But, had been suffering from acid refulx and everyone was nagging me to stop losing weight. So I went for an unfill, expecting only a 0.5ml removal. The doc said I was wasting away (I wasn't!!!) so he took out 2mls! Also arranged for me to have a barium x-ray. Having been in the safe coccoon(sp?) of my food consumption being controlled by the band, it was at first a novelty to eat normal amounts. I thought I would settle into eating slightly larger portions but not so much that i would put on weight. Unfortunately in a month I have put on a stone!! To add insult to injury, the barium has shown that my band has slipped. I have to wait till the 24th to find out what this may mean. I am hoping it hasn't slipped too much and can avoid surgery. In fact hoping I will be able to have a fill on the 24th. I hate feeling so out of control. The thought of having to have the band removed just isn't worth thinking about. It has become a very important part of my life and it is sad to know that without it, I would be more than likely become morbidly obeses...... Sorry I am feeling so glum right now. I have always known the band was only a tool, I have taken a slow and steady course of weight loss, which I know was because my band and I were in sync. I just wish I could see the doc now and put my mind at ease, even if it is bad news. At least then I know what I am dealing with. Unfortuantely reading everyone else's experiences hasn't eased my mind one jot, which thankfully I can laugh at (not at the people, just my reaction) I would love to talk to anyone who has had to deal with a slippage. The doc who was at the barium x-ray pointed out the slippage to me, he did say it was only small but he couldn't confirm what needed to be done, as that was the specialist's call. It is shocking how quickly my mind has taken over and seems to revel in eating. I can't seem to stop eating porridge and one of my bad eating habits has returned, eating two Snacks instead of one,w hether that be desert or savoury. I get panicy if I don't. Has anyone experienced that. I had forgotten about it over t he couple of years I have had the band, something else that is unsettling. Heigh ho. Suzy
  7. libertysuzanne

    Anyone had band removed due to oesophageal dilation

    Oh dear Carrol, I hope you know what is happening now. reading your post made me shiver. I had my band fitted in 2006 and have lost a shed load of weight. But, had been suffering from acid refulx and everyone was nagging me to stop losing weight. So I went for an unfill, expecting only a 0.5ml removal. The doc said I was wasting away (I wasn't!!!) so he took out 2mls! Also arranged for me to have a barium x-ray. Having been in the safe coccoon(sp?) of myfood consumption being controlled by the band, it was at first a novelty to eat normal amounts. I thought I would settle into eating slightly larger portions but not so much that i would put on weight. Unfortunately in a month I have put on a stone!! To add insult to injury, the barium has shown that my band has slipped. I have to wait till the 24th to find out what this may mean. I am hoping it hasn't slipped too much and can avoid surgery. In fact hoping I will be able to have a fill on the 24th. I hate feeling so out of control. The thought of having to have the band removed just isn't worth thinking about. It has become a very important part of my life and it is sad to know that without it, I would more than likely become morbidly obese again...... I'm so sorry to sound so glum, but at least you know you are not on your own. Please keep in touch and let me know how you get on. Thanks Jack for mentioning the complications page, I am going to have a look there now. Suzy
  8. libertysuzanne

    Vomitting, anyone exp this?

    I've had projectile vomiting once before, funnily enough fairly recently. I know it was due to me eating a very rich meal late the night before. Unfortunately it was my dads funeral the next day and I felt like death (sorry about the pun) all throughout the day. My sister suggested I tried a remegel. I joked 'if I throw up after trying this it's all your fault!' Famous last words. It wasn't a nice thing to happen...who'd have thought sick could come out of your nose??? But, I felt so much better afterwards! I'm sure you don't have anything to worry about now, unless it keeps happening. I know sometimes we can forget the demands of the band and slip up food wise. As long as we learn from our mistakes we should be fine. Hope that is the case for you.. Suzy
  9. libertysuzanne

    Body Issues Help!

    hmmm is this the right place? I had my band fitted in Chimay, Belgium by Dr Mignon, through a company called Elyzea. It was a heck of a lot cheaper than having it done in the UK. I am slowly getting used to the idea that I am slim, personally I can't see it but everyone else is telling me I am, so I guess I must be????
  10. libertysuzanne

    Body Issues Help!

    I am hoping this isn't going to sound mad, but I really need to talk about this. When I was at my biggest, I would look in a mirror and see someone slimmer, I never really saw the real me. It was my health that propelled me to have the lapband fitted. Now you would think that now when I look in the mirror, I would be able to see me. But I don't! Everything suggests I am slim. At my biggest I was in size 22 now I am size 12 and occassionally size 10. I weigh 10st 3lbs and my friends are telling me I have to stop losing weight. yet, when I look in that mirror I see someone who is fat. Admittedly not as big as I originally was, but enough to disuade me from going for an unfill. Am I alone in this insanity. I should be happy and the sensible part of my brain is. My goal was size 14 I never expected to exceed it! So why is the restof my brain freaking out?? Sorry its such a glum message Suzy
  11. libertysuzanne

    NHS aftercare..??

    I had my band done privately 2 years ago, and I spoke to my GP after the private fill Dr i was seeing told me I could have them done on the NHS! I got reffered to Dr Sigurddson (sp?) and I have been using him ever since. It really does depend on your PCT. We are fortunate in having 2 lapband surgeons in Shropshire, which apparently is as rare as hens teeth. I went private, not because I wouldn't fit the criteria, but because I felt guilty i had got myself into the mess in the first place and I didn't want to sponge off the NHS. At least with the fills it is once in a blue moon and if anything goes wrong I don't have to worry about any confusion. I hope this helps Sal Sx
  12. libertysuzanne

    4 yrs banded

    Hi, I have had the band for two years and 2 months! I am attempting to get an unfill, if I could just find out when the next clinic in Telford is. Everyone is nagging me that I need to stop losing weight, hence the unfill. It is a weird situation, I never expected to get down to a size 12 let alone be only 10st and falling! It is still the best thing I have ever done but my relationship with food has done an about turn and now I hardly eat. Has anyone else been through a similar experience? Suzy
  13. libertysuzanne

    3 month bandster struggling

    I'm sure you may have settled a bit with your band now, well I do hope so. I have been banded for two years now and there are still times when I get things wrong with the usual consequences. It is so much harder in the 1st year as you are learning to live with your band, but it does get better. I shall say now that there could be times when you hit a plateau and you think your never going to get over it. You will! I had one for about 5 months and then suddenly woosh it all seemed to disappear in a matter of weeks and people really started to notice that I had lost weight, I had virtual strangers, who I didn't even know coming up to me and telling me I looked fab! (that was really bizarre). Only took 1 year and 6 months lol. So just remember through the tough times, you will reach your goal, it's not a race, just a slow, gentle stroll to permanent and healthy weightloss. xxxxxxx
  14. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Hi Jane, The simple answer is No. it would be a waste of your money and unnecessary surgery. Have you considered the gastric balloon? It is non invasive and is removed after 6 months. It may help you to lose that last bit of weight. You really don't have enough weight to make it worthwhile for you. And, as you obviously do not want to have restrictions put on what you can eat, then you really should reconsider. It's not a miracle cure. Yes you can have the band deflated when you have got to your preffered weight and if you put weight back on it can be reflated. The band is simply a tool that needs to be worked at just like normal dieting. I'm sorry to be so blunt but it does seem that so many people think that the band is the easy answer, I have had the band for just over 2 years now and I am still learning how to work with it. Finally seem to have syncopated properly. I hope this helps you Suzy
  15. libertysuzanne

    Gastric band problems?

    I really hope you can get this sorted. My thoughts are with you. Suzy

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