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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libertysuzanne

  1. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Hey girlies, I'm missing you all. Why has everyone gone all quiet! Oh the tragedy! Thought I would have a catch up to see how everyone is fairing. Deirdre phoned me a few days ago, really pleased to hear about my progress. Been told not to bother with a fill just yet! :clap2: :banana :banana So that £100 can buy me an xmas outfit Going to wait till just before the 25th, see if the miracle weight loss has eased off. I think I would faint if I managed to wear a size 16 before xmas! That would be far to lucky for me. It just seems that - as my dads carer said this morning - 'the weight is just falling off me'. I'm sorry if this sounds like bragging. It's not meant to, infact dealign with it is suprisingly tough. It's a rollercoaster of mixed emotions and I don't actually seem to have any control over it. I think I have discovered a 'dark side' to the band! I can see why some have to see a psych personage before hand to prepare for the changes that will happen. For me, I think I went in thinking that 'I'll get it done and it shall just take forever for the weight to go'. I have been proved wrong! I need to kick back and relax though! It's all good that is happening! I shouldn't be scared. Talking here helps. I have to keep reminding myself of my attitude when the band was fitted. 'It is the best investment I have ever made in myslf!' I now have to build my confidence back up and to believe in myself. It seems like years since anything really positive has happened in my life. In some ways I feel like I don't deserve it. I know if mum were here she would tell me to not be so stupid! Then give me a great big hug and tell me how proud she is of me. Mind you I'm omitting mothers old habit of giving in one hand taking in the other. I loved her but she crippled me emotionally for years! OK sorry enough moaning! I hope that all of you are doing well, those post op not suffeirng too much residual pain. H I hope that you have had a fantastic holiday! I promise to be bright and perky next time I write. Big hugs to all :) :girl_hug: Suzannexxxxxx
  2. libertysuzanne

    New From Ireland

    Hi ya Lori! Congrats on having your band fitted You didn't have it done in Chimay by any chance? Witht he ticker, there is a thread that tells you how to do it. I'd try and tell you but pretty hopeless with techno babble. But, all I can say it's actaully easy once you know how! I thinkthe key thing is once you have the link, in your signature you click the image button and place the 'http' in the box that pops up. Hope it helps a little. Look forward to hearing about your progress regards Suzanne xx
  3. libertysuzanne

    A silly emotional day

    Feeling miserable today! Don't know why, maybe the reality has finally sunk in that I am losing weight. Yes, I know it should be a cause for joy and happiness. It eventually will be, but I am having to face an issue that has always plagues me when I have tried to lose weight in the past. Everytime someone noticed I had lost weight, I sabotaged my good fortune. It was like I was scared to be noticed. Whichis down right silly and I can't really explain it. I know I have to deal with this issue or I will be doing myself no good at all. I was fine, happy even. Everyone was commenting on how good I was looking and all I felt was intense pride. Deirdre called me yesterday, she was our liasion person in the Chimay hospital. She was so nice and so pleased that I was doing so well. Maybe I don't want to let her and the surgeons down, I'm putting myself under imaginary pressure. Maybe that is what I have always done. Doomed to failure mentality. Comments mean expectation, expectations mean disappointment. I am not going to fail this time, I can't for the good of my mental and physical health I have to get out of this circle of destruction. As they say in counselling 'recognising the problem is the first step'. Now all I have to do is discover all the other steps, but one day at time. if I can get through this day then I am sure it will all settle. In fact IT IS GOING TO GET BETTER! I am forgetting my Positive Mental Attitue! My goal is to lose 9lbs by 24th December. That, even on an ordinary diet is possible so I have no reason to cock it up!!!!!
  4. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Aww thanks Pilko :girl_hug: I really enjoyed my carvery meal last night, despite the fact it was half the size of a childs portion and all the kids had gone up for second helpings while I was delicately chewing my way through mine! I thought I would treat myself to a bowl of Coco Pops this morning, there is still half of it sitting in the bowl! I think I need to get myself a tiny bowl, it will save on wastage! It will be interesting to see if my appetite will grow over time. Or am I going to be one of the lucky ones that never requires another fill! Would that be too much to hope for?? How are thinkgs going for you? Arre you still stepping ont eh scales every day? Right I need to get dressed, been enjoying a lazy saturday morning Suzannexx
  5. libertysuzanne

    Don't Flame Me But Can We Discuss Something

    After reading all these great posts, a funny phrase sprang to mind, really good for the up and coming festive season! A Band is for life not just for Xmas! It truly has been the best gift I have given myself and I have only had it a month! I am amazed at how I don't ever feel as hungry as I used to! I can also be a wee bit of an emotional eater, have been since I can remember, secretly gourging myself and then eating dinner with the family. I was lucky when I was young, I was never slim but I didn't look fat. Probably because I did a lot of dancing. I kept dancing up until I had my son and that is when the rot set in and the weight kept creeping up and exercise was a major issue due to my pregnancy triggering off a hereditary condition, which usually doesn't cause any problems but my body decided otherwise. I have fought for years, constantly yo-yo'ing, getting more and more desperate, then they discovered my thyroid was slow so I thought getting the medication would help deal with the weight issue. No such luck, it stopped my weight from escalating but it didn't help me lose it. So, the band was kind of my last chance before I gave up on myself completely! It certainly is a tool, it isn't a miracle cure. If you go in thinking like that you will certainly be disappointed. It's a case of self awareness and recognising the signals that somehow in someway have got lost. You could consider the band as a hearing aid for your brain, it shouts loud and clear that 'YOU'RE NOT HUNGRY ANYMORE, YOU CAN STOP EATING!' I am sure in the end you will do what is right for you. You and only you will know when that time is. I wish you all the best Regards Suzanne xxx
  6. libertysuzanne

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    First of all good luck with your fill I had the same question about knowing if your band has slipped. It's a pain similar to a heart attack! It's pretty uncommon now apparently, since they sew some of the stomach over the band when it is fitted (that was from my consultant). I don't know the ins and outs of it. I'm sure if you are worried you could talk to your surgeon/consultant? I had a PB from eating too much, the only thing I could do was force down some water, which forced it to come back up, it relieved the pain but I left my mark on the car park he he! I have had it again but not quite as bad I think it takes awhile to get adjusted to life with a band! I had my first solid meal today, I ate it very slowly and it was half of a childs portion, I am still feeling full 3 hours later! You know what, it feels good!:clap2: Has anyone else set themselves an xmas goal? Suzanne
  7. libertysuzanne

    how should I feel & what to eat now?

    Porridge is a good breakfast, certainly fills you up. I basically blitzed normal food and one meal was a protein drink. Be aware that when you blitz there is a lot more to eat! Went for a carvery and ended up with a full bowl of mush only ate about a 5th of it! It wasn't that it looked unappetising just to much. So when doing your portions half what you think you should be eating! I am on my first day of solids! Going to a restaurant tonight to celebrate! So small child size meal for me! I can't wait! Although I know what you mean about the happy feeling to stay on mushie, but in the long run it isn't effective. The solids help you form your new 'slimline' stomach pouch. Good luck Suzannex
  8. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    :update: Well it is officially a month since the operation. With the post op diet and the banded eating I am pleased to announce that I have officially lost 28lbs! I have to admit I was terrified. Especially after that time I went on the scales and had gained 2lbs! It was such a buzz when I stepped off the Boots scales and tore off that little strip of paper, to see it saying i had lost all that weight. So I am chuffed to bits! I may get to like scales again he he.:banana :banana :banana I hope everyone else, banded or not are doing well. Keep in touch Suzannexx
  9. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Aww Hermione, that is fantastic. I guess your OH would have to be pretty dumb not to notice lol. He's probably just waiting for you to talk to him. Maybe after the holiday, just in case he needs to vent before going back to a supportive OH :eek: One of the ladies I had the op with emailed me today, apparently we can now eat solids!!! I was waiting till the 25th because that was when I had the op lol, am I a nink! She was a BBW, she's going to be sttunning when she loses it all, some people are sooo lucky! She looks good whatever shape she is lol. Anyway she has lost 21lbs and I think she has gone down 2 dress sizes. Which is fantastic news, but it does mean it is now my turn to go back to boot and step on them their scales!!!:help: :faint: I have an appointment with the eye specialist at the RSH on the 24th so I shall do it then and yes don't worry I shall let you know Anyway dying for the loo must dash Sxxxxx
  10. Karen, I hope that everything gets sorted for you! I'm sorry that all I can offer is support and a friendly ear for when you need it. Where did you have your original surgery done? It seems wrong that you would have to pay hospital costs for a problem that is obviously surgical! Was it done in Europe? If it was you can get a european health card. Although I am not sure if they would cover you for a return trip. It's more like an insurance if your on holiday in any european country. It may be worth contacting a specialist lawyer and applying for legal aid if you do not get any joy. This type of shoddy treatment shouldn't be allowed to continue! Wishing you all the best Suzanne xx
  11. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    That's fantastic Hermione. So you still haven't told your OH, oh brother, that will definitely be one to read about :eek: I'm sure he will support you and at least you are doing it in the UK! I'm glad to hear your scales have finally budged for you Sarah! My friend has just pointed out to me today that I have already lost two dress sizes and it isn't even a month yet, so in some ways I don't even care about what poundage I am carrying, it's just good to know that New Look is once again an option and the only way is down now! It's a bit like the 2 dress sizes have been a reward for doing the right thing, so I am not going to stress if things do slow down a bit. I suspect I won't be needing a fill after the 6 weeks, I am not eating in huge amounts and I don't have huge hunger cravings, only when I forget to eat:hungry: and it's late, that has only happened a couple of times now and I know the punishment for that is. Trying not to repeat it any time soon! :speechles So we will all soon be on the losing side, which is just fan-bloody-tastic! Hugs to all, got to watch neighbours!
  12. libertysuzanne

    Funny NSVs!

    I had a wonderful day of NSV's last night. With my hypermobility, I had really come to dread having a bath. Not only was the extra weight putting more pressure on my joints, but the bath was getting rather snug! Which made it more difficult for me to get out of! Well, last night I set myself in my bath and discovered I know longer had to squeeze into it, infact I could gently sway, there was a space either side of me! Also, the chore that was shaving legs, suddenly was easier! My legs weren't being kept away from me by my tummy! There was no awkward spots being missed. (this is one bit my hypermobility is good for.)I was able to stretch my leg to the point where it oculd touch my shoulder, extreme I know but I can't remember I was last able to do tha! I know that these are small NSVs, but it is a great heart warmer for me. I do look at myself nearly every day, wishing to see drastic changes nad being disappointed. Which I know is silly. The last remenants of my hope that I would lose all the weight with a snap of my fingers, is dwindling day by day and the reality is settling in comfortably! Just as it takes 4/6 weeks for the healing to complete, it is also a healing process of the mental kind. I am regaining control of my eating and my life. It is a day by day process but is still the best thing, apart from haivng my son! I'm even contemplating the possibility of dating! Now note, this is just contemplation, it's not just the weight that is holding me back from a realtionship but is most definitey a factor. Being single does have some fantastic advantages lol!
  13. libertysuzanne

    Funny NSVs!

    Thanks Teresita! I do intend to I hope all is well with you.
  14. libertysuzanne

    Oh Happy Day! 2

    I achieved another NSV (No Scale Victory) today. I put on a pair of trousers, that when first bought were uncomfortably tight and ended up in the wardrobe after only one outting. Now they are comfortable, well more than comfortable, loose! Not loose enough for me to dare to go down to the next size, but what a wonderful way to start the day! Everyday, even with the occasional hiccup, has been a reminder that I made the right decison. I have finally invested in myself. Still feel it was a bit of a selfish action but I know both CM and I will benefit in the long run! I know there are going to be some aspects of my health that won't be resolved by my weight loss, but I look forward to the day when I can walk much longer distances without keeling over in pain. I truly do hope that with my combination of weightloss and gentle exercise, I may firm up my joints enough to prevent me causing any further damage. Not sure what I am going to do today, I know I have food shopping to do. That is also a major benefit my shopping bill - when I shop for household food and animal food - has dramatically decreased! I eat less than CM!!!! Lord help me when my size justifies clothes shopping lol. It's a good job I am not keen on Sinsburys TU! They tend to be at least one size smaller than the lable says. Why is it, that two articles of clothing from different stores can be so dramatically different? I have asked for clothes vouchers from MOnsoon and next for xmas presents. I won't spend them immediately, I may hold onto them until I get to a size 16 or maybe even 14! 16 is my initial goal and 14 my final goal. I have never been smaller than 14 and doubt I would look that good so skinny. I'd laugh if I managed to get into 12's and then probably panic! You know it's funny, a part of me is terrified about losing weight! Not sure why that should be. I should see it as a positive. Maybe that is the problem. Being fat (I still hate that word) protected me, I stopped thinking about being attractive, which meant I gave up on contemplating dating, safe in the knowledge that I would never be wanted. Maybe it will still be the case when I get down to my ideal size? It's silly though isn't it, I guess my blubber was keeping me safe from being hurt. I am going to have to work on my self-esteeem!
  15. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    To be honest, I haven't been on the scales since my visit to boots...when was that? Scales have always been my enemy! So I don't know if I have lost weight or not lol. Like you I have noticed the change in my face, hence the new photo, also when I smile I see I have collar bones! Ever since I can remember I have longed to have collar bones. I think it was all the movies i watched as a young girl, the ladies elegantly dressed with dainty shoulders and collar bones slightly protruding. I suspect it's a rather odd wish. I love just running my finger lightly over. I still have a long way to go though, it's just nice to know it's happening. Also, I have got into a pair of trousers I bought ages ago! They are a size 20, which means in skirts I will be an 18, lord knows why, but I always have to go one size up for most trousers always have, even when I was a teenager. As for food I will be moving onto solids on the 25th November. A month after the surgery. The mushie phase is going well, I still have baby food in the cupboard, I tried one and it was disgusting, so taken to making food and then blending it into a pulp! The thing I have found the most difficult is drinking enough water! Still battling with that one, I know I need to drink more and eventually I will manage it. With this cold weather I have taken to drinking warmed up slimfast for my Snacks in between the mushies. The vanilla warmed up is gorgeous. Proper mashed potato and gravy is grogeous! Don't worry if you don't seem to be losing weight on the scales, just consider how you are feeling. I don't know for you, but scales are a cruel taskmaster to some and it can create such a negative attitude that you bankrupt yourself. Strangely it works both ways with me. If I've lost weight I tend to lapse in the good behaviour and if I've gained weight I will eat to comfort my wounded pride. (that is the biggest mental change I need to make. Use positive mental attitude PMA to get me over the feelings) Hence my avoidance of scales, but I am going to go to boots on the 25th and weigh myself. I know any weight loss at the moment is a bounus as they don't expect any major weight loss in these first 6 weeks!
  16. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Hi Dolly, First of all welcome to LBT. There is a Canadian forum, which would probably be the first port of call for you. When you click on your chosen forum, there is a button offering to create a new thread. Just click on that and you are on the way. Hope this helps kind regards Suzanne
  17. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Have a safe flight Donatella. You will be well looked after and will have other women going through the same op with you for support. Best of luck and keep in touch! Suzanne xxx
  18. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Welcome back Pilko, Glad to hear that all has gone well. I was lucky, I managed to avoid the shoulder pain, just burped a lot lol. As for the cake experience, it was a combination of eating to quickly, eating while walking and eating wheat, which has become an even bigger no no! So those are things to avoid doing To be honest the PBing isn't that bad, especially as you realise you bring it on yourself! Once you clear out yopur system, you soon feel as if you are back to normal. I jkust wasn't able to drive for 30 mins, while I cleaned myself out. (ie throwing up but that was a nicer way of saying it :eek: ) It really is a shame that some women have cancelled because of the Anne Diamond Story. If only they had read the complete story which you can find on fathappens.com. It clearly shows that it wasn't Chimay. She had none of the care we received. This isn't from me experiencing the service, this was before, there were 3 major pointers to show Chimay was completely different! Some people just don't seem to read between the lines! Keep us updated on how you are doing. Sxx
  19. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    I am getting on really well! I haven't kept a food diary but I think I have been managing to stay within the guidelines. Except I forgot we shouldn't eat rice, I managed two teaspoons full before feeling like i had gone to far! I am certainly learning to listen to my stomach instead of my head hunger! I am starting to feel a lot more confident, I know I have a long way to go before I get down to my desired 14/16 but I now feel completely in control of my body and mind, my waist is starting to reappear. I am losing weight in the oddest places though lol! This morning I looked down at my feet and discovered I could see my foot tendons when I flexed my toes! It was fascinating to see! Over did it a little managed to pull a tendon !:clap2: Mindyou it doesn't take much for me to do that, it was one of the biggest reasons for me to go for the operation! I still feel as if I am having enough restriction, so I am not going to rush to have a fill done. Going to boots and weigh myself on my month-a-versary. So shall let you know how it is going. But, I am losing inches and that is really what counts at the mo! I hope all went well for you Sarah. Best thing to do Hermione, is bite the bullet and then deal with the aftermath, you may find it easier to deal with! At least then it gives him time to calm down!
  20. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    It is probably a good idea to tell him. Just remember it's not something to be ashamed of. I think a lot of people see the band as a cop out! That is far, far FAR from the truth! Just tell your DH that 'it is a tool to do exatly what he wants you to do. Which is to eat less' Get him to have a look at this forum, O he will probaly head for the bad posts first, but really they are few and far between. He can also contact me if he wants to talk to someone who has it done that isn't classed as a 'biased friend!'
  21. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Arrgh lost a post again!!! In a nutshell. You will do what is right for you. I think cost is secondary (if that is possible for you) to your mental welfare. There are definitely a lot of positives to having it done in the UK. The travel been the biggest one. I think of my experience in Chimay, the journey home was the only downside! The Last Supper Syndrome, is the hardest thing to deal with, your body is going into panic mode. The only way I think that would stop is either with having the op or saying your not going to do it! Sorry this one is so much shorter than the original. Sx
  22. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    I can't see anything wrong with having it done locally. Yes it is a wee bit of a price hike, but all the positives far out way the cons. For me it was a case that £5000 was my limit, there was no way I could afford to have it done in the UK. I would have liked to omit all the travelling but in the end it was a kind of a bizarre health holiday lol. At least, you would be close to your partner and children and you do get 3 fills, if you need them, without worrying about not having the money to get another fill in the future. Not that the fills are financially crippling lol. I think if you feel the need to go for it now DO IT! You are the one that is importnat, not where or how you do it! We are not going to ignore you if you are not a Chimay convert lol. We would expect all updates! Your part of the gang now, come hell or high water! Have you got a swimming pool where you are going? Spend most of the time in there and you will have no worries, you help get a wee bit fitter and all you have to worry about is a swimming costume and sarong! I have never had a holiday where I actually get to really relax! I envy you! Don't beat yourself up about the last supper syndrome, it is probalby because you have so long to think about it, I only had a short time between consultation and operation, which was fortunate as I am sure I would have been having the same problem. Your poor pysche is thinking that in the not so distant future it will be starving - even though it's not. Add the fact that we are now in winter, your fighting a losing battle. At least you are trying nad even just a little difference can help! I don't know if there is any cure for LSS except getting the band done! You will make your own choices and whatever they are they will be right for you! (Is this suitably motivational? ) Sx
  23. libertysuzanne

    Funny NSVs!

    I had a wonderful day of NSV's last night. With my hypermobility, I had really come to dread having a bath. Not only was the extra weight putting more pressure on my joints, but the bath was getting rather snug! Which made it more difficult for me to get out of! Well, last night I set myself in my bath and discovered I know longer had to squeeze into it, infact I could gently sway, there was a space either side of me! Also, the chore that was shaving legs, suddenly was easier! My legs weren't being kept away from me by my tummy! There was no awkward spots being missed. (this is one bit my hypermobility is good for.)I was able to stretch my leg to the point where it oculd touch my shoulder, extreme I know but I can't remember I was last able to do tha! I know that these are small NSVs, but it is a great heart warmer for me. I do look at myself nearly every day, wishing to see drastic changes nad being disappointed. Which I know is silly. The last remenants of my hope that I would lose all the weight with a snap of my fingers, is dwindling day by day and the reality is settling in comfortably! Just as it takes 4/6 weeks for the healing to complete, it is also a healing process of the mental kind. I am regaining control of my eating and my life. It is a day by day process but is still the best thing, apart from haivng my son! I'm even contemplating the possibility of dating! Now note, this is just contemplation, it's not just the weight that is holding me back from a realtionship but is most definitey a factor. Being single does have some fantastic advantages lol!
  24. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Oh dear, it seems that my post got lost! Wonder what is happening with LBT! I've not been ignoring you :paranoid Sarah will be one her way home now! I'm doing a lot better, thanks H. I didn't expect to have such dramatic wobblies! In some ways I think it is a good thing. It makes me more aware of my own behaviour. Have to learn even more self control! Do you think when I have cracked it could I be given saint staus? CM's (son) visit to Eton seems to have triggered a big change! He is coming home and hitting the 11+ books we have invested in! I don't have to do anything, he would rather to do that than watch TV. I am sure the effort he has put in will be beneficial whatever the outcome. There are only 4 full scholarships and about 200 children applying! So it is going to be down to hard work and a lot of luck! How are things with you H? Still on the Cambridge? When are you off on your holidays? Sxxxx Hope this post gets posted!
  25. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Sorry Girls, I haven't been on over the weekend. Hope pilko is OK! I was fast trotted around Eton, I'm putting CM forward for a junior scholarship. Unfortunatley the day was badly organised by myself. We didn't have time to eat lunch. SO I had only had a slimfast milkshake, until the end of the tour and meeting with the headmaster. They then provided little pack lunches for everyone. By this time I was desperate to get home, so I grabbed a bag for CM. He didn't want the fruit cake so I told him I would eat it, as it smelled so nice. That was SO the wrong thing to do, I am not supposed to eat wheat and I suspect the fruit cake was as close to consuming bread as I will ever get. Well you can guess what happened. Yep, Miss dozy here had a case of the PBs and after drinkinging Water to try to clear it out, the slimes! I left a nice little sick patch in the Eton College car park (thankfully it was dark!). Hey at least I left something behind so it does mean we will be going back! You know it can be quite difficult at times and I have to look at these little mishaps as extreme learning curves :guess . Oh yes Dr Debray is hot, hot, hot. I know he made me blush! Dr Mignon is definitely not a looker lol, did you notice he has a wonky nose?? H you will definitely enjoy meeting Dr Debray and maybe Dr BengaBing (not sure of spelling) He was the anaethitist(sp?) Caring and very cute to! I think we all had the hots for him as he was the first medical dr we met lol. I was lucky enough to have him as my anethatist (good lord i really hate that word, one day I shall spell it right!) He told me to think of nice things and the last thing I remember saying was ' Yep, I'll be thinking of pink elephants!' As I said before the whole trip was more like a holiday! Happy to hear everyone is OK. Lots of love and hugs Sx

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