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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libertysuzanne

  1. libertysuzanne

    Yipeeee! We officially have our own thread!

    I completely agree with you, it is very different from the US. Although the band has been around for years, it has not really been advertised in the UK. I really only paid attention when I saw some ad on the internet. I doubt my doc would even have considered it as a possiblility. I know she wasn't impressed with the fact that I was going abroad for it. But as she said, 'if anything goes wrong, they are obliged to help me.' It made me feel a little guilty but really I am probably going to be saving the NHS money in the long run! We should start thinking of our own little challenges to try and achieve!:clap2:
  2. libertysuzanne

    How many from the UK

    Cor lumey, who would have thought that are dear bands would be bettered so soon! Still as long as mine does the job it'll do. I did have fun with my fill, well probably fun isn't the best word. The first attempt failed miserably, Dr Diggory kept hitting something and bending the needle! I ended up bursting into tears, which was embarassing in itself. I had to have it done with an x-ray. Somehow the port had completely turned around, so the plastic part of the port was facing down instead of the normal up. Something had to go wrong, considering everything has been pretty fantastic. But, now that Dr Diggory knows he will be able to hit it first time if I need it again, now he knows where it is! Do you find it weird being abole to feel the port? It really takes a lot of getting used to. At least it is a sign that I have lost weight, I couldn't feel it when I had it first done! Had a bad day, just couldn't get warmed so have snacked on all those things I shouldn't snack on. Why is it sweet stuff goes through so easily and healthy food fills me quicker??? Good luck G with the telemetric band. No more needles for you! It is sad to hear that some have had a less than satisfactory service from the Hospital Group. Could you complain? from the many posts I have read, the group have never seemed to complete what they promise! I knew up front with my choice that there would be no after care package but you were giving info of places in the UK that were approved by the clinic. I didn't go with those due to the travelling, I have to pay extra for someone closer but it is worth it.
  3. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Annie, it might be sense for you to get someone else to drive you home. Are you having a stay at the hospital first? Your nerves are perfectly normal, so don't worry about that. Is there anyone you can confide in. I know how hard it is when you have to keep such a big event secret. Just remember you are doing this for the good of your health and your own well being. If your friends and family don't want to see you happy and healthy then it is their loss now yours. It is really your own personal journey and you are very brave to be taking such a life changing step. Keep looking at the positives and you will find the negatives having less and less influence. If you need a shoulder to cry on or just a little bit of support, you will always have us here. Keep your chin up Supportive hugs Suzannexx
  4. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    I'm sure everything will go fine for you! It's not as bad as it seems when you are waiting. My only advice I will give you is when you have taken your sedation tablet keep thinking positive thoughts. Think about what you want to dream about when you are under. It has been shown to make your recovery from the anasthetic(sp?) quicker and easier. I don't know how true it is, but it certainly worked for me. I got up pretty quickly after the op and was walking about a lot sooner than the other girls. It is important to get mobile as soon as possible. I used pink elephants and fairy castles as my image. Lord knows why! Keep in touch and let us know how it is going for you Suzannexx
  5. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    :) Lots of hugs for you Saggi. I know how you feel, it is heartbreaking when the weight climbs on and you do everything to stop it and nothing moves or keeps climbing steadily up. I truly hope that the band will do it's job for you now that you are feeling a bit more restriction. Have you talked to anyone about what you eat? I went to a fill doctor in Telford and one of the first things we talked about was the sort of eating regime I should be on. If I had any gripe about Chimay, it would be that they did not give us enough information about how we should eat. Dr Diggory told me that basically I should be on a Atkins style diet, concentrating on eating the Protein first, then set to work on the rest of the plate. That simple sentence has made the whole thing make more sense to me. And, he also poo poos not drinking Water during a meal, he considers it stuff and nonsense. It has made my life a lot easier. Drinking helps me feel fuller without cutting my food drastically, I don't stress trying to balance drinking and eating. I hope that everything works out for you and you start to conquer your thyroid!
  6. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    I am lucky I only have to take 75mcg. They caught me early enough. But, I must admit I rounded up to a 100mcg, haven't told the doctors yet, but I have felt a lot better since doing it. It's certainly worth chatting to your doc. I was quite suprised at how you suddenly start to recognise when your thyroid is out of whack. One sign for me is dark hairs growing on my chin! Also waking up as if I haven't slept much. I suspect the docs have recognised I've upped my dose. When I got my repeat prescription, they only gave me 50mcg tablets instead of a mix of both! You have done brilliantly with your weight loss Yvonne! I'm jealous I'm sure you will be soon on the go fast downward slope and whizzing past me! Way Ay the UK girls!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :bump2: :rockon:
  7. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Hi Saggi, I suffer from an underactive thyroid as well and I had my band done in Belgium as well! I had my band done in October 06, had my first fill a week ago. I have been pretty fortunate I have managed to lose 2 stone so far, I still have a long way to go, but it is important to focus on the positives. It is so easy for things to go awry if you want to sabotage yourself! I noticed that when I plateaued and nothing seemed to shift the weight I hit the sweets again and they slide down so easily. Luckily I only put 5lbs on and it bounced up and down between the 5lbs til I got the fill. I am now officialy into the 15stone arena so only another 4 stone to go! God doesn't that sound huge when you say it like that?? By the way Saggi, you have done really well with your weight! Especially with having the underactive thyroid. Just think without the band you wouldn't be losing any weight. I had hoped when it was finally diagnosed that the tablets would help my body to kick off the weight, I was sorely disappointed. The band was my last hope and it really was the best investment I have made. The fill doctor told me to expect it to take a year for me to get close to my ideal weight, so don't be impatient. I must admit I laughed because I had been bewailing what to me seemed like a mediocre weight loss. So what areas are all the UK folks from? Suzannexx
  8. libertysuzanne

    A silly emotional day

    Feeling miserable today! Don't know why, maybe the reality has finally sunk in that I am losing weight. Yes, I know it should be a cause for joy and happiness. It eventually will be, but I am having to face an issue that has always plagues me when I have tried to lose weight in the past. Everytime someone noticed I had lost weight, I sabotaged my good fortune. It was like I was scared to be noticed. Whichis down right silly and I can't really explain it. I know I have to deal with this issue or I will be doing myself no good at all. I was fine, happy even. Everyone was commenting on how good I was looking and all I felt was intense pride. Deirdre called me yesterday, she was our liasion person in the Chimay hospital. She was so nice and so pleased that I was doing so well. Maybe I don't want to let her and the surgeons down, I'm putting myself under imaginary pressure. Maybe that is what I have always done. Doomed to failure mentality. Comments mean expectation, expectations mean disappointment. I am not going to fail this time, I can't for the good of my mental and physical health I have to get out of this circle of destruction. As they say in counselling 'recognising the problem is the first step'. Now all I have to do is discover all the other steps, but one day at time. if I can get through this day then I am sure it will all settle. In fact IT IS GOING TO GET BETTER! I am forgetting my Positive Mental Attitue! My goal is to lose 9lbs by 24th December. That, even on an ordinary diet is possible so I have no reason to cock it up!!!!!
  9. libertysuzanne

    How many from the UK

    I am so glad to hear it isn't that horrid barium Fluid we had in Belgium, it nearly made me spew and did you get the runs?? Well it sounds like the xray is probably a good thing to do. I just really hope it hasn't flipped too much! I'm glad to hear everything is OK with your band, maybe this will be the fill that makes the biggest change in your life. I know what you mean about the band being like a baby, it really is such a part of us, we are carrying it forever and ever and even the band anaswers back when you eat incorrectly lol!
  10. libertysuzanne

    Fatty Liver

    Ha ha, we had the fatty liver reason when I went for surgery in chimay. That was why we had to stay on natuyral yogurt the week before. I didn't manage that never being a fan of yogurt and I still had my op. Mind you my sister said because I have suffered a couple of Pulmonary Embolisms in my life my liver isn't going to be the healthiest whatever I do, the blood clots cause damage in the liver. My advice is not to stress about it, it just makes it a little harder for the surgeon but it's not life threatening unless connected to some other illness.
  11. libertysuzanne

    How many from the UK

    I'm hopeless with time! Bet that was a pain getting lost! I went for my first fill yesterday and Dr Diggory wasn't able to get the needle in, infact it bent twice! Apparently he thinks my port has flipped so I have to have it done under x-ray. Which is apparently better because it's more clear how much there is in the band. The doc was really good, I had expected to pay still for his time but he tore the check up. Hoping the fact that I burst into tears didn't sway his judgement. I don't know why but after the 4th attempt, I burst into tears. As he said it wasn't my fault and the possibility is because I lost the weight so quickly it could have shifted the port. It didn't have time to grip on lol. I guess it was just one of those days and I had been looking forward to the fill, everything else has gone so well, i just expected the fill to be the same. So a good lesson was taught. I'm back smiling, but not looking forward to the barium meal. I hated it in Belgium. The Dr said I could do it without if I wanted, which was nice to know, but as I am going to be paying for the x-ray I may as well get my moneys worth! :sick Hope you get the fill re-arranged soon. Lots of love and hugs Suzannexxxx
  12. libertysuzanne

    How many from the UK

    Back again. Pilko it suprised me that you had a fill so soon after the operation. I know when I was in Belgium they said to wait about 6 weeks till you go for a fill. There is a lot of healing going on. I do know how you feel though, but believe me it will get better. I'm sure this next fill should do the trick but if it doesn't it may be an idea to send Deiridre an e-mail telling her your concerns. Where are you getting your fills done? Is it one that was advised by Elyzea? Have you had another x-ray done to ch eck all is in working order? I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you at this time, the last supper syndrome is a bugger, I am suffering it at the moment, my initial weight loss has levelled off and I keep bouncing between 16st 2 and 15 st 11. So I have put on a little bit of weight but gone down, still have a long way to go. This is why I came back to lapbandtalk, it has helped me refocus, I was heading down the path of wrack and ruin and reading everyones experiences helped stop the destructive cyclone that was building. I had expected too much to soon which can only guarantee disappointment. My attitude at the beginning was far to blase I think! You've got my email haven't you? I had serious technical problems with my computer and had to buy a new one losing all the important details. Feel free to email me any time and I shall reply as quickly as I can. Sending you big hugs of love and support Suzanne xx
  13. libertysuzanne

    How many from the UK

    YAY! Pilko, I'm so happy to see you here again. I've been a way awhile, life has interceded. This is just a quickie, shall answer more in full when I get back. Having my first fill today! Lots of hugs Suzanne xxxxx
  14. libertysuzanne


    I shall keep my fingers crossed for you Katie. I think you are really sensible trying to get it through the NHS. I wasn't sure if I would qualify and I knew the wait would be a long one, so I went privately. I don't have much patience lol. Thankfully, I was able to - or should I say, my dad took a loan out for me to pay for it, I pay him back. (my credit rating has major bullet holes in it lol). I wasn't to hasty with deciding the best option but after doing a fair bit of research I plumped for Elyzea. I know exactly how you felt Laura, it is quite a nerve wracking thing to do, but just like you I would definitely do it the same way again If you do get it on the NHS Katie, think of all that money you have saved, you will be able to go for a serious clothes shop once you have lost some of the excess baggage! You can replace it with designer plastic bags Keep in touch and let us know how it is going. Kind regards Suzannexxx
  15. libertysuzanne

    How many from the UK

    I went to Belgium as well, Chimay to be exact and I am quite happy to recommend the hospital. Dr Mignon and his team were brilliant. I have a few complicated health issues, that were looked after effectively, so that I had no bad problems with the operation. Diedre was our liasion and translator. She was really only needed (for translation) when going through health history, especially with me! She was always supportive and bent over backwards to make sure that the experience wa stress free for all of us. All of us who had the op the same day, commented that it was more like a holiday than a surgery trip.
  16. libertysuzanne


    Hi Katie, I had my lap band fitted by Dr Mignon and team. I can happily recommend it as an option. It was more like a holiday than a trip to surgery. You have really great support - Deirdre is the co-oirdinator and translator if necessary, she really is fantastic. It is great the way you are with other women/men from UK/Ireland having it done at the same time. If you have any questions feel free to contact me I am more than happy to help
  17. libertysuzanne

    How many from the UK

    Hi, I haven't been on this forum for a while, life got kind of hectic. I'm also from the UK. South Shropshire. I'm going for my first fill on the 29th Jan in Telford. I seem to have got stuck and I'm not budging any weight at the mo, so it has to be done, I had been hoping that I may of been one that only need the initial fill. Ah well, c'est la vie. Still the best thing I could have done, I have lost weight and may of stopped but I haven't gained, that truly is a first for me. I just have another 4 stone to go. God that sounds like such a mountain but it's better than the 6 and a half it used to be! Did you all get yours done in the UK? Kind regards Suzanne
  18. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Strangely, I don't feel half as gutted as I thought I would... but Friday isn't here yet. Just had news from work that our national conference has been cancelled (hurray!) which means that I don't have to go and face all these people judging my latest weight gain. That's taken the pressure off as well. Let me do a merry jig for you Hermione! It is great that you can remain sopositive January is only a few weeks away and you get to enjoy a great xmas. Mind you I think you would have enjoyed it either way. I've been a bad girl, I've been eating chocolate. Which is bizarre as normally I can take it or leave it. But, time of the month, first since the surgery. Think I may put a post out there to see if anyone else had the same experience of period stoppage? The funny thing is though, I may have gained some weight back but I'm still shrinking! So not going to complain Anyho have to go and housesit for a neighbouyr. Glad to hear things are working out Lots of love and xmas hugs Suzannexxxxx:clap2:
  19. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Aww Hermione, big hugs to you! I'm sure you must be feeling pretty low at the oment. But, there are a lot of positives to. Your OH isn't completely against it. So you do have a good place to start from. I know you were so looking forward to having the op done, but putting it on hold is best for the sake of your relationship. It's good that he is open to learning the whole facts about the banding and I'm glad your counsellor made the point about not criticising your diet! I wonder if it clicked with him that was what he was doing on your holiday? I think he should apologise for his criticisms. But, if you don't get that, let's just hope that he curbs his tonuge! I am sure you will get it done. All my love Suzannexxx
  20. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Ooops Forgot. Hi Sarah The band that they use in Chimay is the Heliogast. H is the clever one I had to look at the card, but now you know for certain what type of band it is. H is also correct, in the fact that the mechanics of the gastric band, are exactly the same. It may be worth looking Heliogast up on the internet, may give you some more information. I know it looks the same as the inamed. Hope this info helps you with your decision. Kind regards Suzanne
  21. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    God! Men are such idiots!!! Considering he was griping about your weight on holiday, he should be pleased that you are taking some positive action! Sends you a great big hug:girl_hug: :uwelcome: :success1: :girl_hug: :girl_hug: :girl_hug: :girl_hug: You know you are doing the right thing and your right in not pushing the issue with him. I guess he's got to deal with it himself first. Is that a common male trait? Acting like a spoilt 5 year old? Although I do not have a partner myself, there was someone who I was pretty close to, but since I have had the op I haven't heard from him. He disapproved and wouldn't give me a valid reason why. So I suspect it may be a permanent silent treatment. His loss not mine. Is it that men can't stand the idea that we are making decisions on our own? It shows we are not completely reliant on them! I know that is quite an old fashioned view, but I know a good few men are threatened by a strong woman! Ho hum, here's me wondering why I am single lol. I like my independence too much. You are right that money is yours and you have every right to do with it what you wish! I'm sure your repationship is strong enough to get through this and I bet when he see's the results he will be eating humble pie. Feel free to vent any time H, there is no better place to do it! Huge support Sx
  22. libertysuzanne

    My NSV Goals! What are Yours?

    This is a great thread! I think I shall put in my fourpenneth. NSV's suprisingly already achieved!: 1) Dropped 2 dress sizes 2) Able to lie in my bath with space either side and don't have to heave my heavy bod out. In fact in some ways that was easier lol, now I have to rely more on my shoddy knees, it takes me longer to get out because the bath sides aren't supporting me doh! 3) Wearing boots without cutting off my circulation! My calves are now just the muscle not the flab that hdad creeped on as well! 4) Standing on a scales and being elated with the result. NSV's to be achieved: 1) To get down to a size 14 (UK) Currently 18 so have another 2 dress sizes to go. 2) Being at a healthy BMI. 3) The ability to wear my mums diamond ring. 4) To be able to stand in front of a cmarea and not feeling like I am in front of a firing line. 5) To be able to look at a pic of me nad smile instead of feeling that I have ruined what could have been a great picture. 6) To go to Disney and have all the photos taken that were done last time and being happy to put them on display! (This one may take a long time to achieve) 7) To go out on a date. 8) To have confidence to know that I am beautiful 9) To feel human again. (Sheesh I have some issues! :Banane17: ) I am sure there will be a lot more NSVs as the days and months go by but these are all I can think of at the mo. S0rry for prattling on Suzannexx
  23. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Heb, I am so sorry to hear about your mother in law. Losing a relative is always a tough thing to deal with. Don't stress about your band and how you are eating. I haven't exactly been a saint in that department. There was a time when I thought my band had slipped. So I asked on here how you can tell, apparently it feels like you are having a heart attack. So it's a very obvious way of knowing. The way they stitch the band on prevents most slippage now anyway, so it is less of a threat. The fact that you are losing weight means there is no need to have the fill. It is when your wieght palteaus that you need to have that done. You are doing really well with your weightloss, especially considering your circumstances at the moment. I hope the girls aren't driving you into anarchy :Banane17: As for the mushies, I came to the conclusion by the time what I could eat was suitably chewed up, it would be considered mushie! I just did it manually lol. I think that actually has gotten me the oddest looks, apart from the fact that when I eat out I only have half a child size plate of food. I still feel guilty when I end up leaving food on the plate lol. I sit back after each mouth full and chew for britian, while everyone is shovelling their food into their mouths. The kids even beat me, clearing their plates in what seems record time! Mind you their is a small downside, those who before I despaired (but accepted) how they ate (description: think neanderthal, holding fork like some ancient weapon, stabbing and shovelling as if the animal is still alive and the plate is going to be stolen away in less than 5 minutes!) I used to be fine with it and again I feel a little guilty, when I see a certain person eating, it literally turns my stomach. What is worse my son is mimiking him at the moment! Havehad to have severe words with my wayward child. I am more aware of how weight can significantly alter a persons life and I want to make sure that I have taught CM the best way to eat, so he never ends up like I did. Oh do I feel better for getting that off my chest! Does anyone else feel that way? Welcome back Dx, glad to hear surgery went well, the pains do take a long time to disappear, I would say I kept having little niggles for the whole month and every so often I have a little twinge from one of the scars. I can't say this often enough but don't worry if you haven't seen any dramatic change in your weight, give your body a chance to recover. It won't be long before you will be feeling so much better and that weight will be sneaking off without you realising it Right guess i better get on with the day, off to have my hair cut this arvo. GOign for a re-style...EEEEEEK:faint: :cry Love all around Suzannexx
  24. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Hi Sara and Sweets, Thank you Sweets for your kind words, it really is appreciated. All I can tell you Sara is my experience with Elyzea, which I have to say was excellent service and value for money. The website is http://www.elyzea.co.uk/gastric/presenta.html The draw backs? you have to pay for a hotel, but the prices are so reasonable in the long run it still works out cheaper than having it done in the UK. You have to pay extra for the fills, once you need them. You never know you may never need one and also if you are travelling from the states, you will probably find it easier having a fill specialist in the state you live in. The hospital was fantastic and we were looked after by Deirdre, she's like a liasion officer and translator, although most of the staff do try to speak english. Deirdre was particualrly useful for me as I had so many minor illness's that had to be taken into consideration. So the communication wasn't fraught. The hospital is in a beautiful town called Chimay, the home of fine ale. Not that you would get to drink any but I am sure your OH would enjoy being there Also it appears that belgians are festidious with their cleanliness, I walked around barefeet in the hospital and they were so clean! Which coming from the UK is a serious benefit. They proudly can state that they have never suffered and never will from the nasty bug MRSA! It's a huge boast but obviously very true. I could go on and on about my whole experience, but if you want to ask any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards Suzanne xxx
  25. libertysuzanne

    New From Ireland

    I am sure your loss will be just as good. It's great that they are doing it in Dublin. The reason I thought it might be Chimay was because one of the ladies, who had the op the same day as me. came from Ireland/Dublin. I remembered her saying that they had only started offering it to Ireland residents earlier this year. Good luck with the tickerfactory, I think you just need to use the search box and it should bring up the different threads with 'tickerfactory' in there. So how are you feeling post op? Did you get a lot of gas pain, it amazes me how it varies with each person. I've been far to lucky with this band, I am waiting for something to go wrong lol!

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