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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libertysuzanne

  1. libertysuzanne

    uk Bansters

    Sorry to hear you've lost your doc. What sort of doc are you looking for? Kind regards Suzanne
  2. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Hi Annie, Welcome back! Glad tohear you have had your op and you are back online. Please don't beat yourself up about thinking you have taken your eye off the ball. The band doesn't immediately work, you and your band have to get mentally and physically used to the changes. It really isn't a quick process. I'm at 4 months now, just about (thought it was longer!), and I am still making silly mistakes and learning my limitations. So any questions or support you need, fire away we are all in the same boat and here to help each other, Congratulations on taking your first steps in getting control back of your body! Kindest regards Suzanne xxxxx
  3. libertysuzanne

    finally have date & surgeon

    H, I think you are well and truly covered! I'm not sure what Frances record with MRSA is but Belgium hospitals guarantee that their hospitals are 100% free of MRSA and any other nasty bugs. Apparently people in the lowlands are almost paranoid about cleanliness. I hope France will be the same with you. Disney Paris now that really is a good treat to have! Let us know what it is like, I'm thinking of taking my son there. Keep in touch Suzanne xxx
  4. libertysuzanne

    OH MY GOD!!

    I know it has been ages since i have written here but I do try to keep in touch int he forums. I felt that this was better done in my journal than on the boards. I'm excited but it doesn't mean everyone wants to hear about it! Today I put on a pair of size 18 hipster jeans and they fitted wihtout me having a raging battle with the zip! That is truly a miracle, my hips have always been my bugbear. These sorts of jeans have never been possible for me. So I guess I am losing weight in all the right places for a change. Admittedly my jelly belly is hanging over the top but not in such a state that it would be humiliating going out in the jeans. I am just so chuffed, it's insane. I haven't been a saint with my lapband but I wonder if I should experiment with being saintly and see what happens! Mind you, that can also lead to disappointment so best to just focus on everyday as it comes. The downside I have to buy smaller panties! I don't quite understand why but I have to have size 16, the 18's are sliding off good job I don't wear skirts much or one day it could have been very embarassing he he.
  5. libertysuzanne

    OH MY GOD!!

    I know it has been ages since i have written here but I do try to keep in touch int he forums. I felt that this was better done in my journal than on the boards. I'm excited but it doesn't mean everyone wants to hear about it! Today I put on a pair of size 18 hipster jeans and they fitted wihtout me having a raging battle with the zip! That is truly a miracle, my hips have always been my bugbear. These sorts of jeans have never been possible for me. So I guess I am losing weight in all the right places for a change. Admittedly my jelly belly is hanging over the top but not in such a state that it would be humiliating going out in the jeans. I am just so chuffed, it's insane. I haven't been a saint with my lapband but I wonder if I should experiment with being saintly and see what happens! Mind you, that can also lead to disappointment so best to just focus on everyday as it comes. The downside I have to buy smaller panties! I don't quite understand why but I have to have size 16, the 18's are sliding off good job I don't wear skirts much or one day it could have been very embarassing he he.
  6. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    I know the only reason I had a chance at having the lapband was by having a BMI of 40 or above. It's a pity I didn't even consider the NHS route, may of saved me some money :eek: I must admit I was shocked when I was bang on 40. I even checked myself and I couldn't ignore the numbers. That is the point when you are 'clinically' obese. It was a shock I can tell you. As for Ann Diamond, I have mixed feelings about her. If you read her story about her lapband disaster in Belgium it showed that she hadn't done any research and just toook the recommendation of a friend. From teh very beginning Iw ould have been very suspicious as she had no pre-op preparations, it was an in and out scenario. The story came out just as I was going for my op, some women who were booked in the same time as me cancelled because of it. They really did miss out, the service was superb and it was more like a holiday than a hospital stay. Anne was lucky she was a celebrity and the hospital group needed some good press, their rep is somewhat questionable. I have no doubt if things had continued the way they had for Anne, her own Dr would have stepped in and we would never of heard anything about it! So I'm not a fan of Anne. Sorry she really does irk me, but I shall shut up now.
  7. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    I had my first fill at the Tellford and Wrekin hospital. I think it's called the Apperly clinic and the doc is called Dr Diggory. This week has been an odd one, after recovering from flu I then had a stomach bug! Now completely well and have treated myself to a size 16 jumper, in the new 60's style. It is stretchy material but it wouldn't have fitted on my shoulders 2 months ago. So the tummy bug may of helped :eek: . I have also upped my walking as well, mind you it's bit like the old saying 'learning to run before you can walk!' I haven't done much exercise for years due to wibbly joints and I have managed to damage my ankle. But, I am just as smug because I walked for over a mile! Just need to give my ankle some tlc. It is amazing what the lapband does actually give you. It's not just about losing weight it is giving you back control. You are now in the driving seat and psychologically it is better than a huge box of roses or ahem sex :biggrin1: . As you may have gathered I am having a REALLY good day! I'm not even out of my PJs yet, being lazy. Although I have to do a serious shopping trip to do, I forgot my sisters birthday. My nephew left a message on my answering machine, he could have warned me earlier!!! So I better get my butt into gear and get out of my cosy PJs
  8. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    :eek: Annie, you'll be fine! At least you will be able to rest your ankle! If the support isn't as strong as you hope, remeber you will always have your friends here. Everyone has different levels of experience so you should get all the information and advice you need. Good luck and enjoy!
  9. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    It's not as bad as it sounds Sara, honest! I think it is different for every person. Not everyone is stopped from eating steak or any other food that they love. But, your tastes do change. I didn't believe it would happen, even though the specialist said it would! I was proved wrong, but it is all good. It has kerbed my appetite for sweet stuff. So I can't complain!
  10. libertysuzanne

    finally have date & surgeon

    Oh no Saggi, the ice cream was mine all mine!!!! :clap2: Sounds like a good evening ahead for you, and I bet you won't put your goodness aside by having a pleasent night out otnite with tomato soup and desert! You do realise that eating is getting a lot cheaper now as well. Last time I stood on the scales I had lost another two pounds but the best thing is I got into a size 16 jumper, it is stretchy but I didn't look like a disaster. Its one of those jumpers that end just under your bum. It's pink and grey I suspect it may be meant to look a little baggy, but I don't look like a car crash and I feel so good! You know I saw for the first time my band has made. I'm taller! Funnily enough dads carer commented that I looked taller as well. Maybe it's the jumper???? Have a great night Saggi! Enjoy yourself!
  11. libertysuzanne

    Manchester lapband

    Good luck with your op GC, if you lost with the balloon you definitely will feel the benefit with the band and keep it off. :biggrin1:
  12. libertysuzanne

    finally have date & surgeon

    I am not sure if you will want to hear this but..... I volunteered to babysit for my best friend and she bought me a tub of Pralines and cream Haagen Daaz. I ate it all with no restriction. So be warned some bad food can slip through the net easily! But, at least I couldn't eat anything else, so I haven't beat myself up, it was a nice treat. So it could also be seen as a positive!
  13. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    It's like my fill consultant..or whatever he calls himself. Consider the way of eating as a minimised Atkins diet. Which I thought was great, I knew all about the Atkins. So, I thought I would treat myself to a small piece of steak. A nice bit of rump steak, medium rare. It was a pleasure to eat and I took a long time to consume it. Sounds perfect doesn't it? Unfortunately I suffered the worst PB I have ever had. The steak didn't even get digested before it came back up. This is the gross bit, my dogs ate it up lol. It was quicker to go out in the garden rather than get to the loo. :sick Mind you it was just mushed up steak, so at least it wasn't wasted :guess . So I am going to avoid steak like the plague now. Have you noticed a change in what you want to eat, compared to before the band? It certainly has changed for me, I am trying different fish and I used to hate fish!!! Hope everyone is well Sxxxx
  14. Wow saggi! Salsa sounds like really good fun, even if you do have two left feet! At least you have a willing partner. I bet in time you will lose those left feet and become a twinkle toes I am considering starting at a gym in the next month. I need somewhere that gives a good bit of one to one attention, don't want to end up dislocating my joints in my excitement! I would love to do some dance lessons but they are rather expensive here in Shropshire and I would have to travel 26 miles to enjoy it. So it really isn't an option It's good that you are meeting up with one of your chimay cohorts. I know that a couple of the women from my time are meeting up. I was in the wrong age group, so I didn't really create any firm connections with the women. It would be wonderful if everyone lost the same way but us humans have to be awkward Mind you, if you have been going to the gym your weight will have been changing from fat to muscle and muscles weigh a lot more! Let me know how your meeting goes. Kind regards Sx
  15. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Liquid pain killers would be the best. As long as you want none prescriptive pain killers. I have to take a varied amount of different painkillers. For the night time I had to empty the capsule into a drink and take it that way. NASTY! Also you can chop them up into tiny pieces. So liquid is definitely the way to go. As for Vitamins Bassets do a giant jelly chew (well not giant but big) that you can suck to deat. Now check the packaging the blackcurrant is for children, the red box is for teenagers and adults. Hope this helps Sx
  16. I keep forgetting that it was my second fill. The first was when the band was fitted lol. So I now have 4 ml in. I have lost a little but been a bit unwell so been eating all the wrong sort of stuff so the lbs I lost have come back on! But haven't gone higher, thankfully! So fingers crossed now I am recovering I should lose the lbs again. I know when I eat properly it is restricted, I only kn ow too well that chocolate goes through easily! I'm going to start going to a gym next week. But, what I have noticed, even with the weight kind of 'on hold'. I am losing inches, not in great amounts but my waist is definitely reducing! When did you have your band fitted Sa? Sx
  17. H, That is a brilliant post. I think everyone should read this one! Sx
  18. libertysuzanne

    finally have date & surgeon

    I'm so glad you h ave finally got over the problems! I am sure it will work brilliantly and where better than Paris, the home of glam, to have it done! I'll be having Paris envy! You will have to keep us all updated! I am positive that when you get the band your OH will begin to see all the positives! Hugs Sx
  19. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    I don't know of any near Cambridge but there is a few in London. I've lost the details but I'm sure someone will be able to help. Did you have your band done in the UK?
  20. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Good luck Annie, It may be tough to go from grazing to regular meals before the band, but I am confident that you will feel such a difference with the band, that you will feel fantastic. Mind you pancake Day has been tough I managed to eat a half of a wheat free pancake! Still that is defintely keeping the pounds off and possibly losing
  21. libertysuzanne

    Yipeeee! We officially have our own thread!

    I am sure there are other clinics in the EU, but Belgium seems to specialise in the gastric lap band. The Chimay Clinic practiced on Belgium patients for 15 years before inviting over patients from the UK. So it has a known track record, that could be why it is so popular, plus they can boast that they are a 100% free of MRSA! It's true as well you can walk around in sock feet and your socks will not pick up any dirt, it's almost freaky! I didn't fly to Belgium I went on the Eurotunnel which was comfortable and quick. But, I think someo f the other girls flew and they said it was fine. Kind regards Suzannex
  22. libertysuzanne

    How many from the UK

    I have stayed with this site, I did look at wlsinfo but it didn't inspire me to join. I might rethink it though. Saggij, it is tough when it doesn't work out the way you thought it would. I beat myself up frequently for standing on the scales too often. I have been very lucky that I managed to lose the first amount of weight so quickly, just remember it isn't the norm and unfortunately the weight issue does affect everyone differently, some boast and up the numbers (I did to begin with but the only person it affected was me), it doesn't help your well being when you are lying to others nad ultimately to yourself. That is where you are doing so well. Being honest is the toughest thing to be and I have to admire you for it! I'm there now but I was a coward! To help me change I have stopped stepping on the scales everyday and I pay more attention to my chin. I know the chin is an odd one to focus on, but, I have rediscoverd my Kirk Douglas dimple! I can't remember the last time I saw that! So in a sense I am focusing on the small things, which takes my mind off my middle and gives me that little buzz that I so desperately need! At least I don't have to worry what size clothes i need to wear on my chin:D . I have finally gone out and bought myself some eggs, I think for the next month I am going to follow the Atkins diet religiously to see how that altters things. Funnily of all my gimmick diets the Atkins diet was the only one that ever worked, I just drifted off course and back came the weight worse than ever. I tend not to go back on diets but I think it would be a good idea to just read the books and follow the induction, half the portions though, our bands couldn't stand all that Protein lol. Then if all goes well I will introduce those little foods that are banned on Atkins but allowed with the band. Have a system restore going on with my bod :mad: If you ever need someone to chat to privately then feel free to email me anytime. I am at home most days, so you should get a reply pretty quickly Hugs Suzannexxx
  23. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Ah Saggi, I remember that journey well. It was funny because the whole experience felt more like a holiday than serious hospital surgery. That was until the hour journey back to Brussels. On the way we talked like we weren't complete strangers. On the way back there was pain filled silence. That makes it sound dramatic but it was the only day that I felt really rough. So having a friend drive you or getting a taxi would be a better idea!
  24. libertysuzanne

    How many from the UK

    That is a good question GC. It is a toughie, I know I would be tempted to go for the newest type of band if it was a lot easier to deal with than the old one. The truth is that the old one is fine if that is what you have had. I am sure with technology it is definitely the way the band will be going, everyone will be providing it. So really the question is, Can I afford the extra £1000? If I could I know I would have had it! You go for it, I bet the centre will be wanting to give you exceptional service to ensure that it is worth risking their reputation on, I think it's a win win situation! The thought of a nice flat disc is definitely more attractive than the lumpy bumpy port! Although it is nice to know it is there!
  25. libertysuzanne

    How do you eat your tuna?

    Have you thought about trying natural yogurt? It may be a wee bit more tangy than mayo but it's a bit healthier!

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