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Everything posted by libertysuzanne

  1. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Sorry my email hasn't been showing me that there were new posts! Time to catch up. I made quite a luscious Moussaka, not perfect but it was my first attempt. My son loved it and my dad and the neighbours. I had to give lots away because I couldn't eat much and it would have been such a waste. Going to have to change the recipes to fit a 2 person household, or infact 1 and a half! CM being the 1 :girl_hug: Right what did I have yesterday? I really should write it on the day I have it! 30/04/2007 20 min Pilate's workout, 1 hour walk with children and dogs Black coffee 2 sugars B: porridge and raisins 500ml Water Sn:1 Orange 500ml water L: Bernard matthews thin turkey ham, tablespoon cream choose and pineapple, cucumber salad, iceberg lettuce and seed mix scattered over form food doctor. 500ml water 1 hour intense workout with Johnny (ooowww! double calorie burner session) 1l water D: Same as lunch, liked it so much had it twice Sn: 2 ryvita with 70% blackcurrant jam H, you don't fancy cooking for me and CM do you? The dishes you are having sound gorgeous! Doriso, it won't be to long before everything will settle for you. Sorry if I have missed anyone!
  2. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    You will learn H, just like all of us. To be honest, I don't think eating more before your exercise actually helps that much. But if your tum is saying feed me after drinking Water, then it is saying that you just need to up your food intake. He he is this the pot calling the kettle black You find you P'b with chicken as well, I have the same problem unless it is chopped into tiny miniscule pieces before i even start chewing it. I have given up with it, which I know isn't good, as it is a good source of Protein, I shall have to buy more fish! Hugs Sx
  3. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Hi Doriso, welcome to band land It is tough to get the calories when your on the liquid diet, but it is essential. I would advise that you have a whole slimfast shake if you can manage it and lots of your homemade soup. Obviously you are only going to be able to eat as much as your stomach can take. Just do little nad often and you should be fine. Have you got some Vitamins? I used the bassets vitamins that you can suck into oblivion and they are rather scrummy. You can get liquid vits as well. Nice to have you here Suzannexx
  4. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Your rules are a lot more detailed than our rules. I will take note of them and assimilate them into my psyche. I may just have to battle with my will to rebel! Never been a great one for obeying the rules to the letter, I like to shift them around a bit and make them my own rules. As you can already see, that can get me into a heap load of trouble, but I am clawing back from the brink! I don't think I need a fill, I am not having an issue with eating too much. As everybody points out, I'm not eating enough. I am trying, honest. As I shall show here: Today: No intentional exercise today, just a walking the dogs. This is my day of rest. 500ml Water B: Porridge and raisins Sn: tasting the moussaka through it's various stages. 500ml Water L: Homemade Moussaka, brocoli & cauliflower To be continued.... You did really well H, considering you were expecting to be so bad, well done you By the way, do you bake a sweet potatoe exactly the same way as a normal potatoe? I have one in the fridge and want to try it baked, tonight.
  5. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    We are your devil :decision: and angel. Believe me I have been having very similar dreams. Really we need to relax just a teensy bit, but I think it's very important that we keep our food diary going, it really does help. Today: Morning Pilates workout. B: Porridge and raisins 500ml Water Sn: Apple 1 hour walk with dogs 1l water L: 1 ryvita with cottage cheese and pineapple D: Ambrosia rice pudding.
  6. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    OK in my defence before you jump down my throat, today was crap, partly because all of last night, I (my body, not me physically sticking fingers down throat, you know what i mean, well I hope you do!)was trying to be sick but nothing was coming out, it was bizarre! Also exhausting. I finally fell asleep at about 4am, then was woken at 8.45 with my6 sons goddad needing a lift to the garage in shrewsbury. Which gave me an opportunity to walk the dogs around the battlefield. Then I had to buy some clothes for a friend in america who has hit seriously bad times. By the time I got home it was 12.15. So food wise the day began then.....sorry. It hasn't got much better since, so here goes, *looks for the nearest bomb shelter*:rolleyes :guess :paranoid 1 hour walk with dogs 1l Water L: Porridge and raisins, 1 orange 1l water 1 black coffee 2 sugars Sn: Exoctic Solero (only 99 cals) 1 hour hill walking and muscle lengthening with Johnny (yes he did tell me off, in a nice way though) 1l water D: a couple bite fulls of McDonalds grilled chicken salad and whole of a Easter McFlurry. I know, but I don't know what it is about chicken, it just seems to want to come straight back out, I did try. :ermm Sn: I think I will have a slimfast shake for my snack tonight. I just hope I don't have another night like last night! I promise tomorrow will be a lot better.
  7. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    food today: No exercise in the morning B: Porridge and raisins completed CMs cabin bed woo hoo Sn: Apple and 1 ryvita with a scrape of butter 1l Water L: vanilla slimfast shake Sn: Orange 1l water 1 hour with Johnny focusing on Pilate's Sn: Apple Dinner: Lamb burger Sn: 1 ryvita with cottage cheese & pineapple Is this any better? Possibly not brilliant in the Protein stakes, but at least I had 6 small meals. Infact what was really good, I felt hungry just before lifeline started and nipped into the kitchen, now normally I would have put two ryvita on the plate with cottage cheese but I stopped myself and only had one! I didnt go back into a kitchen for another one I am hoping that I am getting back into tune with what my body actually needs. Rather than what I think I want. Do you know what is so funny? Here we are talking about trying to eat 1000 calories, yet pre band we would have been eating over 2000 calories without even really thinking about it!
  8. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    I am suitable chastised. I know my eating pattern is absolutely horrendous and as a school report would say 'could do better.' I need the telling off, I have no one to answer to or who can support me at home, it's just me and my son now. But, Saggi your the voice of my mum (in a good way). Admittedly, I am quite excitable today, I have lost another 2lbs in 4 days. It would be so easy to just continue as I am, but yesterday I made a concerted effort to get all the right foods in to cover me for a week. I shall try and ignore yesterday and start all over again! Not having my session with Johnny did throw me yesterday. I have to tell him everything I have eaten and he does tell me that I have to eat more, it's a pity he can't stay with me for a couple of weeks to get me into a decent routine. I shall just have to grow up a bit and take control. How are things going for you Saggi? It's great that you are a 14/16 and that you have lost 2 stone. They do say the last stone is always the hardest. So far today I have had and done: 10 min power walk to school and back B:porridge and raisins 500ml Water S: apple I am going to have a couple of slices of my crustless quiche, which is 8gs carb not sure of the Protein but it does have 6 eggs in, whipping cream, and cheese. It is scrummy!
  9. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    It's brilliant that you are doing so well without a fill! I ams till contermplating having another fill, but I suspect it's more the way I've been eating than the band not working efficiently, I shall give myself a month, which will give me a chance to save up for a fill, if necessary. today: Before you say it, I know another crap day :girl_hug: 15mins Gymball 500ml Water B: porridge and raisins 1 hour walking the dogs. 1l water lunch, what lunch? S: 5 white choclately and raspberry and wheat free slices 500ml water snickers bar D: When cooked will be crustless Quiche I haven't yet worked out the calories but I know it is going to be low, after dinner I shall eat a lot of fruit. I could be dishonest but there isn't much point, if I can pin point the reason why I end up eating crapol, then it will be worth it.! L:
  10. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Now MrsH, remember that coffee is a diuretic! JOhnny told me to try and avoid coffee if at all possible, I have cut it down to just 1 a day. Can't quite let it go completely. It isn't Pilates is it? I know that instead of just the normal exercise there are pilate machines now. Sounds like fun. It's great that your partner is getting fit with you, I'm jealous! I have done a mish mash of different exercises for 10 minutes. Now going to have my porridge and raisins. I am going to focus on cutting carbs and upping my Protein. I really should cut out the porridge, but it's a great filler!
  11. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Your doing really well H. A 2 and a half mile wlak! Now that really is impressive. I know what you mean about the exercise equipment ending up as just another dust collector. I used to be like that, until I had a few sessions with the P.T. Now those dust collectors are being put to work. Before I didn't even know what ot do with the Gymball - which I think is the same thing as your balance ball, unless you have the one that has a flat board on top? I took you advice and for lunch I had Ryvita with pumpkin seeds and Tesco helathy life cottage cheese and pineapple. DIdn't like Tescos version of what is normally a really nice dish! Shall have to go to Sainsburys, I know I like theirs. The ryvita was such a pleasure! I'm still learning what I can and can't eat. So have I been good, since I wrote earlier? Well I guess so. L: 100g cottage cheese with pineapple and 2 ryvita with pumpkin seeds 500l Water 8 Minute pilates arm work out 500ml water 1 hour with P.T, climber, rebounder and gymball 500ml water Omelette with baked Beans. (actually cleared the plate! Normally with omelettes I am full half way through.) Going to do some gentle exercise following pilates DVD later, an evening wind down.
  12. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Thanks H, I am in complete agreement, it was a 'capola' (like that word!). Not to be repeated any time soon! I am wondering if it was the salt that I was actually hankering after? I usually live relatively salt free, I don't add extra or put it in things that don't normally have salt in, like veg. Yet, that is my favourite thing with Ice cool, licking the salt and whatever else is on the coating from my fingers, I prefer that more than the actual chip! Today I have started off pretty well. 10mins on gym ball and weights. B: porridge and raisins 250ml Water black coffee, 2 sugars (I have to have one coffee a day, but that is it normally) Shall let you know what else passes through my mouth later. Did you watch that program on C4 called super skinny me: The Race to size 00? It was fascinating. I thought I might get some useful tips Which I didn't, don't really want to go for colonic irrigation...urrrgh! It's brill that you jogged H, I envy you, I can do most things but Johnny and I have given up on me being able to jog or hill walk as part of my exercise plan, my ankles just don't like it. The weight loss has eased my ankles but they are still really unstable, it's not likely they will ever strengthen to a point where I will be able to run. Still positive power walking is just as healthy, even if I do look like a right idiot! Have you got a gym ball at home H? I love mine, it's a really fun exercise tool. You don't think you are actually achieving anything but you use a lot of muscles when using it. I balance on it for a little while, watching tv. It has taken me awhile to be able to do that, but even just sitting on it, with your feet on the floor gets the muscles working to keep the ball stable! So far I can't point oput any wrong doings in your diet! I shall keep my beady eye ouf for slip ups *he he mwah ha haha * (hope you know I'm teasing) Yours Sx
  13. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Hey H! Do we get brownie points for being good lil bloggers recording our eating? :clap2: Not that I have been good today, it all started off really good then got worse! 22/04/2007 Pilates Morning workout B: Porridge and raisins 500ml Water 250ml Pinepple juice Black coffee, 2 sugars L: 100g Ice cool Dorritas 250ml Pinepple Juice 500ml Water 2 hours building storage cupboards by myself. D: 100g Ice cool Doritta 20 mins Gymball I know this can only be considered as dreadful! I promise to do better tommorow, I didn't actually realise how bad it was until I wrote it down. Probably if I hadn't go so involved in building the cupboards, I would have eaten better!
  14. libertysuzanne

    New girl from Ireland-Hope to get banded

    Hi Sweet Tooth, Welcome to lapband land I'm afraid I can't help you with surgery in Ireland, but if there is anything else you want to know, just ask. We are all in the same boat and lots of us are at different stages so you can get a good all round view. Kind regards Suzanne
  15. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    21/04/07 Morning Pilates Workout - 20 mins B: Porridge and Raisins 500ml Water 250ml pineapple juice Walking around supermarkets and shops 1 hr L: Half a seasoned chicken drumstick 250ml Water Walking the Dogs - 35 mins Snack - (very bad) Box of organic Fudge (100g) D: Heinz beef and vegetable soup Orange Apple 250ml Pineapple Juice Gentle exercise on Gymball - 20 mins 500ml water
  16. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    OK lets deal with the food first! 20/04/2007 B: Porridge and raisins 250ml Pinepple juice 500ml Water L: Vanilla Slimfast shake 500ml Water D: Strawberries and cream (scrum diddly umptious!) 250ml Water Add two cups of black coffee with sugar and I have had 1014cals and 40g of Protein. I have had about 2 hours of exercise today as well unintentionally lol. Had to build my sons bed, walk the dogs and my hour session with Johnny! My feet are killing me and I think I wll sleep like the dead but it has been a great day! Especially as I have finally started to lose weight again and I have gained 6lbs of muscle, so I now have 8st 7lb 4oz MUSCLE! My fat is down 3%, (this was a relief!)visceral fat down 6% and lost 2lbs of weight! So I am extremely chuffed! Now if the theory is correct, my muscles are going to be burning heaps more calories to keep them fed BONUS! Really do hope that is true. Now I have to really focus on my diet to make sure I on't mess up. It does prove to me that I do hav to eat more rather than less!
  17. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    19/04/2007 Porridge and raisins 500ml Water coffee 2 sugars 3 pieces of Maple Fudge Decaff Coffee 2 Sugars Heinz Beef and Vegetable soup Orange 500ml Water Tomato sauce and Wheat Free Pasta 500ml Water 250ml pineapple juice According to fitday, that is 1002 calories. Lot more than usual, shall check if my exercise has got rid of half of the calories......YAY! It has.
  18. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    I can now add on: 2 egg omlette (with little olive oil) mixed peppers and onion 1 cup coffee 3 pieces Sainsbury fudge I went to fitday.com and inputted my consumption today. It comes to 940 cals, 41g Protein. Is this good? Think I may have to keep up with the food diary for a week, work out the average and then ask the nurse who assisted with my fill. It's weird having to make a concerted effort to eat! That used to be my biggest problem, eating too much! Bizarre experience wearing the shoe on the other foot
  19. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    I know I haven't done as promised and kept up dating what I have been eating, but now I really have to! My Personal Trainer suspects that I am actually not eating enough and my body instead of burning fat is actually trying to store it! It's a nightmare and a dream come true, which I know sounds really stupid. All my life I have been fascinated by that phrase 'stravation.' I never thought that I would ever experience it. Yet, here I am going through it now, wishing I wasn't. It certainly hasn't been my intention to cause my body to go into starvation mode. I don't think I am over restricted either, so it isn't the band fault. I have just stopped wanting to eat. Now, of course you would think that would make the lbs melt off. Ha! Infact I seem to be stuck at 15st 13lb even with my muscle mass growing. Mind you, I suspect if I kept eating as I have been, it would start to do what it's supposed to. But, I don't want to lose my weight in a manner which would cause side affects. It doesn't help that my body is toning up so nicely as well. I am physically seeing the changes and since Johnny has voiced concern about my lack of food, I am trying to do the 6 small meals a day. Yet, I feel a wee bit paniced after eating that I am going to put weight on. It is completely irrational and I feel ashamed of myself. Everything has been going so well. I know I was disappointed that the second fill hasn't had the miraculous results when I first had the band fitted. I guess I have tried to over compensate, the will power that I have discovered regarding food has kicked into over drive. I know that another fill won't make a difference at the moment. I was tempted to go for another one, but there is no point, I'm not going up or down and I know now that I am not eating enough. Sorry to be going on like this, I had to have a crisis at some point, things have been going so well! I now promise that I shall write down everything I eat, every day. I have got to do something, I need to turn on the brakes and stop myself going down a path that is so very wrong! So here goes! Today 18/04/2007 B: vanilla Slimfast Milkshake. 1 Litre of Water Snk: Half a bar of Milk chocolate Sense 500mls Water 500mls pineapple juice Lunch: Heinz Beef & Vegetable Big Soup 250mls Tropical fruit juice I'm not sure what I am going to have for dinner, I have bought some cucumber, celery and seed mix to make a salad for my afternoon and evening snack. Although I think I will be skipping the afternoon snack, or may finish the sense bar. See how I feel after my hour of exercise. I jsut wish this feeling of panic would go away, it is really bugging me! It is good to eat, I love food and you can have your cake and eat it, as the old saying goes, 'everything in moderation.' That really does work both ways! THanks for listening if you got this far Hugs Sx
  20. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    OK I thought I may as well join in on this one. I am getting the impression I'm not eating enough! Today: Morning - Bowl of porridge with handful of raisins Snack - Flake Bar (I nearly missed lunch altogether I was so busy!) Tea - Beef and vegetable baxters soup Afternoon snack- 1ltr of Water during my get fit session Now I am not feeling particularly hungry, I have another glass of water by my side and feeling totally uninspired to cook anything . Discovered something funny last night though. Tish - my best friend - decided she was going to get the family some chips. I looked forward to snaffling a few but when she came back, the smell nearly made me heave! This is getting a wee bit unfair, I am going off so many foods, it's silly! I'm a little suprised seeing this, who'd of thought I would be eating barely anything and feeling like I can't be bothered to eat, just over 5 months ago! It really is astounding. I think I will keep up with this and try and up my intake in a healthy way. I know I need the calories to actually burn, especially as I am exercising 5 times a week. Hey maybe my body has been replace by an alien and only my brain is still me! Eeeeek!
  21. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Glad to have you back Sara. sleep really is the best answer. I didn't realise it could affect your breathing. Still you learn something new everyday! Rest up and welcome Suzanne xxx
  22. libertysuzanne

    The fattest I ever was.

    Oh God! I have just found a photo of me when we went to Florida two years ago! I can't believe how large I was, it's disgraceful! At least I now have a photo that shows how much I have really changed
  23. libertysuzanne

    The fattest I ever was.

    Oh God! I have just found a photo of me when we went to Florida two years ago! I can't believe how large I was, it's disgraceful! At least I now have a photo that shows how much I have really changed
  24. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    I think we all have that fear within us. It's only natural we have taken a drastic step to regain control and no matter how much we protest. Part of us did believe that the band was the cure all. It takes time and commitment and a lot of work to be able to use the band properly. I think that is why the docs tend to say 'it will take a year for the real results to be felt.' It's a gentle warning and makes any big loss or change of shape that extra bit special! While, stopping us from beating ourselves up totally if we put on a lb or two!
  25. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    He he, I am still in the 16 area for leingerie. Now sitting comfortably in 18 trousers. I can't quite figure out why I have to wear 16 knickers nad 18 trousers. It doesn't make sense does it? I got sick of having to keep pulling the 18 pants up! I can relate to the feelings when you lose a decent amount of weight. It really does have quite an impact. I was really surprised. I didn't think I would feel anything until I got down to my lowest weight. It has been a really great surprise to recover such energy after losing a stone and a half! I wonder what we will be like in a year from now??

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