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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libertysuzanne

  1. libertysuzanne

    Blood clots

    Hi Milton, I think giving surgery patients a blood thinner after a procedure is quite common. It really is nothing to worry about. I already had a pre diagnosed blood disorder and I was still able to have the lapband, much to my relief. It is understandable to feel nervous and it is important that you talk to your surgeon, doctor or nurse, they will be able to answer your questions nad put you at ease. My one bit of advice is think really happy thoughts as you go under, I was up and about much quicker than my fellow bandees, even the nurses were suprised at my cheery disposition. I thought about pink elephants, lord knows why. Feel free to ask any questions on here, there will always be people happy to help. Kind regards Sx
  2. libertysuzanne


    Hi, it is definitely www.bandster.co.uk Point of contact is on the website and I think it is the nurse, her name is Fiona. Hope that helps Regards Suzanne
  3. libertysuzanne


    Ah yes! That's his name, thanks :eek: It depends on how far you want to travel, Dr Mignon has a fill specialist in Manchester which is £100. I don't think you will find it much cheaper than that. I know I am finding it difficult, I can't afford to have a fill at the moment and I do need one, going to have to be strong and start saving instead of spending on clothes!
  4. libertysuzanne

    Mrs D's update

    I hope all is well with you Mrs D and that you had good news!
  5. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Hi Guys, Sorry I haven't been posting for awhile. Been a crazy month, I still haven't gone for a fill (can't afford it :cry), but I am now officially a size 16! My food intake has gone up somewhat, so I definitely need to get a fill soon! Don't want to go up a size! It'll be great catching up with you all. Suzannexx
  6. libertysuzanne


    Hi, I have my fills done by a Dr whose name escapes me at the moment, but he is based in TELFORD Hospital, they have a website, offering the service for those who have had their band done abroad. When I am more awake I shall find the details for you, I think it may be bandster.co.uk, but don't quote me. It costs £150 per fill, that much I do remember. regards Suzanne
  7. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    www.myspace.com/suzannewlj I thinkt his should allow you to finally see my pics! Can't stop I have a torture session to go to. Hugs Sx
  8. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday Dear Hermione! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Your allowed to go a bit wild on your birthday
  9. I am sooo envious. Oz is a great place, we have rellies living in Queensland and h ave been for a couple of holidays over the years. The people there are great and the theme parks are great fun! As for Cairns, GORGEOUS!
  10. libertysuzanne

    1st appointment went bad :(

    I shall jump on the band wagon and say shop around! They sound more like the NHS than a private service. Weird. I know they do test you in some shape or form, my first appointment with my surgeon was an upsetting experience. But, when I think back, it gave me the impetous to go for it. It could also have worked the other way round. I went to Belgium for my surgery and didn't regret it, but there are great services here as well. Although I would never consider the Hospital Group, too much bad press and then they 'rescue' Anne Diamond. Let us know how you get one. Suzanne x
  11. libertysuzanne

    Please Help me, Im desperate!

    Glad I found this post again! I read it awhile back and felt smug that I was not losing my hair (horrible I know). Now I am in the same position, my hair is shedding but thankfully no bald patches! I am contemplating getting my hair cut, but a part of me doesn't want to. It has taken me years to get it as long as it is. For years I thought I couldn't grow long hair, but after getting pregnant, my hair just blossomed. That was 10 years ago. I guess I shall just have to pluck up the courage to have a change. I have been changing so much in every other aspect of my life. This is the last one to be part of the old me..
  12. Sorry to hear that you are feeling so despondent. Have you talked to your surgeon about how you are feeling. I want to assure you that the band is a worthwhile investment and that you will at some point really start to feel the benefits. Look at the positive of losing 5kgs that is 10.10lbs. You did that and that is fantastic. Also you are showing great determination in not being beaten! This place is great for finding out everything you need to know about the lapband. I'm sure there will be a lot of people here that will give you great advice. Anytime you feel the need tot alk, we will all listen, if ever you need to talk in private, email me. We are all in the same boat! Hugs Suzanne x
  13. Your right H, I shall book it now, I think there is a 2 week waiting list, so may as well book now. I am hoping that now the the doc has doneit via x-ray, he will know how to do it without this time. It was a case of under and up, the port had flipped upside down lol. What I have noticed is that I can feel my port a lot more! It's bit disturbing...does this mean as we lose more weight, we will be able to see it??? Think I may have to ask the doc about that!
  14. I have no doubt, that you will achieve your goal H! Shall confess that I felt relief hearing that other people have had probs with their fill. My first one was a dismal failure and I spent 10 mins balling my eyes out because the doc hadn't been able to do it....I was SOOOOO embarassed! The doc was great though, he made an appointment for me to have it done under x-ray, I found it difficult drinking the yucky stuff, not because of the taste, but because I was so nervous, I was shaking uncontrollably lol. I think that is why I have been procastinating about getting another one done, although I have no real doubt I need it, even if I have lost weight, I am finding it to easy to over eat. I haven't got any specific things happening to merit a definite goal, but I think I shall join you H, it would be great if I could lose 3lbs a week. I will be more focused over the next few weeks. Methinks, this is going to be a long serving thread, like the 'what did you eat today?' thread Woo hoo
  15. libertysuzanne

    The Worst Thing About Bein Fat

    Ah yes, the curse of shopping and desperate to be walking into Top Shop, River Island, Jane Norman, Pilot, Zara, the list could go on and on! (The irony being, I would much rather shop in Monsoon and New Look - both which I can now do) . I could also get onto the issue about sizing. What is wrong with these companies? How come not everything fits the same, when they are apparently the same size. So often you see on Ebay the memorable words of 'Says size 18 but I would suggest it's more 16.' All to the same measurements. It is so confusing at times when 18 varies between 44 to 46! *OK stepping off soap box now!* Although, there are times when in some bizarre hapchance, you fit into a size 16, despite the fact you are an 18/20. Oh how I loved that! I think we should start a petition to get all designers, manufacturers, retail shops, to cut decent clothes!* OK now I'm really stepping off my soapbox now * Being in open changing rooms, with skinny girls saying 'do I look fat in this?' The pain in my knees, the swelling of the feet, those are things that I will never miss. Which is such a good things. I can't remember who mentioned the rubbing shorts, I've been lucky in that area, but my best friend suffers sometimes, I shall have to let her know about them! Do you the best thing about this, it is a way of us to deal with those pent up frustrations, because we all know that we won't have them to moan about it for much longer; but I think it is so important to acknowledge them, it will only assist our motivation! Great thread Helen! Sx
  16. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Hi ya Girls, Sorry I haven't been on for the past week. Been an emotional roller coaster and my eating has suffered. I am now getting back on track. I'm not going to weigh myself until Friday 22nd. Then if I have not lost weight, I shall book in for another fill. I am hoping I will have lost more weight, I know shape wise I am definitely reducing! Brandy, don't stress about the pounds, I know you like to keep getting on those scales, there are times when it is best to step away from them. Weirdly I always tend to fall by the weighside if I stood on them everyday, it we more demoralising, than encouraging. I know it is different for others, but our bods are prone to fluctuation, it just not may show dress size, remember that. Hugs to all Suzanne
  17. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Glad to hear you have stopped with the exercise on your legs! You can still do quite a lot without relying on your legs. Have you got a gymball, I think it is one of the best things I have ever bought I can completely relate to your last comment about missing exercise, I h ad a week away from it and I got quite fractious! Have you n oticed that when you do decent exercise you don't get as hungry? Hugs Sx
  18. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Cor that's a toughie H! 1700 is quite high for us bandsters, isn't it? Although you are doing a lot of exercise. On that point, BAD GIRL for doing exercise with a still swollen ankle. It doesn't matter that it doesn't hurt any more, you can still cause long term damage. Sorry bit of a nazi when it comes to joints. We unfortunately pay for the consequences later in life. You don't want to be svelte and hobbling on a walking stick, do you? Nuff said. Congrats on losing your gain! It does happen especially if you haven't been as active as much, I know I put on 3lbs over the weekend, hoping it has comeo ff now, I daren't stand on the scales, just in case it has gone up further. I want to bury my head in the sand!
  19. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    That's brilliant Brandy I think I may have to start saving for a fill again, I'm eating a lot more than I was doing. Mind you, I don't think this fill changed my appetite much anyway. But, have filled my fridge with lots of salad and I am back with Johnny, I really felt lost without my regular exercse. I can't believe I am saying this
  20. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Hi Pips. Sorry I haven't been around recently. I haven't had any computer whilst travelling the country visiting my sisters. Absolutely whacked, was relieved to finally get home. Nice to see you on the boards Brandy, sorry to hear about your plateau though. That does seem like a very long time, have you spoken to whoever did your band? Sorry if you have said this before, have tried to catch up on all posts, but started going cross eyed. Anon, you poor thing, treat that ankle gently, even swimming can do damage. Believe me I know, I have twisted my ankles so often in my life. As for your PB'ing, have you had another fill, it sounds like you could be a little to tight. I finally have good news for you all! I have reached my first goal of 210lbs. I thought this day would never come. I am wondering if OOlong tea has anything to do with it? I started drinking it 2 weeks ago and my weight began to shift. I saw an ad for it on this site, the one about Oprah Winfrey. I didn't buy it from that site, ridiculously expensive, but got some on ebay. I really enjoy it. Have any of you heard of it? Oh you can also get it at Whittards. Added to that if you suffer from bad wind, the tea really helps to get ri d of it. I'm almost considering it a blessing! Right, any suggestions for my next goal? So glad to be back and hearing how everyone is doing. Sx
  21. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Hope you had a great curry night H x OK time to input again. Now in my defence I have been having the worse TOM ever! More in the fact feeling totally wiped out, can't wait till it goes completely ho hum. B: Porridge and raisins S: Orange L: Beef and vegetable soup S: Exoctic Solero D: 2 bags of spicy nik naks and a topic bar I know fairly crap but getting better and I am still wearing 18 jeans! I haven't stood on teh scale for a couple of weeks, shall stand on them this Friday with my PT. We both decided it would be better for morale if I cut down teh amount of time I stand on scales. As soon as I know I shall let you all know. If I haven't lost weight it would be quite perplexing!
  22. libertysuzanne

    Had a little fill!

    I tend to avoid pork, as I find it really dry. Or maybe I'm cooking it incorrectly lol. Wow that's great! I bet your OH is dead chuffed! Ahhh griddle salmon, mmmmm that sounds scrummy, I think a trip to sainsburys is in order I'm contemplating another fill but at the moment I am yo-yo'ing, not intentionally, one day I feel ravenous the next I'm finding it hard to drink a shake for Breakfast. Mind you its TOM so everything is up the creek, I really had to push myself yesterday with Johnny. But, he changed our usual routine but it was still a toughie. How is your fitness going, I think your even more dedicated than I am, I have let the morning exercise slide a little, I really need to get back into it, as it is a really nice way of waking up for the rest of the day!. Hugs Sx
  23. libertysuzanne

    Had a little fill!

    I am sure it will make a difference for you H. You are doing so well already, your halo is in the post . Hows your OH doing? Close to that body for life target? Hugs Sx
  24. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    AAAARRRRRRGGGH!! I had just finished writing a long missive when my comp crashed...bugger! I have checked teh info I got from Chimay and it really wasn't as detailed as Anon's. I may have been on another planet when it was explained verbally. Not an uncommon situation for me . It is great that you got into a size 14 dress. You must have felt ecstatic. I know I did when I managed to put on a pair of size 18 jeans! I had taken two pairs into the changing room, one 20, one 18. Instead of putting the 20 on first I decided to get over the disappointment first, but instead I flounced about in front of the mirror with the 18's snugly on! Then to add to thrill, I had bought a woolen dress, which I was going to keep for winter in a size 18. As teh weather was soo cold I thought i would try it on and was more than pleased to discover it could fit, I really didn't want to stop wearing it, but it had to be washed lol. Is a yogurt all you usually have for breakfast Saggi? It may be worth adding some fibre, it helps fill you up that little extra and keeps you going to lunch. I know I am not the one to advise, but I have been concetrating on doing a lot more home cooking. Anon, you inspired me with all those gorgeous melas you have been having! As for slippage, I thought i had that, I had really bad pain only to discover somewhat embarrassed that it was just very bad wind. Apparently there should be a lot of pain. It may be worth chatting to your fill Dr see what they think. Sorry I haven't been on for awhile, I was beating myself up over what I was or wasn't eating so I thought it best to take a break. But I miss my buddies here, even if you are telling me off:p I hope everyone is well. Regards Sx
  25. libertysuzanne

    Bandsters, What did you eat today???

    Saggi, I must admit I laughed when you mentioned that you would lose your bust when you go down to the size 12. Mine is turning into muscle, not in a scary body lifter way (thankfully) I would love to get down to a 14, that is my goal, although my P.T has other ideas. We'll see who is right This is my most recent pic taken yesterday, maybe I should put other pic up as well. May try that later.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
