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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libertysuzanne

  1. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Hi Anon, I have just seen Dr Mignon, be prepared for slightly broken english and very straight forward talking. He certainly made me feel confident in making my decision in going to Belgium. I shall be having the op 24th October! Still have to book my hotel! One thing you should know and it isn't made clear on the website is that the aftercare is an extra cost, estimated about £300 for 3 fills, which is the estimated fills that may be required. Don;t ask Dr Mignon as he does not deal with the financial side. But in the long run it does still work out cheaper than having it done in the UK and they do give us a list of suitable radiologist to see. If you do decide to have it done please feel free to keep in touch, I have a feeling going to need a good support circle at the beginning. Love to hear how you go Kind regards Suzanne
  2. libertysuzanne

    Presurgery diet question

    I am going for my surgery on the 24th October, pertrified and excited all at once. The surgeon told me I would have to eat plain yoghurt for 7 days before the op! I told him I couldn't stand yoghurt so he allowed me to have slimfast instead. The reason for the diet is was that the left lobe of the liver tends to be enlarged in obese patients and the diet makes sure the liver is not blocking access to the stomach. I can;t say I am looking forward to those seven days at all. But, needs must if I finally want to crack the weight problem!
  3. libertysuzanne

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    Or as Eddie Izzard would say ' Two countries divided by a common.....Ocean!' I love going over to the states, in fact I thikn my english does become that little bit plummier (is that even a word?). Mind you I think they also just appreciate the please and thank you. It does shock me the normal manners of a yank is so different! Lets hope I'm not opening up a whole new can of worms!
  4. libertysuzanne

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    Oh dear it seems like i am rather late in my post. But it does show how captivating language can be! TOM you seem to take the whole language thing terribly seriously! Can you not laugh at some of the stories that have come from the improper use of grammar? I guess poor comedians would have their work cut out with you, as their skill is playing with words.
  5. libertysuzanne

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    Just a quick note about 'I'm loving it'. It all has to do with the attractive rhythm. It is something that easily sinks into a persons brain. Da da de dah is I'm lov-ing - it. Where as 'I-am-loving-it' does not flow as easily. If you listen to some of the make up adverts that have a jingle, it is always a simple memorable rhythm. It is a kind of poetry. As for the 'Ebonics' Dreadful yes, but understandable. When you look at Microsoft Word you have a choice of 'American English' or 'English'. So there is already a difference but the USA is a continent with a myriad of languages being used. Ebonics is a kind of combination of languages and therefore distinct as a 'US language' in it's own right. I must admit I did have a laugh when I was in McDonalds in Shrewsbury(UK), a woman hustled herself up to the front of the queue waving a wrapped burger in her hand and declaring. 'I is wanting a chesse burger'. We do have a comedian who plays that kind of character but I was shocked and amused to realise that people do actually speak like that. As a soon to be speech and drama teacher (well in two years given good luck and management!) I do find speech fascinating but 'speech and 'grammar' are two completely different things. Not everyone in the UK speaks what is known as received pronunciation or the Queen's English - which in fact is grammatically in correct in itself! The beauty of speech is it's diversity. Whether you mix up verbs and adjectives it really doesn't matter when spoken (OK in a lot of ways it does, people presume a lot when they hear you speak mostly down to snobbery) aslong as what you are trying to say is understood then where is the harm? You are allowed to be yourself and if that is with Ebonics or Cockney then so be it. As you can see Ebonics is actually nothing new. The UK has a vast variety of dialects which all come under the cover of 'English'. Infact some of the colloquisms are being found in the New Oxford Dictionary! Langauge is forever evolving! Hope I haven't bored you, got quite carried away there! I guess the teaching is finally sinking in and becoming as much a part of me as my bad grammar lol! Be well Suzannex:kiss2:
  6. libertysuzanne


    Hello All, I have been given the day for my surgery with Dr Mignon in Chimay Belgium/france. Which reminds me I have to prganise hotel! DOH! Anyway I digress my question is this...what is fluroscopie, the Dr did mention it, at that time I had slightly tuned out as I had already done all the research into lap banding and he was going over it again. So by the time I realised that I had no idea of what fluroscopie is, I was out of the door and looking for a taxi!. :faint: I know it has something to do with the fill but what exactly???.
  7. libertysuzanne


    Thanks Guys! That made things a lot clearer. I hope it doesn't taste to bad! I have a horrible habit of vomitting if I can't stand the taste or smell of something. Thankfully that doesn't happen very often. I have images of walking around glowing he he Still got to get the hotel sorted DOH!:grouphug:
  8. libertysuzanne

    uk Bansters

    THought I would say hi to all you UK banders :confused: I had my first consultation with Dr Mignon yesterday. Now want to book the surgery! FIngers crossed it won't be long!
  9. libertysuzanne

    SEVERE Port-Site Pain

    Hi Deezer, I know I'm new to this site, but only yesterday had my first consultation with a lap band surgeon. He did mention that if the port isn't sterilised properly by radiologist it can cause an infection in the port area, he stressed this very rarely occurs, but if there is any pain, you must go and see a Dr straight away, as you are likely to need antibiotics. Hope this helps and that you get sorted soon kind regards Suzanne

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