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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libertysuzanne

  1. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Many more hugs for you H. I know how it feels when you are just about squeezing into a 20 and you know the next step up is the number 22. It is mortifying and depressing but remember this 'you will be getting control back of your body soon enough!' Size 20 will become a distant memory and you will be squealing with delight when you get into a size you once thought was impossible. Just remember the key thing is to have a P.M.A Positve Mental Attitude Think of something that you have done in the day no matter how small, that made you feel just that wee bit better. I know, easier said than done but practice it and you will find life a lot different. So my P.M.A for you today is : You have the confidence to take your weight problem in hand and deal with it, even with your OH being negative about it! I hope you slept well. Fond Regards Suzannex
  2. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Aww sorry to hear about you tummy Pilko, hope your starting to feel better! Is it next week that you are off to Chimay? Don't worry about not having the yoghurt, I think the most important thing is that you be healthy. Most of the girls I was with thought the yoghurt diet was all about make the job easier for the surgeon. Personally for me, it was a way to get into the correct mindset for the big change! I'm having a bad day today, exhausted and feel like I'm permanently peckish, so snacking on liquid type food. Did have a proper lunch, a baby organics meal...woo hoo :thankyou:
  3. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    To be honest, I was told about the band but can't think of what it is called. It does say on the literature you get after the op, I think it is a 15cc band and you get 2 cc when you have the op!
  4. libertysuzanne

    Soup Concoctions?

    OK I'm from the UK and not the most keen cook but like to experiment and your Chili sounds gorgeous Charlene! Could you tell me wh at a Crock Pot is? Would it be like a casserole dish? Sx
  5. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Yep the food = Happiness ratio, is pretty high. For me the lapband initially began as a desire to say a proper and final farewell to yo yo dieting, that was a good few years ago and I never thought I would be able to afford it. By the time I looked at it again, it was from sheer frustration and pain. For a whole year I had been eating all the good stuff, fruit, veg, fish, red meat rarely. Yet I was still puttingon weight. At first I put it down to quitting smoking, then finally spoke tot he doc about it and discovered I had an underactive thyroid. Hoped the pills would resolve the weight issue, must admit had been tempted to up my dosage so my thyroid would kick into Hyper instead of hypo, but knew that was too stupid, even for me. Then the reality hit me, I had been dancing sine I was 7 years of age, I only stopped when I had my son and all my other niggly ailments buggered up any exercise regime. So it wouldn't have mattered even if the thyroid tablets were able to reverse the damage already done, there was no way I would be able to exercise to get it off. So really in the end I'm not doing it so much for the fat I will lose, which I know I can't wait to get back into just a 16! But, my health, each pound is another pound off my joints and maybe, just maybe I will be able to take up some form of dance again without crippling myself Also act like a looneyw ith my son, instead of worrying about getting carried away. I just want to be able to live again. I truly believe that the band is going to help me do that, psychologically I already feel ten times better, than I have for years. I have taken back control of my life a nd the disability is finally going to be second fiddle! Yee Haw. Guess it is a day for rants. H, your OH may take a very long time to come around, but he will. Don't be afraid to go to Chimay on your own, in some ways it may be better. You will be spending a lot of the time in the hospital and Chimay isn't exactly a great tourist destination. There were two women who brought their partners and we really didn't get to know them but there were three of us who were going solo (well apart from Jane with Gemma, but she was counted as one of the girls lol) and we supported each other and I really do feel that time being with others who are sharing the same experience is priceless. It's not that long till you will be going either H and Pilko how is the yoghurt going? Luv Sx
  6. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Last supper syndrome, is the perfect name for it. Yet when you have the band, food does not have the same allure as it had done before! Have fun on the yogurt pre op diet Pilko. You get huge Brownie points if you manage the whole week. You can quite rightfully show off
  7. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    You won't need luck Heb! You will be well looked after. Say Hi to Deirdre for me. Tell her I hope she got the website info OK. Try and get a really goodnights sleep tonight, I know easier said than done, especially if you are setting off really early! Safe travelling. Suzannexx
  8. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Well the first fill if needed will be in the beginning of December. As it is, I may get away with not having it for a little longer. I experienced my first PB, it really isn't pleasent. The only way it stopped was by bringing the custard back up it couldn't get through! All I had was a baby size bowl of custard, but I made the mistake of not snacking properly, so I was hungry when I came to eat it, and wolfed it down instead of slowly! I really want to avoid that again! So I can only eat tiny size portions of food at the moment, so I think the fill will be a long way off, as it does fill me up and it really is a great feeling of saiety. Although it is hard getting used to leaving foodon the plate. I grew up with the saying 'Eat all your dinner, think of the starving thousands in Ethiopia!' At least now I realise I should allow CM to leave stuff on his plate, unless he is only doing that thinking he will have more room for a desert lol. Mind you it's rare we have deserts in our house. The poor thing. Do you think you oculd fit me in your suitcase H? I really could do with a nice bit of warm weather! How's your other half coming to terms with your decision? Sx
  9. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    To start a new thread, you go to the second index of posts and there should be a button at the top and the bottom. You can't start a new thread any other way, hope that helps. Click first on which topic it is relevant in and then on the next page there will be the new thread button. I know the day always seems longer when you are waiting to do something that can be life changing!
  10. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Oh and before I forget. Thanks Heb and Pilko for your condolences I'm not really that disappointed. I have been fortunate in losing such an amount so early. With eating a bit more food then it's not suprising, as my body had probably shut down into starvation mode! It just shows that I can and will lose weight!
  11. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Hi SweetHot, Dr Mignon certainly would be a good choice to have as your surgeon. I am unsure if they offer the same service as they do in the UK. So I couldn't tell you about cost. In UK pounds it was £3700 (about 5'500 euros)for the surgery and one night stay in hospital. The accomodation etc was not included. It may be different for you being close to Chimay. It may be worth getting in touch with The Chimay hospital to see if they could offer you some form of package. As for financing it may be worth searching financial establishements for the best rate. I suspect the Provider recommended does have a high interest rate. I am sure if you get in touch with the hospital they should be able to help you. Keep us up to date with how it is going for you. Kind regards Suzanne
  12. libertysuzanne

    Poll zodiac sign

    Well that does it! I really want to change my birth sign, I'm a virgo as well and your right I'm an emotional eater to! As you say, stress usually has people losing weight not gaining. It is so not fair!
  13. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Hate to disappoint everyone, but I have put on a couple of pounds, better alter my ticker scale. Ho Hum. I'm just lucky to have lost some! I've bought the smartcard from Boots, so I will go and check once a month instead of standing on a scale every morning! Now I have to go and mulch my chicken stew!
  14. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Alright I will go to boots after I have picked up my son! I'll blame you if I have put on some weight :clap2:
  15. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Pilko, you are definitely not weird! It is perfectly natural! You are on the way to getting back the control over your body. I know I was very quick in making my decision about having the op, simply because I wanted to lose all the weight that was bringing me down and causing me pain! Yet one of the women waited two years and did an ocean of research. I wish I had that type of control. I'm rather spontaneous! Although very glad I was spontaneous about this, still feel it's the best decision I have ever made. It's a relief knowing that I can make sensible decisions *he he* I am more than happy to help, I found it really helped me having people to speak to that were in the same boat! Thank H for the compliment, as for Boots, I'm still a coward. Shall wait till the end of the month lol. At least if I have put on a couple of pounds I can convince myself it's only natural lol. I may succumb as I do have to go and get a post box for my door, my doggies have decided that mail is a tasty thing to eat! Pets at home is on the same trading estate as Boots lol.
  16. libertysuzanne

    Harry Potter Anyone???

    It fascinates me how in anything, we always believe there is some conspiracy theory. Is it the fact that we cannot accept that Dumbledore is dead? JK Rowling has pushed the boundaries of children's literature, an intentional action. Children need to learn to deal with death but we have a dreadful habit of shielding them from it. So, really Dumbledore should remain dead, his spirit captured in the Phoenix. Wizards and Witches never truly go away, as we have seen from the very beginning, they linger in our sub concious. I think it would be wrong to try and resurrect Dumbledore, it would be quaint and expected but wrong in so many ways. The story is about growing up, there are a lot of things happen in our youth that we have no control of but affects us in how we grow up. Dumbledores job was done, Harry had struck out to find his own path, again something he has been trying/learning to do from day one. Do you really think you would appreciate Dumbledoe being brought back? Snape I think is his replacement and I think things are going to get a lot darker. When you think of it, the timings of the books are almost the same as the children that grow up reading it. So, by the time we get to 6 and 7 those young kids are going to be teenagers, so the theme can get quite dark without alienating the readers, including us adults! By the way, which was your favourite movie? Hope I haven't bored you with my waffle Kind regards Sx
  17. libertysuzanne

    A need to vent my guilt!

    I have had the band for all of eight days now! I am eating mushies, never have I had such pleasure from mashed potato! This cold is driving me gaga and I did a horribly bad thing, I ate another milky way! I have to get these milky bars out of my house. I think I shall hand them out to the kids tomorrow morning. It would be fine if it was summer, I can deal with being warm, but this winter front and food that doesn't really give me any heating is hard work. I wish I could just curl up in bed for a few days. Ah the stuff dreams are made of, if I could I would go and exercise, not allowed for another 3 weeks. Can you believe it!?! I actually want to exercise, infact I am itching to do it....or is that my wounds healing? This initial weight loss has been a blessing to my poor old joints, 16lbs gone and I have to be honest I have cut down my pain killers. I wonder if once I lose all my weight I want to, will I stop taking pain killers altogether?? I have to gather myself, recall my will power and kick it into gear. I hate being so weak, it doesn't matter that they are just fun size, if I want a snack I should eat something helathy mush or liquid. I shall not forget to drink water to prevent temptation!
  18. libertysuzanne

    A need to vent my guilt!

    I have had the band for all of eight days now! I am eating mushies, never have I had such pleasure from mashed potato! This cold is driving me gaga and I did a horribly bad thing, I ate another milky way! I have to get these milky bars out of my house. I think I shall hand them out to the kids tomorrow morning. It would be fine if it was summer, I can deal with being warm, but this winter front and food that doesn't really give me any heating is hard work. I wish I could just curl up in bed for a few days. Ah the stuff dreams are made of, if I could I would go and exercise, not allowed for another 3 weeks. Can you believe it!?! I actually want to exercise, infact I am itching to do it....or is that my wounds healing? This initial weight loss has been a blessing to my poor old joints, 16lbs gone and I have to be honest I have cut down my pain killers. I wonder if once I lose all my weight I want to, will I stop taking pain killers altogether?? I have to gather myself, recall my will power and kick it into gear. I hate being so weak, it doesn't matter that they are just fun size, if I want a snack I should eat something helathy mush or liquid. I shall not forget to drink water to prevent temptation!
  19. libertysuzanne


    Hi Douglas, Apparently the leftlobe of the liver covers the stomach and in overweight/obese people have a more 'atrophied' liver, not entirely sure of the name for it. But basically the liver is to fatty, which makes it difficult to work with. I had to go on a 7 day diet of natural yoghurt so I can't comment on the 30 day diet. I guess you probably need 30 days as my liver hadn't changed much, but they still did the operation...thankfully! I hope this may make it a little clearer for you. *don't quote me on this, trying to remember what I was told, I think I left part of my brain in Belgium lol** Kind regards Sx
  20. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    In one of my earlier posts today, it tells you of the varied eating routine of me and the rest of the women had as there pre-op diet. You can have fruit yoghurt as long as it is low fat. Chat later Sx
  21. libertysuzanne

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Just checking in Banded on the 25th, back home on the 28th. Feeling fit, happy and healthy. I have lost 16lbs, my sis thinks they have gone off my organs, which really an encouraging view. If I can do that to my organs then I can do it to the rest of my body I must say though, I have a very baggy seat in all my torusers, which does make me laugh. Of all the places to lose, I thought my butt would be the last to go, not the first! Although still enough padding there still!
  22. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Thanks Heb, There is no one more suprised than me at my weight loss. I could have done a merry jig on the scales! I just have to concentrate on not putting it back on! The funny thing is, I really feel like exercising, which I know I can;t do for a month, I haven't felt this way for what seems an age, even my joints are being kinder to me. I have to confess though....... I ate a funsize milkyway! 72 cals and let it melt until it was liquid, now i know how some people can cheat the band. Thankfully it is the only day in the year I have sweets in the house! I have already nagged myself, but I feel it is better for me to fess it here as well. I think if I stay honest on here, then I will stay honest with my changed eating habits! Sx
  23. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Hi Heb, I travelled on my own, when I had the op. You're right the most exhausting thing is the journey back. Eurostar is fine it's the madness of the british trains which are exhausting. I was worried when I set off, but Deirdre soon put me at ease and meeting other people having the op really helped. In some ways it seemed better having no-one there. The women who brought their partners with them, were fairly isolated where as us adventurers had each other for support. We didn't have to worry about anyone else, far more relaxing. Welcome to the Dr Mignon Club
  24. libertysuzanne

    An NSV of sorts

    I can so relate tot hat quandry. Halloween has come back with avengance in the UK and the kids are dressing up, so they deserve a treat. I have a bucket (sml) full of gummie bears, haribos and milkyways! I keep drinking Water every time I am tempted to indulge, it is hard work! Just one little mily way bar, it's fun size as well. It calls to me! Time to hit the water again! I am, I can, I will be good! Happy Halloween!
  25. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Hi Sarah, Don;t worry, I am more than happy to answer your questions, I'm glad my email has helped to put you at ease! 1. The week of yoghurt, now there are many mixed views on this part of the diet. Out of the five of us, only 2 did the yogurt - they had flavoured yogurt instead of plain. 1 had reall problems with just eating yogurt, so she had yogurt during the day and a slimming evening meal, the other carried on as if she wasn;t having the operation. As for me, as I have real issues with yogurt I went and had two slimfast and a Soup a day. We all had the operation. Jane pointed out, that they recommend the yogurt diet, it isn't a requirement. Personally, I think it's good to get into the mindset you need for the rest of your life after the op, hence why I did the slimfast and soup. It is really up to you what you decide to do, but I felt a great sense of achievement controlling my appetite without the band! 2. The operation was straightforward, I still have the dressings on, you have to keep them on for 8-9 days. I could feel the port when it was first put in, but now it's just a part of the body and not noticeable. My best bit of advice is to be a relaxed as possible for the op, think PMA - Positve Mental Attitude. It will help with your recovery from the operation. I imagined pink elephants when they put me out lol. 3. You will find it quite funny when you are allowed your first meal of soup and a Protein drink, I don't think any of us managed to finish it, despite the fact that we thought we were hungry! For me it has basically been that way since, even drinking Water makes me feel full! 4. Much to my suprise I have managed to lose at least 16lbs already (last time I weighed myself was at my sisters on Saturday, I don't have a scales in my house), again this will be different for each individual and to be honest, I am a little worried that I have lost so much. I have only been in touch with Jane since getting back to England, she said that she had also lost 9lbs, which is great. I just hope that I won't put it back on, but that is the next step to learn to trust your band. 5. useful bits of advice. Take a heat pad or cool pad whichever you prefer to help with the pain if it gets really bad. Rest assured you are on a drip of paracetamol after the op and they will help you rid the pain as best they can. Do take a pair of pyjamas, it's nice to get out of the surgical gown, makes you feel more alive. Don't forget your toileteries and your towel. I did so I borrowed it from my hotel he he. If you want to you mingth want to take a french dictionary with you. I found my pigeon french really helped, the nurses and doctors are so nice, it's a compliment if you try and speak thier language, but again that is a personal choice. I enjoyed the challenge. Most of the nurses do speak good english. Of course, you will also have Deirdre as your liasion officer (couldn;t think of another title for her), she is Irish and fluent in French. Also, she will bend over backwards to help you, you couldn't meet a nicer woman! Have you booked your hotel yet? I hope this info wasn't to long winded for you and if I think of anything else I shall put it up here for you. Kindest regards Suzannex

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