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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libertysuzanne

  1. libertysuzanne

    Slippage stress!!!

    I had my band fitted in 2006 and have lost a shed load of weight. But, had been suffering from acid refulx and everyone was nagging me to stop losing weight. So I went for an unfill, expecting only a 0.5ml removal. The doc said I was wasting away (I wasn't!!!) so he took out 2mls! Also arranged for me to have a barium x-ray. Having been in the safe coccoon(sp?) of my food consumption being controlled by the band, it was at first a novelty to eat normal amounts. I thought I would settle into eating slightly larger portions but not so much that i would put on weight. Unfortunately in a month I have put on a stone!! To add insult to injury, the barium has shown that my band has slipped. I have to wait till the 24th to find out what this may mean. I am hoping it hasn't slipped too much and can avoid surgery. In fact hoping I will be able to have a fill on the 24th. I hate feeling so out of control. The thought of having to have the band removed just isn't worth thinking about. It has become a very important part of my life and it is sad to know that without it, I would be more than likely become morbidly obeses...... Sorry I am feeling so glum right now. I have always known the band was only a tool, I have taken a slow and steady course of weight loss, which I know was because my band and I were in sync. I just wish I could see the doc now and put my mind at ease, even if it is bad news. At least then I know what I am dealing with. Unfortuantely reading everyone else's experiences hasn't eased my mind one jot, which thankfully I can laugh at (not at the people, just my reaction) I would love to talk to anyone who has had to deal with a slippage. The doc who was at the barium x-ray pointed out the slippage to me, he did say it was only small but he couldn't confirm what needed to be done, as that was the specialist's call. It is shocking how quickly my mind has taken over and seems to revel in eating. I can't seem to stop eating porridge and one of my bad eating habits has returned, eating two Snacks instead of one,w hether that be desert or savoury. I get panicy if I don't. Has anyone experienced that. I had forgotten about it over t he couple of years I have had the band, something else that is unsettling. Heigh ho. Suzy
  2. libertysuzanne

    Slippage stress!!!

    Hi, I did see the doc and he gave me a small refill. It has stopped the weight gain but I am not losing either, I am stuck in a status quo. I am waiting to receive an appointment to see him again. It should be next month or september. I think if he says that it needs an operation then I will have it done, as I want to keep this band and I don't want to risk it having to be taken out completely. That is far worse! If you are not confident about your docs diagnosis, ask fora second opinion. kid regards Suzy
  3. libertysuzanne

    Dr Mignon Belgium

    Hi Sola, I had my lapband fitted with Elyzea and Dr Mignon in Oct 2006. It was more like a holiday than an operation for me. I know that may sound silly but the staff at the hsopital involved with Elyzea made everything as easy as possible for us. Also the one thing I keep saying is 'the hospital was incredibly clean! I walked barefoot through the hospital and didn't pick up a speck of dust!' It's obviousy been a few years since I had the band fitted but I haven't had any problems with it. I think the only thing I wish I had understood more clearly was that there were no free fills involved in the package. Although Dr Mignon did put in a small fill to get the ball rolling during the surgery. Fortunately I found a private fill doc in Telford, who told me that I could get the fills on the NHS! So I have had my fills done by Mr Siggurdsson ever since. Also, if it is possible, try and have another day in the hotel to recover. I went home the next day and it was the worst journey possible. If you can't it is doable, just be prepared for it. I certainly have no complaints about the operation or Elyzea. If you have more specifc questions, I can try and answer them. Suzy
  4. libertysuzanne

    Body Issues Help!

    I am hoping this isn't going to sound mad, but I really need to talk about this. When I was at my biggest, I would look in a mirror and see someone slimmer, I never really saw the real me. It was my health that propelled me to have the lapband fitted. Now you would think that now when I look in the mirror, I would be able to see me. But I don't! Everything suggests I am slim. At my biggest I was in size 22 now I am size 12 and occassionally size 10. I weigh 10st 3lbs and my friends are telling me I have to stop losing weight. yet, when I look in that mirror I see someone who is fat. Admittedly not as big as I originally was, but enough to disuade me from going for an unfill. Am I alone in this insanity. I should be happy and the sensible part of my brain is. My goal was size 14 I never expected to exceed it! So why is the restof my brain freaking out?? Sorry its such a glum message Suzy
  5. libertysuzanne

    Anyone had band removed due to oesophageal dilation

    Oh dear Carrol, I hope you know what is happening now. reading your post made me shiver. I had my band fitted in 2006 and have lost a shed load of weight. But, had been suffering from acid refulx and everyone was nagging me to stop losing weight. So I went for an unfill, expecting only a 0.5ml removal. The doc said I was wasting away (I wasn't!!!) so he took out 2mls! Also arranged for me to have a barium x-ray. Having been in the safe coccoon(sp?) of myfood consumption being controlled by the band, it was at first a novelty to eat normal amounts. I thought I would settle into eating slightly larger portions but not so much that i would put on weight. Unfortunately in a month I have put on a stone!! To add insult to injury, the barium has shown that my band has slipped. I have to wait till the 24th to find out what this may mean. I am hoping it hasn't slipped too much and can avoid surgery. In fact hoping I will be able to have a fill on the 24th. I hate feeling so out of control. The thought of having to have the band removed just isn't worth thinking about. It has become a very important part of my life and it is sad to know that without it, I would more than likely become morbidly obese again...... I'm so sorry to sound so glum, but at least you know you are not on your own. Please keep in touch and let me know how you get on. Thanks Jack for mentioning the complications page, I am going to have a look there now. Suzy
  6. libertysuzanne

    Vomitting, anyone exp this?

    I've had projectile vomiting once before, funnily enough fairly recently. I know it was due to me eating a very rich meal late the night before. Unfortunately it was my dads funeral the next day and I felt like death (sorry about the pun) all throughout the day. My sister suggested I tried a remegel. I joked 'if I throw up after trying this it's all your fault!' Famous last words. It wasn't a nice thing to happen...who'd have thought sick could come out of your nose??? But, I felt so much better afterwards! I'm sure you don't have anything to worry about now, unless it keeps happening. I know sometimes we can forget the demands of the band and slip up food wise. As long as we learn from our mistakes we should be fine. Hope that is the case for you.. Suzy
  7. libertysuzanne

    Body Issues Help!

    hmmm is this the right place? I had my band fitted in Chimay, Belgium by Dr Mignon, through a company called Elyzea. It was a heck of a lot cheaper than having it done in the UK. I am slowly getting used to the idea that I am slim, personally I can't see it but everyone else is telling me I am, so I guess I must be????
  8. libertysuzanne

    NHS aftercare..??

    I had my band done privately 2 years ago, and I spoke to my GP after the private fill Dr i was seeing told me I could have them done on the NHS! I got reffered to Dr Sigurddson (sp?) and I have been using him ever since. It really does depend on your PCT. We are fortunate in having 2 lapband surgeons in Shropshire, which apparently is as rare as hens teeth. I went private, not because I wouldn't fit the criteria, but because I felt guilty i had got myself into the mess in the first place and I didn't want to sponge off the NHS. At least with the fills it is once in a blue moon and if anything goes wrong I don't have to worry about any confusion. I hope this helps Sal Sx
  9. libertysuzanne

    4 yrs banded

    Hi, I have had the band for two years and 2 months! I am attempting to get an unfill, if I could just find out when the next clinic in Telford is. Everyone is nagging me that I need to stop losing weight, hence the unfill. It is a weird situation, I never expected to get down to a size 12 let alone be only 10st and falling! It is still the best thing I have ever done but my relationship with food has done an about turn and now I hardly eat. Has anyone else been through a similar experience? Suzy
  10. libertysuzanne

    3 month bandster struggling

    I'm sure you may have settled a bit with your band now, well I do hope so. I have been banded for two years now and there are still times when I get things wrong with the usual consequences. It is so much harder in the 1st year as you are learning to live with your band, but it does get better. I shall say now that there could be times when you hit a plateau and you think your never going to get over it. You will! I had one for about 5 months and then suddenly woosh it all seemed to disappear in a matter of weeks and people really started to notice that I had lost weight, I had virtual strangers, who I didn't even know coming up to me and telling me I looked fab! (that was really bizarre). Only took 1 year and 6 months lol. So just remember through the tough times, you will reach your goal, it's not a race, just a slow, gentle stroll to permanent and healthy weightloss. xxxxxxx
  11. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Hi Jane, The simple answer is No. it would be a waste of your money and unnecessary surgery. Have you considered the gastric balloon? It is non invasive and is removed after 6 months. It may help you to lose that last bit of weight. You really don't have enough weight to make it worthwhile for you. And, as you obviously do not want to have restrictions put on what you can eat, then you really should reconsider. It's not a miracle cure. Yes you can have the band deflated when you have got to your preffered weight and if you put weight back on it can be reflated. The band is simply a tool that needs to be worked at just like normal dieting. I'm sorry to be so blunt but it does seem that so many people think that the band is the easy answer, I have had the band for just over 2 years now and I am still learning how to work with it. Finally seem to have syncopated properly. I hope this helps you Suzy
  12. libertysuzanne

    Gastric band problems?

    I really hope you can get this sorted. My thoughts are with you. Suzy
  13. libertysuzanne

    Gastric band problems?

    PCT= Primary Care Trust. Your local NHS. Who did you have fit your lapband? You can't live on what you are, for any length of time! No wonder you're feeling so awful. I think it might be worth going back to your GP and ask if there is any chance to have an emergency appointment. Point out that you are not getting the right nutrients and the amount of weight you are losing every week. Even with the band you should only lose 1-2lbs a week. I hope you will be able to get this sorted Suzy
  14. libertysuzanne

    Gastric band problems?

    Silika, I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering so badly! One thing you need to do, is try to get some supplemental Vitamins into you. You can get liquid vits, they would be well worth investing in. The one drink I have found that has been benefitial to me, is a cup of hot bovril with some grated cheeses thrown in. I used it a lot when I had my first fill, I couldn't eat enough to get all the nutrients I needed. This at least addressed the balance. I know liquids are frustrating and the yearning for something you can chew and feel different textures. But there will be a time when you will have that. It is horrid that you have to wait so long! What PCT are you under? Suzy
  15. libertysuzanne

    Gastric band problems?

    Hi Sillybro, The other posters are right, you do need to see your GP or surgeon. I'm in a similar predicament. I've been trying to ignore the fact I am probably needing an unfill. Although I am also distraught that I can eat Haggen Daaz (admittedly pre band I could probably eat so much more!) easy peasy but the healthy food I cook, I can only manage a few mouthfuls and lord help me if I drink something to early! It's weird I seem to go through peaks and troughs, but I think my sweet spot isn't as sweet as it should be. I think emotional issues do have an impact, also the visiting of aunty flo (nice way of saying monthlies:blink:) does have an impact. I have made the decision now to go and see the surgeon tomorrow. Last time I had a slight unfill, I did lose more weight, I hope that will happen again. Weird, Iknow. I hope things get sorted for you. Suzy
  16. Hi Denie, I hope you got over your PB, it really can suck. I have had m band for almost 2 years now and there are still times when I manage to get a block, with all the dire consequences. Thankfully not so often now though, I think I have finally reeducated my eating habits. As for your question about getting assistance on the NHS, yes I think you can, I think it may depend on the PCT. I was lucky the fill Dr I found told me that I could get my fills on the NHS, I just had to ask my GP to refer me. I can only assume that means they will also deal with any issues as well. Thankfully (touch wood) I haven't needed it any help apart from a slight unfill! Having the band too tight is not an experience I want to repeat anytime soon. I may not need another fill as I seem to have the elusive 'sweet spot' now. I hope this may have helped you. Kind regards Suzy
  17. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Hi Chekai, Why is it that your Dr doesn't want to know? I will tell you it is worth having it done, but if you could get it done on the NHS it would be kinder to your pocket. If your Doc is against the lapband per say and you fit the requirements for being eligible then you should get a second opinion. I went to Chimay Belgium and it was great, but I think if I had the option of doing it again, I would have exhausted all possibilities to have it done on the NHS. I didn't even try as I was too ashamed that I had let myself get that way. So I went with the logic, I got myself in this mess, I shall get myself out!' A noble sentiment but costly lol. If after arguing my case and not achieveing the desired yes vote, then I would have gone with elyzea and Dr Mignon. So please look at the eligtibility criteria to have the surgery on the NHS, and ask your Dr why he won't consider it. If you don't like what he has to say get a second opinion, you have every right to. I really hope this helps and if you have anymore questions feel free to email me. Kind regards Suzy ps sorry it took me awhile to reply, had a technical glitch with the site most of the day only got back on now!
  18. libertysuzanne

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Hi Anne, You've come to the right place for support and encourgement! Congrats on having the band fitted. I had my band fitted almost 2 yers ago now and it took me awhile to work with the band. I'm sure you are already aware that the band is a tool not a cure all. (took me sometime to realise it :smile:) Just like any diet you are going to hit plateaus, they are just more frustrating because of the band. It could be that you my require a fill, your stomach does adjust to the band but eventually you will get to a point where you are in your band Nirvana. I achieved mine around about March this year. Until then, there are lots of things you can do to make life a little easier. Talking here is the best start. Everyone has different experiences with their band, some are lucky, never need another fill nd lose weight at a rate of knots but the majority have the same troubles you are having. My personal experience of the plateau hunger issue was a worrisome time. I felt as if the band wasn't working, that I must be eating all the wrong stuff, that there must be a leak. In reality, what I needed was a fill. Even after a fill it took awhile for me to see any difference, even though I could barely eat a thing. It is so easy to see just the negatives, what you may not notice is despite the lack of weight loss, you may still be losing inches. I'm not sure how that works but there are a lot of people who have had that happen. Including me :wub: During my plateau I began to be aware of my relationship with food. It was quite a shock and I don't think any diet on earth would have shown me, that I had such an unhealthy relationship with food. The last thing I shall say, as I am probbably waffling is to consider what you are eating at the moment, in comparison to what you ate before the band. You may be plateauing but you may discover you are still eating a hell of a lot less than you were then! Keep an eye on the positives. Hug Suzy x
  19. libertysuzanne

    for Heliogast bandersters

    Happy to hear your finally feeling restriction with your fill :thumbup: Jen, I completely understand your 'head hunger.' It can be a nightmare and it took me ages to adapt myself to the regime of listening to my body instead of my head. There are times when I think I can cheat, those are the times that I say a very yucky hello to regurgitated food which refuses to stay down. I was worried at one point that I thought I was (sub conciously)trying to make myself sick. I confess, I kind of liked the fact that the food wouldn't stay down. Not a healthy train of thought and the novelty soon wore thin when I was losing all energy and my skin looked horrid. That is when I went and got a mini unfill. Funnily enough it triggered off another bout of weight loss, even though I was eating a little more. I guess my body had gone into starvation mode. I think that 'head hunger' is a bit like smoking. Even though you've given up you still crave it. I've just woked out how many lbs I have lost. It is now 70lbs, that no longer weighs my body down 70 lbs!!:thumbup: I always tell people it's 5 stone and I never feel shocked. Yet saying it in lbs, it's a whole lot more shocking! I think I have about another 15lbs to lose, but I'm in no hurry. I'm out of the danger zone and looking good. Any weight loss now is a bonus. I am happy at size 14 but I am curious what it would be like to be a size 12. Also I might stand a better chance of getting sales clothes! I always had problems find bigger size clothes in the sales, now I am having trouble grabbing size 14 bargains! I can't win lol
  20. libertysuzanne

    for Heliogast bandersters

    Hi all, It's been a while since I have posted. Not much has changed. I had 0.1ml taken out as I wasn't able to eat anything! The doc felt the 0.1ml would be better than taking out a whole 1ml. It has made a little difference. But, I have stalled with my weight loss. I am only able to eat sweet stuff for two weeks up to my monthly, it really is nuts! Has anyone else experienced this? I'm just on the edge of hitting 12 stone which would be fantastic. I just wish I could eat savoury healthy food, instead of PB'ing it all back up :ohmy: Still glad I have the band though. I can better understand why Sharon Osbourne wated it removed. I made a gorgeous Pasta dish which I could have the plate and probably eaten more, but I couldn't. It did cause me to grieve a little about having the band. Didn't last long though Hope all is well with every one. Suzy x
  21. libertysuzanne

    Lap band & chocolate??

    Aww thank you Annie, I'm glad I can help. This site is brilliant for reassurance and knowledge. You don't think you will need it once you have the band but it's firmly stuck in my favourites. Even though I don't visit as often. I've got a flipped port, I blame it on me playing with it, a bit like a child with their belly button lol. The doc knows how to deal with it now, it's a case of up and under instead of straight in. As for junk food being easy to consume, I can only guess that it is because it's constituted mush, which breaks down to liquid quickly and easily. I think I might ask my specialist next time I see him. It is frustrating when you can't eat decent, healthy food. It drives me to distraction. It is always T.O.M that I have the greatest difficulty in eating, even chocolate isn't working at the moment.:biggrin: I'm like you I'm loathe to go for an unfill but starving myself is not a healthy thing to do, especially as it's not intentional! Besides the chances are if we have a slight unfill it may just help us lose weight instead of being stuck. Although I think I may have lost some weight but being TOM it's hard to tell. But, my scales suggest I have lost a lb so in theory that equate to 2lbs because of Fluid retention etc etc. if that is the case I am now in the 12 stone zone...only just lol. Omelette is the best and worse thing to eat. It fills you up very quickly and then takes ages to break down into the rest of the stomach. My doc advised to eat egg when you are feeling you need another fill. Egg can work a bit like the band keeping you fuller for longer. I've been trying to eat salad which I love but the compost bin is getting most of it! Think it might be time to hit the liquid viatmins! Lets hope it gets better! Hugs Suzy
  22. libertysuzanne

    Oh Happy Day! 2

    I achieved another NSV (No Scale Victory) today. I put on a pair of trousers, that when first bought were uncomfortably tight and ended up in the wardrobe after only one outting. Now they are comfortable, well more than comfortable, loose! Not loose enough for me to dare to go down to the next size, but what a wonderful way to start the day! Everyday, even with the occasional hiccup, has been a reminder that I made the right decison. I have finally invested in myself. Still feel it was a bit of a selfish action but I know both CM and I will benefit in the long run! I know there are going to be some aspects of my health that won't be resolved by my weight loss, but I look forward to the day when I can walk much longer distances without keeling over in pain. I truly do hope that with my combination of weightloss and gentle exercise, I may firm up my joints enough to prevent me causing any further damage. Not sure what I am going to do today, I know I have food shopping to do. That is also a major benefit my shopping bill - when I shop for household food and animal food - has dramatically decreased! I eat less than CM!!!! Lord help me when my size justifies clothes shopping lol. It's a good job I am not keen on Sinsburys TU! They tend to be at least one size smaller than the lable says. Why is it, that two articles of clothing from different stores can be so dramatically different? I have asked for clothes vouchers from MOnsoon and next for xmas presents. I won't spend them immediately, I may hold onto them until I get to a size 16 or maybe even 14! 16 is my initial goal and 14 my final goal. I have never been smaller than 14 and doubt I would look that good so skinny. I'd laugh if I managed to get into 12's and then probably panic! You know it's funny, a part of me is terrified about losing weight! Not sure why that should be. I should see it as a positive. Maybe that is the problem. Being fat (I still hate that word) protected me, I stopped thinking about being attractive, which meant I gave up on contemplating dating, safe in the knowledge that I would never be wanted. Maybe it will still be the case when I get down to my ideal size? It's silly though isn't it, I guess my blubber was keeping me safe from being hurt. I am going to have to work on my self-esteeem!
  23. libertysuzanne

    Lap band & chocolate??

    chocolate used to be my comfort food and now it has kind of turned into a necessity once a month. I have really started to hate chocolate! I think the chocolate issue is a very personal one. I know that I am a bad girl sometimes but I also know that I am only about 1/8th of the bad girl I used to be. The band allows only so much before it protests, but since this last fill, all the junk stuff has been drastically reduced. Ironically, I think I have hit my sweet spot lol. Chocolate addiction is just like any other addiction, you can quit if you really, REALLY want to. If you don't think you can reduce your chocolate intake, then you should seriously conisder your options. A band is a tool not a miracle cure, but it can be a miracle maker for your health and happiness. For me it is the best thing I have ever done, apart from having my son! I hope this helps a little, the key thing is to be honest with yourself.
  24. Hi Maisie,

    Sorry I haven't replied sooner, haven't been on here for awhile. I'm afraid I don't know about Scottish GP's but you have every right to ask your doctor. I wish I had asked sooner! But, it was down to my private fill Dr who told me I was eligible. He didn't have to do that for me but he did. So I am very fortunate.

    Let me know how it goes.


    Kindest regards



  25. libertysuzanne

    for Heliogast bandersters

    Sending you a huge virtual hug Honey. It is different for us all. Some can go with no fill at all and others really push their band to it's limit. I often wonder why that is. Lets hope you will feel a good restriction with your next fill. I think I may be going for another fill in the next month, I've started eating more than I did. Mind you I hardly ate anything for a month, so anything is more than that lol. I am just going to have to pay attention to what I am eating, then I will have a clearer idea. Wishing you all the best Suzyx

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