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    Texarkolina reacted to Pparrisss in I Just Messed Up I Had Peanuts   
  2. Like
    Texarkolina reacted to SunnyCox in I Just Messed Up I Had Peanuts   
    Who does that? Pretty much all of us. It happens, and it is much better to learn to put yourself back on track now than have this issues after surgery. You've beat yourself up. Think of how you will better prepare yourself the next time the cravings start, but most importantly learn from your mistake and forgive yourself.
    Four days before surgery, I was at PF Changs eating another 'last supper,' because my doc told me that the most important part of my pre-op diet was the three days before surgery where I was restricted to Clear Liquids.
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    Texarkolina reacted to chitowngirl in Please Dont Judge - Yes Or No Is Fine   
    I'd say no. As far as a release if exercise is not an option, how about sex??? Just a thought.
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    Texarkolina got a reaction from Gijane2012 in My Husabnd Is In Surgery Right Now   
    I think it is great that you two are doing this together. Prayers for successful surgeries and recoveries for both of you.
  5. Like
    Texarkolina reacted to Birdy18 in 2Nd Day Pre Op Cheater!   
    You have no idea how relieving it is to hear someone say this! I'm on day two (really, it's only been two days?!) of pre op too and I snuck bites of plain tuna and had pieces of grilled chicken (no skin) yesterday. I'm in a constant mental haze and fog, and the headaches are pretty unbearable. Just thinking about your comment and knowing that beyond hopefully days 3 and 4, it'll get better. Don't even get me started on the BMs...
  6. Like
    Texarkolina got a reaction from sandipq in Feel Horrible   
    Second surgery date was successful in that I am sleeved. It was pretty rough because they had to give me so much medication to keep my heart rate up during the surgery and didn't give me pain meds for a while after. I have never experienced pain and nausea (from the meds) anything like the few hours after surgery.
    I came home on Wednesday, but was readmitted Sunday night for dehydration and shoulder pain. They were afraid that I could have a leak because I have so much pain in my left shoulder still. Tests were all negative. If I am still having pain on Wednesday he is going to send me to an orthopedic guy. They are wondering if they didn't damage my shoulder during chest compressions in the first surgery. This has been a horribly rough road, and I am a little glad I didn't know how bad it was going to be going in. Thus far today I have managed to get down a popsicle--that's it. The surgeon said it may take time but he has never seen it not get better. I am trying to have a positive attitude, but I am pretty miserable right now.
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    Texarkolina got a reaction from BrickHouse in The Naysayers.....do It Naturally! How To Handle Them.   
    I understand that the naysayers may really think they are being helpful. What I would like to say is, "oh crap! Eat less and exercise more? WTH didn't I think of that?" ....and go from there with some sarcastic remarks about them being on the verge of a great discovery that could change mankind forever and having the means to end obesity once and for all with this amazing knowledge. But I don't. What I often say is, "If I could do it on my own I would have done it by now." That one shuts them up pretty fast. I have also prefaced my sharing about the surgery with, "I am telling you not because I want your approval or blessing, but because you are important to me and I would like your support with this very important decision I have made." That one is for family and good friends that will be supportive but concerned for my safety.
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    Texarkolina reacted to KristiP in I Was So "disappointed"   
    I'd have been running up and down the street in my underwear, holding the pants above my head screaming, "they won't stay up! They won't stay up!". Hahaha
    Congratulations on the NSV!

  9. Like
    Texarkolina reacted to hm734 in Early Soft Foods   
    It is REALLY getting frustrating how judgmental people have been on this forum lately. So much so that posts such as izuri's make me refrain from posting, our visiting nearly as often. A simple "you should be careful to follow your doctors recommended diet" with your recomemded tips would suffice.
    Seriously, get off your high horses people...
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    Texarkolina got a reaction from lyndynojo in Crazy Vsg Questions   
    I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can lose the weight on my own. I know that I can start on a very low calorie diet and become a gym rat and eventually lose the weight. How do I know? Because I have done it many times.
    However, I also know, without doubt, that I will also eventually gain each and every pound back and they are likely to bring their nasty little friends. How do I know this? Because I have done it many times.
    I know the same behaviors and eating patterns will result in weight loss with or without the sleeve. What I am looking for is something permanent that I can keep with me that will help me keep weight off. I do not feel like I have failed but rather like I have taken control.
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    Texarkolina reacted to Aug2ndsleever in Today Is The Day.   
    I'm here at the hospital waiting for. Some blood work. Today it is. I will be getting sleeved at 9:30 this morning. So ready. Ill update when I come out.
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    Texarkolina got a reaction from stacy23 in Where Did My Boobs Go?   
    Wait for it....once you are at goal and stop losing things will shuffle around a bit--you might get some back then.
  13. Like
    Texarkolina got a reaction from Ramona1019 in But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6   
    I have been going to a WLS surgery support group and every meeting someone says something along the lines of, "well it is not like I am trying to be a size 6 or anything, I just want to be healthier." So am I alone in that I DO wanna be a size 6--or 4--or 2? I want to be the one that is expected to sit in the middle of the backseat because I am so small. I want to wear tiny little jeans and have the option of dressing trashy and still looking hot. I have been big my whole life and I want to be the little one. Don't get me wrong, any move towards health and any weight loss is a good thing. I know better than to measure success vs. failure by getting into a size that seems almost unreal to me now. However, is it OK if I WANT it? Like really,really want it? I know me well enough to know that I will Celebrate every pound lost and every step I make towards a healthier me. However, if the truth were told, at the top of the list of reasons that I am willing to allow someone to cut one of my internal organs into pieces and yank part of it out of my body through a slit in my stomach, go through the risks of surgery, and have my eating habits forever changed is because I am SICK OF BEING FAT and I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to slip into a pair of jeans whose size is one single, solitary number. In this group everyone is like, "oh, I just want to reach a healthier me, looking better is just a little extra." Can I call BS on that? I mean like big heaping, steaming bull $#!%.... I know this post may make me seem shallow, but I have never seen anyone jump up and down over seeing their cholesterol go down 10 points. However, be in the vicinity when a former fatty slips on a size small top and size 6 jeans for the first time and you will see some celebrating going on. They will be taking pictures and calling their friends to share the news. You might see a little dance or hear an "oh HELL YEAH". Ever see anyone act like that over that hospital lab report? I am not trying to minimize the awesome health benefits of losing what is basically another person made up of fat that I am carrying around. I know my friend of fat will eventually kill me if I don't leave her behind. I am looking forward to improved health, mobility, and energy levels--sure...but do I really have to pretend that I wouldn't have the surgery if I knew that my overall health wouldn't really improve and all I had to look forward to is being smaller?
  14. Like
    Texarkolina got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in Share Goal Weight Fantasy... Evil Ones Welcome ;-)   
    So I just started a new job and was told that one of the people at the divisional group asked before she me me, "What does she look like? and Am I still the thinnest and prettiest in the group." Although she is thin, she is not very pretty. I would like to knock her off of that role. :ph34r:
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    Texarkolina reacted to thinmymind in I Feel Guilty   
    I do feel guilty sometimes, but I'll get over it, I guess. I also do what traceyinflorida does, I tip extra - as though I have ordered a meal.
  16. Like
    Texarkolina reacted to chitowngirl in Toddler Silverware?   
    I bought a set at target, they were about $7. However I must admit they are toy story, but that's ok because I've always thought Buzz Lightyear was hot. Lol.
  17. Like
    Texarkolina got a reaction from Ready4success in Feel Horrible   
    I started asking questions and was able to get the bariatric coordinator to discuss the episode with the head of anesthesiology. He said that if he had been in the room that the procedure would have continued. He said that my surgeon made a judgement call and chose to stop the surgery, but that it wasn't necessary. I am fine with the surgery being stopped. If the surgeon felt like he and/or the anesthesiologist was too shook up and/or not prepared to continue, then he made the right call. He said that everyone does anesthesia differently and while the person doing mine didn't do anything, wrong, that most anesthesiologists would have pre-treated a person my age with a medication that would prevent my heart rate from dropping. Begs the question of why this isn't done for everyone??
    My best friend had surgery Thursday, and everyone recognized me and came to me to talk about it. They acted like it was this huge thing and it seemed like everyone in the hospital knew about it. The reaction of various people in the hospital being so dramatic was more nerve racking than what actually happened. I am a little disappointed in the lack of professionalism, and irritated at the overall insensitivity of the hospital staff. No one should have approached me with "Oh my god--I can't believe what happened to you." I feel better after asking some questions, and they have assured me that the anesthesiology person assigned to my case on Monday will come up to the pre-op area and talk with me and my family before I go back. I think I am going to refuse to go down until this happens.
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    Texarkolina got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in Share Goal Weight Fantasy... Evil Ones Welcome ;-)   
    So I just started a new job and was told that one of the people at the divisional group asked before she me me, "What does she look like? and Am I still the thinnest and prettiest in the group." Although she is thin, she is not very pretty. I would like to knock her off of that role. :ph34r:
  19. Like
    Texarkolina reacted to M2G in 21 Month Photo Update   
    Well, I hate to say it but I might be *mostly* at goal. I've been the same weight for about the last 6 months now and while I'm not at my personal goal, I am extremely happy with where I've landed.
    I'm definitely NOT giving up but I wouldn't be sad if I was to stay at this weight forever. That being said, I decided to go ahead and post my photos over in the BEFORE/AFTER photo thread on the General Sleeve Discussion board.
    I figured I might as well share them here also. I was 21 months post-op on July 22, 2012. I'm 5'6" tall and weigh about -100lbs less than when I started this journey. Thank you sleeve!
    Click on the attachment to view larger...

  20. Like
    Texarkolina got a reaction from New1 in Anyone Else Not Qualify For Fmla?   
    I work in human resources and know way more about FMLA than I ever wanted to. If you have been there a year INCLUDING your time as a temp, then you qualify. A lot of HR people are confused about this. If your total time with this company--even though you were a temp--is 12 months or more let me know and I will find the information that you need to take to HR to help them understand that you do qualify.
  21. Like
    Texarkolina got a reaction from New1 in Anyone Else Not Qualify For Fmla?   
    I work in human resources and know way more about FMLA than I ever wanted to. If you have been there a year INCLUDING your time as a temp, then you qualify. A lot of HR people are confused about this. If your total time with this company--even though you were a temp--is 12 months or more let me know and I will find the information that you need to take to HR to help them understand that you do qualify.
  22. Like
    Texarkolina got a reaction from Cookeeeeez in Share Goal Weight Fantasy... Evil Ones Welcome ;-)   
    So I just started a new job and was told that one of the people at the divisional group asked before she me me, "What does she look like? and Am I still the thinnest and prettiest in the group." Although she is thin, she is not very pretty. I would like to knock her off of that role. :ph34r:
  23. Like
    Texarkolina got a reaction from Giselle3264 in Surgery In 8 Hours....   
    My surgery is in 8 hours. I am surprised that I actually feel very peaceful about it. I think I have asked all the questions and looked at the options/risks enough that I am confident that I am making the right choice for me. I am sitting at home wearing my hospital bracelets (had to get them early because they had to get blood ready just in case) and that makes it very real that I am a patient. I expected to be terrified, but at this point I am at peace.
  24. Like
    Texarkolina got a reaction from Giselle3264 in Surgery In 8 Hours....   
    My surgery is in 8 hours. I am surprised that I actually feel very peaceful about it. I think I have asked all the questions and looked at the options/risks enough that I am confident that I am making the right choice for me. I am sitting at home wearing my hospital bracelets (had to get them early because they had to get blood ready just in case) and that makes it very real that I am a patient. I expected to be terrified, but at this point I am at peace.
  25. Like
    Texarkolina reacted to Sparky79 in Surgery In 8 Hours....   
    Good luck! I wasn't nervous at all either. I actually fell asleep while waiting to go into surgery.

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