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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ipes

  1. No I don't have medical insurance. If I got the surgery done in the USA and I had complications, I'd still have to pay for it anyway. I'd probably go back to Mexico anyway and have the problems fixed.
  2. I'm 5'6", 238 pounds. I have BALLOONED up since I was 15. At 15, I weighed 125 pounds and had a beautiful body. Now, at 21, I'm 238. I have attached a few photos for reference. I am very interested in Lap-Band®, and was wondering if anyone knew a good doctor in Mexico to recommend? I don't have the cash to afford the surgery in the states. And, if I have complications, its still going to cost me money regardless of where I have the surgery. Any suggestions would be very helpful. I have already been to a seminar and was selected for surgery.
  3. I'm considering Dr. Ortiz from Obesity Control Center, I've heard a lot of good things about him.
  4. ipes

    9 months out of surgery...almost there

    You look fabulous!
  5. ipes


    Wow! That is a dramatic change!

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