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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ipes

  1. I'm 5'6", 238 pounds. I have BALLOONED up since I was 15. At 15, I weighed 125 pounds and had a beautiful body. Now, at 21, I'm 238. I have attached a few photos for reference. I am very interested in Lap-Band®, and was wondering if anyone knew a good doctor in Mexico to recommend? I don't have the cash to afford the surgery in the states. And, if I have complications, its still going to cost me money regardless of where I have the surgery. Any suggestions would be very helpful. I have already been to a seminar and was selected for surgery.
  2. No I don't have medical insurance. If I got the surgery done in the USA and I had complications, I'd still have to pay for it anyway. I'd probably go back to Mexico anyway and have the problems fixed.
  3. I'm considering Dr. Ortiz from Obesity Control Center, I've heard a lot of good things about him.
  4. ipes

    9 months out of surgery...almost there

    You look fabulous!
  5. ipes


    Wow! That is a dramatic change!

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