Hey Larri and Sandi....
You guys are terrific. I am feeling positive about the whole experience. I have been doing lots of research and the more I learn the less anxious I feel. Sandi, I did register at your website...the info or blogs are great!! Larri, I don't know about in Mass, but down here you can get "scholarships" to the YMCA if you have a limited income or are just barely making it financially. Luckily, I have a pool at my apartment complex that is right next door to my building... I believe that was done by my Higher Power. I believe my HP has his hand in this whole thing.
I have noticed in the last few days I have been having more pain. Turns out, I weighed today and I am up even more...I can't believe this. I just keep gaining like there's no tomorrow.
I know its because I can't walk much. I truely love to walk and I love how I feel afterwords. I just can't do it like I used to at all. 6 months ago, I could walk a mile or so. My knees after would burn, but I would just ice them down. Now, I can hardly walk all around my building and when I stand up straight, and don't move, I can't lock my knees so I'm kinda bending forward slightly at the knees. I know I need a knee replacement but my last ortho doc said not until I lose weight. it's a double edged sword. I want to walk, to reduce weight, but I can't because it huts and then I just gain more weight. :biggrin:
I am hoping and praying there is a light at the end of this tunnel. I can kinda see it, it's just not very bright right now....I made a post it note to self to google chair exercises tomorrow. I'm gonna try to learn a few and get a resistance band. Maybe if I can drop 10 lbs I could walk more. I also know the pre op diet will help me lose some weight, hopefully.
Larri, I hope you are feeling better and you can message me anytime, my friend!!:thumbup:
Take Care Yall....