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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by raynie

  1. Ok I know this is a dumb question- but I want to hit the gym tonight for some cardio, and my back has been killing me. I would love to dip in the pool and spa.... I need some fraking relaxation. But, I was only banded on 10-26-06. Do you think this is too soon? Or are my stitches ok to get wet? I still have the glue over them and its peeling a little bit. My instruction from the doc was to wash em with soap, but I never heard nothing about soaking in water. I dont want an infection. Any ideas guys? Thanks ~Raynie!:help:
  2. raynie

    dr. weiner making a deal?

    He isnt a Military Doc is he? My mom is 100% disabled vet.... and most military folks will agree that they dont have the best docs. Just be careful. Good Luck! ~Raynie!
  3. raynie


    oh dang thats nasty! I agree with Wootsie- report them! Just thinking about all the bacteria makes me hurl. Tell em you lost the needle next time you go back. Demand a new one and watch them very closely!!! This sounds so strange to me! Poor thing.... did you get any infections after surgery? And why do you need another fill so soon? Just curious. ~Raynie!
  4. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Ok everyones- I just called Rene at Obesity contol Center - Dr. Ortiz- and scheduled my first fill for Dec 5th. I wanted it sooner, but he said No. He also said he wants me on solids for two weeks- so that way I will have an idea of how much restriction I have. Yays! ~Raynie!
  5. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Soniacan..... is your back hurting? mine just starting hurting recently real bad after a short period of sitting. Which is odd for me. I noticed we were banded the same day! I hope you feel better sweetie! I need a spa..... does anyone know when we can go in a spa? or a pool? how long do we have to wait?
  6. Hey everyone! I was just banded last Thursday, and am still on liquid stage, I am very starving....soup broth, jello, and popcicles just aint cutting it. My in laws brought over pizza and damn it, it smelled better then ever. I took a bite and chewed and chewed and then spit it out. Is that harmful? or bad idea? Am I a bad bandster? Whats going to happen to me? Anyone else do that? I feel that now that I am banded I am so craving every food possible, and i feel like a failure. I haven't ate any of it, but I so want to taste food again. Will this feeling go away? Am I crazy? SOMEONE HELP ME! hehe :hungry: Is that what they call head hunger? I never experienced this before. Its driving me nuts. Also what happens if I eat a piece of candy tonight? well i die? ~Raynie!:sick
  7. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Thanks guys! Yes, I was a bad bad girl hehe... I was banded 10-26.... Shame on me, and I sooooo sooooo know better too! I am to be on liquids till this thursday, then move on to the soft food stage, then to reg foods. ~Raynie!
  8. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I fraked up I think..... My mom is in town and she made the family her famous Meat Loaf with Tomatoe gravy and Mashed Potatoes. Of course I just had to eat a little. I didnt get sick! but it was so good! I chewed and chewed.... and ate SOOO much less then I would have if I wasn't banded. then the next day we went to our favorite Mexican rest, after church... I ate the refried beans, rice pilaf and the chicken enchilada! Geez!!! I am amazed that I could eat it with no problems! It took me about 30 min to eat it. I was full the rest of the day. But know i am so scarred that my band slipped. I feel no pain, or discomfort..... i have no idea what a slipped band would feel like. I just feel so damned guilty from eating now. i am going back on the liquid diet. (as I just ate a 100 calorie choco pudding) *snickers* I think I am doomed! Anyone else eat anything to early? Qbanita 75- I am so sorry you fell! That must have been traumatizing- I hope your ok Hun!
  9. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Yummy Mexican food! whatcha going to order Kayleesmom? do tell! anyone know how to schedule a fill from Dr. Ortiz office? Do I just pick a day I want and book my flight? Just wondering. Thanks - Raynie!
  10. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I want a bean burrito from Taco Bell. Its mushy right? hehe I feel as if I can tolerate anything right now... but the point is to heal first for the first 3 weeks.... right? geez... I need to eat ! I am going crazy! HELP ME! hehe ~Raynie!
  11. Hi, I am left handed and was just curious if they always put the port on the same side. I heard most people talk about it being on there left. I would rather have it on my right. I sleep on my left side, and I am scarred that I will be to sore to sleep comfortable. Well, I figured I would be too sore to sleep for awhile to come, but would feel better if I knew I had a choice as too which side they put the port in. Give me your feed back please! ~Raynie!:phanvan
  12. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hello theres, my prettiess.... hehe glad this site is back, i need it! well i was banded on the 26th by Dr. Ortiz, what a doll he is! i feel ok, a little gassy still and sore, my cuts are a little itchy... cant get the glue off, and I am scarred to touch it. I have been so hungry since the first day out of surgery, so i have no idea how they can say I wouldn't be hungry for a week. My tummy has been gurgling, rumbling, and growling non stop! i do notice that I stay full much longer now, and its a little uncomfortable. I have not yet pbed or slimed, thank god, maybe that only happens after a fill? My question is- Yes, i lost about 15 pounds so far, but as I start adding cream soups, yogurts and more food to my diet..... how does my body keep from gaining it all back? And also just wanted to say gratz to all you October Bandsters! I cant believe we did it! ~Raynie!
  13. raynie

    which side is our port on?

    ok everyone- I was finally banded and my port is sorta in the middle! whew! It doesn't really hurt as much anymore- its been a week today! its funny though cause when I went to the clinic thats all I was thinking about asking the doc.... like it was a huge concern of mine.... but then the doc walked into my room- and OMG he was so damn cute I had forgot all of my concerns and questions, and just nodded my head and smiled! hehe... thanks everyone! ~Raynie!
  14. Oh a steak sounds so yummy! my head hunger is getting better. I actually ate cream of brocolli soup today- it felt so damn good, I am way too full! Feels a little uncomfortable, I really dont have a need to chew something, its just a need to taste stuff. I wonder what kind of eating disorder this is! anyone know? Thanks for all the advice!
  15. raynie

    The Twilight Zone

    whew, I was getting worried- I thought I broked the forum! Glad its back and the paranoia is gone! hehe ~Raynie i missed everyones!
  16. hehe..... thanks guys..... I dont have the urge to swallow it, Thats good I suppose. Sucking the salt off the pringle sounds so damn good now too! lol ok off to go trick or treating with the kids. I will prolly grab a jaw breaker or a hard piece of candy to eat. after all, i am walking off the calories, and it will be melted by the time it goes down
  17. Hellos, call me an idiot, but I have no idea what kind of broth to get. I pray it is not something that I have to make on my own. Is there a brand I should buy? Like Campbells? In a can? there are so many- like chicken broth, beef broth, veg broth.... etc. I am so clueless please help me.... I wanted to stock up before my surgery. Also they say *clear liquids* that is broth right? and just water? I cant think of anything else that is clear. Give me some ideas please..........lol ~Raynie!
  18. I am a little confused..... again.... hehe Your on a liquid diet before you are getting banded? eww... that sucks. Is it for liver shrinking diet? or something you want to do for yourself to prepare for the big change? I am on a liver shrinking diet, but I am allowed one protein shake and 2 Lean Cuisines, and a ton of lettuce. I cheated last night and went to Long John Silvers- I had 3 pieces of the chicken and as I chewed and chewed (practicing) I damn near puked! chewed food tastes more gross the more I chewed it. I couldnt even eat it. Maybe my mind is playing games with me! rofl! I dont think I could do just liquids though. Your a strong person to have that much control on your own without the band! My god .... dont beat yourself up over a piece of cheese! Your a human, not an alien! And cheese is protein! They say to eat alot of protein! hehe at least you didnt eat Long John Silvers, like me! ~Raynie!
  19. raynie

    what kind of Broth do I buy?

    Thanks guys! its a relief to know I dont have to make my own broth from scratch! You have great ideas, and the egg soup sounds yummy! Can I ask another dumb question? so..... If I can only have Clear Liquids for the first week or two- does it matter how many calories or how much protein I consume? Like do I have to have 60 g of protein? How is this possiable? I looked at a can of broth, It says 1 g of protein. hrmm... just a little confused is all. And during this week or two of clear liquids- I will not be drinking any protein shakes, right? Ok thanks everyone!
  20. raynie

    Bad experience with office staff

    Poor Angela!! Glad you switched docs. Who was the rude one? just curious? *crosses fingers and hopes it wasn't dr. Ortiz!* hehe ~Raynie!
  21. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hi lynn, My puter is being dumb, so I have to post to you from here... hehe ok... Yays! I found me a band Buddy! Maybe I will see you there. I will be flying down to TJ on Wed 25th, sometime around 4 ish pm. I will be traveling with my mom. And staying at the Lucerna Hotel. I was told I could relax and rest for the day. Then on thursday I will get my pre-op and surgery done. then back to the hotel on Fri, and Sat. We will be checking out on Sunday and flying back home to Cali - near Sacramento - in the afternoon. I hope to get lots of pain meds! I was thinking of bringing the Doc a gift, a little bribe might go a long way! heha I hope everything goes well for you, and hope we bump into each other at least once! Yays! Gratz on your loss so far! Thats awesome, but cut it out cause your making me look bad! lol I had gotten my *auntie flow* and she brought on 3 lbs. but I only lost a little bit- like 4 pounds now. They better not reschedule me!!!! I paid too much for this! hehehe ~Raynie!
  22. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I just wanted to say '' Gratz everyone on your new Bands!" I cant wait to join everyone! Just a few more days for me. Just curious, what kind of pain meds did you get? In a pill form? and where you able to swallow it? I am getting banded in Mexico from Dr. Ortiz. Do you think i can bring medicine home with me? hehe Border Patrols and stuff. Just wondering. Ok, Thanks, and again *cheers* to everyone who was banded this month ..... my prayers are with you all. ~Raynie!
  23. Geez you look awesome! You looked good for your pre weight too! You hold weight really well! thanks for sharing your pic! It is very inspirational. ~Raynie!
  24. Bella! Its ok Girlfriend! Cry, cry, cry.... let it all out. I have cried recently in the past few weeks too! Its amazing isnt it? How many emotions being fat makes us feel. I could so relate to the story by Tracicat in the fitting rooms! that is so me! It actually felt good knowing that others feel like that too. I am not alone. Heck girl- you get to eat this Holiday! Geez, if I knew last year that that was my last freaking holiday meal, I would have ate a little more and enjoyed it more! So this year email me when I am crying and suffering cause i get too sip some liquids, and you get to chow down on the good stuff! Enjoy it! Remind me of how good it tastes! You'll pass these next few months fast, soon it will be Jan! dont feel bad about how you look now. we are all beautiful people! Concentrate on weaning out the crap in your life- sota and junk food. It will be easier in the long run. practice not drinking with meals. and practice chewing and sipping small amounts. And think of it by the time you get the surgery- you will already be a pro at it and it will be much more rewarding and less of a struggle!! Hang in there girl! you can do it! *hugs* ~Raynie!
  25. raynie

    No support from friends.

    Sheri, I wil be your friend! *hugs* The world can be so cruel! It sounds as if the people around you are just jealous! I read about Lap Band for the first time in the middle of Sept! My surgery date is on Oct 26th with Dr. Ortiz. thats how serious I want it! I am self pay too! I researched for everyday, and I still am. This site is wonderful! I feel fully confident that after my surgery if I have questions or complications that I can always just come here and be taken care of. I told my husband first- hehe years ago we had a friend who was overweight and she went and had the full gastric surgery done. I found out on my bacholerette party (ms) I felt so mad! Here I am about to get married and you walk in and steal the show about your surgery- That I so wanted to have done! *chuckles* I was so jealous and sad and angry. I felt totally low self esteem. But my husband told me he would never let me get that surgery, not ever! I secretly agreed that it did sound awful! So I put it in the past. Well here I am 3 years later and found Lap Band. Geez, I wont even go into details, everyone already knows how much better it is. Just being reversable procedure is enough! hehe So I told my honey, and he was at first like no way! after a few hours of talking and showing him the research he was ok with it. then I told him I was getting it done in Mexico! He hit the roof! No way in hell again, etc. And he is Mexican! Ha! So, I had to prove to him why I had to go there. First, our ins wont cover the cost. And i refuse to pay over $10,000. second, my hubby said, ok we will switch ins and find one tht will cover the surgery. Geez! I cried. No way in hell can I wait prolly a year to go thru all that. I see that US docs, require so much more then mexican docs. I cant wait that long. I told my husband, I already wasted 30 years, i need to do this now. I want to get pregnant again someday, and I am already 30. Waiting another year, then waiting another 2 years too concive after the surgery, is risky too me. I dont want to risk any birth defects due to my age, etc. So then I get my Hubby to agree this was good idea. So he starts getting the process going with the funds. The day we got apprved fr our home equity loan (alot cheaper way to go then those finance ordeals posted by the docs), guess what he did? he made me feel like crap, after going thru all that stuff and we agreed it was good. He was like if I give this $10,000 in cash, just think of all the things we could do with it! A new car, plasma tv... trip, etc. I couldnt believe him telling me this. I cried. He isnt overweight and has no clue what its like! He said " I just gave you $1500 in may for a personal trainer. And you took it seriously for a few weeks, then gave up. If you go back then I am sure you could loose weight on your own. You just didnt try hard enough. Ugh!!! Now- I didnt mind eating healthy at all! And still due, its the freaking portions sizes that screws me up everytime! It amazes me still to this day as too what society views food as a portion. No matter how much I loose I will always battle with that forever. I am serious! So this tool is going to be a miracle for me! even though it is only a tool! So I ended up booking my surgery, after convincing my husband that if he gave me $10,000 in cash, I would still get the surgery. Even though I know if i wait a year it could be covered by ins. Ha! A year from now who knows how fatter I will be! So then I tell my mom! She is so happy that she wanted to do it with me, but cant afford to. She is getting the full gastric surgery done by the VA, so hers is free. But she is scarred. Anyways my mom is coming with me to TJ, Thank God! i love my mom for that. I paid for all her plane tickets already. She lives in Ohio and I live in Cali. Another reason why I dont mind having my surgery done in TJ is beacuse I live pretty close and can go back there for all my fills. No problem there. So the I tell my inlaws- and spill the whole 'this surgery is safe even though its in TJ" spill all over again. My Father in Law- a real health nut, says "well something has to be done!" heha..... so i have there support. So next on to telling my friends- Erin and Big Joe! They said it was all good, even though I dont need it! ( aww how swet of them) So I tell em its in mexico, and they freaked out! HA! Again, i have the its safe spill again- so now its all good. We went out to my favorite strip club on Saturday to celebrate my last, meal, smokes, and alcohol binge! it was a blast! I even got a lap dance by the most beautiful girl ever! And yes, I was touching her all over and it felt great! All I kept thinking is Damn she is so hot! In a year from now- I hope I can attempt to look as good as her! And to move and dance like that is amazing! I can only look forward to that in my bedroom someday- to turn on my husband like that with a gorgeous body! That was my motivation! I have been always fascinated with beautiful womens bodies, but know maybe i have a chance to have one myself! I am scarred that this wont work too. Geez but paying $10,000 ... crap something better fall off of me! rofl So thats my story summed up. And I will be your band buddy! *hugs* ~Raynie!

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