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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by raynie

  1. raynie


    Those all sound great! I need more sample menus too! Pour it on us baby! ~Raynie!
  2. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Geez Shirley, You lost 147 lbs so far? OMG what are you doing? Please tell me! I also took your advice and ordered some Muscle Milk- I ordered the light one in Choc carmel, and ready to drink in root bear, and I couldnt resist the peach mango. I wish they had all the flavors in the light form. Maybe someday! I need to get a ticker! JD- glad that your feeling better- those darn cookies! So I am eating egg whites scrambled- and a slice of toasted wheat bread with a tablespoon of PB. I am trying to talk DH into letting me get another fill soon. I have 1.7 in a 4 cc band. The guy who did my last fill said 2 cc was the max for 4 cc band is that true? anyone know? Our family is supposed to go to Disneyland this May! I love vacations so I ordered a planning dvd from Disneyland.... my 4 year old son wont stop watching it! Its been playing for 3 days now! I would love to loose 30 pounds more by the time we go! Now that would be magical! They say this the year for a million dreams! rofl ~Raynie!
  3. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Good Morning! Sonia, what color is your hair now? Hope it turned out nice for you! Thank you everyone for all the support! Its great *hugs* I feel better already. here is a funny story that happened to me during the Holiday Shopping Rush: I was wearing a pair of panties that I hadn't worn in awhile. Off to Wally World I went, as I was walking down the isles loading up my cart- my panties started to fall down! I looked around to see if anyone was watching me so I could reach in and pull em up real quick! And of course the isles were packed! So here Iam ducking and dodeging down isles to pull up my panties! Then Bam! They fell again! Repeatedly the whole time I was there! Half way thru I just started filling up my cart with stuff near me and took off towards the register. When I got home I had to throw those panties away! Since then I have thrown away 3 more pairs! Just a little funny for the day! ~Raynie!
  4. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Awww thanks guys for the love and support! I know that I can BE a good Bandster- Sometimes I even pretend that I am! heha..... But I really need to get my ASS to that Gym! I bet that will help me! Anyone else want to go? hehe And I have a fraking membership too! Ok and heres a secret- My DH thinksI go to the gym 3-4 times a week! Or atleast thats what I tell him! What I really go do is hang out with my friend and chain smoke for about 25 min. Thats how long I am supposed to be on that darn Treadmilll!!! lol.... I seemed to be in a sort of depression I suppose. A fear of losing weight? Its a scary feeling and alot of anxiety..... like I cant realax over weither or not this band will work, and then I go and mess it all up by the end of the day! I think I will refocus and turn things around for the better. Heres a lil story- My DH said on Sat- hey sweetie lets go to San Francisco- its about an hour away- I said "Yays!" then I thought- Food, Frisco, Chinese Food! Yummy!" and then I my next thought was Oh God! I cant eat that crap! and then I was bummed out. We still went, but something was missing- a feeling. Like if I cant eat those things that makes an adventure even funner, then do I really want to do this? I bet after I loose all my weight- it will be worth it. But I wish I knew what my eating disorder is called... rofl Oh and I have had sf pudding- its good! Just my store didnt have any this week. Also about the Shakes- I almost been gagging drinking them- they remind me of my PB..... I cant seem to get over that. I havent tried alot- other then Slim Fast and the generic knockoff of Slim Fast called Equate Weight Loss Shake- Strawberry. It seems to be less chalky tasting. So Shirley, do you have any solutions for me? HELP MEEZ!!!! I do know that I do not yet have feelings of removing the band! I do still like it, and deep down I know it would work right if I did the right things. Basically I needed to complain and vent.... so thanks everyone for listening to me today! Whoa... ok I better go now... ~Raynie!
  5. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Ok one more question, and this one is really dumb.... So whats the fill supposed to do? Make my pouch smaller so I hold in less food and feel fuller? Or just make the opening smaller so less will go in? Cause if thats the case- I think I might end up eating more junk food. I wonder what kind of eating disorder i have! Anyone know? Dont get me wrong though- I dont sit here and pig out all day..... heres a daily recap= up until 3 pm- I try and get all the liquids in I can. I will try a few spoons of a yogurt, or 100 cal pudding, or Jello. After 3- its useally a Lean Cuisine and then later around 7pm I can eat popcorn, candy and Ice Cream. A nice size bowl of Ice Cream too. And then thats eat. Now to me- thats a drastic decrease in food cunsumption. I used to eat fast food 3x a day! Plus the junk food and Alcohol. My cal intake before lap Band was about 6,000. Maybe even more. So now its like, whats the normal amount that I should be happy with? I thought that Lap Band ment I should be able to eat 1/3 of my meal and be full. Or is it eat a 1/3 of calories from what you used to eat? Does anyone else seem to be having a rough time mentally with understanding that its ok to just eat such small portions? ~Raynie!
  6. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hi guys! I know its been awhile since I posted..... heha.... but I still read this site every know and then. Hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to say that this band isnt what I thought it would be! Go figure I can still eat candy and junk food! And I can still gain weight! I lost a total of 32 pounds- but this past month in Jan, I dont know what the heck happened but I gained back 7! I could die! And Yes I am so pissed!! Why did I eat 2 candy bars last night? hehe no Seriously though.... I get frustrated. I feel like I am still in experimenting mode as to see what I can and can not eat! Its been fun! I have learned that I can not eat much! Except the crap food, I can eat a ton of that! I have had 1 fill, but I think I need another. I can eat a whole lean cuisine meal. No problem, as long as I chew and eat by the rules. Its weird to see my DH chow down his meal, and I cant. By the way, he is gaining cause of all the food I cant eat. Yays! hehe.... But.... I still have problems- I want to eat damnit! I feel frustrated that I cant hardly eat anything and I still cant loose the weight. Like why am I doing this? why am I going thru all this crap with not much result? I ran into a lady who had Gastric Surgery in Oct and she lost 80 pounds! As we were chatting and my DH was near me, I wanted to shut down inside and cry! I felt like the biggest looser! I felt so embarrased and ashamed! I even felt that I wanted a divorce. I just wanted to say forget everything. Like I wanted to be alone going thru this, that way If it doesnt work out then, no big deal. But I hate getting nagged by friends and family about how much I am losing. Its like the first thing they ask me! As it is I cant even really eat anything until around 3 pm. So I have a few hours to scarf in a few hundred calories. So here is a question.... when do you stop eating? I can start eating a normal size plate of food.... if I eat like a turtle- about 45 min later I have eaten all the food! Thats why I think I need another fill. But on the other hand- my brain says no way! Like it cant handle the idea of trying to eat any less then I am already. Maybe thats why I keep eating bad crap. I know its bad- but it will go down! Sometimes I just have to feel like I can enjoy this serving of Ice Cream- but still feel so quilty. Ok Ok I will stop rambling.... *snickers* Have a good Tuesday! ~Raynie!
  7. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Thanks Chrispygal, I feel so much better now! Sonia- get the fill! It doesnt hurt..... just a little tight feeling but it goes away! ~Raynie!
  8. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I feel so sad and depressed...... on many levels. Is this band going to work on me? I feel anxiety over this.... like a restless feeling. Almost as if I am paranoid that it wont work. I have to feel like this for how long? A year? Until I actually see results? I had my first fill on Dec 5th ... he put in 1.7 cc and then put me on liquids for 3 days. All was good until the 4th day..... damn..... I figured out that I can still eat almost a whole sand, almost a whole slice of pizza... etc. I feel just a tad bit tighter. I wish he would have just put all of it in. I do not have $350 to go back- tleast not this month. (christmas and then my daughters birthday) I would feel to selfish spending it. I just feel like damn it.... this sucks. And of course the whole world seems to know that I had this amazing surgery done.... and they all ask me how much I have lost. My dumb scale keeps going up and down. The same numbers. I have no NSV. My clothes are still tight. The past 3 days all I have had was 3 slim fasts..... too mad to eat.... and then get this- when I do make a plate- I get upset cause I feel like I am wasting it. Almost as if I have to convince my body that I must eat it! and amazingly - it all goes down. Ugh! I think I will be fat forever- its got to be in my genes. ~Raynie!
  9. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Happy Thanksgiving.... just a tad bit late. How did you all do? Any stories out there? Any freakish pb moment? I did get a little piece of turkey stuck... thought for sure I could handle a small second helping, but nope! I was wrong. I am not sure what to do during a pb moment. Anyone know? I heard walk it off. But I start to panic, that this thing is not going to go down, and the farther it starts to travel down my body, I feel the harder it gets stuck... so I start to panic and want it out and do my spill. Is there such a thing that it will get stuck the farther it goes down? Like to hard to pass thru and do we just let it travel on down? Or do I do more damage by trying to swallow it? And jeez all the saliva is not pleasant. I haven't pbed in a few days, but I just figured I would like to know how to pb like a pro. give me some advice.... thanks ~Raynie! Aso is beer carbonated? what about wine coolers?
  10. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    hello everyone...... everything is fine with me..... sorry to hear about the rest of you who are having a not so good week. Even though I feel fine .... i worry every moment that my band slipped, i dont know why, even the in laws keep asking me questions about my new toy, its like I dont want to tell anyone about it until I know for sure that it didnt slip. Like I am so used to failing at diets before, almost like I am sabotaging this one mentally. Anyone feel like this? lol ~Raynie!
  11. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Oh you guys are all so lucky getting fills already! I have to wait untill Dec 5th! Ugh!! hehe Good luck to all ....I want to hear about it in details ok? Have a good day guys! ~Raynie!
  12. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    oh sign me up for that 10 pound challenge- Moon!!! I cant wait till my fill, I have been trying to convince myself that I am full- I dont think its working to well heha! I felt just a little tingly from the margarita but it went away real fast. It felt good though. i cant stop getting on the dumb scale... I have often yelled out from the bathroom to my DH "hey, did you mess with my scale?" lol he swears he doesn't. And I have never even owned a scale before this operation. I hated them! It was depressing to me. I never actually saw any loss, just the numbers going up, and now its so different to see a new lower number on the scale. Very wierd indeed. But I like it. I never thought a scale would be fun- like I stand there doing a magic chant- "oh please just let a lower number show!" omg I am I crazy or what! lol...... Mommav your stitches went through a nerve? Ouch girl I bet that is driving you nuts! I hope it goes away as it heals.... poor thing! *big Hugs* Ok everyone have fun tonight- Hereos comes on tonight !! Yays! Oh and they just released the Sopranos latest season last week! So you all know what I will be doing! ~Raynie!
  13. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Wow thats great Mzsmartypantz! I had a froazen rasp. margarita yesturday at Red lobster, and thouht of you the whole time! heha i so can not wait to get into a hot tub. How do you tell if the incisions are completly healed? Ok and one more thing.... so everytime i get on the scale I see different numbers. Which number do I go with? The highest or the lowest? I check like an idiot out of curiousity like every hour. I have a digital scale so I think its fun. But the numbers vary by 3-4 pounds up and down per hour. it gets confusing. I dont want to say I lost 5 pounds, then an hour later i gained it all back lol... someone help me with this. I never saw that low number before- it was shocking! i even jumped off the scale, looked around in disbelief, then jumped back on it- and it went back up 2 pounds. hehe ok everyone have a great day... I hope everyone is doing well. ~Raynie!
  14. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Way to go Jimboss! So nice to see new folks on our site! Soniacan, I think Banana Bread is a mushie! I can eat most bread ok. Well I haven't tried too much yet- I did manage half a cinn roll the other day, warmed up in the micro. And I ate a tiny piece of French Bread without the crust, and some Garlic Bread. Went down just fine. I had a grilled cheese for lunch with reg sand white bread, that was ok too. However, DH took me to Carl's Jr..... for dinner, I was curious to try a burger..... couldn't do it. I took 3 bites, and it got stuck. Plus, it was gross. I did however manage half a small bag of popcorn at the movies. That went down fine. I seem to be having a hard time with drinking 64 oz of water. I have not counted oz of water that I make my soups with or cook with. I wonder if that counts though? I just can't seem to get it all down. Tiny sips here and there... then stop an hour before a meal and an hour after a meal. Then I am up peeing all night. Ugh! Kinda frustrating. Ok and Slurpie girl..... I think your ok... how did your tummy handle all that sugar? I want to try a Coke flavored Slurpie. I wonder if its safe. Soniacan.... how did the In laws take your news? Are they being supportive? I hope so. Alrighty.... I will stop gabbing.... Has anyone seen Tellys pic? In the pics forum? She is sooo Hot! Ok Ok I will stop talking now! I promise lol ~Raynie!
  15. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hellos everyone! Yays its Friday, finally done with work for the weekend. Thank God! Soniacan.... I tried the receipe.... its great! I had it for dinner and for lunch! It is sooo good..... cures all my cravings! and its so fulling!! Tonight me and DH are going to see some flicks- Saw 3 and Stranger then Fiction. I wil be ordering a small popcorn and sharing it. No soda though... hehe I dont really miss the soda. DH brought home Taco Bell for lunch and offered me a soft taco, I took a bite and nearly gagged on the taste... it was awful! I couldn't believe it! I thought it would be so good after so long, from not eating one. I guess thats good. Oh- and I could definately eat more then 1/2 a cup of soup. I didn't even realize I was supposed to be eating only a 1/2 a cup until recently. Geez, what a frak up I am lol! I hope I didnt stretch anything ........ I also ate some orange sherbert last night! Oh so yummy! I am realy enjoying these mushie stage ....too bad it couldn't last for more then 2 weeks! heha- ~Raynie!
  16. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    hello everyones! how are you all today? I am great as today is finally my two weeks since banded! I feel great- I still worry that my band slipped. I am sure it hasn't but if I find out that it did, I will be so pissed off. I am just a worry wort. Heha bare with me. So I am off to the store to get some Ricotta cheese, Sp sauce and Mozzerella! Cant wait to try this! See yewz all later! ~Raynie!
  17. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    you guys are so awesome..... I think we are too hard on ourselfs. Has anyone noticed that i haven't put up a ticker yet? hehe Its because we arent supposed to actually lose weight until the fill happens. I am prepared to gain some of thise 17 pound loss back as soon as I am eating real food again. Its a given. It only makes sense to me. Of course excercise helps alot, and dont forget that we gain muscle which weighs more then fat. So Buckeye.... your probably gaining muscle- geez walking for an hour to two hours daily? Thats great!!! Dont get discouraged, cause the muscle actually burns the fat in the long run! I am taking those Flinstones Vit too Soniacan... and it helps the kids eat theres too! They laugh at me, saying Mom thats ours! heha Joy Joy- I am sorry your Tuna got stuck! Everytime I think of Tuna - I think of Lilo and Stitch movie- how Lilo feeds the fish Peanut Butter Sand. cause you cant give a fish Tuna! Hahaha Don't worry Hun, you might actually eat Tuna again someday! I swore up and down I would never eat Chicken again after my incident, but I had a little piece recently, just remember why it happened.... did you eat too fast? not chew enough? eat too much of it? etc.. Its all a learning experience. I do eat a few small meals, not everyday- but occasionally, more like experimental meals... so far nothing has made me super sick- although I haven't tried alot of stuff. Just trying to get used to drinking all this water is crazy enough! When I think I am hungry, I drink another glass of water. It helps. oh and I cant wait till Thanksgiving! I will eat just enough to feel full! I have the smallest band too, the Dr. Ortiz thought i needed a bigger one cause of my weight and height BMI but he said when he opened me up I had no fat around my stomach and had to switch to the smaller band. So I do feel tightness But I do need a fill! Cant wait till Dec 5th! Thats when the real journey begins for me! I pray everynight that I hope I didn't frak up anything, like a slip or something! I paid too much for this. Also, I think of eating smaller meals like this visual- I think of a beautiful model or actress eating at a very fancy restaurant- when they serve your meal its like the size of your palm.... seriously.... now as a big girl- I would think No way is that going to make me full! But now with a Band I can think- Ok! I can eat just like them and feel full finally! So I just pretend that I am one of them! Ha! Maybe someday I will look like one! And so the journey begins! Have a great day everyone! And keep up the awesome work! ~Raynie!
  18. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hey girls- do you ever get a pain on the right side of your chest? Like in the middle? Its hard to describe the feeling. Its useally after eating, but it doesnt feel like food coming up or being stuck. On Sunday I did have a pb moment I think, however I didnt throw up. I took a bite of chicken ...ok I took a couple bites, was chewing good and swallowing fine. Then I started to eat faster like old times... and BAM! It got stuck! Geez I thought I was going to die.... I ran around the house looking for my shoes so I could walk it off.... by then I had the whole family trailing after me... saying " Mom are you ok?? and "sweetie whats wrong?" etc... i could hardly breathe and tears swelled my eyes. It was a suffocating choking feeling- very horriable indeed. Its kinda funny now though. So my tip of the day- Eat very slowly, and chew well. I was starting to think that I was inviseable to all these band problems, but I am not. Whew what a relief. ~Raynie! hehehehehe
  19. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Muhahahahahaha= dont eat the people! Thats a good one! ~Raynie!
  20. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Ok I think my head hunger is finally wearing off. I am not going as crazy anymore as far as craving foods. I just need to relax and breath- and be comfortable knowing that someday soon I can eat all that stuff, someday. Why rush it? I think I had woken up from surgery in some type of panic mood like deprived from food, and freaked out. But to be honest- when I first started looking into Lap Band I was thinking how cool it would be to eat one piece of pizza instead of the whole box, or a scoop of ice cream, instead of a huge bowl, or 1/3 of a hamburger instead of two..etc. I will not feel guilty anymore about eating something Bad for me. Its just life..... right? heha ~Raynie!
  21. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    i have so much broth left over un- opened.... I think I will donate it happily to some charity for Thanksgiving. with a warm smile of course..... Broth- yucky ~Raynie!
  22. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Soniacan- we must read each others mind! I have been craving the exact same things! I swear I could moosh a Beef Meximelt in my mouth from Taco Bell! I had soup for dinner last night.... I bought like $30 worth of soups from the store. All kinds and brands.... they all seem to have chunks of food in em. Blah! I cant take this liquid anymore lol I really really dont want to regain any weight that I lost already. Even though I know this isnt the time for losing... its a time for healing. But I think a little head start doesnt hurt. I need all the help I can get! Ok this is bad- I ate a little something today and I drank water with it to purposely wash it down. I was getting paranoid that I was stretching out the pouch. like a fraking guilty feeling. I think I am starting to obsess about this band. Its all I think about... Like Oh God... what was that feeling? I hope everything is ok... hehe and I refuse to talk during a meal, in fear of pre swallowing with out chewing.... my poor family... I am a bandit nuthead already, and it hasnt even been 2 weeks! ~Raynie!
  23. Gosh Joe! You will be in my prayers. I hope you feel better! *hugs* ~Raynie ps Remember........ God is good, all the time!
  24. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Ahh the good old healing days..... hehe itchy tummys and gas hahaha I dont feel so much gassy anymore.... just walk it off and try and pass it . Wasnt Dr. Ortiz awesome Kym 828? I had him to.... and I feel great. Was banded on 10-26. I was starting to think that my back pain was coming from my *Auntie Flow*- which is due next week. I have horriable pms symptoms. I just never experienced this back pain so severe. Almost like when i gave birth... type of feeling. Myzsmartypants said she drank a Margarita last weekend.... Oh I have been so ever tempted for a sip of one! What did it feel like? Did you feel more intoxicated then before the band? Was just curious. Joy Joy you are losing so much weight girl! Thats awesome! *cheers* I cant get past the 17 pounds. I know i am fraking it up with the mushies. Yesturday I ended up eating 3 of those sf puddings. They taste so damn good, dont worry.. i didnt eat all 3 at the same time! I woke up and ate one thinking, ok this is it for the day... no more treats. But then the afternoon came .... was like... ok just one more... and i did it again before bed! Hehe..... I am a bad bandster..... /slaps Raynies hand. lol ~Raynie!
  25. Thanks guys- you talked me out of it! I ended up taking a shower until all the hot water ran out... lol also the spa and pool I go to is at 24 hour fitness gym. I do know that they do clean it and maintain it well. i just want to go back to water aerobics... /cry. I suppose i can wait a few more weeks! Thanks again for all the advice. ~Raynie!

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