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Everything posted by raynie

  1. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Ok guys thanks for the votes! so here is what happened- I found out my mom went to the hospital a day earlier, so I freaked out and called her- I told her I was flying down there, she said No dont come! she said she was thinking about going home. I was shocked! I asked her why, and she said that her Dr. had just told her that he was not going to give her the cortizone shot she needed for her hives. That freaked her out! She was so upset between her sisters not being supportive, me crying and scarred and her Dads twin sister had called her in the middle of the night and sang her a song about heaven, peace and God! She cried, I cried ... everyone was just so emotional! Her blood pressure had rocketed up to 218/120!!! And she had just woke up with a cold! She talked to her Dr and Nurse about the whole thing, and they told her that sometimes you have to listen to your daughter! She cried and went home! I cant believe how much Prayer works! God is good all the time! when I logged on and seen the posts from everyone- I started to cry! Actually I was crying all day! Very emotional! So after everything was said and done... I had went to the mail box. guess what was there? A check from back pay for child support for $3,000! I knew right then and there that God had wanted me to go see my Mom if she still had the surgery! There was way too many signs that she was going to die. Now I dont have to worry about that anymore! It feels like I have a new beginning with my mom! A new life sorta! Well thanks again everyone for being there for me! Yall are the bestest ever *hugs* ~Raynie Have a good weekend! Ps. I called my mom and told her since she cancelled her surgery and I wasnt flying down there, then with my extra money we are taking her to Disneyland with us in May! That will give her something to look forward too!
  2. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Ok guys- I need some advice- My mom who is 100% disabled vet, is having her gastric bypass done tomorrow morning. I am scarred to death that she will die! She got sick during her vacinations when she inlisted in the Army. The military after years of fighting finally awarded her 100% diability. They dont know what is wrong with her- shes had this for almost 15 years, she wasnt supposed to live after 5. Some of her conditions include internal hives, that come and go for no real reason. Any pressure to her body will cause a hive to pop out, like wearing jewlery or even running.... basically anything she does causes them and its very painful. So the VA approved her to have this major surgery... of course they will pay for it.... the DR has only done 50 and 3 people have died so far. My theory is that they will kill her off during the surgery. Its an easy way out for them... and it will save them money cause they wont have to pay her anymore. I know thats crazy to say that, but the Military is awful to their people. So here is my question- Should I fly out there tonight? And stay till Sunday? Or should I just stay home and pray that everything will be ok? My dH says that he wont say no that I cant go, but he reminds me of our debt. I understand where he is coming from.... and it makes me feel quilty to say I still want to go. but... its MoM! My dad already passed away on me 6 years ago and that was hard. I have no other relatives alive, except for my moms 2 crazy sisters and their bad ass kids. My mom lives in Ohio and I am stuck here in Cali. I just cant bear the fact that she might not make it, and I never got a last goodbye hug. That would tear me up forever. Please help me deceide what to do... time is running out. do you think she will be ok? Thanks ~Raynie!
  3. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Lol Sonia! Dont crazy on us Honey! I screw up on weekends too! I have noticed that I havent been drinking my MM on the weekends either. Shame on me! so I ended up gaining a pound! It might be water though.... My Auntie is coming soon.... lol Anyways- I was very drunk this weekend! Iwent to the liqour store on Friday and a friend convinced me to buy the bottle of Gin already mixed with juice. I said alright and walked out with the blue bottle. couldnt wait to get home and try a glass.... well.... i logged onto my rp online game with my DH and before I knew it- half the bottle was gone! I drank almost all of it!! Yikes! I was tipsy.... but not wasted. I finished the other half on Saturday. I was worried about really vomiting- I think that is what saved me from killing the whole bottle on Friday night. The buzz surely was nice for a change! And No puke! hehe- and no fights either Boss Man!!!! Alrighty Angels.... I am out for the rest of the day- I think! Take care everyone! Gratz Mary! Thats awesome! Hang in there Sonia.... where is Shirley hiding out at? Miss her..... ~Raynie!
  4. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Awww poor Sonia! Atleast its Friday Babe! hehe You didnt eat too much! Dont be hard on yourself... tomorrow you can have a low day.... too make up for it! Thanks for saying my little girl is cute! She isnt so little anymore... I miss those days... they grow up so fast! Try and have a better day Sonia! Its almost over! ~Raynie!
  5. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    God now that I see em together- what a difference! My face is so huge! Look at my nose! God Damn its humongus! Makes me want to head to the gym right now! lol ~Raynie!
  6. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Ok here are my pics.... one is with me and my daughter- it was taken 5 years ago and I weighed about 230. the other one is from Christmas with me and DH. I weighed about 280. Ok enjoy! now you can put a face with my posts now! ~Raynie!
  7. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    ewww and I put back the liquid theraflu..... damnit it Sonia if only I had known! I should have read the board before I left the house... lol oh well... hrmmm nyquil sounds good too, maybe tonight! I bought some Delsym and sugar free Halls drops. My throat hurts! And I want a Big Mac! and Ice Cream! ok ok I will stop now... that snow sounds kinda nice... wish I could roll around in it... I feel so hot... I would prolly melt it all and make a nice path so Jim boss can go homes. heha ~Raynie Have fun in Orlando Jess! shirley I feel so dumb when I go to the Dr.s for a cold.... but maybe I will go.... thanks all for the advice!
  8. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Good morning..... I so agree with Sonia.... I would kill for a Big Mac value meal with a huge SOTA! ok I need your guys help please... I woke up with a cold and a cough... what can I take to control this? Any Ideas? Thanks ~Raynie!
  9. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hello everyones, Gratz on all the fat loss!! yeah baby..... On the MM info... i use water. I didnt want to add extra calories. I also have both ready to drink and powder forms. I prefer the powder. I didnt think I would like the powder... or maybe its just the flavor I bought. Well I dont know anything anymore heha! I do want to try the cookies and cream one though! Ok have a good day everyone! ~Raynie!
  10. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hellos there, my prettiess...... Happy Friday! Happy Ann. Jim Boss! I lost 4 pounds in 3 days from drinking M Milk! So I guess I like it! its real thin, not thick! I love that! I also love the energy rush I get after drinking it! here is my thought for the day- Why dont they make sexy bras in big sizes? everyone always talks about having, wanting, or getting big boobs- so why is it everytime I go to a store - Victorias Secret, Fredricks, Target.. or even Wally World- All I see is the cute little bras and panties. Why do they make em so tiny? I just dont get it. I am tired of shopping at LB or the Avenue..... in order to find a nice bra. Where do all the folks who get implants shop for bras? heha ~Raynie!
  11. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    mmmmm I love peeps too! Those are my favorite along with white chocolate bunnies. Actually it doesnt matter what shape its in as long as its white chocolate. Damn it ... now I want some hecka bad!!! ~Raynie!
  12. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hellos there, my prettiess... I cant wait till my rings get so loose that they need to be re-sized to a smaller band! I really cant wait till I can walk into any store and buy any ring I want right then and there without needed to be sized larger! whoot!!! Just my thought for the day! *giggles* Shirly- MM peach Mango smoothie is pretty good! Real thin too! not too bad of an after taste. The Choc carmel is ok too. Alittle chalky but I think I didnt measure the water right. I will keep experimenting. maybe a dash of Vodka in the peach one would make it taste better! ~Raynie!
  13. Hi Chula! Pick my Dr..... Ariel Ortiz! Oh man he is awesome! I had mine done in TJ Mexico! Trust me I know what you are going thru.... I was scarred as hell of getting ripped off, an unclean environment, dying.... etc. But trust me this Dr is the best! And the Hospital is State of the Art with the best equipment! Extremly clean! Do a research on Dr. Ortiz please.... he even wrote a book! If you bring it with you then he will autograph it too! Trust me when I say Dr. Ortiz is the best! Once you read his credentials and read about how many surgeries he has done, also all the Dr.s he taught how to do the surgery! Geez this guy is an A+ all the way around! And he is so cute too! Speaks wonderful English! Good luck sweetie- Raynie!
  14. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Good Morning everyone! Happy Anniversary Jim! 31 years sounds lovely! I feel you on the pb adventure... I have now finally learned that if I really want to eat the plate of food... my only choice is to eat very slow, chew,& tiny bites. But damnit when your so darn hungry my first impulse is to scarf it all down! One huge bite- and then it hits me "oh yeah dumas... I cant swallow this! What was I thinking?" almost as if I forget I was even banded. So Jim what does 4 fills feel like? Are you eating way less? Just curious. I feel like I am already drastically eating way less since Oct compared to last year! The more I think about it I can actually see why I am so fat! I am sure I consumed almost 10,000 cal a day with no problem. Shoot just drinks alone was probably almost 2,000 cal. It took 30 years to gain it all... I just wonder how long it will take to undo all those bad ways of eating so unhealthy? I hope I get it right this time around. Gratz on that workout Sonia... I actually feel guilty now everyday that I dont work out... :mad: thats a start right? How is that backpain White? *big hugs* hope its feeling better.... How is the knee Shirley? Hang in there girlfriend! I bet your a little more relieved in general now that its over.... Today I am going to try my MM Mango flavor!!! Yummy.... I just hope it doesnt stink or taste funny.... cause god that jug is huge! I hate wasting money!!!!! Thats prolly why I am so fat too... hate to throw a good plate of food away! ok see you all again soon! ~Raynie!
  15. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hellos there, my prettiess.... You guys crack me up! OMG JIMBOSS!!!!! I made my hubby read your post about the hair! He feels you on that one! heha.... Hellos White... nice to meet you! *hugs* Glad you joined us! Shirley I got my Muscle Milk! Crap the RTD Root Beer is kinda gross... think it needed to be colder... or maybe I need to drink it while reading these posts. Everytime I log on and read here I want to work out or actually be a good dieter! lol.....How is the knee doing Shirley? Hope all is well. Gratzie to all who made the V Day challenge... Of course the big looser that I am... heha I still havent meet my Dec challenge. But I feel good that I can hit this Easter challenge.. er... I better! So Sonia how did the bake sale go? Make lots of $$$$ ? Alright I cant think of what I had wanted to post before I read all the updates... maybe it will come back to me soon... *hugs* Happy Monday to all.... ~Raynie!
  16. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Geez so much to catch up on again! Welcome back Shirley!!! *hugs* Hope your doing well.... Chrispy and Losing me - you girls look awesome! keep it up! Gratz Jessica on your weight loss! 3B- wow I cant wait to get out of the plus size dept! Cheers for you! JimBoss- I feel you on that munchies.... and on spending so much you could retire! lol me too! i guess thats why I am fat too.... lol Have a good day everyone! ~Raynie still waiting on my milk.... :confused:
  17. raynie

    Cost of Fills

    I pay $100 for mine, $130 for the cab ride roundtrip and $110 for my flight... ~Raynie
  18. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Yays 3B! So how is the Milk? Mine still hasn't arrived yet. Welcome back Turner... your doing great hang in there. Jess I am going to check out your sparkpeople after this message. Jimboss OMG! Your hilarious! I wish I had that side effect. You sure you aren't smoking any pot first? heha j/k Sonia how is that fill doing? you ok? Mmmmmmm a Margarita sounds so damn good! I want one in every flavor! Cheers for Friday! ~Raynie!
  19. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Mary I feel you on that one !!!!! I wonder sometimes why I did this too..... but like they all say its a tool not a magic wand. Which sucks, cause I feel like I am going thru hell sometimes! Like how I found out that all the candy and Ice Cream and crap food goes down just fine..... and I can still gain weight! Like whos idea was this band again? Who invinted this thing? I just cant eat bread unless its toasty! I did all this to myself just to prevent from over eating and bread! lol...... *bangs head on keyboard* I ate soooo much last night. Mentally I felt starving for the past few days.. even though I prolly ate the normal amount that I am supposed to be eating. its still hard for me to remember that I dont need as much food anymore. I still make big plates of food and get mad when I cant eat it- or more frustrated. So last night I ate a ton- a lean Cuisine- sweet and sour chicken... was very good! Except I wasnt satisfied and added more chicken to it! Then about an hour later I ate a bowl of eggs with cheese! I forgot to take the yolks out... i also ate not just one but two chocolate creamies .... like a fudge bar but very low in fat. Then I went to bed and woke up early with the most horriable belly ache! Been paying for it ever since. Oh well.... I will definately be on a low eating day today! Dont give up Mary! I am a sweet lover too! Just take it one day at a time... In Jan I gained back 7 pounds from when I lost in Dec... I am 2 pounds away from losing that 7 pounds. But still its hard and frustrating. Sonia- I live in Cali! Its been colder then usual but was pretty nice on Sat! Denise- It amazes that me that even skinny people need to get healthy! My In Laws drive me nuts about the "I need to loose weight game" They are constantly trying to loose weight. They are both over 50. They are the most healthiest people ever- and they arent fat! Which drives me nuts cause I feel like screaming at them sometimes to just Knock it off already! I will be damn if I am 60 and trying to still loose weight! Thats the last thing I want to do! heha Have a good day everyones! ~Raynie!
  20. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Muhahahahahahah............ I am happy that you all had a good laugh I cant stop thinking about that whole day! Stupid cat! hehe Well I ordered a book on weight loss reciepes for folks who had weight loss surgery. Cant wait to get it! Also my M Milk still hasnt arrived yet! They say by the 12th! Geez already- what they go do ....find a cow on special muscle steriods first? hehe I WANT MY MILK!!!! ok everyone- gotta go! ~Raynie!
  21. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    heha! I agree with Pumpkin on Shirleys weight loss. Its amazing! she recommends Muscle Milk light.... you can order it from ebay. Comes in many flavors! I ordered some too... just waiting for it to arrive! So heres a question.... where does the fat go? Or how does it leave the body? If its thru urine.... then I should really be drinking alot of water to flush it thru? I know thats a really really dumb question but just wondering...
  22. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Oh and I just wanted to say that I feel so comfortable here in Octobers thread then any others! I feel like we are getting to know one another- like we are freinds in away, more then strangers! So thanks everyone here! *hugs* ~Raynie!
  23. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Hello everyones! Wow so much happens over a few days! I miss Shirley already! Your in our prayers girlfriend! Poor Jimboss and 3B! I can relate in a way to your stories... just recently I put on a pair of jeans that I wore on our honeymoon, 4 years ago! Havent been able to fit them since! So I wore them on our anniversary and the DH didnt even say one word! Geez......skinny people have no idea what we go thru I swear! Want a gross story? On Sat I went to the park with my friends, I was like lets Bar-b-que.... so went and got Hot links, Hamburgers and chicken. I knew I wasnt going to be able to eat much, but I did have some chix and got sick! I walked over to my van and PBD. Ugh! I walked back over to my friends table as if nothing happened. then I thought about it- omg! My friends will see a pile of puke and slime when they help me load up my Van! They would understand, but I didnt want to gross em out either. I couldnt stop thinking about it. So when it was time to load up- I walked first and had reached the Van. Guess what? I saw a cat run off.... I looked down and Damnit gina- The cat ate my pile of PB!!!!! EWWWWW!!!!!! I was so grossed out. Then my friend came over to the van and stepped right where I had PBd!! There wasnt anything there but a damp spot on the ground but still!!! Heha! I havent been able to keep much down these last 3 days. Maybe I am tighter. Can that happen? Some days are tighter then others? This gets to be such an obssession for me. Like a guessing game! Also I keep getting this fear of slippage again, and my pouch stretching! I hate thinking about it! This is my worst fear! If my band has to be removed before I lost my weight I would shut down and want to live like a hermit........hehe ~Raynie!
  24. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Ok I am back! Sorry your having problems Jenn! Hang in there girlfriend! Dont beat yourself up over that guy! There is so many more out there, it took me until I was 26 too find my true love! He even loves all 4 of my kids! heha And..... well it says you lost some weight.... thats hella good considering it was DURING the HOLIDAYS! I tell myself that if it wasnt for this band I prolly would have gained 20 pounds since Oct. Thats real! *hugs* to you Jenn! I am happy that you like your new dew Sonia! Thats great! My hair has always fallen out, I haven't seen much difference in seeing more of it fall out. But..... I do see more GREY! YIKES!!!! So Shirley- Well I prolly could eat some Chinese food- just not my favorites- I PB on an egg roll before I had my fill! I have never tried another one since. And I so love Dim Sum! Has anyone ever had that? They have so many kinds, but I love the shrimp balls rolled in some dough. And I love chow mein! And Pot Stickers! All the good stuff! Damn this making me hungry.... I can eat the soup and Chicken in foil. I cant wait to get those drinks! So you recommend just one a day? They do contain like 300 cal, so yeah I was trying to count it up- The directions said drink one before and after a workout and one before bed. Thats fracking almost 900 cal! I cant do that! I really dont want to look like The Hulk either! lol....what to do what to do... maybe a drink for breakfast then hit the gym for water aerobics, then a lean cuisine for lunch and dinner. Thats still almost 900 calories. It seems so depressing! Who in the heck made this calorie counting thing up? And who set it so low? I hate them peoples! hehe I bet they are rich! Ok gotta go again... take care and Happy Friday~ Raynie!
  25. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    Yays! Happy Fridays! My wonderful DH fixed my stuff- I now have a ticker and some info! I also changed my dumb blonde bimbo chick to this cool Batman! hehe..... my DH is so into comic books and super heroes, and since being with him, its rubbed off onto me. my little baby ticker is because I hope someday to loose enough to actually be fertile again! We dont have any kids together, and I so want to give him his first child! So wish me lucks! ~Raynie!

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