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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by raynie

  1. Selise, good luck too you! We cant wait to have you join us as well! I have heard that once your body losses about 40- 60 pounds.... your hormones go into overdrive and you are very fertile!!!! So... I would make a plan.... determine how much you want to loose before getting pregnant. Maybe use birth control until you reach that paticular goal. I found it very difficult to loose weight when I was always thinking... "but what if I am pregnant already?" Some months your period might be late, due to your body re-adjusting to the weight loss. You might even did what I did, and run off and buy pt tests. But then to only get depressed to see the negative. Just have a clear goal and stick too it, and it will be smooth for you to acheive it faster. Good Luck , Hun! ~Raynie!
  2. Panda, I say find a new Ob Doc! that guy sounds like a jerk! You've lost an amazing amount! Gratz too you! I am not an expert or anything, but a few pounds shouldn't matter to keep you from having a baby. Your going to gain it back anyways. And.... if your stressed out your body will have a harder time conceiving. It takes three months for your body to prepare to conceive. For instance... if you want to conceive in August- then count 3 months back.... which is May. So whatever effects you in May, might help you conceive in Aug. So dont stress out, relax, take a vacation, meditate. My doctor told me that. it was true! I was stressed for years.... and couldnt conceive. I took a family vacation in May... and bam in Aug I conceieved. lol... it sounds funny, but I feel its true. I say your friends and familys input is very important. They all seem very supportive in you getting pregnant. Which their support is what is going to get you thru those hard times. So look into a new ob who is more sympatheic to your feelings and needs. And hey, if you get pregnant... you might just shed those few extra pounds from morning sickness! :fish2: Good luck Sweetheart! ~Raynie!
  3. NIce Niecy! And yes, we will have to stick together, sounds like a plan! I feel like I am hungry every two hours as well. I do not remember being this hunger with any of my other kids. I never got morning sickness like I do now either. Maybe it is the band that is making us so hungry? Shoot I dont know. I actually have crackers at my bed side and call my husband on the cell phone to bring me a glass of ginger ale before I roll out of bed. lol. Today... he couldnt find the ginger ale, and he brought me cranberry juice. I wanted to yell 'geez its next to the carrots so the kids wouldnt find it you nimwit" But I just said "thanks honey" instead. hehe my hormones are making me crazy. One minute I am happy, the next minute I am crazy. Like today I made lunch, I was expecting the dh to return home after picking up a kid. He didnt. He didnt bother to tell me either that he was making a pit stop at the court house. I get all pissed off cause his plate of food is just sitting here getting cold. So I hang up on him after telling him not to expect me to cook for him anymore. Yeah, I was in my crazy mood. Oh well, i blame it on hormones. Niecy I cant believe your dr. snapped at you for gaining 5 pounds. I know this is your first baby, maybe you should find a new ob doc. One that is more sympathetic to what your going thru and all with having a lap band. My ob is so sweet and the whole office is concerned that I wont gain enough... hehe ... I told them not to worry and trust me I have no problem in gaining! I guess they just a little concerned since I am their first lap band preggo mom. Which is nice for a change to be pampered! Just my opinion! *hugs* ~Raynie!
  4. Hello everyone! Yes, I was told too wait a year before getting pregnant too. Welp, my year is up Oct 26th. heha! I am already pregnant. Oh well. so far everything is good ! I would just recommend taking folic vits, or prenatal vits prior to getting pregnant. I think they tell you to wait a year so your body and mind can adjust to the dramatic change that is goes thru with the surgery. Just my opinion though. I think being pregnant with a lap band would be a lot easier then being pregnant with gastric bypass. As for Bexley- I wouldn't get the fill. Your baby needs nutrients- fruits, veg, protein, dairy.... dont starve your baby. Dont be afraid to gain it back. Its natural and it will happen. Try to avoid the extra stuff, like mayo, and dressings, watch the fried foods. Easier said then done. Maybe try a little more excercise, like walking or water aerobics or prenantal yoga. Being healthy is way better for you then to be skinny right now. Dont be afraid to gain weight right now. Besides, thats one of the joys of being pregnant. It might be a last excuse to pig out anyways! heha. Just relax and enjoy it Hun! After we all drop these bundles maybe we can stick together and encourage our own little weight loss club all over again. Just an idea. We will need support in every way we can get it. I too am not thrilled about being a beach whale again, but too have a child is truly a blessed event. I weighed 315 before I had my surgery, the day of surgery was 290. In may I weighed 247. Then got pregnant in June had the miscarriage in July, got pregnant in August- and been pretty much on light bed rest to prevent a miscarriage. I weighed in last week at 260. I have no fill right now. I have not been excercising either. Trying to be safe and prevent a miscarriage. I do plan on working out again soon, when the doc gives me an ok. But until I will keep gaining. LoL I dont care though. hehe. with my last son I had lost 60 pounds before I had gotten pregnant with him. I gained all 60 back and 30 more! I weighed 295 when he was born. Yuk! I had no problems except for a little pre- eclampsia. He weighed in at 10 pounds 2 oz. Everyone was shocked. Ok ladies have a good day... and gratz too all the new preggers! ~Raynie!
  5. where is everybody? Its so quiet here latley....Wake ups! Ok so I saw that crib bedding on another regular crib and I hate it! Its ok for a boy- but I dont like it anymore for a girl. The fitted sheat is a very bright red gigham patteren. In the first picture I saw- it looked pinkish and looked so cute with chenile green froggy print. Oh well. I went to my Kaiser appointment yesturday. They were all so sweet and nice! On there wall they had one of those chinese gender calendars- of course I had to look- it says I am having a boy! lol. ~Raynie!
  6. wow Nicki your port flipped? I am glad to here that they were able to get the fluid out. I wouldnt worry about gaining it back. It will come off again. This is my 5th baby too. its my new husbands first though, so our first together. It will most likely be my last. Thats why I want to go a little nuts this time around. I never got to experience that shopping spree before. The benefit I get from the shopping spree, is that since I have a daycare- I can wite out of for taxes. lol.... of course that means I will have to donate it to the daycare too, when I am done with it. I have so much to buy though I dont know if I will be able to spend $2000 on a crib. I definetly need a rocking chair in my room, and so much redecorating in my room. ugh, the thought of it is depressing me. Our room is a mess! My husbands office stuff is in there including his computer. It all has to come out to make room for the baby. which means re-wiring the cable connection for the computer. Then we have to clear out our closet- a mess. So I can put the babys things in there. I also need to paint and buy curtains, and get the carpets cleaned. Ok now I am tired again just thinking about it all. lol. I made a game plan fr when to do it step by step but I just wish I could wave a wand. ~Raynie!
  7. Congratz Kim! My due date is May 10th! So lets race and see who pops first! lol. I got some new meds for my infection. I feel alot better- but my back still hurts all the time. its really annoying. if I have a girl- I found a adorable round crib online that has little froggies and ladybugs on it with a gorgeous bedding to match! Of course the whole thing is like $2000. Ouch. I keep finding ladybug decorations to go with it like wall art, lamps, rugs, etc. I even found an Anne Geddes Ladybug Diaper bag. Its soooo cute!!! Dos anyone else know how or what thy want for their crib and bedding? any ideas? ~Raynie!
  8. does anyone have trouble sleeping at night and only want to sleep in the day now? My body is so screwed up now! lol ~Raynie!
  9. heha ok I feel better now! Glad to hear that you are human and do eat the sweets like the rest of us! :peep: I have felt the slimming thing few times too - I just figured I was full or it was starting to get stuck, so I backed off from finishing that food. Which sucks, when you really want to eat it! Oh well, cause its part of the joy of misery. I haven't tried any protein shakes yet while pregnant. Mostly the thought of drinking that crap makes me want to vomit, and I am waiting for the morning sickness faze to pass first! I hate gagging. I do like the Muscle Milk shakes- but when I do drink them my body turns into weight loss mode, and I am not trying to do that right now. Although, I bet it is much better protein then the protein that my daily bag of gummy worms has! Did you even know that the little bag has 5 grams of protein? heha, who would have known! Of course the sugars are out of the roof insane! ~Raynie!
  10. Yeah Dooney- your making me look bad! After reading your post- damn I feel like I am eating like a freacking cow! Moo for me! It seems like I am eating something almost every 3 hours. Its useally like a string cheese, or a yogurt, but when night time hits- so does my appetite- if I am not nausiated. Which happens all the time. I get so hungry, but I tend to hold out an extra hour so the hubby can run around the corner to Jack in the box for a yummy chicken fajita pita with ranch, but if I wait to long for him to do that then Bam! I am so nausious I cant eat. But I do feel like a pig after reading your post, lol! But I really dont care how much I gain. I know that I will gain prolly a 100 pounds... hehe .... but as long as I have this baby, then I dont care. Muhahahaha!!!! Sooooo my UTI is gone, but I still landed back into the ER on Friday night. my whole body was shutting down, shacking, shivering, couldnt stop peeing, my back and pelvic area felt like a torch had been lit up inside me. So they ran all the tests, this time they said I had Bacterial Vaginosis. Gross. They said something about my ph balance and my hormones was causing it due to being pregnant. So I went home with a 5 day perscription of Vaginal suppository gel. Tonight is the last night and I feel just a little bit better. I woke up with some discharge- it was a few dots of pink blood. Of course I am nervously sick to my stomach thinking its the begginning of another miscarriage. All i can do is pray. On a lighter note- the movie Knocked Up was released on DVD today! Cant wait to watch it! Congratz to all the new prego moms who joined recently! welcome! ~Raynie!
  11. Welcome Mary and Alicia! Congratz on your BFP's .... we are all excited for you! I am starting to feel like we started an epidemic! :waytogo: So many prego bandsters now, I am glad that you are all here! Welp, I went in to the real ultrasound appt yesturday. My friend said that I shouldnt waste my time since the last doc didnt see anything in the sac and it was only a few days earlier... but I ws thinking "what the heck, I have so much time on my hands I should just do it" and so I did, and I am glad I went! I saw the little grain of rice in my sac! It even has a heart beat of 140! I am so happy and relieved! I even cried a little in shock! I want to hug the doc and tell her how much I loved her for finding my baby! lol.... So I brought home the pic and showed the hubby. He was just as shocked! I think reality is sinking in for him now. My baby is smaller then we thought, so the new due date is in May. Hope to hear your stories..... Have a great weekend..... ~Raynie!
  12. hehe .... It was Abarbiere who got prego on the pill.... I would prolly try and sue that pill company! And send them a huge bill with all my maternity expenses! lol thats actually a good idea! You should do that Abarbiere! So I went to the ER Monday night- i was having these pains in my lower abdomen area. Of course I was freaking out about it- my hubby thinks it was all mental pains... hehe i just wanted to make sure it wasnt a miscarriage. So I went in and came home 8 hours later to discover i have UTI. Ouch! I dont have any pain in peeing- thank god, just a really bad back ache and some unwanted pressure near my tubes. since I really have no idea how far along I am- they ran an ultrasound. I swear the doctor was an idiot. we clearly saw a sac but nothing was in it. She took the pictures and went and asked another doctor his opinion - she comes back in and says "well its not an ectopic since the sac is in the tummy and not in the tube." I was like thinking Do they just give anyone Dr permits these days? I figured that one out on my own. She had no idea why she cou7ldnt see anything in the sac, she did a pelvic and said my cervix was still closed and there was no blood. That was good to hear! Then she said my blood count came back at 6-8 weeks pregnant. I even asked her what the number was twice- and all she would say was 6-8 weeks. She was starting to erk me. The final conclusion is that the baby is prolly to small to see still and that I am somewhere between 6-8 weeks. So I guess i am not having an April baby. Darn, cause I really really wanted a girl in April. Oh well. I guess it will be due near Mothers Day. The only perk of this is that every year my in-laws all get together and celebrate this wonderful day with every female in the family. A nice dinner, bring gifts for all the mothers, dress up nice, go to church- etc etc.... hopefully this year I will get to get out of doing it! lol.... I gotta pee... ~Raynie!
  13. Hi momies, I am back.... this morning sickness is kicking my but and damn I am so tired!!!! i have been eating alot too! Already gained 4 pounds! Eww! There is a prenatal yoga class that starts this Sunday... I am not sure if I will join yet. The thought of it makes me so exhausted! :confused: My ultrasound is Thursday- I cant wait! Ok Congratz Niecey and Welcome too our baby thread! Yays! I doubt that I will fall into the catagory of loosing weight too! Oh well! As long as this baby is healthy then i dont care anymore. And Bexley- OMG- I cant believe your Doctor is letting you get a fill! I feel jealous and concerned at the same time.... please think about it hard before you do it. I have heard so many stories about babies born undernuturioused and all the complications. Welcome aboard to Becca! Nice to have you too! And Lala- your ob sounds like a jerk! I would get a new one! I dont think your too fat to get pregnant! I really believe that you will gain all the weight you lost plus some while pregnant! hehe.... so why keep losing more if your just going to gain it back? Time is ticking.... plus, you do have a band to help you after you pop out the bundle of joy! As far as my prenatal pills- i first started out with an over the counter brand- called Nature Made Multi Prenatal- and they smell bad and taste gross but I only had to take one a day. Then after the Doc visit- they gave me some samples of PrimaCare. These are great! they have a am and a pm pill. They kinda look big, but the am pill is coated like a gel cap and goes down easy. the PrimaCare brand eased up my constipation a little too. A releif if you are experiencing it. hehe And I also take Expexta Lipil- its a small red gel covered pill to help with brain growth. Its like a Omega 3 fatty acid without actually eating the fish. It goes down really easy too! This is my first pregnancy taking the Expecta pill- they must have just came out with it, never seen it before. Its from the makers of Enfamil baby formula. They say the first 12 weeks is the most important- thats when everything is growing and forming. So I will cross my fingers! So I had my wisdom tooth pulled last week! I have these horriable stitches in my mouth that is leaving the most god awful taste ever! Mouthwas is not curring it! I go back to the dentist tomorrow- I hope he takes them out! Its making me nausous... eww..... I really am against going to the dentist while pregnant- I fear of the x-ray and all the mercury in the fillings, and the horriable noise of the drill! My baby shouldnt have to bear all that so soon! But ..... my dentist assures me that everything will be fine! ok I need to rest now! Keep chatting with me mommies! I want to hear all your complaints and joys! ~Raynie!
  14. Oh thanks Ragergirl! Go get pregnant now and come join us! *sprinkles baby dust your way* hehe Ok so I went to the ob yesturday- it was just a first consultatin visit. It went well. I gotta about 3 bags full of free samples and magz! That was the fun part! My Ob just had a new extension put in the office- so now they do 3d and 4d ultrasounds! Way cool! So I get mine done on the 20th of Sept. Cant wait to see if this little sucker is still ok and growing strong! I got new prenatal vits- its a sample and after just a few hours of taking them- my constipation went right away! Now I am happy again... lol... ok tmi... Alright preggo moms have a nice relaxing weekend! I am craving the veggies pan pizza from pizza hut! Oh I cant wait till dinner! ~Raynie oh and i want a big scoop of choc ice cream and curl up in bed with a episode of Desperate Housewifes! p.s.s. - everytime I turn on the tv or watch a movie someone is pregnant! Is this happening to you guys? Its like its following me! hehe
  15. Thats so sweet Aussie! Thanks for the encouragement! I think we all need it! Today is my first prenatal consultation with the ob. Hope it goes well! I started taking Expecta Lipil this week along with my prenatal vits. As anyone heard of it? Its supposed to be the same omega 3 that is found in fish, without the harmful effects that some fish carry. Ok gotta run! Talk to ya later mommies to be! ~Raynie!
  16. Congratz Abarbiere on your newest pregnancy! How exciting that you got prego on the pill! Dont worry everything should be fine!!! Gratz again and tell us all about the journey! ~Raynie!
  17. Gratz Nikki!!! I know getting pregnant is a shocking experince! I feel like I am cheating on my lap band diet. It almost feels as if I gave up with trying to loose weight like a diet that went bad. Or like another excuse to not have to loose weight!! Muhahahaha!!!! I am a little freaked out by how much I will gain, I dont think I have too much of a fill left in me ( I can eat more and swallow the gigantic prenantal vit with no problem). I have no plans to fly to TJ anytime soon. I still have a credit with the airline since I missed my flight 2 sats ago. I am just taking this all one day at a time! Well, Gratz again Nikki- and welcome to the preggo club! ~Raynie!
  18. So does anyone know what they are having? What are your gut instincts? I think I am having a girl- if the pregnancy surrvives. Has anyone ever heard of the myth that what ever you are carrying- then the same sex will annoy the heck out of you? For instance- I am around a bunch of little girls who I adore and love so much (my daycare) however- the past few weeks they have been getting on my nerves! LoL!!!! Have a great Holiday weekend ladies!!! ~Raynie!
  19. Oh wow Nerdine! You have given me so much hope! Congrats on your pregnancy! I am sorry about the first loss.... but happy to hear that our stories are very similar. Thank you so much for responding! Ever since I posted yesturday- I swear I have been having cramps. LOL I will just pray and wait it out..... Bex- did you get your pizza? I made homemade hamburgers last night- which I haven't done in like a year- It was damn good!!!!!!! Tiny tiny bites and no top bun, and I managed to eat all of it! ~Raynie!
  20. So Bex..... how far along are you now? 12 - 13 weeks? You said you lost weight! Thats a bad girl!!! hehe just kidding.... I wish I could loose a few pounds before going in for the first weigh in.... I gain so much weight with my pregnancys.... I am going to blow up with this even with the lapband. I was supposed to go to the water aerobics this morning... but since I was up all night thinking of baby I was too tired to go. Shame on me! Maybe tomorrow. So what kinds of things are you eating? My current fill must be gone cause I can swallow that horsepill prenatal with no problem! But- i have to take it in the afternoon. Today I am eating coked chopped spinach with salt and butter of course! I cant live without my salt and butter on my vegies.... anyone else? Yesturday I had wheat toast, a sausage patty with cheese and an egg for breakfast. I ate about 3/4 of it and was full till lunch. I ate spincah and yogurt at lunch, and for dinner ate the whole can of broccoli and cheese soup and a cheese stick. I have been drinking a ton of OJ and Vitamin Water. I need to start my protein shakes again.... I just for some reason would rather eat food! Muhahahahaha like duh! My teeth have been hurting so bad all month long- that was my first clue that I was pregnant. Its like BAM! out of nowwhere they just start hurting! I need my wisdom tooth pulled. Ok can you tell I am bored? I cant stop chatting!!! *giggles* I am still scarred to death about delivering Vaginally but Fabfatgirl says she did it just fine... so I will be ok right? No way am I going to have an epidural! I never had one and dont want one. That needle scarres me to death! Its so big!!! I also cant stop watching the Birthing Stories on TLC... I am to crazy about being crazy.... I will prolly miscarry soon. its like I cant stop obssessing about it. Make me stop!!! Please somebody HELP ME! Ok gotta get back to work! ~Raynie! ps. please please please give me more details about your pregnancys laddies, so I will have something to read!!! :girl_hug:
  21. You guys are awesome! And thanks Bex! I am so relieved that I am not going thru this alone! I love being pregnant! Its the best excuse ever for being FAT! :girl_hug: hehe ....... I am so trying to not get attatched this time around in case of a miscarriage again..... but I went out last night after signing up for the gym- I went and bought maternity clothes! Muhahahah Although they look ridiculous on me! But they are still cute on they were on Sale!!! :girl_hug: We went and looked at the Kaiser Hospital- I wanted to check out the maternity ward.... they said they didnt have one and pointed me in the direction of the worst hospital in town- they say they deliver there! I almost cried! I cant go there! So now I am rethinking about the whole Kaiser deal. Hubby wants the good ins. he also wants me to drive a Volvo! rofl...... When I really think about it.... I love labor and delivery and those few days in the hospital. Thats the best part of the whole process.... I lay in bed at night thinking about my Labor! And how to convince my doc to let me stay as long as I can in there.... any ideas? They say you can get discharged at 24 hours.... I hate that! I want to stay there for like 4 days! it just feels so secure, clean, and I get pampered. I am already thinking about what gifts to give out at the nurses station. Was thinking of See' Candy boxes and some champagne. (The little bottles of it) and tie little pink and blue ribbons around them. Another thing that keeps me up at night is how am i going to re-do my room to put all the baby stuff in there? I actually cant sleep cause of this... I am driving my DH nuts! I saw this really cool corner crib online.. to fit in the cornor of the room. If you send them the material they will make all the bedding to fit this crib and the canopy, which i thought was super cool idea! My DH is a comic book fan, and our room is done in Batman theme. So if we have a boy I can buy the Batman Fabric. my mom says this is a terriable idea cause it will freak the little baby out waking up to see Batmans face! hehehe..... Although if we have a girl it will be done in Hello Kitty. ~Raynie!
  22. Hi guys! err Gals! hehe It has been so long since I have posted. Forgive me please..... I had a miscarriage shortly after I announced my big news of being pregnant! I felt like a dork for telling anyone since I hadnt even reached my 16 week mark. I was very vey sad... I had visited the ER almost 7 times within 2 weeks! I am also rh- so I had to get my Rhogam shot. So that was in July... I bleed on and off for almost the whole month... I am pretty sure I started my period on July 22nd cause I stoped bleeding almost 7 days later. So guess what? I spent some time healing and what not then the hubby *missed me* And I am pregnant again! Its still a shocker.... who gets pregnant just after a month of miscarrying? We wasnt trying, and we didnt think it was even possiable to do that. But somehow my body ovulated and we are back in the game! Lol if I have another miscarriage now that I have *told* people I will die! Pray for me ok? This baby will be due in April/May..... I am waiting for my ins with Kaiser to clear first before I go in for a exam. The funny thing is that last Saturday- I had booked a flight to get my fill in TJ, I arrive at the airport an hour early, I am sitting in the car just goofing around wasting time, I went to grab my ID and realized that it was at home on the bathroom sink!!!! I almost died!!!!! There was no way I would make it back home in time and then back to the airport.... So DH calls the airline and explains what happened. They gave me a credit! That was cool! So I can use it on a future fill.... I didnt even know I was pregnant then! God works in mystrious ways. But I might miscarry again and I am freaked out of mind! I am trying to stay focused and positive! I keep reading great pregnancy books, try to take it easy, take my prenatals... and eat good veggies and fruits, etc.... In an hour me and DH is on our way to the gym to renew my membership- then I can get into water aerobics again and it might help me relax. Gosh this is long I am sorry! Thanks to everyone posting here! I love you all! Keep posting even if you dont hear from me again.... I will be back someday... rofl ~Raynie!
  23. raynie

    October 2006 Bandsters!

    I forgot to mention that I havent had a MM protein shake or worked out since May! heheehheeh Thats why I havent lost any weight either. Shoot at times I dont even care anymore.... anyone else feel like that? ~Raynie!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
