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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by raynie

  1. I was so depressed yesturday. I swore I was going to wake up today and go to the gym for water aerobics and drink protein shakes for breakfast and lunch and eat a salad for dinner. But since I stayed awake all night tossing and turning and feeling sorry for myself- lol- I woke up so exhausted I went back to bed. And I was bad at lunch- I drank a vanila frappuccino and ate 3 pizza breadsticks. Yum. I am sooo bad. ~Raynie!
  2. Jodies baby looks like hes sucking his thumb!!!! ~Raynie!
  3. Awww hes so cute!!!! Gratz Nikki! Is he upside down in the last picture? hehe ~Raynie!
  4. Yay Alicia! OMG I never really realized it until you mentioned it- I haven't had that much morning sickness in awhile! WOW.... I am still tired though.... hehe As for Mstewart- Don't give up hope sweetie! I had my surgery done last Oct and had a miscarriage in July of this year. At first I blammed the band ... but then became pregnant again 2 weeks later. Wierd I know, but this time around its sticking. As for you- I am not sure when you had your miscarriage and your surgery. But whatever the case, its probably better that you did miscarry. I know its hard to hear that- but- the baby might have been born with a deformity with all the meds and xrays and crap they use for the surgery, and for your own health- recovering from surgery takes a toll on your body! Plus- you need time to adjust to the lap band itself, and your body needs time to adjust to the huge change regarding nutrients and vit loss. It might take time sweetie to get pregnant again, but just try and focus on your weight loss. I heard after a person drops 40 pounds they become super fertile. Good luck to you honey! God has a plan for all of us! ~Ray!
  5. Geez Bex, your 22 weeks now! Thats so awesome, time is going by fast! Thanks for sharing with me, now I can really believe its the baby.... Can you feel her on the outside yet? I am glad you guys are having yours first, that way you can share your birthing stories before I pop!! lol Nikki- yes I kinda thought maybe it was the baby just rolling over or switching positions or something, either way I love the movement! So your pigging out on my candy, huh? hehe Eat a candy bar for me ok? ~Raynie!
  6. I have not yet been able to pig out on my kids candy yet! ROFL.... I got a toothache for no reason at all!!! I cant believe it! Must have been those cookies from last week! heheh ~Raynie!
  7. Oh and I forgot to mention that I swear I can feel the baby move! Its a little fluttery movement here and there. I am convinced that its not a gas bubble! I can only feel it on the inside but not on the outside yet, prolly still too early. DH says its impossiable cause its too early, but I swear I feel something every now and then. Just the thought puts a smile on my face, makes it feel more real too me! ~Raynie!
  8. Wow Rocker girl! we have so much in common! My gender test said a boy too! My next ob appt isnt until Nov 21st. My gender U/S isnt untill Dec 22nd. I cant wait. I had wanted a girl, for my own personal reasons... all the cute clothes, the pink round canopy crib, etc..... lol... but I changed my mind after telling DH it might be a boy. His expression was priceless! But either way I will be happy. I just want to know asap so I can start decorating! I feel you on the floro thingie with the needle. I am scarred to death of messing up anything. I feel like whats the point in going all the way there? i am not sure how much restriction I have. It seems like I can eat almost anything, at anytime of the day. I can even take those huge prenatals with no problem. I just have to watch how fast and how big my bites are. I do still get a pb sometimes. I am learning to try to let it pass on its own then rather to gag it up right away. Arby's roast beef sand. give me the most problem, regardless of how much sauce is on it. ROFL. I always have to have the tiniest amount of bread to. Esp with hamburgers. I guess in away I have learned how to cheat. Which scares me. I just love food too much. lol ~Raynie!
  9. Hi Lucy! I haven't had IVF treatments but I heard how hard and frustrating it can be! Sorry your going thru it, and good luck! Gratz on your weight loss! It seems to be in your favor! Maybe try taking a vacation too reduce your stress alittle! It might help in conceiving! Jodie! Yep, we must have been in synch somehow *giggles*.... I am not sure when I conceived since I ovulate late. According to my LMP my due date says April 27th. But the ultrasound says May 7th. So we shall see! Are you hoping for a boy or girl? ~Raynie!
  10. Welcome Rocker girl! and Congratz! I see you were banded with Dr. Ortiz! i was too and loved his facility and him and the whole staff! I too have too watch what I eat since I dont feel the restriction as much. But 9 out of 10 times, I still choose the bad choices. I shrug it off saying, Heck I can diet it off after baby is due. lol. i will get a super fill and suffer later. When are you do? I am due May 7th. Niecy- so your U/S is coming up! What do you plan on having? Hope you get what you want!!! I too, just passed my band anniversary. It was a sad day. I saw all my bandsters still losing weight and looking great. I felt like one of the biggest loosers, but then had to realize that I gained sooo much more- a baby! Even if I had hoped to get pregnant when I was skinny, oh well it didnt work out that way. God works wonders all the time. I still am lighter then what I was before the band. So I cant really complain, right? Muhahahahaha............ Happy Halloween! And this year- I am eating the candy!!!! ~Raynie!
  11. Hi guys! I am sooo much better lol. Thanks for the thoughts! I didnt take anything for it, just rest and fluids. I am still congested with a cold. I also never got the head lice either Oh Thank God! Just part of having a daycare lol. I had my genetics testing for DS, everything looks ok. Welcome to our thread Jodie! Your baby looks just like mine! hehe... I turn 13 weeks tomorrow! So we can race to the end together! And Gratz! And Welcome to you too Lindz! I was 315 before banded....then got down to 247- got pregnant and had a miscarriage, a month later and 10 pounds later got pregnant at 257 pounds. This time its sticking! Good luck in conceiving! Start your prenatals vits now! ~Raynie!
  12. Congratz Nikki!!! so 5 boys!!! you should have one more to make a sports team! I am happy your bean is doing good! *hugs* I came down with the flu last night. It started with a sore throat, then progressed into vomiting and nausea, and then I got the horriable diarreah cramps, but with no diarreah. I think cause I am so constipated. It was the most horriable feeling ever- I almost thought it was contractions. But the runs finally came late this morning. I know its gross, but I swear I hope none of you ever have to experience it! My body is aching all over and it hurts to even type this. I want some Jello but I am afraid I will just vomit it up. Pray for me! ~Raynie!
  13. you bet Dooney! I feel good about your little one being just fine! I read online about women having a child with DS is 1- 1,000 for a woman under the age of 35. And sometimes those tests arent always accurate. Just trust in the Lord..... he has a plan for us all! ~Raynie!
  14. I agree too! no skinny docs! lets boycott them all! ~Raynie!
  15. Wow Dooney! *hugs* That sounds very scary, I hope everything works out for sweetie! Hang in there! I hope everything turns out to be okay! your in my prayers! I took that same test last week. They pricked my finger and put my blood on a bunch of dots. Next week on tuesday I go in for a NT Ultrasound - and then in the beg of Dec I get another blood test done for the neo testing. So I can understand your stress in the waiting game. * *big hugs* ~Raynie!
  16. Thanks Dooney! The wierdiest thing- I have been craving cookies and cheesecake. I went to the store and damn near spent $20 on all sorts of cookies. I bought already made ones from the bakery- I blamed it on Halloween, they are all decorated so cute- then I bought the ones i have to bake- so the house will smell good- and of course I had to buy some of the packaged ones for all the daycare kids. I am a nut. But- I haven't had as many headaches since I have been eating cookies and cheesecake. lol.... so I suppose your right- good ideas you have there. My dh would rather give me a cookie then deal with my headache! rofl. Oh by the way- my book hiding war is over. He pouted all day claiming there was only 3 pages left in his book. He had to find out what was going to happen, and swore that he would not start another book until he finished my baby books. So yes, I gave in.... on a totally different note- I had a daycare kid get picked up at school from the parent cause she had nits!!!! she was at our house for 20 minutes yesturday before the dad picked her up. We have leather couches and she was sitting on it watching tv. Can lice live on leather? Apparently she got the nits from a neighbor kid over the weekend. The school said she was not infested. The whole nits thing has always made me grossed out and the thought of getting it freaks me out. But since we found out- I feel itchy. I think its all mental- I hope its all mental. What do I do if I have nits? lol Is that nit medicine safe while pregnant? I am tempted to go to the salon and ask for a haircut- they would tell me if I had it right? lol ~Raynie!
  17. Oh wow! Thats so awesome! Congratz sweetie! *hugs* ~Raynie!
  18. Bexley- I love you! That post made me feel so goood! I talked to my dh about that chic who made me feel like crap cause she was all so skinny. His response was that she was confused, she didnt know what she was talking about and prolly wasnt even pregnant. She was just wishing she was" rofl.... it just made me feel better, escpecially when he said he hasnt noticed a new larger me. He was prolly lying but still.... he got some extra loving that day. Today however, I hid his book. He loves reading books.I hid it because he hasnt finished the 3 books that I have begged him to read yet. 1. Jenny Mcarthys- Baby Laughs. 2. Jenny mcarthys Belly Laughs. and the third- What to expect when your wife is expecting. I will not return his book till he reads these- lol I hid it in the ol microwave- he will never find it. So Bex- today is the big day- I have thought about you all weekend! I hope your u/s went well! Tell us what you is having!!! The suspense is killing me!!! Nikki- I hope not to go over 300 pounds.... seriously. Thats sounds so scarry to say that- its only about 30 pounds away. As I sit here eating my lunch - toasted bread with mayo, mustard, pickles, swiss cheese, and the big no nos- chicken and ham deli meat. Glass of chocolate milk and the best darn cookie ever. And Nikki I dont feel pregnant either. Sometimes I forget! my ob said I was prolly in the clear of a miscarriage- the scan was good, a good strong heartbeat. So relax honey! Everything is prolly great! ~Raynie!
  19. those are good thoughts Niecey! I think some women just gain more then others. Its just a wierd thing. For me- I went in to the docs office on Oct 4th and weighed in at 265. My scale at home said 260. I was upset- I felt it was the clothes or my shoes, or all the jewlery I was wearing. Lol.... then I went back on Oct 18th. I was feeling good cause my home scale said 254! As if I really lost weight. I was happy. I weighed in at the docs at 268!!!! I almost died! And why in the heck do they do the bloodpressure after they weigh you? As a result of my astounishing gain- my bp was up way higher then normal. For me normal is 100/68. That day it was 134/85. I could have died! Last night, dH and I finally went to Babies R Us together. We didnt buy anything except for the $60 pregnancy body pillow, that I swore I must have! (I slept like a baby last night- well worth it).... but while we was walking around... we looked at all the cool stuff. We came upon the isles of cribs, and we ran into an old employee of his. She was there looking at the same crib we wanted. She introduced her boyfriend, yada yada yada... she claimed that she was 10 weeks along. I almost died. I announced that I was 11 weeks. there I stood fat as ever wearing a maternity shirt and comfy pants. I looked andeven matched, but I felt like I was atleast should have been 7 months along, compared to this skinny twig claiming to be 10 weeks. She was still wearing tight ass jeans and a low cut t-shirt. I hated her. All I could think of was what my husband was thinking in his. Like thoughts of "geez my wife is huge" and crap like that. Its really hard and embarrassing for me to be sized up next to skinny pregnant women. I hate them all. lol ~Raynie!
  20. Welp, I took my gender test. It says I will have a boy! Dh was so happy, I cant even explain the look on his face! He and I both were convinced it was a girl. I actually cried for a few seconds. His look was priceless! I had bought a pink and blue " I love my daddy" bib, and had told him to close his eyez and put out his hand. I put the blue bib in his hand and told him to open his eyes! So I know the test is only 90% accurate- so now we wait for the ultrasound! Have a good weekend guys! ~Raynie!
  21. does anyone have migraines or really bad headaches? I can not for the life of me get rid of my headaches. Please help! ~Raynie!
  22. Maryum..... try some ginger ale for your morning sickness. Its non caffeine, but it does have carbonation. Take little sips just to see how your band handles it. If you feel ok, then sip slowly and you should feel alot better. I started my ginger ale at 7 weeks, I couldnt handle the day anymore with the extreme morning sickness. I never threw up, just felt sooo nausiated. I think laying in bed alot helped too, and try some saltine crackers. I also had bought preggo pops that I found at the store called Motherhood Maternity in the mall. All this helped, I still feel sick at 11 weeks, but not nearly as much when I was 7 weeks. I think its wearing off. Sometimes I even forget I am pregnant! So hang in there honey, it gets better! As for not being able to get anything down, maybe you have a slippage? I wouldnt want to freak you out about a slippage though, it might just be morning sickness. Can you get liquids and mushy things down? Or do you just feel like its suffocating you and you have to puke it up immediately? Sometimes - when you go long periods without eating- more then 2-3 hours, then your body will get sick as soon as you eat, like a rejection feeling, like all sick just thinking about eating. Try eating smaller, more frequent meals, try mushy stuff like soups, cottage cheese, yogurts. See if that helps at all. If so, then I doubt you have slippage. You prolly just really sick from morning sickness. But if you cant get water down, go see the doc immediately! We will pray for you! ~Raynie!
  23. Ahhh Bexley, I am sorry you had to experience that! Yuk! I am glad that you are feeling better. I have been feeling rather guilty for eating alot lately. I have a horriable feeling that I will gain alot! But damnit, it feels so good to eat again. I mean I just ate a whole banana and a yogurt cup. heha. I get sad thinking about life again after pregnancy. when I have to get a fill, and wont be able to eat a plate of rice and veges and chicken. Just a little bit. Sometimes I think- why did I get this lapband? I love to eat! But then I see myself in an old picture and think "oh yeah, thats why" Oh well, I will just enjoy the next few months that I have left to pig out but in a normal way. Cause I am no way near pigging out like pre band days. Thank god for that restriction! heha so Bexley, your ultrasound is next week, and you will be 20 weeks! Wow time flys! Are you going to find out what you are having? gratz again and I good luck hun!
  24. heha guess what I just did? I went and ordered Inteligender online to find out the sex of our baby! It says you can use as early as 10 weeks! I cant wait for it to get here. I just cant wait till 20 weeks to find out. I know this is all just a game and its only 90% accurate, but hey... I need some fun in my life. My dh says I am nuts! Muhahahaha ~Raynie!
  25. Holy cow! Only a 6 pound gain? Thats amazing! You guys are making me think that I should go get a fill! :cool: lol But I am having so much fun eating all the bad foods.... and lots of it! Congratz on your baby Candysmooch! Thanks for reassuring us that everything will be fine! ~Raynie!

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