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Everything posted by raynie

  1. Hi Jill, My case is alittle different, i had a fill in march- but felt that I needed another one. So I scheduled my flight for TJ in Aug, but missed my flight because I forgot my stinking iD at home! I was pissed but- I found out I was pregnant 3 days later and was thanking god that I didnt go! I have not been officially unfilled- but I pretty much have no restriction. ~Raynie!
  2. Wow Bex you are so cutes!!!!! And I love the crib! /pout cause I am not having a girl. hehe thanks for telling me what the fiberation thingie is. Good to know! I am about 26-27 weeks now. It seems to be going slower and slower. /sigh ~Raynie! ps. get some sleep!
  3. wow Candice, you poor thing! You really are a trooper! Hang in there sweetie! And thats a huge growth for your baby! hope all is well! Bex whats a fetal fibernection? Is that a test to see if the babys lungs are ok? And fairy- I can wear my old 3x clothes- still baggy an it looks sloppy, so I only wear around the house. when I go out I wear my maternity size 2x. the pants are big but the tops are getting a little tighter as the months go by, and my god my tits are getting way too big! :0 ~Raynie!
  4. Ok so I watched an episode of Baby Story on TLC the other day. OMG there was finally a heavy set chic who gave birth! Kodos! they never show that! Anyways so I was sitting there cheering her on- but as I kept watching I got disgusted! She was so gross by the end of the show! Her etiquette was disturbing- her hygene was nasty- and her choice in clothing- was wow- I cant believe she wore that. First of all- she wore beige maternity pants after she had the baby- the whole world saw all her fat rolls. cellulite and dimples on her ass cheeks and thighs, and you could clearly see her legs wobble as she walked! I felt bad for her- like why wasnt anyone telling her to change? She continued on by pulling up her blouse that was too small on her- showing off her tummy. She also had on a bra that was 2 sizes too small for her. Ouch! The rolls was just dying to jump off her back! It was that gross. Her maners- eek- she was burping left and right, talking about heartburn and gas. She was loud, rude, and abnoxious! Iys a pet peeve of mine to see heavy set people look nasty. Does this bother anyone else? ~Ray!
  5. Oh grats Niecy! Its always nice to get it over with as long as everyone is healthy! I want to be early too! hehe ..... I hope candice is ok! I hope Bexley is feeling better! ~Raynie!
  6. Oh my god Candice! you poor thing! Please hang in there and you are in our prayers! I hope they admit you- maybe they will do a c-section on you to avoid further damage if you dont heal. Good luck honey! Hang in there! Deze- sorry to hear about you lost one of the twins! Thats awful! I am glad to hear your doing ok now though! Candice- I hate it when nurses are wrong and make you feel stupid even though you turn out to be right! I am with you on the whole insomnia thing! As soon as its 7- I should be getting my kids ready for school- instead I feel like a dead log half the time and make DH do it. :rolleyes2: I wish I could sleep before the baby arrives so I am not a zombie. Jodie- you should report that boss to Human resources. And sue the company! Good luck! ~Raynie!
  7. Good Morning! Hope you all had a great weekend! I sure did! Dh's mom and dad came over and surprised me by taking us to Babies r us! whoot! I scored a jack pot! Thet spent $3,000 on lil peanut! Needless to say I got all the big stuffs- crib, mattress, changing table, armoire, glider and ottoman, chicco car seat and stroller, chicco travel playard, and my most favorite swing- the new graco newborn soothing sweetpea center. its sooo cute! I love all my new goodies! I surely wasn't expecting it! Although we did want the furniture in black- inlaws convinced us to get it in natural- they say it will re-sell better. Oh well. So natural it is. Atleast it will match our king size bed. All I can feel is so happy and relieved and soo much less stressed out. Now I can focus on all the little stuff and paying for delivery and labor. Fun! heha. Welcome back Dezadoo, Jodie and Meltini. When are you all do? I think your close to me. We are trying to get induced on April 25th. I have still been going to water aerobics- it feels so great! I recommend this to everyone if you get the chance. It so conditioning for the body and relaxing for the mind! Candice- hurry up and give birth already! heha you poor thing! Hang in there hun! You might just pop on super bowl sunday! ~Raynie!
  8. Good Morning! Wow Bex- sounds like your stocked up for a few months! Awesome! How are you feeling? When are you do again? Middle of Feb? What name have you picked out? *hugs* I think Candice popped. She hasnt been on in awhile. I hope everything went well with her! I finally ordered my Batman crib Bedding yesturday. The lady says it takes about 8 weeks- so I hope it arrives in time. Whew- I am just glad it got ordered. I also ordered the Batman Murals. Its going to be awesome! I told DH we had to buy them now so we can air out the room. I asume it will smell bad. Next thing on the list- baby furniture! Hopefully the in-laws come thru and buy a few pieces. I want to hire Merry Maids for when the baby is due. I do not want to be cleaning at all. :huh2: I also want a good job done. Is anyone else doing this? Bex I have no idea what to buy the doc for a present. I was thinking of bringing a couple of boxs of See's candy for the nurses and about 20 mini bottles of champagne, and tying blue bows on em. I need to bribe my nurses- heha i want that private room and the sweetest care. I know it sounds silly but this being my last kid, the experience of greatness is a must! ok I am going to try and get to water aerobics this morning. Wish me luck /sigh. have a great weekend everyones! ~Raynie!
  9. Hi Maryum- and welcome back! Glad to see everything is going good for you! i have no advice for you unfortunately, sorry. I can eat almost everything with no problem. I wish I couldn't though! :smile: Congratz on your girl! Any names picked out yets? Cant wait to see those nursery pics! ~Raynie!
  10. Heyas Bex- how was the baby shower? Details, details, details!!!! Please share! Thanks for telling me your hair secret! I think I will dye it in the beg of April- just in time to be all pretty for the baby! thank you! I finally went to water arobics on Friday! Ohhh it felt so good! I think I can do it atleast twice a week with no problem. I also took down that xmas tree this weekend! The feels much better now! The new year has officially began lol! So Candice did you go into labor yet? Did you pop last Friday? Alot of celebs popeed last week, including Nicole Ritchie, christina Aguilar, a few others. I heard Halle Berry is having a girl! Alrighty, time for a nap! ~Raynie!:eek:
  11. Bex I have no idea how to post pics! I am sorry! Maybe somebody does, I hope so cause I want to see these nurserys! Have fun at your shower on Sat! Eat a piece of cake for me! Becca- iknow they supposed to be thrown for me, but it never worked out that way. I ended up buying stuff cause I kinda make more money then my friends- so it was hard for me to watch them struggle, but anyways, this time aroud I dont think I want one at all. I dont want anyone to see me lookin like this either. I feel a mess. I want to take a bottle of hair dye with me to the hospital after I deliver! My hair looks that bad!!! :eek: Becca that sucks that you dont know if its a boy or girl! Good luck! Maybe they will gove you another u/s? Nikki- you lucky girl to not be gaining weight!!! Sorry to hear about your complications, hope you feel better soon! What color are you painting the baby room? Does anyone know how long they want to stay in the hospital? Are you guys bringing gifts to the nurses station? And is anyone having or not having an epidural? ~Raynie!
  12. Hi Shy, I threw up alittle during the first few months. I knew it was bad so I did everything I could to keep it under control, ginger ale andcrackers did wonders. Also getting out of bed and going without food for more then 2 hours makes me supper nautious! to the point where I think I want to vomit. Just try and take it easy.... it will pass. Candice- I want to see your room! That sounds awesome! Bex I want to see yours too! Shoot everyone posts pics, and I want to see these babies once they come out!!!!! I cant wait! Sarah- somebody did have pcos, and ot pregnant, for the life of me I dont remember who though, but it can happen! Good luck! Welp i finally finished my baby regisitry at Babies R Us. Is it rude to decline having a baby shower? I would rather have a Welcoming Party. I think the only people who would show up for a shower would be dh's family. I also have learned in the past that I have spent more on Baby Showers then I actually recieved in gifts. I know its selfish to say but thats true. I would rather just buy what I need. I love going to baby showers though, they are fun. Mostly just for the cake ... hehe.... whats your thoughts? Also arent Baby Showers for first time moms? And if so, does it count if its the dads first? ~Raynie!
  13. Wow we got moved to our own support group! Kudos!!!! That is so awesome! I am sorry you feel so ill Candice, soon it will all be over with. Hopefully the cold goes away before the baby comes. what color are you painting the nursery? I hope everything works out fine. Angie I didnt even come close to making goal. I am almost 24 weeks- I have gained 22 pounds. I will prolly gain 40 more lol. My ob and midwife are more concerned about the band and me getting enough food then I am.Thats a first. It feels wierd to have so much attention on that issue when I am still fat! rofl. The latest advice was to cut back on high calorie drinks. I plan on losing all of it after baby comes. I am ready to do whatever it takes. I am not getting any younger- thats why we didnt wait till I was at ideal goal. Shoot I might not ever get to ideal goal, but atleast i will have the baby. When I look at it that way- I feel good about being pregnant. It was a miracle I conceived, it took along time. We have been blessed. I have the tool already to loose all the fat, the rest is just up to me! ~Raynie!
  14. Yis congrats again Juno! Have you told anyone at all? I just read Nicole kidman is pregnant. Isnt it wierd how these famous stars can keep a secret so well? I coulnt wait 4 months to tell anyone. I would go nutso. So far Jessica Alba is prego too, and Jennifer Aniston. Oh and I heard Jennifer lopez is expecting twins! They are all due in spring. Is there anyone else preggo? And my gosh Bex- your going o havea c-section? ouch. And your breast feeding? your like a super hero mommy! My prayers for strength will be with you! Or like Star Wars- May the forces be with you! Muhahahahah.......... Alright time for bed..... yeah right. I will toss and turn as the baby kicks the hell out of my bladder again. /sigh Making me pee every 20 minutes. As I lie there thanking God for the sweet husband he gave me, until the husband rolls over and breathes hot dragon breath in my face while he is snoring. /puke. Heha Goodnights! ~Raynie! ps. Do you think Candace went into labor?
  15. Thanks Bex- your so sweet! You made me laugh though- a tubal and a vasectomy? you guys sound very serious about not having another kid! Bex how does the tubal work? Are you having a c section? I can only imagine the pain ... is it a surgery process? Do you have to stay in the hospital longer? I really need a tubal too. my DH says we should keep trying until we get a girl, I say no way in hell, I am done. I want to loose weight without the stress of what if I am pregnant? syndrome. I hate that. I also plan on going full force with the weight loss, I even want to try some kind of diet pill too and a fill of course! I have got too get to the gym!!! /sigh. Gratz on your new peanut Juno! I am excited for you! Dont be bashful about posting here, we are your secret friends. Gratz! ~Raynie!
  16. HAPPY NEW YEARS!~ I am back! So sorry, I haven't been on in nearly a month. Please forgive me! I lost the journal my password was in, it was MIA. I found it yesturday. i had gotten a email saying "we miss you Raynie, please log back in" he ha so I clicked on getting a new password sent to me and yada yada it was a lengthy process, so I went digging for my book. So here I am! First of all I missed everyone! Bex, how are you doing? Are you getting nervous? I see your due in a few weeks! Gosh the time has flown by! And Candice, you are due like anyday now right? Wow! I am so excited for the both of you!!!! *hugs* I feel like both of you- I want to start my weightloss now! I cant stand it anymore! I am actually waddling, lol. I have gained 22 pounds and feel like a blimp. I just want this over with. I am dreading the next 3 months- Iknow I will be over 50 pound weight gain. I finally got the dreaded lecture from the doc. She said to watch my juices and high cal drinks. She was actually nice about it though. I havent told anyone- but I have been drinking soda like a mad person. Atleast 2 a day. It had been a year and once I had to drink that orange soda from the docs office for that glucose test- I figured out fast that the carboniation didnt affect me. So bad girl for me! I cant stop its like an addiction. I want a fill soooo bad! My hair has been bothering me- I dont know what to do.... i had dyed it black right before I found out I was pregnant, now my roots look disgusting. I feel like crap everytime I look at myslef. My self esteem is like down the drain now. I also developed a baby rash- or red rash- its all over my face neck and chest. Its gross. My concealor helps alot, but still, when I go without the makeup and add the hair with the ugly roots, I feel nasty and depressed. Also, my skin feels prickly and hivey, although I really dont see anything- no actuall hives or bug bites- and this is really wierd to me. oh well, 3 more months I tell myself! I am so glad the holidays are done with! It was truely exhausting. The inlaws was supposed to have surprised me with a baby shopping spree- It didnt happen. Instead they bought us a Chevy Suburban! Which we needed cause I already have 4 kids, and the Honda Odyssey we have only sat 6. So that was a huge relief and a total shock! This burban is absolutely gorgeous! I love it! Its a dark blue, too match our Batman theme! Oh by the way- we finally found out the sex! Its a BOY! whoot for the DH. Of course I still wanted a girl, but oh well. We had went to DH's dad house over the holidays- the brought out old photos of DH when he was a kid. My DH was very ugly as a child. heha. I know thats mean but it was true. I couldnt believe my eyez. I thought they were joking around at first- but they werent. So I had to pretend he was cute. But actually I am worried. I wonder if my kid will be ugly now. My Dh's grandma and mom had the baby pictures- when I saw them, i almost cried- again, he was ugly. I couldnt believe this is happening. If the kid comes out ugly looking- I just hope he turns into the handsome prince like his dad did. But damnit those were ugly pictures! The only thing that I can think of too describe what he looked like was a mixture of Ernest- that funny guy from the dorky movies- Ernest goes to camp_ I think its what it was called- It was so long ago.... and the show the Wonder Years- Paul..... the dorky kid with the glasses. /sigh. Oh well. I suppose I should have checked this pic out before I got married! Just kidding. I still love my dh, I just hope he comes out looking like me. Minus the fat gene. I know that I am rambling on- but its been so long since I posted. So Candice, you have no idea what the sex is yet? Thats cool! I really tried to wait and be surprised too- but I couldnt do it. Duh. Do you have names picked out? and what is your exact due date? Same with you Bex.... what are you naming your little girl? What color did you paint the nursery? When is your exact due date? I am so excited for you guys! And for the rest of the preggo momies- congratz on all the newbies! Please keep posting all your info and chat- I want to read about it all! And thanks for joining our thread. I feel like I am forgetting something- I am finally getting sleepy, so I am going back to bed. Does anyone else have insomnia? I feel like it hits me from 6pm til 6 am. I just cant sleep. I still have not gone to water arobics, the class starts at 9 am, but that seems to be the only time of day I can sleep soundly. Which is frustrating. I need to change this routine. All I can think of is that its the baby saying get some practice staying up cause I am not going to sleep at all at night! heha. Funny baby. Also, I know this is strange- dont think I am nuts- but is it possiable- that I am having a dairy allergy? Thats why I feel all hivey and itchy and prickly? Like its the baby giving me clues as to which baby formula I should use? All my other 4 kids were lacto intolerent. So I am thinking this one will be too. But maybe he will be more serious intolerent. I am thinking I should start him off on Enfamil Nutragima from the beg. I know it sounds so nuts. I just seem to worry about everything! I also worry that I wont have everything I want for the baby. I added it all up- and with the cost of the delivery, baby stuff, and plane tickets for my mom, and everything else- the total is a whopping $7000! Yikes! My delivery- co pay is $500 a day- I want to stay for 4 days- which comes out to $2000. I need to stay for four days- again, a mental choice- but I feel its best for the babys health. Since once I get back he will be around the daycare- since we are not closing down. I am also getting induced, so that I wont go into labor during daycare hours. The Kaiser hospital I am delivering at is an hour away. I would never make it if I went into labor and had to wait for parents to get off work. hehehe.... I need to stop stressing, i am sure it will all work out, and to just have faith in God. Is anybody else going thru this? *hugs* ~Raynie!
  17. Hello preggo mommies, Its been almost aweek now since I posted last. Sorry. And welcome to all who have joined! so many of you are having lil boys! hehe Its so exciting. Is Bex the only one having a girl? I am still jealous! I will find out officially on the 22nd. It seems so far away. The holiday shopping has kept me pretty much pre-occupied so far. I did get to the doc last week- my urine test claimed I was fine. I almost bawled so he did a internal feel andI almost hit the roof in pain! He said my bladder was infected- so I got some meds. I started to feel better- but today I dont know- its just not a good feeling going on. I have not skipped a dose of meds and if I drink anymore liquids I might as well just stay on the toliet from peeing all the time lol. I see the doc again on the 26th. I hope I can make it. Its prolly stress related. Hey Bex, you mentioned a kneading pad? I can get that at Khols? Thats a kneading pad that you sit on? Sounds wonderful! I might add that to my christmas list! I need relief! I made hubby put the tree up this year. I got to use the "but honey I am pregnant and cant get on the ladder!" as my excuse. Yays! The tree is almost 11 feet tall! No way was I going to do it, its so exhausting. We had fun decorating though. Ok, I must depart now! hope to hear from you all soon! *big belly hugs* ~Raynie!
  18. You know whats wierd? I have a backache too! I think I might have a bladder infection with it- no burning or anything .... just feel irritated and have to pee so much and lower ab pain. Ugh! I hate these things. Was hinking of making a doc appt today- I dont think I can wait till Dec 26th, I feel to uncomfortable. Maybe your just having sympathy pain for me Bex! Candice- I saw a South Park episode last night- it reminded me of you! This guy had to go to the doc cause he was severly constipated. The doc gave him some stuff and warned him about how painfully it will feel once he relieved himself. They actually showed him trying to poo! After he cried and screamed and passed it out- he was so relieved. He went to flush it and was shocked at how big it was! He ran to get his wife and show her! OMG! I almost died laughing and being grossed out at same time. I could never show my dh that! Anyhow- I hope your feeling much better and good luck with your bm. Take a good book in the bathroom and lock yourself in there for a day! Cathys- thanks for the info! I never knew that!!! About the allergy thing. Thast was good to know! And Ronik- Gratz on your pregnancy and welcome to the thread! ~Raynie!
  19. Poor Candice! I dont know what to say...... when are you due again? I hope you have a bm soon! ~Raynie!
  20. Hi guys! I had an ok Thanksgiving- wish I brought more turkey and gravy home! Oh well! My doctors appointment was nuts. I got on that scale and screamed "oh my lord, and I even took off my shoes!"- so loud that all the nurses were laughing. Atleast the doc didnt yell at me. I am up to 279. I just want to die. I need to get to the gym. I need more energy to do that! I wish that water aerobics class was at a different time. Oh well. I need to get my but into gear before its to late. Welcome to all the newcomers! I hope all is well. ~Raynie!
  21. I hate you Nikki- is all I have to say.... pfft. I wish I lost 27 pounds. Geez! Yeah, I would say LUCKY! hehe Dooney- I love your baby tracker! Thats so cool! Bex- you sound right on track! rn - lol my delete button just broke- time for a new keyboard? So i go in to the doc this morning. I am scarred. My scale says I gained a hell of a lot of weight. And what sucks is- my scale was way off then the doctora scale. I might faint once I get weighed in. I hate the fact that the weigh in is first then they take your blood pressure. Why do they torture me? Soooo ..... heha talk about depression. I will take pictures once the room is finished. My hubby is such a comic fan its ridiculoyus- my delete wont work so I have typos in this. Sorrl lol. Damn I did it again! I hope the room to be done by Feb. i am ordering a Batman Murial- it will take up one wall! Its gorgeous. My hubby wants to paint a Batman Logo on the ceiling where the crib will be! This room will rock! Alright preggo momies- have a wonderful Thanksgiving! And have a happy shopping day on Friday. I wish I knew if it was bot- did it again- a boy or girl so I can go shopping. heha oh well. See you all soon! ~Raynie!
  22. Hi everyones! My hubby had disconnected the internt to paint the room! Yays! Its finally done- it is called Navel- from Sherwin Williams. I love it! Its the perfect color for our Batman theme! Just better be a boy now, lol. So I had popped on a few days ago and noticed a post from Losingjustme. Its gone now- or am I just seeing things? Anyhow- glad to be back again. Has anyone thought about how soon you will get a fill after giving birth? Right after, a few days, 6 weeks, or a few months? Just wondering. ~Raynie! Happy Thanksgiving! Glad to eat this year! *gobble gobble*
  23. Lol Niki! you rock that was awesome info! Thanks a bunch. I should worry less. Jodie you crack me up! I feel you about the kid thing. lol. Darn kids!!! And Niecy- I cant seem to sleep for more then 2 hours at a time. Either I have to pee or my body aches. I cant recall ever a full nights sleep. Geez, it must have been like 6 months ago. That sucks! And to think it will only get worse once the babe arrives. Maybe, our babys are getting us used to being up all night, cause they already know that they will be! rofl. I dont know. I wish I had more pillows .But I think the dh would kill me. Plus everytime i get out of bed to pee, I have to readjust all my pillows, it takes some time to do in the dark. I get so upset when I wake up in the morning and realize that my good pillow was on the floor! Like I got ripped off from good sleep. Lol. ~Raynie!
  24. Aww Harry is so cute! 3d is so amazing! Thanks Ivy! Nikki are you going to frame your copies and hand them out as gifts to the grandparents for christmas? hehe I was thinking of doing that. I just wke up from a nightmare. I had this dream last month- the exact same thing - except it was pirates. This dream consists of guys breaking into our house and trying to kill my family. Its horriable. I can never get to the safe intime to get the gun out- let alone remember the combo. Hubby is aways on the phone with 911 trying to explain how to get to our house, and I am running around stabbing these guys with a butcher knife trying to get my kids under my bed. I hate this dream. They always get in the house threw my daughters room. How do I get rid of this dream? I guess it doesn't help that our car got busted into on Monday night. All they did was break the window. They didnt even steal the crappy radio. I cant stand these dreams. HELP! ~Raynie!
  25. I want a 3d ultrasound! I was wondering how soon you could get one done without it looking like an alien still? Anyone know? ~Raynie!

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