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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Majj

  1. Majj

    New 60+ Thread

    Lady Kcusca GOODLUCK, we will have to compaire notes my Op is Wednesday ...getting Butterflys in my tummy..... :redface:
  2. Majj

    New 60+ Thread

    Thankyou all for the encouragement............the time is flying by so fast , I can`t wait till its over and done with and I am home again....... Indi nice to see another Aussie in the 60`s group and hear some possitive feed back... I am being done up Newcastle way we are in the Lake Macquarie district.... Off to bed 3 more sleeps.... :thumbup:
  3. Majj

    New 60+ Thread

    Its getting closer now 24th .....can`t believe I have been on my Optifast diet for 6 days now ..doing well feeling less bloated and have lost a litle weight ..My son says why don`t you just do that (diet) instead of getting the operation and I said because I know I wouldn`t do it , if it wern`t for the operation coming up I doubt I could have stuck to this diet so well, I wouldn`t be getting the surgury if I could JUST DO IT MYSELF , I have been over weight for about 17years now (Menapause,empty nest ) and I keep getting bigger and bigger ...I have arthritis in my knees which loosing weight will help , I have High Blood pressure and depression all of which may be helped , my last blood test also showed a rise in my blood sugar so if I keep on this way I will end up with diabeties I am sure...... Still scared but determind to make this work for me .....
  4. Majj

    I have my date...

  5. Majj

    I have my date...

    I am Tired and I am so hungry ...No way will I eat but I feel so tired ...I just think sleeping is a way to stop me thinking of being hungry..... I am only on day 5 and only have to last till Wednesday for my Op. so I am luckier than a lot who are on the Optifast for weeks...I guess I will really be hungry when I have the op with liquids for the first week or two ...Oh well!! I`ll just think of those Kilos coming off ..I feel thinner but won`t weigh myself daily as I get dissapointed if the scales don`t move .....when I do weigh myself I will sure be updating my ticker line so you will all know....... I hope everyone is going well with their change whether its pre Op or Post Op.............. Have a Great Weekend..... P.S come over to bandingtogether.com.au join the other Aussie group I am in...:sad:
  6. Majj

    Feeling Scared..

    Only 5 days on Optifast and I am so hungry ...No way will I eat but I feel so tired ...I just think sleeping is a way to stop me thinking of being hungry..... I am only on day 5 and only have to last till Wednesday for my Op. so I am luckier than a lot who are on the Optifast for weeks...I guess I will really be hungry when I have the op with liquids for the first week or two ...Oh well!! I`ll just think of those Kilos coming off ..I feel thinner but won`t weigh myself daily as I get dissapointed if the scales don`t move .....when I do weigh myself I will sure be updating my ticker line so you will all know....... I hope everyone is going well with their change whether its pre Op or Post Op.............. Have a Great Weekend.....
  7. Majj

    Feeling Scared..

    Saw the anethesist , I checked out fine ,he told me I can compare the surgery (pain) to having my Gall Bladder out so I am not worried too much about that now (as I was fine after that proceedure, so I hope he is right).. He was nice a solid big (Not fat) man and he said he considered having the band while ago himself ,but has lost his weight , he said I will be happy with the results and will wonder why I didn`t get it sooner...it will probably reduce my BP and my arthiritis will be better with less weight (which I knew BUT it was nice to hear someone say he thinks I am making the right decission)... Lets hope all runs smooth and I don`t have any of the bad things that can happen go wrong... Still coping with the Optifast diet , can`t say I`m not hungry but I am coping ....
  8. Majj

    I have my date...

    Saw the anethesist , I checked out fine ,he told me I can compare the surgery (pain) to having my Gall Bladder out so I am not worried too much about that now (as I was fine after that proceedure, so I hope he is right).. He was nice a solid big (Not fat) man and he said he considered having the band while ago himself ,but has lost his weight , he said I will be happy with the results and will wonder why I didn`t get it sooner...it will probably reduce my BP and my arthiritis will be better with less weight (which I knew BUT it was nice to hear someone say he thinks I am making the right decission)... Lets hope all runs smooth and I don`t have any of the bad things that can happen go wrong... Still coping with the Optifast diet , can`t say I`m not hungry but I am coping ....
  9. No I went and made my booking for 24th Next wednesday ...I wish it was all over and done with though.... :thumbdown:
  10. I am In "Lake Macquarie" its 2 hours north of Sydney on the expressway... Booked into the Hospital today... Off to see the Anethesiologist Friday ...still nervouse but feeling a bit better , not feeling to hungry on the Optifast Diet..I hope my Op go`s smoothly with no problems.. Just bought the list of stuff the dietitian gave me for when I get home ...I have work to do Monday (wages and accounts) want to have all the work up to date, Tuesday I want to give the house a good clean top to bottom WEDNESDAY is the Day, its coming fast , too much to do no time to be second guessing my decission.... Nighty Night time to catch some Zzzzzzzzzzz`s
  11. Majj

    I have my date...

    Booked into the Hospital today... Off to see the Anethesiologist Friday ...still nervouse but feeling a bit better , not feeling to hungry on the Optifast Diet..I hope my Op go`s smoothly with no problems.. Just bought the list of stuff the dietitian gave me for when I get home ...I have work to do Monday (wages and accounts) want to have all the work up to date, Tuesday I want to give the house a good clean top to bottom WEDNESDAY is the Day, its coming fast , too much to do no time to be second guessing my decission.... If I am in with any other banding patients I will be sure to ask them to join us.... Good Luck to anyone waiting to be banded ............. Nighty Night time to catch some Zzzzzzzzzzz`s
  12. Majj

    gday from Perth...

    Well you sound like you are doing just fine ..I hope my journy go`s as well , so far day 2 on the optifast diet and not feeling too bad ...The days are fling by I will soon be banded and we can compare notes.... I hope things continue going well and those Kilo`s drop off.....
  13. Majj

    Feeling Scared..

    Thanks Karen..... I know its going to be a hard road I sit here thinking can I do it ..can I give up all those foods I love ..... I need to get healthy I need to do this I want to do this but can I...??? I love all the things I shouldn`t sweets/Cakes/Crisps a life without them its going to be tough......
  14. Majj

    Hair coming out

    Sheeeeeeesh , my hair is already thining ..I hope I don`t end up bald ..does this happen to everyone....????
  15. Majj

    I have my date...

    Banding Together - The Australian Lap Band Community Forum This is The Aussie Group I belong to also ...maybe some of you might like to come on over......
  16. Majj

    Feeling Scared..

    Thankyou...I book into the hospital tomorrow and see the anethesiologist Friday ...scary its so quick but the sooner its over and I am out and starting my new life the better ....
  17. Majj

    I have my date...

    Well today is my first day on the Optifast so I`ll let you know in a few days how I am coping ..The doctor wasn`t concerned that I would only have 9 days to do the pre op diet as he said I wsn`t that big ..I laughed and said yeah !!! but he said compared with some he has operated on 200Kilos + and they are doing fine .... Good Luck with your appointment , I felt better after mine , but the nerves started up again when I got home... Will be booking in to the hospital tomorrow and seeing the anethesiologist Friday ..... I`ll keep you posted on how I am going.....
  18. Hello , I am a soon to be banded person , saw the specialist yesterday and got booked for 24th Feb....feeling pretty scared and will be glad when its done and I can start my journey , I too have had my gall removed and the doctor said the operation will be similar which was a breeze ...I am just worried about the eating after if I`ll have pain or do the wrong thing .... Good luck with your journey .....
  19. Majj

    Interest in aussie only forum?

    Yep I already joined.... I still pop in here too and I have joined the sixties (aged section) which is a help seeing so many older banders....
  20. Majj

    Feeling Scared..

    Thankyou both ...Well I have a date 24th February ... 9 DAYS !!!!!! I could have said no thats too soon but figured after talking to both dietitian and surgeon it was the best way for me to go , even though I am still scared I know I can`t loose the weight without this step I have tried and tried for 20 plus years and have been thinking along these lines for at least 2yrs.. Its now or never, so Optifast for me from tomorrow and I must try to be possitive...... Good night off to read all my notes.... I also got a GREAT compliment from the doctor , he said he wouldn`t have guessed I was in my 60`s... I said thats because my fat has pushed out my wrinkles when I loose weight I`ll probably look like a prune... he had a laugh...(I hope I don`t ....end up looking like a prune)
  21. Glad your feeling better I am reading with interest as my banding date has been set for 24th Feb..and I am getting pretty nervous....
  22. Majj

    Example of a Day meal menu

    so its o.k to eat more than 3 meals a day , I thought we were only suppose to eat 3 times a day ... Sounds like plenty of food in your diets...
  23. Majj


    I am seeing the specialist today in a couple of hours and an feeling really scared with all those thoughts and more ..I am hoping after the visit to feel better about what I am contemplaiting doing..... Good luck with your visit and let us know how you go , I will also come and share my thoughts later after muy visit...
  24. This is what I will be asking the specialist tomorrow but I was wondering if anyone here has an opinion... I don`t eat large meals but I graze and nibble all day ........will having a lap band make me feel full that I won`t want to graze..?? this is what I am hoping...anyone with a lap band that was a all day nibbler .. Any feed back would be appreciated.....
  25. Majj

    Feeling lost with out food

    I am scared that is what I am going to feel like too....I am seeing the specialist tomorrow .... Good Luck I hope you can get over those thoughts and I hope I can over come too...

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