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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Splatt

  1. Hi Sue


    I am OK, put weight on last month 3lbs, had a 3rd fill yesterday which will take me to 6.5lbs he couldn't put the extra 0.5ml I wanted. I do feel restriction now and hope it lasts the month, need to lose some weight again, this is getting me down. How are you doing now? x

  2. Splatt

    Hi Sue, well put 3lbs on after having to swop a hol from Vegas to Devon then hand a bombshell. Ray has left to be with his wife, they think her cancer is back and it could be terminal so he wants to do the right thing. He wouldn't have left if she hadn't been ill. So I lost the 3lbs then 3lbs more - so this was the answer to a lap band! Anyway trying to get myself together but it is difficult at moment, hopefully the weight will come off and I can have a fresh start. Having my 2nd fill on 13th fingers crossed I am nearer to that sweet spot.


    How are you doing, take care, Susan x

  3. Hi all, didn't end up going to Vegas last week but ended up in sunny Devon, 3lbs on due to clotted cream scones, oh and some drink. I usually end up half stone on after a hols so 3lbs isn't too bad. Kerry - I was gutted you couldn't have your first fill, I am back to how I felt, hungry and can't wait for another fill. The sooner we get to that so called "sweet spot" the better. My next fill is 13th May, the months are flying by. Susan
  4. Hi all, well last few days my eating has been good, unfortunately, went for my first fill today in Manchester. Hi everyone, especially Paul, who was there also. Fill was OK, I don't like needs but it wasn't bad at all, booked for another fill in 4 weeks so can't be that bad. My weight has stalled at a loss of 10lbs so hoping it will be enough to give me another push to lose a little more. My diet is restricted because of the food I can eat, but why can chocolate be tolerated, which it wouldn't. Anyway hope all of you are well, Susan
  5. Splatt

    Hi Sue


    Don't worry I think we are all in the same boat, lost 10lbs and was not eating good things over Easter, haven't been on the scales since. Going to Vegas on 19th so will weigh myself just before I go. Had my first fill today, not bad I was really scared, little sting and that is it. Just had some soup and I am OK, we shall see, I have booked another fill in 4 weeks, I want to get to that so called "sweet spot". It takes time, you didn't put the weight on overnight did you! I am as restless as you to lose this weight and get to what we want to be, it will happen. If you want to send me an email rather than keep posting on here it is platt_susan@yahoo.co.uk I don't go on the site as much to be truthfull. You take care and keep in touch, Susan x

  6. Morning all, nearly 2 wks banded and I am feeling very tired this week. Fell asleep everynight and never heard the Emmerdale theme tune, go to sleep for about 1.5 hours but when I wake up ready to go to bed. Anyone had the same and what can I eat to give me some energy? Kerry - how is the feeling in your throat now, I get a bit of what you have when I am eating, tried scrambled egg this morning, could only eat half as my throat had that feeling in it too. Good luck to all getting banded this week, it will be a distant memory very soon, Susan
  7. Splatt

    Hi Sue


    Feeling lots better know I can feel my port too. I pulled out my own stitch didn't hurt one bit, and then proceeded, last night to pull out 2 of the others. I know they are supposed to disappear but mine weren't again didn't feel a thing. I lost 6lbs first week will weight myself this weekend, I know it will slow down as I go along. I have a feeling I could eat most things but haven't pushed as I don't want to lose my band. All is good and Ray has recovered from his trip and supporting me as best he can. Feeling hungry now though and it is still a battle with my head. I have a fill on 8th April, will let you know how it is. Try some dutch crispbake with either low fat cheese or I am having Brussels pate - yummy. Susan x

  8. Hi Paul, I am in Manchester also on 8th at 1pm so may see you there. I am doing well with my eating, unfortunately, but not being silly just trying to county calories as well.
  9. Splatt

    Hi Sue, how are you doing. I am eating well, too well, not too many calories though, it is right what they say you have to work with this. Pulled my stitch out yesterday no problem, I have a new doctor and not visited him yet and didn't want to start off bad with him. How are you doing? What are you eating?


    Take care, Susan

  10. Hi JoJo Thanks for replying, booked in for 1pm, and you? Just wondered what the office is called, I know it is the Regus business Centre but what is the business I ask for? As my swelling has been going down I have found eating isn't a problem, virtually eat anything as long as it is chewed well, I haven't tried spicy food though, didn't want to push it. I have read all the advice and following it, now being careful at how many calories I am eating. I know I have to work with this band. Wish they would put a little more in the first fill to get you to your sweet spot, have a feeling mine will be way down the line. Kerry - glad to see you have done so well on the weight loss - keep going.
  11. Hi sussie, you have done the right thing. Like Scooby and others we are now a week out and feeling good. Feeling very good today, swelling is now going down on my port still a little tender but nothing major. I agree with Scooby you can do the injections yourself, the needle is very fine, or get someone else to do it. I have booked my first fill, 8th April, 4 weeks out of op, a little early but they said it would be OK. Is or has anyone been to Manchester for their fill, was it easy to find? Looking forward to mushy's... Paul what are you planning on having? Have a good weekend all.... Susan
  12. Paul - You are suffering, I don't have much bruising, only where the vampire had been. Bit worried I can have a full tin of soup though, do feel full afterwards. I have a 4 course dinner coming up on Friday, hopefully one of those courses is soup, may try and mush some of the food or give it over to my better half. Talking about better halves - Kerry, poor Ray couldn't fit into his best trousers or a shirt we bought him so it just goes to show what a weekend of food and drink does for you. I don't think he has ever had to diet in his life - he does now! Feeling good and walking OK, thank goodness Friday is nearly here.
  13. Hi Everyone, 6 days out now, went back to work on Tuesday, felt very tired yesterday but much better now. I don't have a problem with fluids and can have soup really easily, may be my band isn't too tight now. Also able to have 3 Dutch Crispbake with soft cheese. Kerry, yes I feel heavy too but do you think that is your new stomach just feeling full. The only swollen bit is the area around my port, which again is to be expected. I have just looked at a fill date but seems I can only have 8th April - which is only 4 weeks after op or 13th May which is 9 wks.
  14. Splatt

    Hi Sue


    Yep in work, not feeling too bad at all, port site is tender but that is to be expected though. Trying not to eat my weight watchers tomato soup too quick, but I think my restrictions are getting less now things aren't as swollen. I have some cuppa soups that have no bits in and find the dutch crispbakes with Philly Light spread really nice and go down too. Scared that I may feel I can eat anything, but that is probably a fear of everyone, you jumped on those scales yet?


    Everyday gets better, not long till my hols then I will have a fill when I come back. Hope your feeling good too, you take care, love Susan x

  15. Apologies, just read my comments back and the bad spelling - still on drugs me thinks!
  16. Hi Scooby, I also feel liquid going down, not too worried though at least it is going down. I had a very bad headache last night and broke Anadin extra in half, took 2 of them no problem. Paul - Yeah I think men do feel pain more than women, although I am tender in my port area and feel like I have had a cesarean the way I try and get up from a seated position. It was great meeting Kerry and Sue, it felt so much better having people who you could talk to there and share how you felt. Plus Brian and Ray did eat and drinkt their way through Vilvoorde. Did anyone send the alarms off at the airport, I did, the woman was just about to frisk me and I was so scared of being touch near my scar are that I had to say I had had an operation. She said OK and then proceeded with the machine that she scans you down with, sure enought the buzzers went off - didn't ask anything further of me and said OK. They must be use to us bandsters. I second everything Kerry has said about her experience too. Not a walk in the park and you do go thru a whole lot of emotions but it is a big thing you are doing and quite rightly you need to go through those emotions too. One thing that has happened to me in the past and has again now, the plaster they put over the wounds irritates my skin, you can see it happen if it goes red round the edges, I left these on till I came home and have now took them off. I have one blister from this, don't leave them on too long, if you do you will end up pulling the skin on top of the blister off. This is no problem but it does hurt and not worth it. I have lost 5lbs already, delighted, and long may it continue. I know this will slow down, but I am able to have soup and a couple of dutch crispbake with soft cheese on. I am back to work tomorrow, I have a sit down job so that is do-able. I don't think I could of done this if I had a standing job or more physical type of work. To anyone thinking of this don't worry, excellent service and care - more than you will get in this country. So off on our journey now, good to hear how everyone else is doing and thanks to you all who keep this thread going. Susan
  17. Morning All, nice to hear from everyone, off soon for my flight and meet with Scoobydoo also. Feeling like I am in a dream at the mo, will feel better once I get to the hotel and meet a few people. Nice to hear your OK Paul, I was thinking about you. Look forward to that Mule then! Thank you for your support on this forum and will let you know how I have gone on. Susan
  18. Lucky you Kerry being off today, I am in work and my stomach won't stop churning. Will meet you in the hotel tomorrow night, before you know it this will be a distant memory too. I wonder how Paul is as well, hopefully we will hear from him soon. Thanks to everyone for their support on this journey and I hope our experiences will help everyone else in this. Susan:smile:
  19. Hi Paul, you will have left by now but good luck, hope this finds you safe and well for when you get back. You will be back as I am going, I can't wait now, just want to get it over and done with and come out safe and sound at the other end. Even had a dream about the hospital last night, starting to feel a little stressed. Tell us about your experience and how it feels for you when you get back, regards
  20. Hi, new to all this and being banded next week March 12th is there a group in Manchester? Many thanks, Susan

  21. Hi and welcome, lots of helpful information on this board and very nice people, I am being banded next week and can't wait. You did very well sticking to the Cambridge, it is such a hard diet so the band should be a lot easier in helping you get to where you want to be. Good luck Susan
  22. Quick question, my partner would like to hire a car on our trip to Belgium. Just had a look at cost and it comes to £80. Can anyone advise how much they roughly think the taxis will cost. Taking into account 2 journeys to and from airport to Vilvoorde, then from hotel to hospital, back and forth for partner and then me. I know it is a rough cost so appreciate anyone's view on this. Thanks for posting everyone it is important to those of us who haven't been banded yet and beginning our journey, Susan
  23. Hi Paul, I am getting excited too, want it to be now so I can get on with things, how is the pre op diet going. I have to confess had a few false starts but as today is 1st March seems an ideal time to start - for real. Susan
  24. Hi Scooby, thanks for that, just printed the info off. Pre-op diet, not yet, will start again 1st March - Monday.
  25. Just a quick question for the more experienced bandsters. I am now thinking about just after the band has been fitted what were you drinking for food? Also I read a lot of the protein drinks, mostly from American bandsters, where would I get this in England and at what stage should I be introducing them. Getting excited and gearing up to my challenge. Thanks for any replies, Susan

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